Meeting Minutes 10-15-2014

University of Cincinnati
Undergraduate Student Senate
October 15th, 2014
 6:13: I, the Secretary, attempted to cancel meeting based off the rule
that professors who are over 10 minutes late to class effectively have
cancelled class. Senator Butz overrode my usurpation of power and said
we had to stay.
 Also Sen Thor is wearing orange shorts. If Senate doesn’t start soon, the
entire place may blow a gasket
o Fun Fact: While the use of ‘blow a gasket’ is not appropriate in the
context of the previous sentence, the phrase itself is derived from
what would happen if a gasket actually blew up. A ‘gasket’ is the
small piece of rubber that lines the junction between surfaces of
an engine (Google). So the phrase ‘blowing a gasket’ refers to the
disastrous effects of an actual gasket exploding.
 Sen Gearhart: the senior class president Vincent Coleman
Sen Phelps: move to change order of the day to exec nominations
 SG Outreach Week is in less than two weeks, which is crazy. We are
handing out hot chocolate all week and we are doing one other event
each week. It is expected that you will reach out to the student body in
many different ways; these are all your opportunities. Talk to me or Iman
to get involved in a more leadership position. Closer to SG week, we will
pressure you to get signed up and involved.
 SG Retreat is on Nov 1. It is everyone from 12-8pm at Venue222. We will
carpool down there so we will send around a piece of paper to sign up as
drivers if you have a car and can reasonably participate. Senate City hall
is the Wednesday after that, more details to come. We will meet ahead
of time to carpool down. [Note from Christina that parking is free at
Venue222 and at City Hall].
o None
 Bowties for scholarship is tomorrow; we are raising money for needbased scholarships. It is at 11:30 at Kingsgate and is $75. Mayor Cranley
will be there as well as other Cincy celebs so I encourage you to check it
 FYLP Mentor Training day is this Sunday
 Elect Her is Nov 8 from 10-4 in the AACRC, it is open to both women and
 Presidential Lecture Series is featuring the President Emeritus from Univ
of Virginia is Nov 17 th at 4pm in Werner Recital Hall
 Tomorrow we are meeting abbot the tobacco free UC idea at 6pm in the
SG office, we will review all the old information
 UC Invents is Feb. 7 so keep that in mind, more information to come
 Questions?
o Sen Gearhart: the bowties for scholarship is tomorrow? Is there
registration at the door? You might have to register in advance
online. It is closed right now but you should be able to pay at the
o Sen Thor: you pay with credit/check/cash, what’s the deal? I don’t
know but I’ll send an email with more information. Time? 11:301pm
 I sent he slide just a little late!
 PLME deadline for applications is Dec 3. It is the top award given to a
select few graduating students. Many people here or your
friends/colleagues should apply. Go to for more info
 We got a message about the care card? On Oct 29 from 10-4 in TUC 427,
there will be people from Georgetown Nursing Home and you can write
cards to veterans. Anytime in that frame on that day, just walk in and
make some cards.
 Christina and I and some others attended the It Can Wait event with Mic
Cronin and AT&T. it’s designed to prevent texting and driving accidents.
There was a simulator that displayed text while you drove, it was very
interesting activity
 Bearcat Centennial is Oct 31. We are working on getting the fire truck
here because they have a bearcat emblem on the truck. Pres. Ono will be
there and the Bearcat and more. Make sure to go out form 11-1 on the
TUC steps.
 Questions?
o Tim hawk: I heard that they want the band to play at the
centennial, whom do we contact to get more info? We can
connect offline later
o Sen Thor: 11-1 on Friday is the thing in TUC, is there anything else
going on? Not for the Centennial itself. We are working on
getting t-shirts in the bookstore and there might be something
towards the end of spring. {Pres. Beer: point of info, they will also
be honoring previous Bearcat mascots}
 Hello
 There is a date change for the tribunal leadership retreat and it is on
11/23 from 12-3pm. The next council is on Nov 6 in TUC 417. If you want
to help with the retreat, let me know. Thank you all for your input from
the course evaluations, it was great!
 Questions?
