Idaly Chavez
September 6, 2011
English 4B
Exemplification Essay
Dream Act
The Dream Act should be passed because it gives the United States foreign people’s wisdom in scholarly events, better opportunities to immigrants by providing them with an education, and raises America’s economy due to the decrease of government expenses. The
Dream Act is a serious step that can change America’s reform on illegal aliens. This reform can affect many illegal and legal people around the world so dedication by our government has to be present in order to not fall into political inefficiency. Many organizations and advocates for both parties have been debating this issue and it has become important in recent history.
The Dream Act was first introduced to congress in 2001 by Luis Gutierrez in the House of Representatives and the Senate. It was never called the Dream Act, yet it is believed that it has almost the same wording and the exact same definition. Other similar acts were also put aside by congress as well as the Dream Act. In 2009, it was re-introduced to congress, which reminded
America the dreams of millions of illegal immigrants were still hoping for a second chance.
Since 2009, President Obama has been trying to pass the act with the help of his campaign.
Many attempts have been made but failure over powers success.
The Dream Act is a legislative proposal that gives temporal residency to formal illegal students in the United States. Illegal immigrants under the age of 35 only qualify for this
proposal and they need to have proof of attending American schools when they were minors.
Dream Act stands for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors and really emphasizes the dream of 2 million immigrants waiting for a change.
The United States benefits from the Dream Act because it brings new people to the system. Instead of prohibiting their establishment as Americans, we should grant them the opportunity to have the tools for projects that can make America better. If we give them our utilities, their ideas can impact our technology and businesses. New people always bring new ideas and with the contribution of America, extraordinary things can happen.
What illegal immigrants have always seek since they landed in our land, is better opportunities. We can compare our ancestors setting foot on America. They were running away from religious persecution and bad government. Illegal immigrants are running away from gangs, bad representation and a non-stopping drug war between the people. I agree with sending back problematic individuals, but my question is why we are so broad when judging a group of people. Not everyone is the same so nobody should be treated the same way.
The Dream Act is a great start for America’s economy to rise. With the graduation of more than 2 million people, government revenue would rise and the spending would decrease.
Take the following information from into consideration, “The children of undocumented immigrants are far more likely to drop out of high school than are students who were born in the U.S. Immigration status and the associated barriers to higher education contribute to this high dropout rate, which costs taxpayers and the economy billions of dollars each year. The DREAM Act would eliminate these barriers for thousands of students.” Illegal
statuses in minors and college students is already a problem, so fixing it with the Dream Act would lower the drop out rates and decrease taxes for the middle class.
The Dream Act can produce many good things for America but not many people understand the reasons. The proposal is beneficial to the United States, Americans, and illegal immigrants by various grounds. o Thesis: The Dream Act should be passed because it gives the United States foreign people’s wisdom in scholarly events, better opportunities to immigrants by providing them with an education, and raises America’s economy due to the decrease of government expenses.
It is minimum than 700 words.
No MLA headings
The thesis is valid
Passing the dream act, would help the economy and science. Also it would give hope to many immigrants
The essay goes straight to the point in the beginning, but then gives the examples.
The info is not in order