FELINE FACIAL MUSCLES Muscles of the lips and cheeks Muscles of the nose Muscles of the eyelids Muscles of the external ear MUSCLES OF THE LIPS & CHEEKS NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION Orbicular m. of the Circular muscles mouth Facial nerve, buccolabial branches Incisive m. Alveolar arch Facial nerve, buccolabial branches -upper incisive m. -lower incisive m. Nasolabial levator m. Facial nerve,zygomatic branches Forehead, lateral surface of the nasal & maxillary bones FUNCTION Closes the opening of the mouth(rima oris) Orbicular m. of the mouth -Raises the upper lip -Pulls lower lip down Orbicular Raises the upper lip m. of the & widens opening mouth near of nostrils the nasal aperture NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Levator muscles of the upper lip(levator labii superiolis) Facial nerves,buccolabi al branches Variably on the maxillary bones(Rostral to infraorbital foramen) Upper lip Raises & draws back upper lip & nasal plane Canine muscle Facial nerves,buccolabi al branches Rostrally on the facial crest & on the facial tuberosity Upper lip near the nasal aperture Widens external nostrils & draws back upper lip NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Depressor muscles of the upper lip Facial nerves,buccolabial branches Facial tuberosity Upper lip Pulls upper lip down Depressor muscles lower lip Facial nerve,buccolabial branches Maxillary tuberosity Lower lip Pulls lower lip down Levator muscles of chin Facial nerve & buccolabial branches On the lateral surface of the alveolar border of the mandible Radiates into chin Movement of the chin NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Zygomatic muscles Facial nerve ,zygomatic branches Zygomatic bone Orbicular oris m. of the mouth Draws back the angle of the mouth Buccinator muscles Facial nerve , buccolabial Rostral border of messeter muscle Angle of the mouth •Narrows cheek pouch • lateral boundary of oral cavity • interwoven rostrally with the obicularis muscle fibres Muscles of the eyelids NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN Orbicular m. of the eye Facial n., zygomatic branch Circular m. of the eye Levator m. of the medial angle of the eye Facial n., zygomatic branch Nasofrontal fascia INSERTION FUNCTION Closes the palpebral fissure Medial on the eye lid Elevate of the medial part of the eye lid NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Retractor m. of the Temporal fascia lateral angle of the eye Facial n., zygomatic branch Lateral palpebral angle Retractor of the lateral palpebral angle Malar m. Facial n., buccolabial branch Lower eye lid Draws lower eye lid downward Facial fascia AURICULAR MUSCLES NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION M. Cervicoauricularis superficialis Dorsal median raphe of the neck Dorsal (convex) surface of the auricular cartilage Long elevator muscle of the ear M. cervicoscutularis Dorsal median raphe of the neck Caudomedial part of scutiform cartilage Elevates the ear & tenses the scutiform cartilage Mm. cervicoauricularis Lateral border of the auricular cartilage Turns the opening (conchal fissure) of the auricular cartilage caudolaterally External sagittal crest M. Cervicoauricularis superficialis M. Cervicoscutularis (3) Mm. cervicoauricularis NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION M. occipitalis External sagittal crest Superficial fascia of the head Draws the scutiform cartilage caudomedially M. interscutularis Transverse fibres passing between the 2 scutiform cartilages Draws the scutiform cartilages medially M. frontoscutularis Rostral continuation of the m. interscutularis Draws the scutiform cartilages rostromedially M. Interscutularis (6) M. frontoscutularis NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION M. Scutuloauricularis superfacialis Scutiform cartilage Rostral border of the Turns the auricular auricular cartilage cartilage so that its opening (conchal fissure) faces rostromedially, erects the ear M. parotidoauricularis Parotid fascia and superfacial fascia of the cranial neck Ventrolateral at the Draws the ear down, base of the auricular lays the ear ‘back’ cartilage M. mandibuloauriculari s Caudal margin of the Ventral at the base ramus of the of the auricular mendible ventral to cartilage the condyle M. Scutuloauricularis superfacialis & M. parotidoauricularis MANDIBULAR MUSCLES Muscles of mastication Superficial m. of the mandibular space Muscles of mastication NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Masseter m. Masseteric n.of the mandibular n. Facial crest & zygomatic arch Lateral surface of the mandible & intermandubular region Raises & draws mandible sidewards Lateral pterygoid m. Branch to lateral pterygoid