 The all cabinet meeting is during senate on a Wednesday but let me
know if there is anything you want me to report at that meeting
 Elect Her: the primary goal is to encourage 1 st and 2 nd years to run for
office and all that. It’s designed to be a space for female identified
students but its open toe everyone
 Diversity Inclusion Council: our Director of Cultural Affairs has been
working on this for a while. If you have anyone that might be interested,
the application deadline is Nov 20 th . It’s a diversity council on the student
 TAP Program: it is designed for students with mild to moderate
handicaps or learning disabilities who want to be a part of the full time
college experience. We have an opportunity to be mentors for these
students; they are students just as us. Most of them live in the top of
Stratford Heights. If you want to be a mentor, reach out to Katie Tag for
more information. See future FB post with info
 Bearcat Card: I’ll let my cabinet spotlight go
o Molly Hinken: Director of campus services: we are in the process
of getting a new bearcat card. We met this past meeting, we have
6 different designs that each made 4 designs and we are going
through the final legal stage. In about a month of two, it will be
up on blackboard for all students to vote. I am also working on
CatCar, a transportation service for physically challenged
individuals. We will have our first trial run in January.
o Libby Nawalaniec: director of Alumni Affairs: this year, I wanted
to encourage collaboration with SAC, UC Foundation, us, etc. I
am working with those organizations. On Nov 19, there is Thank a
Giver Day where there will be a table on campus where students
can write a note to our donors. Here will also be some very bright
tags that have been donated or have been funded by donors. This
year, we are going to participate in National Student Engagement
and Philanthropy day.
 Questions
o Trustee Keefe for Libby: UC is bringing back what was originally
Sibs Weekend but now is Family Weekend? Yes I will be!
 Not here
Good evening
This Tuesday, we have another Board meeting. There isn’t a lot on the
table, the one that will be brought up is the collective bargaining
agreement with UC Police. Last week, Shivam, Christina and I had lunch
with the University Board officers, it was very productive and we
discussed many issues and were very excited about our views and look
forward to using those ideas in the future
 Michael Sana-long name that I don’t know how to spell: he is an intern,
works with the Robotics team and is working on being a part of SAB. He
hasn’t missed a single meeting of the campus life committee and he
wants to be a part of the committee as a voting member.
 Collin Baker: he is in Forever Bearcats, works in IFC, in Rally Cats. Wants
to be a voting member because he applied but didn’t get the Director of
Spirit. He ended up on the committee and found there is a lot that he can
do regarding campus/student experience and want to be able to give my
opinion and vote.
o Questions: none
o Must be confirmed by 2/3 votes to get voting rights. Move to
approve the two aforementioned people as voting members of
the committee. Note to Cody, a 4/3 vote is not possible…. also a
bad joke…. Placard vote, pass 26-0-0. Congrats!
 Sen Phelps: move to restore the order of the day, no objections
 And we’re back!
 Oath of Office for Sen Palic from UFB
 SR&I: thanks to everyone who attended the diversity training earlier.
Tonight, there is the Sex Positive event!
 Campus Life: this past week, we dwindled down the project ideas that we
have and we have teams for the different projects, if you are interested,
you can hop into Project Portal and be a part of it. One is Historical
Plaques, SG reps for NPHC and commuters, health and fitness, bulletin
board maintenance/campus maps, winter warmth guide, staff
appreciation event, YMCA renovation and a timeless mural by Siddall
and Calhoun by the steps.
o External St. John: the winter warmth guide? The idea would be
something for SG outreach week that we can hand out to
students. We are going into wintertime and we had an idea for
different routes around campus to keep you warm and out of the
outside. While we are giving out the hot chocolate with a map
and the different routes portrayed.
 RHA: we have a leadership retreat on Saturday and we’re excited about
that and we have a lot of new reps.
 UFB: we passed three budgets for Amnesty International for a
conference, Engineers without Borders for a national conference, and the
Criminal Justice Society to a prison visit
Lame on Griggs for not putting his slide in. he just sent it too
 DAAP: Monday we had a meeting and we are in the works of planning
DAAP Prom with our alumni association. For outreach week, we will be
handing out stickers. Every year, we do a competition for DAAP t-shirts
and the second and third place winners will get stickers with their
 Nada
 S.15-A-013
o Sen Gearhart: yield to Senior Class President Vincent Coleman
and also Tyler Beyhmer
o Vincent Coleman and Tyler Beyhmer: how’s it going everyone? Its
great to be back! Thanks for the claps! I am her eon behalf of
Senior Class Officers; we are going to go through today to talk
about our senior class gifts. Essentially, we promote our class gift
by collecting donations. This year, our primary gift is the Kacher
Bloom Scholarship. In Years past, it’s always been donations
towards something physical on campus but we wanted to do
something more substantial. That’s why we picked this. It will go
to a rising junior who has demonstrated commitment to the
university through dedication and love in service. There are also
other scholarships and gifts that are offered through different
colleges. We are reaching out to the tribunals to expand our
outreach and to give as much money as we can to these students
who apply for the scholarship. We have different giving levels, the
$100 or above is the rock of truth and you get entry to a pair of
tickets for the distinguished alumni celebration, entry for a
chance to attend Pres. Ono's pre game reception and a t-shirt.
