Feedback sought on Disability Action Plan

October / Whiringa Nuku
COSS News is published by The Council of Social Services in Christchurch with the generous support of
the Rata Foundation, the Lottery Grants Board and the Christchurch City Council.
Welcome to the October / Whiringa Nuku COSS newsletter. Items for the November newsletter should be emailed to
us at by Friday 23rd October 2015
Non-profit sector forum
Not Just High-Vis and Hard Hats
Is this your image of civil defence
and emergency management?
CDEM is so much more than immediate emergency
response, and the non-profit sector has an important
and unique role to play.
Come along to learn more and join this COSS-led
discussion. How can the non-profit sector and the
CDEM sector build productive relationships for the
good of our communities?
Friday 9th October 2015, 1pm – 2pm
BYO lunch, tea/coffee available.
Christchurch Community House,
301 Tuam Street
No parking on site, car park cnr Tuam & Barbadoes St,
$3 all day
Clare in the Community
With thanks to the Guardian and Harry Venning
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku2015
Can you help us top up the budget?
The Christchurch Council of Social Services has long been the “quiet
achiever” of the social services sector. As the one-stop shop for strengthening the capacity of the not for profit sector COSS provides information and
support to groups advocating for the marginalised members of society.
Through our web site, Facebook and informative monthly newsletter, we are
constantly seeking to be more inclusive and to expand our reach in the sector.
Due to budgetary constraints, we are kindly asking for some extra financial
assistance to continue this good work. If you would be able to afford a regular donation to COSS of just a few dollars a week, or to add a small donation
to your annual membership subs, it would be of enormous help at this time.
To set up a direct credit or automatic payment to COSS, the bank account number is 38-9001-0109113-00
using your name and “Donation” as a reference.
If you are a larger NGO with your own professional fundraiser, perhaps you could help us in another way.
We’d welcome the ‘loan’ of an expert to help us improve our fundraising abilities and give us new ideas. If
you’re willing to donate a few hours of your fundraiser’s time and skills we’d really appreciate it.
For this or any queries please contact COSS on (03) 366 2050 or by email or Thank you so much for your continued support.
Helen Gatonyi
Council of Social Services, Christchurch.
From the COSS AGM
A big thank-you to all who came along to our AGM last month. It was great to see you all, and we appreciate your support.
We farewelled Andrea Clark and Michelle Whitaker from the board, with warm thanks for their substantial
contributions. Michelle will be working in the COSS office on a temporary basis, replacing Carmel who has
moved on to a permanent position. Thank you Carmel for your excellent work, we will miss you.
The meeting agreed to formally add the ‘Inc’ to our new name, Social Equity and Wellbeing Network, so
with any luck the Registrar of Incorporated Societies will now approve our new name and it will shortly be
It also agreed to set this year’s subs at the same rate as last year, so we will soon be sending out our call
for you to pay. We rely on these fees to help balance our budget, and to carry out activities that funders
are reluctant to fund, such as advocacy. We really appreciate you showing your support to COSS / SEWN
by paying promptly.
At the AGM we presented our latest accountability report. The responses to our survey were extremely favourable and we’re humbled by the great things they had to say. We’re looking forward to another year of
working with and for the non-profit sector and building on what we’ve achieved so far.
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Canterbury Community Trust
now named Rata Foundation
At their Annual Meeting Canterbury Community Trust was excited to announce they have changed their
name from The Canterbury Community Trust to Rātā Foundation. This is another step in their history and
the first major update in identity since their inception in 1988.
Canterbury Community Trust was set up to hold ‘in trust’ for the communities of Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough and the Chatham Islands the proceeds of the sale of the community’s shares in what was previously the ‘Canterbury Savings Bank’. The new name reflects a desire to be inclusive and give a sense of
belonging to all of four funding regions, something the previous name did not achieve. Overall they believe
the new identity better reflects their core beliefs and strategic direction.
Rata Foundation has over half a billion dollars invested to support community organisations across their
four funding regions. They return over $20 million every year to these communities, as well as reinvest to
protect the value of the fund for future generations.
What does the name change mean for their communities?
Rātā Foundation will continue to operate just as The Canterbury Community Trust has operated. Essentially the work they do is all about people; and the people they fund are doing extraordinary things. This work
will continue now and into the future for generations to come.
Please use their new logo wherever possible, found on their website: To find out more about the name change, what
they do, who they are and how they can help or to view their latest Annual Report, Grants List and Financial Statements visit their website - or follow them on
Remembering Christchurch – an important social history
In the words of Reg Miller “people count more than buildings, bricks and mortar”; this insight is indicative of
the wealth of social history captured in the Ministry for Culture and Heritage’s new book Remembering
Christchurch – Voices from Decades Past.
“Reg Miller is one of the 19 people interviewed for the book whose memories and personal stories bring to
life the rich human history of Christchurch,” says Ministry for Culture and Heritage Chief Historian Neill Atkinson. “Written by the Ministry’s Senior Oral Historian Alison Parr, the book presents the precious memories of people from all walks of life, born in the 1920s through to the 1940s. This is an insightful portrait of
the city, its urban landscape and its people prior to the Canterbury earthquakes,” he says.
“Christchurch has lost many of its landmark heritage buildings, including the Miller’s Building in Tuam
Street, established by Reg Miller’s father. But memories endure, and these older Christchurch citizens have
documented for us what it was like to grow up and live in the pre-earthquake city. “They recall a city of
streets and avenues where bikes ruled the road and young people got together at the local milk bar and at
the regular weekly dances held throughout the suburbs as well as the city centre.
