Office of Affirmative Action - (870) 972-2015
Dating Violence
Opposite Sex
On campus
Same Sex
Off Campus
…Gender-based Without Permission
Sexual Misconduct includes…
• 1 in 10 girls by the end of high school
• 1 in 4 women during four years of college 25%
• 1 in 7 men during their lifetime
*Assaults are under-reported in general and even more so
by male victims. A 2002 study found that only 5% of all
sexual assaults are reported.
Sexual Assault Statistics
• Sexual Assault is sexual intercourse or intrusion
without consent. ASU calls this Non-Consensual
Intercourse and includes vaginal, anal, and oral
• Sexual Violence does not necessitate sex. It can
be an attempted, but incomplete act or other
gender-based non-consensual act. This is NonConsensual Contact and includes light touching,
dating violence, etc...
Sexual Assault & Violence…
A person can not give consent if they are…
• Incapacitated – has no understanding of “who, what,
when, where, why or how”
• intoxicated
• lack of mental or physical capacity
• Unconscious or asleep
• Forced – does not require resistance and includes threats,
intimidation, and coercion
• Silence does NOT give permission
• Giving into pressure or intimidation is NOT consent
Must have Consent - Permission
“No” always means “No”
“Yes” may mean “No”
“Yes” can be changed to “No”
Anything but clear, knowing and voluntary permission
to any sexual action is “No”
NO means NO
What is your Sexual Assault IQ…
Test Your Knowledge
True or False
When answering a confidential survey, almost 1/3 of
college men said that they would rape, if they could be
assured of not getting caught.
• True
Culturally sexist attitudes, disrespectful attitudes
True or False
Sometimes women can cause rape by the way they dress
and act.
• False
No one asks or dresses to “be raped”
Research suggests that up to 70% of rapes are planned in
advance; therefore, the victim’s behavior or dress at the time
of the incident is insignificant.
True or False
It is always better to get a ride from someone than walk
alone at night, even if you don’t know the person well.
• False
Ride with someone you know or take a taxi;
Riding with the wrong person puts you at the risk of being
taken miles away from the last place you were seen;
Walking keeps you closer to people who know you, saw you
last, and where you can get help.
True or False
Alcohol is rarely a factor in college acquaintance rapes.
• False
90% occur with at least one person under the influence
• Sexual Exploitation includes invasion of sexual
privacy, voyeurism (peeping Toms), nonconsensual video or audio-taping, prostituting
another, knowingly transmitting an STI or HIV to
another individual, and going beyond the
boundaries of consent.
…Sexual Exploitation…
Sexual Exploitation Stats – Explicit Photos*
• 1 in 4 teens and 1/3 of adults have sent or posted an explicit photo of
themselves including:
• 22% teen girls
• 18% teen boys
• 11% young teen girls (13-16 years old)
• 40% of men and 1/3 of boys report seeing the photos
• 15% of males report disseminating photos after a break-up
Child porn and/or exploitation if under 18 years old
• Federal: 5-20 years, lifetime duty to register as a sex offender
• Arkansas: 5-30 years; fines up to $15, 000; lifetime sex offender
*Texas Study
• Sexual Harassment
1. Unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct
that is,
2. Sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it,
3. Unreasonably interferes with, denies, alters, or limits
someone’s ability to participate in or benefit from the
university’s educational programs, activities, and/or
employment, and is
4. Based on power differentials (quid pro quo), the
creation of a hostile or intimidating environment, or
…and Sexual Harassment
GAs and student workers are both non-supervisory employees
and students. As employees they are responsible for reporting
violations which may put the victim or the campus community in
further danger. Ask yourselves, “Is it likely to occur again?” and
“Is there a fear of further harm?”
GA’s and student workers must be cautious about their
relationships with other students who may see them in positions
of leadership or authority and may consider their actions as
Employees must be very cautious about their relationships with
students or subordinates. If the relationship ends badly, sexual
harassment may be alleged.
Relationships of Caution
Define yourself and your sexual limits – be firm
Do not give mixed messages
Stay with a group/friends you trust - avoid secluded areas
Trust your gut feelings!
Practice self-defense
Challenge sexist attitudes that make rape acceptable
Be aware of controlling behavior in your relationships:
Intimidating stares
Degrading jokes or language
Refusal to accept “no” about anything
Insistence on making all of the “important” decisions
Extreme jealously, possessiveness
History of violent behavior
Reduce Risk and Be Aware
Health consequences one may experience after being traumatized:
Loss of Control
Embarrassment, shame
Anxiety, shaking, nightmares
Concern for the rapist
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Rape trauma syndrome
Broken Bones
Bruising/damage internally
Feeling sick/throwing up
Sleeping all the time or
Unable to fall asleep
Signs – Help may be needed
• Listen and believe. Victims may feel scared, ashamed,
angry, or depressed. Listen, believe and indicate you
want to help. The healing process is slow.
• Seek medical attention immediately. Go to the doctor or
hospital. Put clothing in a paper bag, pillow case, or
wrap in newspaper – NOT plastic.
• Report to the university and police as appropriate.
• Be the hero! Don’t go along with sexist, macho attitudes
and teasing that promotes harassment and rape. Stand-up
for yourself and others, and encourage respect.
Be a Hero – How to Help
Title IX Coordinator, Traci Perrin
(870) 972-2015 or
Reports to the Title IX Coordinator, UPD or supervisory personnel are
non-confidential; however, only people who need to know will be told,
and information will be shared only as necessary with investigators,
witnesses, and the accused individual. Compliance with employee
privacy laws and FERPA (student privacy) are maintained.
Who do I tell?
Title IX Coordinator, Traci Perrin
(870) 972-2015 or
You may also report violations to non-supervisory faculty, advisors,
support staff, and others who will be discrete while offering assistance.
These individuals are not required to report to the Title IX Coordinator
unless there is a fear of further risk or harm.
Medical and mental health providers, clergy, and crisis centers can
provide increased confidentiality and support as well.
*If the situation involves a minor (under 18) it may also be Child
Maltreatment and require reporting to the Arkansas Child Abuse
Hotline and/or local police.
Other reporting possibilities…
As an employee of ASU, you are a
mandated reporter of Child Maltreatment.
• Abuse
• Neglect
• Abandonment
• Sexual Abuse
• Sexual Exploitation
Child Maltreatment
Report to the
Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-482-5964
if you:
• Have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has
been subjected to child maltreatment
• Have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has
died as a result of child maltreatment
• Observe a child being subjected to conditions or
circumstances that would reasonably result in child
Child Maltreatment refers to individuals under the
age of 18.
You must report instances which occur any where,
any time. This is a 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week
requirement and responsibility as long as you are a
state employee.
If Child Maltreatment occurs on campus or at a
campus event, it must also be reported to HR per
ASU System Policy.
Who and When
Not reporting Child Maltreatment is
punishable by a fine up to $2,500,
imprisonment up to 1 year or both
Child Abuse Hotline
(870) 972-2015
Traci Perrin –
Sandra Elliott –
Questions or Concerns…