Current Recycling Trends - the Zero Waste Alliance

State of Affairs in
Electronics Recycling
Advancing Electronics Recycling
in the Midwest
December 11, 2002
Resource Recycling Magazine
Description of the issue
 Current status
 Four prevailing myths
 Nine issues and forecasts
 Discussion
Resource Recycling Magazine
Description of the Issue
E-scrap is a sleeper waste
 Rising attention to e-waste issues
 Concern over loss of resources:
-- base metals (copper, aluminum, etc.)
-- precious metals (gold, silver,
palladium, etc.)
-- plastics
-- glass
Resource Recycling Magazine
Description of the Issue
Concern over toxicity, especially from
the lead used in CRTs:
-- 4 to 8 pounds of lead in TVs and
computer monitors
-- largest single source of lead in
municipal solid waste (about 30%)
-- funnel glass can contain as much as
75 ppm of leachable lead
Resource Recycling Magazine
Description of the Issue
Magnitude of the problem:
-- two million tons per year of e-scrap
-- 20 million PCs become obsolete per
-- e-scrap is accumulative
-- low recovery rate from homes, small
businesses, etc.
Resource Recycling Magazine
Current Status
About 500 U.S. firms provide e-scrap
recycling services:
-- brokering
-- sale of whole operating units
-- refurbishing
-- disassembly to remove reusable parts
-- disassembly to capture recyclables
-- shredding
Resource Recycling Magazine
Current Status
Barriers exist in e-scrap recovery:
-- scrap moves to cheapest reclaimer
-- declining value of scrap (less gold,
silver, etc.)
-- plastics are a problem for many
-- unstable political and regulatory
climate inhibits investment
Resource Recycling Magazine
Current Status
Institutional/corporate recovery:
-- large generators with high-end
equipment are fairly well served
-- large-scale international reuse market
seeks this scrap
-- yields from demanufacturing are high
(hard drives, circuit boards, etc.)
Resource Recycling Magazine
Current Status
Smaller generators are provided feebased service
 Capture of residential e-scrap requires
governmental involvement
 E-scrap is the waste of the decade
(beverage containers in the ’70s, paper
in the ’80s, organics in the ’90s)
Resource Recycling Magazine
Current Status
Local collections are increasing:
-- in about 1,000 communities in 2002
-- typically one-day event
-- about one percent participation
-- at a cost of about $300 per ton
-- programs tend to be in suburban
-- trend toward permanent sites
Resource Recycling Magazine
Current Status
Rising involvement of OEMs
-- many already operate take back of
leased units
-- many are moving into fee-based
recovery systems (Hewlett-Packard,
IBM, Dell)
-- others participate in local collection
events (Panasonic, Sharp, Sony)
Resource Recycling Magazine
Prevailing Myths
Myth 1: Rising volumes
-- computer sales declined last year and
also this year
-- effect of Y2K investments
-- slow down in introduction of new
software and hardware
-- consumer satisfaction with existing
Resource Recycling Magazine
Prevailing Myths
Myth 2: Rapid technological change
-- we’ve been hearing about HDTV for
five years
-- flat panel sales are restricted by high
cost versus CRTs
-- technological change is slower than
commonly thought
Resource Recycling Magazine
Prevailing Myths
 No.
of years to attain 25% of
Microwave oven
Personal computer
Cellular phone
DVD player
Resource Recycling Magazine
Prevailing Myths
Myth 3: E-scrap management is an
immense environmental problem
-- some environmental groups overstate
the effects of e-waste disposal
-- the data in this field is very poor
-- the politics of e-waste management
have taken precedence over the
Resource Recycling Magazine
Prevailing Myths
Myth 4: There’s gold in garbage:
-- OEMs are putting less recoverable
materials in electronics
-- even charities do not seek most types
of obsolete working computers (those
more than three years old)
-- current reuse levels from e-scrap
collection events are about 10
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No 1
Product stewardship is the prime issue
 Take back systems operate in a number
of countries (Belgium, Japan, The
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, etc.)
