The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic

The Triumphs
and Travails of
the Jeffersonian
Chapter 11
The Election of 1800
attempting to
name both a
President and a
Vice President
from their own
party, cast a tie
vote between
Jefferson and
Aaron Burr
disliking both
Jefferson and
 Different concept of role of Govt
 Walked to inaugural
 Many feared worst
 “Vile, Godless”
 “Worthless, dishonest”
 Federalists feared massive change
towards mob rule
 Adams refused to attend inaugural
 Attempt
to reassure “We are all
Republicans, we are all
Caps added later (draft used lower
case, Jefferson meant it as a
philosophical distinction), media
probably saw it as partisan statement
about blending parties
Wanted to govern a united people
Much more activist than Adams
Followed by Madison and Monroe of
similar opinions
Federalists gone by 1820 as a party of
national significance
Jefferson (cont.)
Personally very different from
previous Presidents
Deist, doubted many Christian
Early support of French
Revolution controversial
Fathered children (at least
one, per DNA analysis) by Sally
Hemings (slave at Monticello) interesting fact, Sally herself
was the daughter of
Jefferson’s father in law, and
light enough to pass for white
Conflicted, slave owner,
believed slavery could not
endure in America
Jefferson’s Political Positions
Feared high taxes, standing Army and political
corruption threatened American Liberty
Government as servant of the people vice master
Believed farmers most virtuous, honest, cities breeding
grounds of deceit, self interest
Saw his election as “revolution”
To restore liberty, tranquility of his youth
Angered by Hamilton financial nationalism and Adams’
Alien and Sedition Acts
Disliked the concept of a national debt
Placed economy ahead of national military preparedness
(cut Army size, funding)
Did use Navy effectively against Barbary pirates in 1801
(explain), but that was also an economic decision (war cost
about half of annual tribute pre-war)
Judiciary Issues
No Republicans on Federal
Federal Judiciary Act of 1801
last straw (decreased justices
from 6 to 5 , passed by a still
Federalist dominated
Congress), would have kept
Jeff. From appointing a Justice
(who would of course have
been Republican)
Act also created 16 new
Federal judgeships, all filled by
Adams with Federalists just
before leaving office to assure
Jefferson would have to deal
with Federal judiciary
controlled by federalists
“midnight appointments”
Jefferson won Congressional
repeal of Act in 1802 after new
Congress convened
Marbury v. Madison
Marbury last minute Federalist
Justice of peace appointment
for D.C., appointment was not
delivered by Adams before
term expired
New Sec of State (Madison)
refused to deliver
Marbury petitioned Supreme
Court for a writ forcing delivery
of appointment
Decision written by (ardent
Federalist and Chief Justice)
John Marshall
Several landmark issues
Marshall lectured Madison
(and through him, his boss,
Jefferson) on the “Moral” duty
to deliver the appointment,
enraging Jefferson
Jefferson also refused to
order delivery on grounds
that the Act granting
Supreme Court the right to
issue such a writ was
“repugnant to the
Constitution, and as such is
no law”
Established principle of
Judicial review (That the
Court could declare an Act
of Congress void if it violated
their interpretation of
Brought Court to equal
status with Executive and
Legislative branches
“checks and balances”
Impeachment as Judicial Control
Republicans tried to remove
two Federal judges through
one (Pickering) was insane
and an alcoholic
other (Chase) was
Supreme Court Justice
Had been extremely
partisan against
Republicans using Sedition
Act of 1798
Not guilty of crime or other
impeachable offense, just
repugnant to the new
majority Republicans
Pickering was removed,
Chase wasn’t
no more Federal Judge
impeachment for 50 years
Spain ceded Louisiana to
France (and Napoleon),
1800, new fears in America
Would Brits (Canada) and
French, limit growth of
Would Brits refuse French
cooperation (likely) and seize
New Orleans (and Louisiana)
before French could take
Reality: Napoleon wanted a
French Caribbean empire
centered on St. Domingue,
using Louisiana as source of
food and supply
Slave revolt in St. Domingue
(Santo Domingo) led by
Toussaint L’Overture made this
Malaria and rebelling slaves
made it impossible
The Problem
 All
western produce
and commerce was
down Mississippi/Ohio
system to Gulf for
 Needed to unload at
New Orleans for
transport via ocean
going ships
 1802 - Spanish colonial
administrator revoked
the right of deposit for
US cargos at New
Orleans (most assumed
Napoleon had issued
the order, he had not)
Jefferson nominates Monroe and
Livingston to negotiate with France
for New Orleans and as much of
Louisiana and Spanish Florida as they
could get
Napoleon decides new Caribbean
Empire isn’t worth human cost and
needs $ for renewed European
hostilities, decides to sell all of
Price settled at 15 million dollars (3 ½
Jefferson doubts constitutionality of
the purchase asks for amendment
authorizing purchase, and
controlling settlement in the new
No one else shares the concern,
(except some token Federalist
concern that the new land might
decrease importance their eastern
seaport strongholds) amendment is
dropped, land purchase made,
doubling size of the United States
Lewis and Clark
 Meriwether
(Crash courses in
Botany, zoology,
Jefferson’s personal
 William
Clark career Army
officer, second in
Mission: Explore as far west as possible
Seek water route across
geographical, zoological,
mineralogical nature of new
Up Miss/Missouri system to
Yellowstone, over Bitterroot
range of Rockies to Snake
River to Columbia to the
pacific at (now) Astoria,
Spent winter at Fort Clatsop,
returned 1806, with maps,
drawings, specimens.