from the mandibular n. Pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone Medial surface of the mandible & the condylar process Raises, pushes & draws forward the mandible Medial pterygoid m. Branch to medial pterygoid from the mandibular n. Pterygoid process of the sphenoid, pterygoid bone & the perpendicular plate Medial surface of the mandible Raises mandible NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Temporal m. Deep temporal n. from the mandibular n. Temporal fossa Coronoid process of Raises mandible in the mandible order to close the mouth Superficial m. of the mandibular space NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Digastric m. Rostral part:Nerve to mylohyoid from the mandibular n. Caudal part:Digastric branch from the facial n. Paracondylar process Medial of the body on the mandible Draws mandible downwards, opens the mouth Occipitomandibular Paracondylar portion process Digastric branch from the facial n. Angle of the mandible Opens the mouth Mylohyoid m. Branch to mylohyoid from the mandibular n. Median raphe Supports & lifts the tongue Mylohyoid line MUSCLES OF THE UPPER BACK, SHOULDER, & BACK OF NECK NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION ACTION LATISSIMUS DORSI A superficial ,flat,triangular muscle extending from the middorsal line to the medial surface of the humerus; a portion of this muscle is covered dorsally by a smaller triangular muscle, the spinotrapezius Neural spines of fourth thoracic to sixth lumbar vertebrae and lumbodorsal fascia Medial surface of humerus Retracts humerus dorsally and posterior Spinotapezius A triangular superficisial muscle overlying the latissimus dorsi in the middle dorsal region Spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae and spines of cervical vertebrae Fascia of scapula Draws scapula medially and posteriorly toward the tail Acromiotrapezius A flat superficial muscles covering the scapula Spinous process of axis to third thoracic vertebrae Metacromion process and spine of scapula Draws scapula medially Name of innervation origin insertion function Clavotrapezius A flat superficial muscle on the dorsal surface of the neck Superficial nuchal line and median dorsal line of neck clavicle Draws clavicle dorsally and anteriorly Levator scapulae ventralis A longitudinal band of muscle on the side of the neck : between the clavortrapezius and acromitrapezius Transverse occipital bone and process of atlas Metacromion process of scapula spine Draws scapula cranially Supraspinatus A thick muscle occupying the supraspinous fossa of the scapula : lies deep to the acromiotrapezius Supraspinous fossa of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Draws humerus cranially NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Infraspinatus A muscle occupying the infraspinous fossa of the scapula : lies deep to acromiotrapezius Infraspinous of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Rotates humerus laterally Clavodeltoid A superficial muscle of the shoulder : continoues with the clavotrapezius at its proximal end : extend into the arm Clavotrapezius and clavicle Proximal end of ulna Flexes forearms Acromiodeltoid A muscle posterior to the clavodeltoid : its distal portion lies under the clavodeltoid Acromion process of scapula Deltoid ridge of humerus Raises and rotates humerus with spinoldeltoid NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Spinodeltoid A band of m. posterior to the acromiodeltoid & levator scapulae ventralis Scapular spine Deltoid ridge of humerus Raises & rotates humerus Medial border of scapula Draws the scapula medially toward the vertebral column Rhomboideus Cervical spines to A narrow, elongated midthoracic spines m. located beneath the clavo- & acromiotrapezius; seperated into 2 parts, capitis(cranial portion) & caudalis(caudal portion) MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMINAL WALL NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION External oblique Lumbodorsal fascia A superficial sheet & posterior ribs of m. forming the outermost m. of the abdominal wall Linea alba by way of Consticts abdomen aponeurosis Internal oblique A sheeetlike m. immediately beneath the external oblique; its m. fibers run in a diff. direction from those of external oblique Aponeurosis to linea Compresses alba abdomen Lumbodorsal fascia & border of pelvic girdle NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Transversus Similar to internal abdominis oblique Sheet of m. beneath the fleshy portion of the internal oblique; fibers run in a transverse direction Similar to internal oblique Compresses abdomen Rectus abdominis Anterior portion of A superficial pubic symphysis longitudinal band of m. lying immediately lateral