$50-99 is other stuff and the $20.15 is other stuff too including a
pin ‘to ear’. Our goal is to increase student participation to 20%
as well as raise $20,000 for the memorial fund for the KacherBloom scholarship and the other scholarships. We are hoping that
through our collaboration with other organizations, we can reach
that goal. Our plan is to reach out to Senior Honorary Motor
Board, SAC, Young Professionals, and College tribunals, we are
also targeting seniors such as 100 days to graduation, senior class
picture on McMicken commons, seniors class balloon release and
a senior class recognition dinner. There are a lot of upcoming
events including senior nights, SCO events, and the two
graduations. So we are looking at a budget of $475. The divisions
were rounded off to the nearest dollar. For the spring we are
looking at somewhere between $1400-$1600.
o Questions?
 Trustee Keefe: I saw that the donations could be
personalized to the specific orgs; the LCB only has two
programs but what if I want to donate to the overall
development fund? Go to the senior class website [what
am I doing…. I am not technologically sound . . . I just got
a gmail two weeks ago]. On the website, you can scroll to
a senior gift area where you click on adding a gift and then
you click on whatever you want to donate to.
 Internal Smith: are you seeking funding form tribunals?
Nope, just support for our events.
Sen Gearhart: to speak a little bit more to this, there is always
concern for things. This is a co sponsorship equating to financial
funding and participation. We want to get the university as
involved with these seniors as possible to keep them involved
even after they leave campus. As President of Motor Board, they
are collaborating with them and SAC is collaborating and this is a
great way to do that
VP Shah: the funds for the bill are we choosing where they go out
of your budget? Yes
Sen Thor: is there some sort of collaboration to get a newsletter
out between you and Libby (Director of Alumni Affairs) so that
they hear about this and know what’s going on? Yes, we are
working with UC Foundation and would def. work with Libby and
we are working with Sac as well
Trustee Keefe: how much did they raise last year? About $17,000
and they had Nippert as their gift. This year, we already have
$3000 raised.
Sen Goldenberg: I think this is fine and is very reasonable, move
to close, objection from Pres. Beer, rescind. Yield to Press Beer:
we don’t identify in the bill where the money is going. In regards
to that, we cannot allocate money to alcohol so I know one of the
ideas for the fall is the beer to Brass Tap and we cannot do that so
we need to figure out if we are deciding now how we allocate the
money or are we deciding later. If possible, I would prefer we
decide now because we always decide first where the money is
going. Retain, I propose a friendly amendment that eliminates the
use of money towards alcohol, objection Sen Gearheart: I would
prefer we actually decide [Point of Info Sen Thor: in clause 10, it
inexplicitly says where it goes], Sen Goldenberg does not rescind,
I rescind cause that’s stupid, objection Sen Kenny: I think we also
cannot distribute money to scholarships, unless im wrong, which
im not. I rescind all of that and yield to VP Shah: I was just going
to yield to Vincent. I retain and yield but it was already stated and
I yield finally.
