CS 10-12 Bringing about the death of an individual, by act or omission, for that individual’s own good. Term comes from the Greek “eu” meaning “well” and “thanatos” meaning death. Passive vs Active Passive = death brought about an omission (refusing treatment, turning off a machine). Active = death brought about by an act (taking an overdose of pain medication). Traditionally passive euthanasia is considered less bad than active euthanasia. Is this a worthwhile distinction? Is inaction a type of action? Voluntary vs. involuntary. Voluntary = occurs at the request of the person who dies. Non-voluntary = person is incapable of making a decision and someone decides for them. Involuntary = person who dies chooses life, but is killed anyway. Tantamount to murder. P1: Some people suffer terribly from untreatable conditions. P2: Active euthanasia best ends this suffering. P3: If an act best ends suffering, then it’s morally justified. C: Therefore, active euthanasia is morally justified. Are there any problems with this argument? Premise three is false. Just because an act is most merciful, doesn’t mean it’s justified. Implies that killing someone when they don’t want to die is okay (involuntary). P1: An act is morally justified if it respects a person’s ability to make her own decisions. P2: VAE respects a person’s ability to make her own decisions and violates no one’s rights C: VAE is justified. P1: In some cases VAE can be freely chosen, violate no one’s rights and be most merciful. P2: If an act best ends suffering, is freely chosen, and violates no one’s rights, then it is morally permissible. C: In some cases VAE is morally permissible. P1: God is the only one who may make life and death decisions. P2: Performing VAE is to make a life and death decision. C: VAE is wrong because it’s a usurpation of God’s authority. Not everyone believes in God. If we can’t interfere with God’s plan concerning death, why do we do it when it concerns life? P1: Suffering is part of God’s plan. P2: It is wrong to interfere with God’s plan. P3: VAE interferes with God’s plan. C: VAE is wrong. Problems? P1: It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. P2: VAE is the intentional killing of innocent human beings. C: VAE is wrong. Problem lies in the first premise. Why is it wrong to kill humans? Do these same reasons apply to VAE? Causes fear in others. Goes against someone’s preferences. Goes against someone’s rights. Goes against their autonomy. Do these reasons apply to VAE? Read J. Gay-Williams article “The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia.” Outline the premises of his arguments (He has three arguments against VAE). Are the arguments valid? Sound? Explain. Discuss with the people around you.