General Meeting Sept. 1

Welcome to UTD Pre Pharmacy Association!
Welcome back to school and welcome to UT Dallas to all new students this
semester. We hope you had a great summer and are ready to get one step closer
to starting your career.
Registration for October 26th30th and November 2-6th PCAT
testing dates open up
September 18, 2015
Distinguished Members: 25 points per year
PPA T-shirt: Wear it to events for an extra ½ of a point
If you are interested in
becoming a pharmacy
technician, study and register
for the PTCB exam
2015-2016 Officers
Carly Oberdieck
Vice President:
Alexis Alba
Albert Shaver
Vinayak Padhi
Events Coordinator:
Judy Chan
Volunteer Coordinator:
Jacob Guerra
Web Developer:
Heather Hoang
Neha Betrabet
Official Members: 15 points per year
Second General Meeting
October 6th: 5:30-6:30 GR 4.208
October 7th: 7:00-8:00 GR 4.208
Info Sessions
UT Austin College of Pharmacy
September 30th GR 4.208
TTU School of Pharmacy
October 14th GR 4.208
Volunteer events
Animal Shelter
September 18th from 3-6pm
Viva Volunteer (need 15 volunteers)
October 24th beginning around 9-10am
Comet Cupboard
Each meeting we will be accepting donations for the cupboard. Each can is
worth .5 points. A maximum of 2 points will be awarded at each
Dr. Kathleen Byrnes
For those applying…
Good luck on interviews! If you have any questions feel free to ask
Dr. Byrnes! The Career Center provides mock interviews if you need
some practice and feedback.
Volume 7, Issue 1
Email us at with your questions, comments and suggestions.
This Flyer is published by Pre-Pharmacy Association. This Flyer is not an official publication of UT Dallas and
does not represent the views of the university or its officers. The University of Texas at Dallas is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action University Students with disabilities needing special assistance to attend
please call 972-883-2946. Texas relay Operation:1-800-RELAYTX