One death of 50 members - of
a ruptured appendix!
Helped by Sacagawea,
Shoshone wife of
Charbonneau, French trapper
Election of 1804
 Burr
dumped from
ticket by party, 12th
amendment passed
1804, largely due to
Burr’s tying up the
election of 1800 in the
 Federalists are crushed,
losing even
 Beginning of end for
Federalists as viable
Burr and Hamilton Plans for “Northern
Confederacy” (NY, New
England states, PA) brainchild
of “High (extreme)
Federalists”, Burr and Sen.
Pickering of Mass.
Remember Aaron Burr was
Republican Vice President
under Jefferson in first term
With Burr as leader, plan to
get Burr elected Governor of
New York as first step
Burr thwarted again by
Hamilton, who allowed
publishing of his (Hamilton’s)
“despicable” opinion of Burr’s
character, leading to Burr’s
defeat in NY gubernatorial
Burr challenged Hamilton to a
duel, killed him, July 11, 1804
More Trouble for Burr
Next, Burr conspired with corrupt
Louisiana territorial governor
(Wilkinson) and Irish Immigrant
planter Harman Blennerhassett to
form states South of the Ohio into
a Southern Confederacy,
independent from the U.S.
Burr deserted by Wilkinson
Burr caught, tried for treason
Chief Justice Marshall insisted
upon strict reading of treason per
Jefferson irate, wanted Burr
Verdict recorded by Marshall as
“not guilty”
Burr flees to Europe where he
made even more enemies
The Embargo Act, 1807
(the original really really bad idea)
Jefferson’s solution to foreign
trade issues
prohibited exports from US ports
minor damage to British and
French sales worldwide
huge negative impact on US
30,000 seamen out of work
US exports down 50% in one
many merchants in bankruptcy
many blamed Jefferson
agricultural exports down to
almost nothing
The Embargo reflected
Jefferson’s lack of appreciation
for the essentiality of foreign
trade to New England’s
Election of 1808
even though embargo angered many,
James Madison was elected (also
Republican, also Virginian, friend of
James Madison (5 ft 4 compared to
Jefferson’s 6 ft 2 in)
equally intellectual, realized Agricultural
exports critical to nation’s trade survival
1809 - Embargo Act replaced with the
Non-Intercourse Act of 1809)
 weaker than the Embargo
 authorized Congress to restore trade
with either if they restored neutral rights,
neither bought it
Macon’s Bill (number 2)
Opened trade with French and British,
promised if either removed their blockage
of Neutral shipping (the US ships) they
would stop trading with the other nation
Foreign Policy Under Madison
The first year of Madison's
Administration, the United States
prohibited trade with Britain and
May, 1810, Congress authorized
trade with both, directing the
President, if either would accept
America's view of neutral rights, to
forbid trade with the other nation
Napoleon pretended to comply
Late in 1810, Madison proclaimed
non-intercourse with Great Britain
"War Hawks," pressed for a more
militant policy
British impressment and seizure of
cargoes impelled Madison to give
June 1, 1812, he asked Congress to
declare war