 Japan’s system will expand next year
 A European Union system will be
implemented by 2006
 Canada is moving forth
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 1
The National Electronic Product
Stewardship Initiative may establish a
similar system in the U.S.
 Nearly 50 members are involved,
principally from three sectors: industry,
environmental groups, and state and
local government
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No.1
NEPSI agreement so far:
front-end financed fee followed by cost
third-party national organization
shared responsibility
supportive federal legislation
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 1
-- NEPSI negotiations will take longer
than planned
-- a basic agreement will be reached for
the recovery of CPUs, CRTs and TVs
– it will be a shared-responsibility model;
full producer responsibility is unlikely
in the U.S.
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 2
E-waste exports are an emotional issue
 The BAN report and video were
extremely powerful
 But they over simplify the reality of escrap exports and over state the
 However, e-waste generators are now
very concerned
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 2
-- whole-unit, mixed-load shipments will
-- shipments of individual scrap
materials will continue
-- domestic operations will change
-- efforts will be made to gather better
data on the extent of the problem
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 3
But then, what do we really know about
current domestic operations?
-- lead glass processing concerns
-- disease from processing scrap
containing beryllium
-- crude precious metals recovery
-- fly-by-night operators living off of fees
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 3
-- certification efforts will rise (IAER
environmental audit, ISO 9000 and
14000 certification, ESM systems,
-- some states will get involved (NC, PA)
-- this will lead to an increase in
processing costs
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 4
Legislative momentum is at hand
 Major bills were considered in several
states (CA, MA, NC, NY, etc.)
 Generally focus on CRTs:
- impose a fee on sales of new CRTs - use funds to establish recovery
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 4
-- as part of a strategy to exert additional
pressure on OEMs and retailers,
several states will approve measures
-- given recent Hewlett-Packard
announcement, California will be the
principal battle ground
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 5
Regulatory approaches are being
-- again, they typically focus on CRTs
-- they commonly entail adding CRTs to
universal waste rules
-- however, Massachusetts has banned
CRT disposal
-- EPA has introduced a draft regulation
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 5
-- concern was heard that the
proposed EPA rule will increase
-- thus, adoption of EPA rules will take
longer than anticipated
-- a number of states will adopt interim
rules (OR, WA, etc.)
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 6
Prison labor concerns will be in the
news this year
 Some consider e-scrap prison factories
to be “high-tech sweat shops”
 That said, UNICOR is a major player in
the reclamation industry
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 6
-- this issue will not garner the attention
generated by the e-waste export
-- pressure will be exerted on e-scrap
generators to avoid the use of prison
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 7
Current collection and processing
methods are inadequate
 Recovery levels are low and costs are
 Processing fees are moving upwards
 With so much up in the air, investment
levels remain weak
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 7
-- we’ll plod along for another few years
-- permanent collection facilities will
grow in number
-- states will increase their role, through
grants (FL, IA, IN, NE, NY, OH) or
statewide coordinated campaigns
(CO, MD)
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 7
-- the product stewardship end game in
the U.S. and Canada will determine
the ultimate collection and
processing system
-- the final system will be unlike today’s
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 8
The marketplace will change
 Many folks are watching e-scrap issues
for possible business opportunities
 Forecast:
-- industry consolidation will occur
-- just as it has in electronics
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 8
The majority of the market for some
electronics is held by just two firms:
-- PCs: Dell, H-P/Compaq
-- Cell phones: Nokia, Motorola
-- Fax machines: Panasonic, Brothers
-- Printers: H-P/Compaq, Lexmark
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 9
We may be producing ever-harder-torecycle electronics
 If OEMs are not involved in the recovery
system, they may not receive sufficient
design-for-recycling (DfR) economic
Resource Recycling Magazine
Issues and Forecasts: No. 9
-- a shared responsibility model will not
provide much momentum for DfR
-- however, OEMs are international
-- and OEMs in Japan and elsewhere
operate e-scrap processing systems
– DfR will be addressed internationally
Resource Recycling Magazine
Contact information:
Jerry Powell, Editor
E-Scrap News
P.O. Box 42270
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 233-1305; 233-1356 fax
Resource Recycling Magazine