to the midventral line of abdomen Sternum & costal cartilages Retracts ribs & sternum & compresses abdomen MUSCLES OF THE UPPER ARM NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Epitrochlearis A flat superficial m. on the medial side of humerus Lateral surface of latissimus dorsi Olecranon process of ulna Extends forearm Biceps brachii A m. lying on the ventromedial surface of the humerus; it can be more easily seen by transecting & reflecting the pectoralis muscles near the humerus; has medial & lateral heads Glenoid fossa of scapula Radius Flexes forearm NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Triceps brachii longus A muscle covering the posterior surface of the humerus Axillary border of scapula Olecranon process of ulna Extends forearm Triceps brachii lateralis A band of m. covering the lateral surface of the humerus Greater tuberosity of humerus Olecranon process of ulna Extends forearm NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Triceps brachii medialis A m. lying deep to the triceps brachii lateralis (transect the triceps lateralis to see the triceps medialis) Shaft of humerus Olecranon process of ulna Extends forearm Ulna Flexes forearm Brachialis Lateral surface of A m. lying along the humerus outer lateral surface of the humerus; it can be exposed by transecting & reflecting the lateral head of the triceps MUSCLE OF FOREARM, LATERAL SURFACE NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Brachiaoradialis The most superior ribbonlike muscle of the forearm group Middle of the humerus of dorsal surface Distal end of radius Supinator of hand Extensor carpi radialis Narrow band of muscle that lies superior to the extensor digitorum communis ; has 2 heads-short and long Middle of humerus Attachment by Extends hand means of tendon to second and third metacarpals 16. triceps brachii (long head) 17. triceps brachii (lateral head) 18. triceps brachii (medial head) 19. brachialis 20. epitrochlearis 21. brachioradialis 22. externsor carpi radialis longus 23. extensor carpi radialis brevis 24. extensor digitorum communis 22. externsor carpi radialis longus 23. extensor carpi radialis brevis 24. extensor digitorum communis 25. extensor digitorum lateralis 26. extensor carpi ulnaris 27. radial nerve 28. extensor digitorum communis tendons 29. extensor digitorum lateralis tendons NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Extensor digitorum communis A thin muscle that lies superior to the extensor digitorum lateralis Latyeral surface of humerus Attachment by means of tendons to third and fourth digits Extends third and fourth digits Extensor digitorum lateralis A long wedgeshaped muscle that lies superior to the extensor carpi ulnaris Lateral surface of humerus Attachment by means of tendons to third to fourth digits Extends third and fourth 16. triceps brachii (long head) 17. triceps brachii (lateral head) 18. triceps brachii (medial head) 19. brachialis 20. epitrochlearis 21. brachioradialis 22. externsor carpi radialis longus 23. extensor carpi radialis brevis 24. extensor digitorum communis 22. externsor carpi radialis longus 23. extensor carpi radialis brevis 24. extensor digitorum communis 25. extensor digitorum lateralis 26. extensor carpi ulnaris 27. radial nerve 28. extensor digitorum communis tendons 29. extensor digitorum lateralis tendons NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Extensor carpi ulnaris A long muscle that form the most inferior portion of the lateral forearm Semilunar notch and lateral epicondyle of humerus Proximal portion of fifth metacarpal Extend fifth digit and ulna side of wrist 16. triceps brachii (long head) 17. triceps brachii (lateral head) 18. triceps brachii (medial head) 19. brachialis 20. epitrochlearis 21. brachioradialis 22. externsor carpi radialis longus 23. extensor carpi radialis brevis 24. extensor digitorum communis 22. externsor carpi radialis longus 23. extensor carpi radialis brevis 24. extensor digitorum communis 25. extensor digitorum lateralis 26. extensor carpi ulnaris 27. radial nerve 28. extensor digitorum communis tendons 29. extensor digitorum lateralis tendons MUSCLE OF FOREARM, MEDIAL SURFACE NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Protonator teres Medial epicondyle A short wedgeof humerus shaped muscle that lies above the flexor Carpi radialis Medial surface of radius Pronates hand (rotates radius) Flexor carpi radialis Medial epicondyle Large narrow of humerus muscle that lies above the palmaris longus Second and thiord metacarpals Flexes second and third metacarpals NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Palmaris longus Largest of the medial forearm group: lies above the flexor carpi ulnaris Medial epicondyle of humerus