Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics Television 6:A - 1(44) Television The Product Local: Regional: National: 6:A - 2(44) News, Sports, Documentary Sports, News News, Sports, Entertainment Television Delivery What “Over the air” – “broadcast” Cable Internet How Subscription Fee based - premium HBO (“Game Change”), Showtime, Adult entertainment Basic – Fees and advertising 6:A - 3(44) Cable TV Internet TV – “House of Cards” ESPN, MTV, AMC, Discovery, HGTV, HSN Television Agenda Broadcast TV Markets and Issues Programs Cable TV Business Models Regulation Sports Broadcasting TV Everywhere 6:A - 4(44) Television Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics Broadcast Television 6:A - 5(44) Television What Do the Networks Do? ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CW Assemble Content Scheduling Lower transaction costs between producers/advertisers and audiences Sell bulk advertising time 6:A - 6(44) Television The Production Stages Production Distribution Studios Sports Composers (Matt Groenig, Julie Kavner, Marge Simpson) Networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CW Integration: (Disney/ABC), (Viacom/CBS), (GE/NBC/Comcast), (AOL-TW/WB/Viacom/UPN) (News Corp/Fox), Exhibition 6:A - 7(44) Local affiliates: O&O Independents (100+ markets, Spanish, etc.) Television Vertical Relationships Networks and Affiliates Networks buy time for programs from affiliates Affiliates sell advertising time – local and national Networks save transaction costs by buying advertising time for national advertisers Independent stations vs. Owned and Operated. Which is better? Vertical integration issue. 6:A - 8(44) Television Sources of Competition Within Industry Outside the Industry 6:A - 9(44) Other networks Other content – home shopping, Discovery Is there any brand loyalty to networks? Cable Internet based. (Distinction is less meaningful.) Other forms of entertainment Other sources of news/information Television Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics Elements of Television Production 6:A - 10(44) Television Valuing a Prime Time Show Made for TV Movie: Small production Sitcom or serial (CSI), larger infrastructure How to value the “product?” 6:A - 11(44) Television Nobody Knows Valuation is unknown until the good is consumed by the final consumer Valuation is different for every consumer Past success is uninformative for future performance – e.g., the Leno primetime show Nobody knows (in advance) 6:A - 12(44) Television Cost Structures for Production Sunk costs Fixed Costs 6:A - 13(44) All costs are sunk in advance All costs must be incurred before an informative test of acceptance is possible Do focus groups work? Marginal costs of delivery are zero Pricing implies finding the reservation price How are reservation prices determined? TV show sold to a network – value of the advertising. Where does the value of the advertising come from? Music license sold to a TV station or a website. Where does the valuation come from? Television Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics Sports Broadcasting 6:A - 14(44) Television Barriers to Entry ESPN Fox Sports, NBC Sports, CBS, Turner Barriers to Entry: Huge incumbent firms News Corp, Comcast-Universal, CBS Corp, Time Warner Economies of scale motivate joint ventures such as Olympics, NFL, March Madness 6:A - 15(44) Television Distinctive Features Shape the Market Time value of content – Perishability Derived demand for social capital Live production resists technological change in delivery. Live TV production Model Long term contracts produce a barrier to entry. Why do long term contracts exist? 6:A - 16(44) Television Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics Explaining Why There Are So Many “Reality Shows” on Television 6:A - 17(44) Television Implications for a TV Show Environment in which it will “air” Infinite variety of preferences by consumers Market size and composition varies by time of day Quality is a fixed cost – endogenous: will vary by the anticipated size of the audience Costs are all sunk in advance 6:A - 18(44) Television Emergence of Cable: Impact on Networks ABC, CBS, NBC UPN (until 2006), WB, Fox,… more competition Many smaller cable channels 6:A - 19(44) Economic advantage: subscribers and advertisers Shrinking market for major networks Television Endogenous Fixed Cost of Quality Shrinking market lower expected return to investment in “quality” Cable channels increase their investment in quality: The Sopranos, 6 Feet Under, Sex in the City, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones Reality shows cost roughly 1/3 as much as major drama: Compare CSI, sitcoms vs. Survivor The natural response to the shrinking market is to invest in lower quality, less expensive shows. 