Are you imaginative?

Speaking and listening
Today we are going to work in groups to:
• Accommodate one another views.
• Reach a joint agreement.
Are you imaginative?
Can you work with others?
Do you
loooooove chocolate?
If the answer is yes
then why not create
a new chocolate bar
for our expanding
All ideas will be
Which ingredients?
The chocolate
Dried Fruit
Corn flakes Raisins
Puffed rice
puffed rice
I think we should use__________because
In your groups you have 15 minutes to discuss.
Now name it!
Now you have decided on your bar what are
you going to call it?
Think back to before Easter when we
discussed how adverts used:
sensory words
Appealing adjectives
imperative verbs
Try as many combination of these
words as possible to invent a new name.
The new chocolate bar names
Speaking and listening
To use a clear voice.
To present ideas clearly to others.
To listen carefully to the ideas of others.
To ask relevant questions.
One of your group to act as a member of a
board of directors for the chocolate
The rest of your group need to try and
convince the board of directors to accept
their chocolate bar idea.
Considerations for the board of directors.
Who will act as chairperson?
Will this change for each presentation?
Also consider how to use eye
How will each group be welcomed?
What will you say?
Who will make notes during the
Will this change for each presentation?
What questions will you ask about:
•the flavour
•the name
•who the chocolate bar might appeal to
•other questions?
Who will ask each question?
What order will the questions be asked in?
How will you bring each presentation to an
How will you announce your decision?
Think about your tone of voice.
Making your presentation
Consider how to use
• eye contact
• tone of voice
How you will stand?
• A nervous presenter will keep their body still and
not make eye contact.
• A confident presenter will be able to scan the
audience and use gestures.
Considerations for the presenters.
How will you introduce your new chocolate
What will you say about:
•the flavour of the chocolate bar
•the name of the chocolate bar
•who the chocolate bar might appeal to
•other points?
Who will present different pieces of
Will their be a lead presenter?
Will you stand/sit?
Will you use resources to help you, for
example, photographs, drawings of your
How will you bring each presentation to an
Our chocolate bar
• As the groups are making their
presentation you can evaluate their
speaking skills.
• Were the words spoken loudly and slowly
enough to be clear?
• Did the presenter make eye contact?
• Did the person stand comfortably/ use
• Were their word choices persuasive?
The winning bar idea
• We felt this presentation was the most
convincing because…
Speaking and listening
A cookery show.
Today we will need to be able to…
•Organise our ideas.
•Speak clearly and audibly.
•Present ideas persuasively.
Have you ever watched a cookery programme?
How is the presentation by the chef organised?
How does the presentation begin?
What do the chefs collect together first?
What type of vocabulary do the presenters use to order the making
stages of the recipe?
How do they end the presentation?
Think of making your chocolate
• Can your bar be made in 6 stages?
• Talk about each making stage with your
On the following slide you will find some phrases that will help you to organise
your presentation.
You do not have to choose the phrases given as you might have some ideas of
your own.
Work as a team to create a script to support your demonstration.
Cookery demonstration
Possible phrases to use
Hello. Today’s recipe is…
Today we will be making…
Today’s recipe could not be simpler. It’s called…
The ingredients you will need are…
Here are the ingredients…
You will need to use…
We have displayed the utensils you will need.They
Step 1
First you should…
The first thing to do is…
It’s best to start by…
We will start this recipe by…
Steps 2 to 6
Secondly, Thirdly, Fourthly…
Next, Now, After that…
You are now ready to …
Finally, Lastly, Last of all
That’s all there is to it!
Good luck!
Thanks for watching.
Have fun making…
Some extra
Remember to…
It’s a good idea to…
It might be best to…
What we will use
Time to rehearse your show
• What will make a good presentation?
Your teacher will now perform a cookery presentation.
Use the following slide to help assess the presentation and think of a target
that would improve the performance next time.
Grading a demonstration.
Spoke clearly
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Spoke with appropriate pace
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Looked at the audience
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Scanned the audience
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Took time to show the steps
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Used the utensils well
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Smiled at times
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Recovered from any mistake
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Any advice?_________________________________________________________
Speaking and listening
Making a chocolate bar advertisement.
Today you should try to:
•Use a slogan
•Listen to the ideas of others.
•Create an introduction
Do you know any advertising slogans?
Write them here.
Today you and your group are going to
create a radio advertisement.
Look at the following slogan.
“Its choc full of chocolate.”
With your R.P decide what you like/dislike about it.
Think, is it memorable?
Are there any clever word choices? If so, what
effect do they have?
Listening to other’s opinions.
In groups you are going to look at a range of slogans.
You need to listen carefully to each others’ ideas.
You must agree on a chocolate bar slogan for your
group but…
It must not be identical to the slogans on the sheet;
you need to change the slogans slightly to make
them original. You might take parts of different
slogans to make a new one.
A good slogan is at the heart of a good advertisement.
Setting the Scene
As well as a slogan an advert will have other
information too.
A slogan will be memorable but the
customer needs to be persuaded that the
bar is what they want or even need.
Can you remember those other language devices used to
persuade and tempt you in advertising?
Intriguing questions
Appealing adjectives
Rhymes an jingles
What language devices are used here?
Some chocolate bars are gone in a moment.
Some chocolate bars become quite boring after a while.
Some chocolate bars are just right.
But only one chocolate bar is just perfect.
Read through the other advertising introductions.
As a team decide which text is most suitable for your chocolate bar slogan
and name.
When you have decided on your introduction name and slogan it’s time to
rehearse your advert.
Think carefully how to deliver the advert using an appropriate speed and tone
of voice.