“Disparities in class and wealth come through in several of the interviews, as well as changing attitudes to
such things as pre-marital sex, women’s place in society and what it was like to be Māori in an overwhelmingly Pākehā city. “The book also highlights the vital importance of the home garden through the depression and war years, the central place of the railway in the economy, and the role of the River Avon in sports
and recreation. “Alison Parr’s research has produced a genuine and moving account, making Remembering Christchurch – Voices from Decades Past a memorable read,” Neill Atkinson said.
Published by Penguin Random House New Zealand, the book was launched in Christchurch on Sept 4th
and is available in bookshops now.
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Youth poetry competition to mark earthquake anniversary, Feb 2016
Budding poets in Years 4 to 8, are invited to enter a short poem in
the Bloom poetry competition.
The winning poem will feature in and inspire a mural created on a
wall in the Museum during Bloom, an exhibition commemorating the
fifth anniversary of the earthquakes. Bloom is a collaboration between Poetica, The River of Flowers project and Canterbury Museum. Opening for the month of February 2016, the exhibition will also
feature River of Flowers floral and poetry workshops and Messages
of Hope by the people of Canterbury. The kids competition poetry
mural at the Museum will be revealed on 22 February 2016.
The topic of the poem, to be no longer than eight lines or 40 words, is “Who or what gave you strength to
carry on after the earthquakes?”
The poetry competition is being run through schools with entries closing at 5.00 pm on 9 November. A
panel of judges will choose the five best poems which will be posted on the Poetica Facebook page on 17
November. The public will have until 5.00 pm on 11 December 2015 to vote for their favourite poem. Full
details and conditions of entry are available on the Canterbury Museum website.
To follow on Facebook: Poetica, River of Flowers and Canterbury Museum. River of Flowers is a partnership of many community organisations led this year by Flourish Inc and Avon Otakaro Network.
Online Scams happening again
Canterbury Police are urging the public to be vigilant for on-line and email scams in the wake of several
recent complaints relating to fraudulent behaviour.
Detective Sergeant Craig Farrant from Canterbury Police’s Fraud Squad said people of all ages and
backgrounds fall victim to false promises and fake offers. No one in the community is immune from being
a target. With the increased use of digital technology tech savvy people are increasing their risk and exposure to fraudulent online transactions and solicitations. The elderly are particularly vulnerable to financial
exploitation by relatives and/or caregivers.
The numbers and ways of being scammed are growing and it can be daunting trying to weed the scams
from bona fide offers. Here are some tips to help you avoid being scammed:
If something sounds too good to be true it usually is.
Don't respond to letters or emails saying you won the lottery - you haven't - it is always a scam.
Legitimate offers and sites never require you to withdraw your money from your bank and send it
through money transfer services such as Western Union.
Research a ‘deal’ or ‘investment opportunity’ to make sure it is genuine before parting with any
Talk to trusted friends and family members or if it is an investment opportunity, a qualified financial
expert. This may involve a fee but it could prevent you losing your life-savings.
Don't get pressured into making a decision.
If a genuine person is offering you a bona-fide deal they will wait for you to check it out and often encourage you to do so beforehand.
Before paying any money remember it is unlikely you will get it back if it is a scam.
If you are purchasing items online make use of systems such as PayPal.
Check for advice on how to protect yourself, receive scam alerts or to report a scam.
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
You can prevent anyone else being a victim of a scam by reporting it straight away. While you may not get
your money back you may just prevent the scammer from getting hold of anyone else’s.
If you or someone you know has been scammed report it to Police (03 363 7400), Netsafe New Zealand and Scamwatch as soon as possible. Information can also
be provided anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
COSS alerts readers to consultation processes or lobbying initiatives that we think are of particular relevance to the
social services sector or to non-profit organisations. However you can keep an eye out for issues of importance to
you or your organisation by regularly visiting the following websites:
Christchurch City Council consultations:
Central government consultations:
More information at
Feedback sought on Disability Action Plan
The Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 sets out four priority areas for disabled people; increase employment
and economic opportunities, ensure personal safety,
transform the disability support system, and promote
access in the community.
Government is now reviewing the Plan in order to update it. The Office for Disability Issues will seek public
feedback on the current Plan’s priorities and actions.
A revised Disability Action Plan will then be available
for further feedback before the final update is released
later this year.
How to submit:
 Go online to (external link)
 Visit a Council Service Centre or Library for a
hard copy of the consultation booklet and submission form
 Use the online Representation Review Property
Search tool
More information on the Disability Action Plan update
process can be found at:
The Proposed Christchurch Replacement
District Plan
The Submission period for the following Stage Three
proposals has been extended until Friday 16 October
 Coastal Hazard Inundation Management Areas
 Coastal Erosion Management Areas
 Coastal Environment Proposal
 Planning Maps which include the “Coastal
Zone”, the “Coastal Environment” notation,
Coastal Erosion Management Areas and
Coastal Inundation Management Areas
Older People Health Strategy
The Ministry of Health is reviewing its older people
strategy and seeks your suggestions. A new draft will
go to the Minister of Health late this year, providing a
direction for future services to meet the health and disability support needs of older people, and the development of services in the medium term.
To view the strategy and make comment:
The process then moves to the Independent Hearings
Panel for hearings and final decisions on the Council
proposals. For more information please visit:
Representation Review 2014-15
The Christchurch City Council has adopted an initial
proposal for public comment that would raise the number of councillors from 13 to 16, and would reduce
community boards from eight to seven. The wideranging review proposes changes to ward boundaries
to account for population shifts since the earthquakes.
CERA funded NGO Survey
CERA and the Greater Christchurch councils are interested in how your group is faring 5 years on from the
Canterbury earthquakes. The results will be collated
and will join interview information for "interested people
to develop ways to assist groups with issues that
The initial proposal opened for public comment on 26th
August and closes on Friday 9th October.