6:A - 20(44) Television Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics “Cable” 6:A - 21(44) Television Cable Contrast to Broadcast: Old style cable operators buy and resell content. Industry Structure and Players Disney, Comcast-Universal, Viacom News Corp, Turner, Scripps Pricing model: Mixture of ads and subscription Regulation Issues Is the distinction still (or less) meaningful? (MSNBC, CNN) 6:A - 22(44) Television Providers (Million Subscribers) Strong local concentration (e.g., Cablevision on Long Island) (Gross numbers are misleading.) 6:A - 23(44) Television Broadcast vs. Cable and Internet: Two Revenue (Business) Models Signal Revenue Technology 6:A - 24(44) Broadcast Cable “Public” “Private” Advertising Subscribers (some advertising) Static Rapid change Television TiVo is a major threat to broadcasters. Time shift of programming alters the value of advertising Bypassing advertising alters the value of programming 6:A - 25(44) Television Tivo converts the broadcast model to the cable model One major concern of the media is the fact that advertisements in television programs can be bypassed by using a TiVo DVR. The media industry is highly dependent on sponsorship via advertisements and will lose revenue if viewers adopt TiVo-like systems in large numbers. Knowing this, some countries have taken protectionist measures especially when the media is already struggling due to poor viewing figures. The government of Singapore has banned TiVo, citing the potential adverse impact on the local media industry if TiVo usage were to increase. The government is, however, facing difficulty regulating the use of TiVo in Singapore as individuals are bringing in the sets from overseas. TiVo has created a number of ad solutions intended to reach the viewer that fast forwards through ads. This has not been an issue in Australia where the exclusive rights to TiVo are held by Hybrid Television Services, owned by the Seven Media Group and TVNZ. Seven Media Group is one of Australia's largest free-to-air broadcasters as Seven Network, and as part of the local market adaptations to TiVo prior to launch, ad-skipping was disabled. Users can still fast forward through ads. 6:A - 26(44) Television 6:A - 27(44) Television Yes we can! Last Saturday was a big day for Aereo, the best buddy of cable cord-cutters and mortal enemy of the big broadcast networks. The company's founder, Chet Kanojia, was in Austin, Texas, at the big, loud, and impossibly hip venue that is the SXSW conference, to announce his company's expansion to Austin. It's the 13th on the map of cities whose residents can dump big cable in exchange for access to broadcast television for just $8 per month. Meanwhile, that morning his company was forced to yank its service away from customers in Denver, Colorado, and Salt Lake City, Utah, after a US District Court injunction against it was upheld by a federal appeals court. For better or worse, the legal roller coaster will end sometime after April 22, when the US Supreme Court takes up the question of whether it is legal for Aereo to provide its customers with Internet access to 20 hours of broadcast network television for $8 per month. 6:A - 28(44) Television What Business Model? Sale Price = $1.65 Billion 6:A - 29(44) Television YouTube advertising has evolved (Ketchup ads are not very effective on YouTube) 6:A - 30(44) Television Targeted Advertising 6:A - 31(44) Television 6:A - 32(44) Television Modern Pricing: How much does it cost to have HBO? Modern Pricing: How much does it cost to have HBO GO? 6:A - 33(44) Television Triple play. Bundling and price discrimination 6:A - 34(44) Television Just Cable TV. 6:A - 35(44) Television Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics TV Everywhere 6:A - 36(44) Television TV Everywhere 6:A - 37(44) Television TV Everywhere Ad values change as competition expands Technology change – mobile distribution (tablets, smart phones) produces competition for delivery mode. Demise of both broadcast and cable networks Major providers: YouTube, Hulu, Netflix 6:A - 38(44) Television 6:A - 39(44) Television Demographics of Cord Cutting: Aug. 2013 Bushwick, S and D. Krenn: Nielsen Custom Survey of Zero TV Households 6:A - 40(44) Television Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics Regulation of Television 6:A - 41(44) Television Regulation: Why? “Cloaked in a public interest” Congestion in the common resources 6:A - 42(44) Broadcast frequencies Technological change has made this less important Public good aspects (Howard Stern) Maintaining competition Outside guidance for technological advance: HDTV FTC regulation of advertising Industry regulation: NAB Television Federal Regulation: Fin-Syn Era Fin-Syn rules: 1971 – 1995: Networks could not own programs. Post 1995, vertical integration (Disney/ABC) has circumvented The rule has been abandoned Why would we have this rule? 6:A - 43(44) Television Regulation of Cable: Why? Local franchises and public utilities Telecommunications Decency Act Bono; Wardrobe malfunction, MIA hand malfunction Consumer Protection Act Rate Regulation 6:A - 44(44) Television