New option for Sen Griggs: if I can just get the budget division for
the bill, that could be a thing
Sen Nunez; when Campus Life discussed this, we lowered the
money because we didn’t want to give them the full amount
because we didn’t know where it was going to so we lowered the
money so it would be more reasonable and if they need more
money, they can come back. It’s kind of hard to decide what they
are doing when they don’t have the money. Point of info: they
talked about $350 because it’s the amount that was spent last
Sen Gearheart: when we discussed this event, we were looking to
cosponsor some of the spring events. That might have gotten lost
in translation. I propose that we change the bill to outline that the
$350 go towards the senior recognition dinner since there is no
alcohol, scholarship issues, etc. I apologize for the
miscommunication but I think we should focus the conversation
on sponsoring the dinner, but if not, maybe towards the balloon
walk or such. Please do not focus on the fall bar events. { Point of
inquiry Sen Thor: they would not be used towards this fall
semester right? Right}
Sen Kenny: I think the recognition dinner would be fine given that
these officers think this money could be used for the dinner. Like
you would be happy with that? Yes we would. I would like o make
a motion to friendly amend the bill so that in the 11 th Clause, it
calls for providing funding to put on the Spring Senior
Recognition Dinner. Objection Sen Heine, when they came to
Campus life committee, we allocated the money to go towards
their first event and I don’t know if they want to put the money
towards their dinner because it will be more expensive, do not
rescind [point of info: don’t worry about that because right now
we are just playing a game] [point of inquiry: ….if this is how we
put it towards a spring event, is there urgency or can we pass it
later?] [Point of info: there is no urgency] [This is a hot mess guys
follow procedure] I do not rescind motion, do you rescind the
objection. Objection Sen Agomuo: I don t agree with the
amendment, there’s a better way to do this. [Point of info: if you
disagree with the amendment, vote against it instead of objecting
it]. [Note from Speaker Griggs: we are literally just voting on
having the amendment. Note that we are basically finagling with
things that don’t matter]. Placard vote, 21-3-2 passes. Yield
Sen Thor: now that the amendment is made, the money can be
used on anything they have coming up, correct? No, it has to be
used n the recognition dinner. Speaker Griggs: our money is
going to the organization for them to pay for. We might not be
paying for the same thing but we will reimburse them the same
 Dr. Mayo: whenever we sponsor the event, they spend the
money and get reimbursed or we pay upfront for whatever
they need. There is need a transfer of the set amount, it
works on actual dollar spent.
Sen Thor still: my question to Coleman is where is the money
coming from for the fall events? We are reaching out to those
aforementioned student groups for help. I would like to propose
that we raise the amount of money to go towards the fall events
as well. I don understand what we are doing right now and I don’t
know why we cant put money towards the fall semester events.
Yield to Sen Agomuo: we vetted this bill twice, with the money
and the fall events, we agreed we would give them the $350 for
the fall and we told him we would be happy to give you more
money if we see the higher layout for spring. We wish we could
have seen it with more. They can always come with another bill.
Retain and I don’t know how this is going t go over but I move to
friendly amend the bill to increase the amount to $790 to pay for
the $475 minus the growler at Brass Tap that was projected in the
fall budget as well as the $350 that we decided to give for the
spring, objection Sen Naab, I would like to table this bill and send
it back to the committee, I rescind and I would like to make the
same motion except discussion has to be closed first, motion to
close discussion, no objections, closed.
Sen Thor: oh! Oh! I move to table the bill to campus life
committee, no objections, bill is so tabled.
 None
 A cool freshman is forming a Cleveland association
 Winner of the Project Portal race (no) is Sen Roberts with 9 updates
woop woop you go dude.
 Pres. Beer: I am in Theta and we have our upcoming grilled cheese sales
on Oct 21 from 10-2 and if you know someone that is contending in the
Mr. University competition and you want to help someone win Mr.
CASAnova, come to the sale
 External St. John: ivy chain commencement application is due on Oct 31.
Advertise to your friends
 Sen Naab: tomorrow at 3pm, langsam connect event is going on to
discuss langsam remodeling
 Sen Heine: RHA and SG have been working together on recycling
initiatives in the residence halls and she has proposed that sustainability
will purchase the bins so we can spend money on events to encoura ge
 Sen Gearheart: on Nov 6 in the Rec center, Motor Board is hosting Greg
Hand to give his last lecture
 Colin: RallyCas is having an event for the women’s soccer game, if you
went last year, we have one for each sport and it’s a lot of fun. The g irls
are doing really well, we might get to host a tournament game at UC
 Sen Landon: Gamma Phi is having our annual chili cookout on Saturday
from 12-2 with raffles and a dj
 Sen Thor: in case you didn’t hear me sing, there is a video on FB and also,
on Oct 26 at 3pm, I will be singing at the Covington basilica, its really
close, I will be singing over top orchestra and chorus as a soloist
Sen Phelps: I am rep for the financial literacy coalition which is made up
of people from One Stop and other admins to press financial literacy. We
meet at Tues. at 2 and they want more students
 Sen Thor: tell Bear Cast about the affirmative action debate
 Speaker Griggs: everyone vote real quickly. Go to the Sex
Positive/Violence Prevention Workshop
 Pres. Beer: I have an answer to the bowties for scholarship; you can buy
by check or cash tomorrow at the door.
 Sen Butz: to Mitchell Phelps for the chips and cookies
 Pres. beer: pin to Sarah for the connection and helping to organize Jamie
to come on campus and I am looking forward to seeing his presentation
 VP Shah: to DAAP tribunal for the DAAP shirts. If you forgot your
umbrella, its on the podium