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Inquiries to Dr Chrys Horn: or
phone 338 0313 or 027 286 8653. To complete the 8
question survey:
The Child Sex Offender Register gives government
agencies the information required to monitor child sex
offenders in the community. It would also provide up-todate information to assist the Police to more rapidly resolve cases of child sex offending.
Does NZ need a Child Sex Offender Register?
Once all submissions have been received and considered, the findings will be reported back to Parliament by
15 March 2016.
New Zealanders are being invited to have their say
about the establishment of a Child Sex Offender Register.
You can read more about the bill on the NZ Parliament website.
The Child Protection (Child Sex Offender Register) Bill
has passed its first stage in Parliament. Public submissions are now open until 28 October 2015, to the
Social Services Select Committee.
Find out how you tell select committees and Parliament what you think
The intent of the bill is to reduce sexual reoffending
against child victims, and the risk posed by serious child
sex offenders through the establishment of the register.
You can also message the Ōtautahi Creative Spaces
Trust via their Facebook page.
Sending your information through the COSS
We’re always happy to circulate your news through our
extensive network, and we get lots of feedback saying
how helpful this is.
Join the Canterbury Community Justice Panel
Community Law Canterbury want to hear from you if
 want to make a difference to people's lives;
 are interested in finding new ways to make our
communities safer;
 want to be part of an initiative that breaking new
grounds in justice.
Some recipients have told us that if the images in notices that we forward on your behalf are in .jpg or .tif
format (rather than .pdf) they are easier to redistribute
through social media sites such as Facebook.
Thank you for your support in this.
Anyone can apply to be a member of the Community
Justice Panel. The Panel looks for people who come
from a wide range of backgrounds, and age groups.
Community Justice Panel members should have a
commitment to the principles of restorative justice, a
non-judgemental and supportive approach to people,
and an awareness and sensitivity to cultural issues.
You will be given training in restorative justice principles, be part of a group of engaged and active citizens,
and have the satisfaction to know that you can contribute to safer communities
Arts workers needed
The Ōtautahi Creative Spaces Trust needs a small
pool of arts workers they can contract for their programmes.
The Ōtautahi Creative Spaces Trust is keen to hear
from artists who are passionate about using their skills
in a community setting to support and guide participants on a creative journey.
The Trust's work involves strengthening communities
and enhancing wellbeing through creative arts. They
work with children, young people and adults. The Trust
is based is at the Phillipstown Community Hub Te
Whare Whanau Whānui.
Contact the Community Justice Panel coordinator
Chantal Jousserand-Shirley for more information or ph 022 043 3462.
The Trust would love to hear from artists who have
experience getting creative with communities, including Māori communities, Pacific communities and young
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation is enlisting
volunteers to help with its Pink Ribbon Street Appeal
on Friday October 9 and Saturday October 10.
The areas the Trust will mostly be working in are
Christchurch East and the city fringe suburbs including
New Brighton, Aranui, Linwood and Phillipstown and
so interest is especially welcomed from arts workers
who live in those areas.
“Give two hours” is the plea – volunteers might choose
to sign up for just their own two-hour stint on the street,
or to rope in friends, workmates or a community group
to cover several hours.
Volunteers’ efforts will fund research into new targeted
treatments and clinical trials, support for women going
through breast cancer, medical equipment for our hospitals, and life-saving awareness and education pro-
Contact Kim Morton to talk about what's involved (022
064 7963 or kimm[at]
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
grammes around the importance of mammograms for
early detection.
“To volunteer for the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal, visit or ph 0508 105 105.
Annual General Meetings
Pillars Inc:
The AGM be held on Tuesday 20th October at 7.30pm,
Beulah Church, 140 Springfield Road, St Albans,
Christchurch. ALL WELCOME. Please RSVP to
her way back from severe illness to run this year –
we’re very proud of her!
Inside Out is RainbowYOUTH’s set of freely available video-based teaching resources that aim to
decrease homophobic, biphobic and transphobic
‘Transceratops’ T-shirts, Hoodies & Jumpers!
We’re super excited to share this fundraising initiative by Jez Kemp Design for RainbowYOUTH –Get
yours here!
For the full newsletter and anything else mentioned
above call (weekdays from 11am – 5pm) (09) 376
4155, or email us (anytime!)
Christchurch Budget Service
Leadership in Community (LinC) Project
2.30pm Wednesday 21st October 2015
At Unit 4 473 Brougham St, Waltham, Christchurch.
Afternoon tea to follow the meeting.
Applications close Friday 23 October. Project starts in
December 2015.
Applications now open for the second leadership and
development course for people who organise and lead
activities and initiatives in their community on either a
paid or voluntary basis. Time commitment averages
one day per month for 10 months (some release time
funding available).
DPA Christchurch & Districts
Saturday 17th October 2015, Oxford Terrace Baptist
Church, 288 Oxford Terrace (on the corner of Madras
Street and Oxford Terrace, Central Christchurch)
Time: 2pm – 4pm (please be there at 1.45pm as the
Guest Speaker will speak at 2pm)
It is fully funded by multiple Greater Christchurch
sponsors. Applications close on Friday 23 October
with selection on 6 November. Call Jennifer Chowaniec on 940 9475 or 021 0818 4058 for more information or go to:
Guest Speaker: Nicky Wagner – Minister of Disability
Interpreters and Afternoon Tea will be provided
Recreation Equipment Needed by Phillipstown
RainbowYOUTH's Spring 2015
Community Centre
A youth group running since August last year for 13-19
year olds is seeking recreation gear such as pool table, foosball table, table tennis table, dartboard etc. for
this Friday night group.