Attachment by means of tendons to all digits Flexes digits Flexor carpi ulnaris A large band of muscle that covers the medial surface of the ulna To heads-medial epicondyle of humerus and olecranon process Pisiform bone of wrist Flexes digits MUSCLE OF THE THIGH, DORSAL ASPECT NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Tensor fasciae latae Illium and facia A triangular muscle on the lateral side of the hip medial to the tough white fascias(fascia lata) covering the anterior portion of the thigh Fascia lata Thighens fascia lata, extends thigh Biceps fimoris A large thick muscle covering the lateral surface of the thigh, caudal to the tensor fascia latae: one of the hamstring muscles Patella to shaft the tibia Abducts thigh and flexes shank Tuberosity of ischium NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Caudofemoralis Tranverse processes Patella A small muscle of second and third cranial to the dorsal caudal vertebrae potion of the biceps femors Abducts thigh, extend shank Gluteus maximus A small muscle cranial to the caudofemoralis Abducts thigh Fascia nad transverse processes of last sacral and first caudal vertebrae Pascia lata and slightly on greater trochanter NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Gluteus medius A thick muscle dorsal to the tensor fasciae latae Crest and lateral surface of illium Greater trochanter Abducts thigh MUSCLE OF THE THIGH, VENTRAL ASPECT NAME OF INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Sartorius A flat superficial band of muscle covering the lateral ventral portion of the thigh Crest and ventral border of illium Proximal end of tibia Adducts and rotates thigh, extend shank Aponeorosis to tibia Adducts and retracts leg Gracilis Pubic symphysis A flat superficial and ischium band of muscle covering the medial ventral portion of the thigh NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Vastus lateralis Greater trochanter This large m. can be & shaft of femur seen better from the dorsal aspect; it is covered by the fascia lata of the tensor fasciae latae m. Patella & patellar ligament Extends shank Rectus femoris An elongated m. bordered laterally by the vastus lateralis & medially by the vastus medialis Patella & patellar ligament Extends shank Ilium anterior to acetabulum NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Vastus intermedius Shaft of femur A flat m. deep to the rectus femoris Patella & patellar ligament Extends shank Vastus medialis A band of m. on the medial portion of the thigh, deep to the sartorius Femur Patella Extends shank Adductor longus A narrow m. band lying lateral to the adductor femoris Pubis Femur Adducts thigh NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Adductor femoris A m. deep to the gracilis, proximal to the trunk of the cat Inferior rami of pubis & ischium Shaft of femur Adducts thigh Semimembranosus A large thick m. deep to the gracilis, caudal to the adductor femoris; one of the hamstring m. Ischium Medial epicondyle of femur Extends thigh Semitendinosus A stout band of m. caudal to the semimembranosus; more easily seen from the ventral surface; 1 of the hamstring m. Ischial tuberosity Proximal end of tibia Flexes shank MUSCLES OF THE LOWER LEG NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Tibialis anterior A thin m. lying along the lateral border of the tibia Proximal portion of tibia First metatarsal Flexes foot Flexor digitorum longus An elongated m. running medial to the tibialis anterior Posterior surface of tibial shaft below popliteal line Distal phalanx of toes Flexes & inverts foot Extensor digitorum longus A flat spindle shaped m. lying ventrolateral to the tibialis anterior m. Tibia & fibula All 4 digits Extends phalanges NAME INNERVATION ORIGIN INSERTION FUNCTION Peroneus(fibularis) Head of Metatarsals and longus fibula,lateral condyle digit A slender cylinder of tibia shape muscles located on the lateral surface of the leg Extends foot and flexes phalenges Gastrocnemius A large muscle lateral to the tibia Caudal aspect of femur proximal to the condyles(two sesamoid bones included) Tendon of Achilles on calceneus tuber Flexes knee,extends foot Soleus •a flattened muscle lying deep to the gastrocnemius • insignificant in other animals Lateral portion of fibula Tendon of Achilles on calcaneus tuber Plantar flexes foot Lower Leg (Lateral) 1. Tibialis Anterior 7. Gastrocnemius 2. Extensor Digitorm Longus 8. Biceps Femoris 3. Peroneus Longus 9. Semitendinosus 4. Peroneus Brevis 10. Semimembranosus 5. Peroneus Tertius 11. Adductor Femoris 6. Soleus 12. Vastus Lateralis Lower Leg (Medial) 1. Gastrocnemius 2. Plantaris 3. Soleus 4. Flexor Digitorum Longus 5. Tibia (Bone) 6. Tibialis Anterior 7. Calcaneus Tendon (Achilles Tendon)