Q2W.4.2a-e Integrated Task

Integrated Tasks
Culminating Activity:
Magazine – Include Text Features and Graphic Sources
1) One informational article about an issue regarding immigration. (ex: What is
the process people go through to immigrate to the US today? What process
did people go through when they immigrated to the US? What is the dream
act? What is the difference between legal and illegal immigration?)
2) A first person account or interview of an immigrant. (If first person account,
how do you quote text from a source.)
3) In a literary essay compare and contrast the themes of 2 pieces of literature
in the unit.
4) Illustrations and text features that support the article or interview.
If technology is available, encourage students to integrate technology into
their published piece.
What will mastery/success look like?
Magazine Task
3 Proficient
One informational article about The writer taught readers
an issue regarding immigration. different things about a subject.
She put facts, details, quotes, and
ideas into each part of my writing.
A first person account or
The writer wrote the important
interview of an immigrant.
part of an event bit by bit and took
out unimportant parts.
In a literary essay compare and The writer made a claim about a
contrast the themes of 2 pieces
topic or a text and tried to support
of literature in the unit.
her reasons with 1-2 examples
from the texts.
Illustrations and text features
that support the article or
The writer taught his readers
different things about the subject.
The writer included different
kinds of facts and details such as
numbers, names, and examples.
The writer made choices about
organization. He might have used
compare/contrast, cause/effect, or
pro/con. He may have used
diagrams, charts, headings, bold
words, and definition boxes to
help teach his readers.
Integrated Tasks
Indicators of mastery/success? (criteria expectations with rubric…)
Magazine Rubric – Culminating Task Q2
Writers Workshop
Students will progress through all stages of the writing process and publish at least
1 informational article about an issue regarding immigration. (ex: What is the
process people go through to immigrate to the US today? What process did people
go through when they immigrated to the US? What is the Dream Act? What is the
difference between legal and illegal immigration?)
(If technology is available, narratives should be typed at the publishing stage.)
Students will use the published piece in their magazine.
Lucy Calkins Writing Resources
Narrative Checklist document – CL_INFO_G4
What to do when – IT_INFO_G4
Informational Rubric – RU_IFO_G4
Student Analysis – G4_PW_INFO
Student Work – G4_SWS_INFO
Informative/Explanatory: Informative Article Unit