From Rainbow Youth’s latest newsletter: From our recent AGM we have 10 new board members and are
now off to work on a 3 year strategic plan. A sample
from the busy-ness of this year:
 Our Co-Chair Amanda Parkinson is running
the ASB Auckland Marathon in November to raise
money for RainbowYOUTH! Amanda has battled
Please call Mary Ann Bell 379 3256 if you can help.
Copies of our book: “Holding Hope Together Celebrating the contribution of the non- profit sector in rebuilding Christchurch communities” is now
available for purchase at a cost of $10 plus GST plus
postage (or can be collected). To order please contact
COSS by email:
BBEmployer: Page for Employers
BBOffice: Page to Access Assistance
BBUpskill: - Page
to see Training Courses BaseBook Canterbury:
Work and Income Canterbury are set to revolu-
TEDx Christchurch 2015: Think Again
tionise the client experience of engaging with their service. with a new Facebook Page ‘BaseBook’. Clients
can apply for the support they need through these web
BBCanty: - Page
for Job Seekers
When: Saturday, October 3rd, 2015
Council of Social Services Christchurch
COSS NEWS Christchurch
Where: TEDx Christchurch Village - Isaac Theatre
Royal and surrounds, Gloucester Street between
New Regent and Colombo
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
WAVES A Bereaved by Suicide Group
Event membership: $139 inc. GST for general admision, $500 inc. GST for donor membership, $40 inc.
GST for youth membership.
This 8 week grief education programme is for adults
(17+) who have been affected by the suicide of someone they know.
Donor memberships go directly towards the funding of
this volunteer-led event, and make it possible for us to
create a transformative experience on the day. Donor
memberships include recognition in the programme;
preferential seating; an opportunity to meet the speakers before the day; and a special gift.
The group allows members to
share their thoughts and feelings around
what’s happened
discuss the nature of suicide
gain information and ideas about how to care
for themselves and others, including children, after a
All memberships include your catering for the day, the
world famous TEDx Christchurch goody bag plus access to the post-event reception.
The group is facilitated by professional counsellors
and/or trained educators and runs over 8 weeks.
For more info:
Next programme: Monday nights, starts 12th October in
Time: 7—9pm
Cost: No cost, donation welcome
To register your interest in attending please contact
Phone: 366 9284 or 0800 876 682
Theatre of Spontaneity 2015
Open Psychodrama Evenings - everyone welcome
First Tuesday of the Month. Next on October 6th. 6.30
to 9.00 p.m. Please arrive from 6.15pm.
Wise Up: 8 week course for children 6 – 12 years,
Facilitator: Ali Watersong, Theme: Spring
teaching skills for everyday life
Venue: Addington Haven Hall, Corner of Church
Square and Grove Road, Addington.
Children learn how to recognise feelings and emotions
and explore different ways of dealing with these. They
learn team work, how to handle peer pressure and to
keep themselves safe.
Cost: Koha
Come and participate in an evening of Psychodrama
conducted by experienced group practitioners. Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which
aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships
and build community.
Facilitators come from backgrounds in social work,
psychology and teaching. Held each term in different
community venues. Term 4 venue is Hornby Primary
School, Thursdays from 3.30 to 5pm (for 8 weeks).
Starting Date 15th October 2015.
Organised by the Christchurch branch of the Australian
and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association.
Cost is a small contribution, please discuss this with
the Wise Up co-ordinator.
Participants require:
 Comfy casual clothing (uniform is fine),
 Water bottle
 Please give your child something to eat before attending.
MHAPS (Mental Health Advocacy and Peer
Support) Themes Speakers’ Programme
One hour talks on subjects relevant to your mental and
physical health at which you may ask questions. Hand
out material will also be available, these talks are intended to raise awareness of mental health issues and
include tools to assist with recovery and well being.
Introduction to Compassionate Communication (Non-Violent Communication)
When:7th October 6pm Topic: Confidence and SelfEsteem, Speaker: Clem McGrath, Life Coach Associates
Learn effective communication and conflict resolution
skills and create authentic connections between yourself and others. Practice self- empathy to support your
immune and nervous systems.
When: 4th November 2015 Topic: Sleep
Speaker: Veronika Gabel
When: 2 day training on 17 & 18 October 2015
Where:Rudolf Steiner School 19 OmbersleyTce ChCh
When: 2nd December 2015 Topic: Strategies for Recovery & Wellbeing. Speaker: To be confirmed
$170 including lunch: contact or
phone 027 2026 660 to register.
Wellbeing Workshops: When: Weekly on Thursdays
12.30pm – 2.30pm
Events Venue: MHAPS, 826 Colombo Street, ChCh
More information from MHAPS, ph 365 9479 or go to:
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
A huge range of classes are available.
Term 4 begins 19th October 2015. To enrol, please
phone the School Office on (03) 352 0701
over the last 20 odd years or more with collective experience running the Essentially Men weekend along
with Essence and The Crucible. Trained by Rex
McCann you will experience the warmth and loving
these men bring to the work along with own life experience.
Alzheimers Society Community Education
Seminar Series
When: Fri: 7pm-10pm Sat: 9.30 – group decided finish. Sun: 9.30 -2pm (clean up by 4pm).
Free education sessions focused on families caring for
someone with dementia. All seminars are held in our
Meeting Room or the Hall at 314 Worcester Street,
Linwood. Please contact the office to register.
Cost: TBC
Adult Classes at Papanui High School
Enquiries: Essentially Men 09 376 2386, email or or
call Donald from Canterbury Men’s Centre on phone
03 365 9000.
Morning Seminars – 10.30 am – 12 noon:
• Keeping Active with Dementia – Tuesday 20 October
• Dementia: Changes and Loss – Monday 16 November
• Dementia: Caring and Stress – Tuesday 8 December
Venue: Bellbird Heights, Living Springs.
Men Building Stronger Relationships
Evening Seminars – 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm:
• Behaviours & Dementia – Wednesday 25 November
• For Adult Children of People with Dementia –
Wednesday 28 October.
These groups are for men who want to build stronger
relationships with partners, family, or friends. You will
have opportunities to learn to better manage conflict ,
communicate more effectively, gain greater understanding of yourself and bring new life to the way you
relate to others. The group will use a range of action
methods, including psychodrama and role training, and
group discussion.
Canterbury Men’s Centre: Crucible Canterbury
course October 23-25th 2015
The group will help you tap into who you really are and
bring it out with others. The skills and capacities developed will transfer to your everyday life and resource
you to step-up in ways you want to. Expect to be
hands-on together and to learn by putting ourselves
forward and getting alongside each other’s offerings.
Weekend group: Friday 30th Oct. 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Sat. 31st Oct 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sun 1st Nov. 9:00am - 4:00pm
The facilitators will help tap into the group themes and
back the initiatives taken by group members. Techniques are eclectic and include action methods, body
work, expressive therapies and rituals.
To enrol and for further information contact:
Simon –Phone/Txt 0272767612 or email Limited spaces available.
Cost $60 – unwaged/ low income, $120 – waged
Where: Urban Eden, 296 Barbados St. Christchurch.
The facilitators Jon Brewerton, Terence Greenslade
and Ian Drower have been engaged with men’s work
One regular programme featured by Wellington Access Radio is Collaborative Voices. Hosted by Ros
Rice, EO of Community Networks Aotearoa, this programme profiles community organisations and their
people as well as keeping the sector up to date with
topical issues.
Wai-Ora Community Garden Plots 2015-2016
Rachel Vogan ( ) is the
Garden Mentor, with support from Zealandia, Tui Garden Products, and Community Gardens. Land, seeds,
tools supplied. If you or your group can commit to
weekly attendance, contact
for an application form. There is a $100 fee - payable
on acceptance.
Collaborative Voices is replayed by some access radio
stations throughout the country, however is also available to download as a podcast by clicking on or by visiting so have a listen and enjoy
hearing some informal conversation about issues
which are relevant, informative and important to all of
us working in and with our communities.
What is community access radio?
Community access radio stations are by, for and about
their communities and exist to provide a media platform for groups whose voices usually aren’t heard in
mainstream radio.
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
The Star Community Newspapers have a stable
Supervision – an essential support
of community newspapers and would love to hear from
the local community, either events, people achieving
cool things or good human interest stories and school
successes - as well as all the usual local news.
Your wellbeing and your work in the community can be
supported with good regular supervision. Find out
about what supervision is and isn’t, and find the right
supervisor for you at
We will also have a dedicated events page, which
some community groups might find useful. We have a
Q&A on a local person each week, who may have
done, achieved, have a good story to tell.
To contact Pegasus Post, Western News, Nor’West
News and Southern View on Facebook see:
Mental Health Awareness Week - 5 to 11 Oct
The theme this year is Give. You can now order free
posters, cards & stickers to support events and activities. There is also a children's colouring competition
over three age groups, each with a $50 Prezzy card
prize. To find out more or down load resources:
Beca Heritage Week 9 – 26 October 2015
Community organisations, businesses and individuals
interested in holding events during Beca Heritage
Week 2015 are encouraged to submit an event.
New reporting standards for charities
Some of you may have attended the series of workshops run throughout the country from March-June
explaining the new reporting standards which came
into effect on 1 April. Based on the workshops, Charities Services has produced three videos about the new
standards for tier 4 charities plus a handy booklet.
Visit to view the videos and download the book.
The Structural Poverty Group arose from a hui
organised by Healthy Christchurch in 2006.
Information from the hui was featured on a website
called New Economics
When that site was closed this year, the information
was transferred to the Sustainable Otautahi Christchurch website.
Meeting Rooms Available
This year’s theme is Arrivals and Departures - The
journeys that have shaped us. On Sunday 18 October,
experience a day of fun activities and entertainment at
our Family Fun Day. Explore our city as you learn
about your family heritage and the journeys of your
ancestors with live music, dancing, markets, games
and food stalls. Hop on the free double-decker bus to
connect with numerous heritage hubs around the Central City.
Any Not-for-profit organisational member of VolCan or
COSS now has the opportunity to rent venues at
Christchurch Community House at the CCH Members’
See for more information.
Or contact us at or call 360 Degree Events on (03) 943 2237.
Takitaki mai: A guide to Motivational Interviewing for Māori
Rooms to Rent at the Women’s Centre
Looking for a room to rent in Christchurch for an appointment or group meeting, day or evening, week or
weekend? The Women’s Centre has three rooms
available for hire.
This is a great central location, within easy walking
distance of the bus exchange, the Restart Mall and
South City Mall.
Please contact Ariane at the Women’s Centre to find
out about our very reasonable rates and to make a
booking. Call 03 371 7414 or 022 105 5308 or
COSS NEWS Christchurch
Please contact CCH Manager Mike Asmussen phone
03 940 9402 or email for more
Download free at
More information from Wakawairua Limited, 2A/2
Medbury Terrace, Fendalton, Christchurch,8041 Cell: 021-379 895
Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
is scheduled to open in November 2015.
This community facility is a one-stop shop that brings
most of the Council’s services together under one roof.
It will include a reception desk where people can make
queries and payments as well as several flexible
rooms and meeting spaces for hire. Meeting spaces
are available for a variety of social, educational and
recreational activities.
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Includes two large venues catering for up to 400
people (250 in one space and 150 in the other), a
medium-sized space for up to 40 people and four
smaller meeting rooms. Kitchen and function centre facilities are included.
All spaces will be bookable and available to the
public and community groups for extended hours
(beyond normal library hours).
The main hall or “spine” of the facility will be available for use as an exhibition space.
Expressions of interest and enquiries about the spaces
for hire can be made by calling Christchurch City
Council on (03) 941 8999 or 0800 800 169 or visiting
For more information about Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre, please visit
The Community Law Manual 2015 - 2016
This is a comprehensive legal guide, written in plain
English, to help people find solutions ions to everyday
legal issues. The Community Law Manual 2015-2016
hit the shelves in July. The Manual is available to order
now. We offer huge discounts for NGOs, including an
option to bulk purchase the Manual at a fraction of the
cost. It is also available online for free at For individuals, community
groups and organisations, the hard copy Manual is
easier to access and navigate. For more information,
please email
A free stall at the downtown farmer’s market
(Pallet Pavilion) is available to community groups for
fundraising. Contact Alistair Goile 027 338 9007, for more information
about what can and can’t be sold, and how to book.
Meeting Venue available
Comfortable inner city cottage with fully equipped
kitchen is available for hire by not-for-profit groups.
Situated at 28 Hurley Street, the meeting room seats
up to 30 people, plus there’s an attractive outdoor area with barbecue.
Cost is $10 per hour. For bookings phone 03 365
6943 or e-mail
Christchurch Community Accounting
If your group is interested in finding out more about the
new financial reporting rules, we’d recommend you talk
to Harald and the team at Christchurch Community
Accounting. They’re a charity who provide accounting
services to non-profits - including audits, set up assistance and training. You can find out more about their
services by checking their website here:
Intercultural Awareness and Communication
Volunteer Canterbury Events: Workshop with
Rob Jackson
When: 6 October 2015
“Understanding Volunteers and Volunteering today” is
a full day workshop offered by Volunteering Canterbury on Friday 23 October.
Hagley Community College, Hagley Ave, ChCh.
Fee $40 for the one day workshop.
To register contact Mastura Abd Rahman, ph 379
3090 ext 810, or email
The tutor will be Rob Jackson, the U.K.’s leading voice
on volunteer management. Rob has written and
trained internationally for over 20 years, the workshop
will be highly interactive, a bit provocative, and fun!.
From Mistrust to Trust (a Compass seminar)
with Dr Jonathan Baylin A Brain-based Relational
Model for helping defensive children learn to trust.
Date: Friday 6th November 2015 9am to 3pm (morning
tea/lunch provided)
Price: $235
Venue: Commodore Hotel, 449 Memorial Avenue,
More info and to register please go to:
COSS NEWS Christchurch
The workshop will look at some of the key ways in
which society is changing and how these changes affect volunteering. We will discuss what leaders of volunteers can do to update their practices to accommodate these changes, further enhancing their engagement and retention of 21st century volunteers.
You’ll have the chance to explore what you believe
about volunteering – what it is, what it isn’t, why you
think that – and consider what this might mean for your
work as a volunteer leader.
A registration form can be downloaded from
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Unitec’s Graduate Diploma & Graduate Certificate in Not for Profit Management
Designed for managers and co-ordinators of not-forprofit organisations, team leaders, volunteers and
board members. The only qualification of its kind, it
addresses the complexity and unique challenges of
managing in the not-for-profit sector, compared to a
business or government department.
This is a part-time programme with classes offered in
blocks. The programme consists of eight courses exploring the fundamentals of managing in a complex
community setting. Courses are six days long and offered in two blocks of three days. All assignments and
assessments on the programme are based on the student’s organisation and provide a rich opportunity for
their organisations to benefit from this dynamic learning community.
This highly regarded programme is delivered by a
team who work in the sector so is highly practical with
all classwork and assessments being applied directly
to your organisation. For more information and to apply
for scholarships contact: Shirleen Ali, email address
Identifying & Responding to Vulnerabilty - delivered by Child Matters
This workshop will focus on increasing participants’
understanding of vulnerability and exploring factors
that contribute to vulnerability, risk and child abuse.
Participants will learn how to identify when children
and young people are vulnerable to abuse and neglect, how to respond appropriately and how to intervene early. This workshop aims to provide participants
with the knowledge and skills to identify, support and
protect vulnerable children.
This workshop will also include an introduction to the
Children’s Action Plan, Vulnerable Children’s Act
(2014) and the Christchurch Children’s Team.
The training is appropriate for all practitioners who
work with communities to improve their health and
wellbeing. The primary focus for this training is on
those whose work involves children.
Suicide First Aid Course
15-16 October, from 8.30am - 4:30pm both days.
VENUE: 301 Tuam Street, Christchurch.
+ASIST - The Suicide First Aid course for everyone.
Just like a first aider can make an assessment about
injuries deciding if a visit to the doctor or an ambulance
is required, an +ASIST Suicide First Aider will use
tools and skills to assess if a person needs immediate
help and/or hospitalisation, emergency counselling or
a simple connection to family or friends.
MOH85 - Limited seats for Maori / Pasifika
NGO or NGO who work primarily with these
population groups.
MOH100 - Limited seats for whānau, hapū,
iwi, aiga, fanau and some community members. Strict criteria.
NGO/COM190 - SPECIAL NGO / Community Rate. Limited seats.
NGO / Community Standard Rate (charitable trusts, non government organisations)
Standard Rate
Corporate Rate (Businesses, for-profit organisations)
To register go to
Quaker Lecture - Bryan Bruce
The champion of the underdog and the internationally
acclaimed documentary maker Bryan Bruce, The Investigator,
When: 10 October at 7.30 pm. A the Transitional Cathedral, ChCh. Entry is free and everyone is invited.
In his presentation, What we Know, What We Say
and What We Do, Bryan addresses issues of poverty,
inequality and ethical decision-making particularly as
they relate to New Zealand children. All Welcome.
The first of these trainings, Identifying and Responding
to Vulnerability, is now open for registrations - in order
to make these sessions widely available repeat sessions are offered over separate dates:
If you have any questions, please contact Peg at or 03 337 1424.
2nd October 2015 Time: 9am – 4pm
Venue: MSD
Building, 7 Winston Ave (Waimakiriri Room, Level 4)
Sexual Violence Symposium
12th October 2015 Time: 9am – 4pm
Venue: MSD
Building, 7 Winston Ave (Waimakiriri Room, Level 4)
19th October 2015 Time: 9am – 4pm
Venue: MSD
Building, 7 Winston Ave (Waimakiriri Room, Level 4)
Please RSVP to
Friday 16 October, 9am - 12.30pm.
At Waipuna Youth & Community Trust, 349 Woodham
Panel discussion and Q&A with a range of Canterbury
Sexual Violence Services to explain what help is
Gold coin donation.
Register by 2 October at
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
GROW: Two workshops with Harry Mills,
acclaimed author, presenter and persuasion expert. 5
& 6 October 2015
5 October: The AHA Influencer’s Change Slate
Workshop The science and secrets of eliminating resistance to your ideas, proposals and change strategies.
(RHISE) group, established after the February 2011
Canterbury earthquake.
Dates: Wednesday 24th to Friday 26 February 2016
Location: The Air Force Museum of New Zealand
Cost: $550 per person (including GST).Available until
Sunday 29th November 2015.
6 October Secret Sauce – packing your message with
punch. Secret Sauce will tell you how to pack all your
presentations, proposals and messages with persuasive punch.
Visit the People in Disasters Conference 2016 website
for more information: .
Also on Facebook
Venue: L3, 2 Hazeldean Road Addington Chch
Time: 9.00am to 4.30pm
Cost: $350 incl GST each course, morning/afternoon
tea and lunch included. If second course booked this
is discounted to $290 plus GST.
It’s not just about Canterbury, New Zealand. People
from a variety of geographical and professional backgrounds with experience of many different natural disasters will put the Christchurch experience into a rich,
international context, greatly enhancing delegates’
depth and breadth of understanding of people in disasters.
For more info and to register go to . There is a 3
stage booking process. If any problems contact Cris
Sanders ph 06 878 3456 email
One day workshop with Moya Sayer
19 & 20 November 2015
Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools to connect people to your cause. Stories are powerful communication vehicles. Stories can win hearts, change
minds and strengthen connections in teams and organisations
Our favourite Story Guru - Moya Sayer Jones - is back!
We are delighted to present three new workshops dedicated to teaching you how to engage people in your
story. As founder of Only Human Communication, Moya is regarded as one of Australasia’s leading experts
on story. She works with both NGOs and government
organisations, and helps promote organisations by
telling their stories effectively and passionately.
•Thu 19 Nov: The Power of Story
• Fri 20 Nov: How to Write Stories for Change
Conference from Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA)
To provide you with the opportunity to engage with the
community housing sector creating the environment to
develop community solutions, create partnerships and
transform how our communities respond to housing
need in Aotearoa.
This conference will be key to setting the housing
agenda to carry New Zealand forward to our goal of
providing homes for 50,000 people by 2020 so come
and join the conversation.
Dates: Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd October 2015
Location: Te Wharewaka o Poneke (15 Jervois Quay,
Cost: $595 for CHA members, and $750 for nonmembers. Single day and pre-conference training day
registrations are also available.
For more info and registration visit the 2015 Impact
Conference website
•Venue: Grant Thornton Level 3, 2 Hazeldean Road,
Addington, Christchurch
All workshops cost $360 (incl) This includes:
 Attendance at the workshop
 Networking breaks
 Name tag, delegate list
 Workbook and materials
 Welcoming coffee/tea, morning and afternoon
tea, and lunch.
For more info, email:
People in Disasters Conference 2016
The inaugural People in Disasters Conference will be
held in Christchurch in February 2016. It is a joint venture between Canterbury District Health Board and
Researching the Health Implications of Seismic Events
COSS NEWS Christchurch
Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 Seminar
Workplace Health & Safety is undergoing significant
- Is your organization prepared and ready?
- Do you know your duties and responsibilities under
the new legislation?
- Does your organisation understand the key components of a well-designed Health & Safety Management System?
This seminar is for community groups and sports clubs
who run events, programmes and recreation activities
in a paid and voluntary capacity.
3.30 – 5pm, Thursday 15th October, Bishopdale
YMCA, 13a Bishopdale Courts, Christchurch.
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Cost is $25, please RSVP to Tracy Tai Payment will be an invoice to your
organization following your registration. For more information contact Tracy via email or call 03 941 5008
For more information please ring Jacqui Miller on 941
5333 or email
Get Set Go!
Spread the Word!
Your guide to promoting community recreation programmes and events.
Learn how to put together a Promotions Plan including:
 Targeting your audience
 Choosing your message
 Choosing the best ways to communicate
 Putting your plan into action
 Evaluating your promotional plan
WHEN: Friday 30 October 9:45 am – 2:30 pm.
WHERE: South Library/Service Centre Boardroom –
Beckenham, 66 Colombo Street
Cost: $35 per person voluntary/not for profit organisations or $55 per person Govt agencies or other
To register email
An essential course for organisers of community recreation programmes and events:
 Designing programmes to suit your community
 Getting the right venue, equipment and accessibility
 Risk Management
 Managing Volunteers
 Effective evaluations
WHEN: Friday 27 November 2015, 9:45 am – 2:30
WHERE: South Library/Service Centre Boardroom –
Beckenham, 66 Colombo Street
Cost: $35 per person voluntary/not for profit organisations or $55 per person Govt agencies or other
To register email
For more information please ring Jacqui Miller on 941
5333 or email
Community Internship programme
Applications open today for community groups to gain
a skilled professional free of charge to work in their
organisation for up to a year The Community Internship programme funds the employment costs for
community groups to hire specialists to help them on a
specific project for one year part-time, or up to six
months full-time.
To apply, community groups need to identify an area
for development, locate an appropriately skilled professional to achieve the outcomes, and gain approval
from the person’s employer to be involved in this
scheme. Applications open on 22 July and close on 16
September. Successful internships can begin early in
2016 More info on
or call 0800 824 824 FREE
Christchurch City Council Funding
The Discretionary Response Fund opened for applications on 1st July 2015. The criteria for this fund are
CCC Community Funding Team Ph 941 5488, email
demonstrate the community benefit of the organisation
or any members receiving training. To find out more
and to apply:
The Mazda Foundation Trust
Aims include (but are not limited to) the provision of
financial aid to individuals and causes which may qualify for income tax deductibility for gifts and which provide:  Assistance towards the maintenance and improvement of the natural environment
 Assistance in the advancement of culture and education to achieve excellence at all levels in the
 Assistance to young people through advancement
of education and employment skills development,
with particular emphasis on children from deprived
 Assistance in the arts where the goal is to educate
and expose the NZ public on NZ culture
The closing date for the next round of Mazda Foundation applications is 31 March 2016. For more information or to download an application form, visit
Lottery Ministers Discretionary Fund Includes
provision for training for financial planning and/or good
governance. Community organisations need to
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Ministry of Youth Development Funding
Services for Young People Fund
The Tindall Foundation provides funding for pro-
We provide funding to community-based services for
young people aged 12-24 in New Zealand. These services provide opportunities for young people to connect with their communities, gain confidence and learn
new skills.
viders of services to young children, families, youth
development, Maori and minority ethnic groups,
adult literacy, budgeting or community services and
development. There is no closing date. See the
Tindall Foundation website at or
call (09) 488 0170, email
Small Communities Youth Grant Fund
The ‘Small Communities’ Youth Grant Fund aims to
support young people from New Zealand’s island
communities to apply for grants of between $2,000 $5,000 for youth-led initiatives and activities for and by
young people aged 12 to 24 years.
CERA Funding: Rotary has been asked by CERA
to help strengthen communities and they have a web
site at
They have been established to support locally initiated
projects that contribute towards improving wellbeing
and building resilient communities and neighbourhoods’. Applicants to the fund can apply for up to
$500 for small neighbourhood events and up to $4,000
for larger community events.
The Fletcher Trust is pleased to receive applications for assistance from groups working in the areas
of education and youth development. There is no formal application form. Instead, organisations are invited to put their case for consideration forward in their
own words. As The Trust meets quarterly, applicants
can usually expect a prompt response.
Every application is treated on its merits, but the
Trust's main aim is to support education and youth development programmes. In particular, applications for
'start-up' funding are welcome.
The Trust accepts one application per 12 months from
any organisation. Website address is:
The Learning Fund J R McKenzie Trust
The Learning Fund makes small grants (up to $500)
towards the costs to access the learning opportunities
where sharing happens. If there’s a conference or a
training session which is relevant to this work, but you
can’t afford the registration fee or you’d like to visit another organisation doing this kind of work and need
financial help to get there. To find out more go to
COSS NEWS Christchurch
Canterbury Community Trust (Now Rata
Foundation) closing dates
Sport & Recreation
Chatham Islands
6 November
6 November
Note: All applications must be made online. Further
information from the advisors at 0508 266 878 or
Need Help Now Fund - Canterbury Community
Trust (Now Rata Foundation)
Canterbury Community Trust have established this
fund to support the post-earthquake community and
social infrastructure of Canterbury by dispersing $2m
within 12 months. One Need Help Now fund is up to
$50,000 for stretched organisations experiencing
greater demands and new delivery challenges, and a
second Building Communities fund is up to $5,000 for
wellbeing activities and events.
Application forms available on:
Lottery Grants 2015 dates
(Fund name
Closes Committee meeting date)
Lottery Community (Regional and National): midlate October.
Lottery Community Facilities: early-mid December.
Lottery World War One Commemorations, Environment and Heritage: early-mid December.
Lottery Marae Heritage and Facilities: early-mid
Lottery Community Sector Research: late November.
For more information see:
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015
Individual commitment to a group effort —
that is what makes a team work, a company work,
a society work, a civilization work. ~
Vince Lombardi
The Council of Social Services in Christchurch Inc
Te Kaunihera Kaupapa Oranga ki Otautahi
Charities Commission Registration No: CC26511
Ph: 03 366 2050 Email: Facebook: Council of Social Services Christchurch
Membership: Membership entitles you to the monthly newsletter, voting and nomination rights, attendance at meetings, advocacy and the right to bring concerns to the attention of the Board.
Associate membership: Associate members subscribe to the newsletter for the same cost as membership.
Donations: Many community groups these days are facing a cut in funding. Any donations will help to ensure that COSS will continue to provide information and a voice for community groups.
Annual Membership / Subscription
Organisations (Income $75,000 or more) $55.00
(Income under $75,000)
(Unwaged) payment at Member’s discretion
If finance is the only barrier to membership, please contact the COSS office on (03) 366 2050.
COSS NEWS Christchurch
October/Whiringa Nuku 2015