Grade: __9____ Carlisle County Public Schools Unit of Study Content Area: __Science___________ Course: __Biology_________________ Bundle/Unit Title: __Introduction to Biology: A Look into Biology____________________________ Unit Synopsis Knowledge of Content Proposed Teaching Date Standard A1. Scientific Inquiry c. Collect, organize, and analyze data accurately and precisely (e.g., using scientific techniques and mathematics in experiments) e. Write and speak effectively to present and explain scientific results, using appropriate terminology and graphics f. Safely use laboratory equipment and techniques when conducting scientific investigations A.2. Mathematics and Measurement in Science a. Use appropriate SI units for length, mass, time, temperature, quantity, area, volume, and density, and describe the relationships among SI unit prefixes (e.g., centi-, milli-, kilo-) and how SI units are related to analogous English units c. Use graphical models, mathematical models, and simple statistical models to express patterns and relationships determined from sets of scientific data A.3. Science in Practice a. Describe the fundamental assumptions of science f. Use a variety of appropriate sources (e.g., Internet, scientific journals) to retrieve relevant information; cite references properly 1|Page Gap Learning Targets -Collect , organize, and analyze data -Write and speak effectively to present scientific results -Safe use of lab equipment -Use Appropriate SI units -Use of graphing, math, and simple statistical models S T O P B U I L D A S S E S S M E N T Student-Friendly “I Can…” Statements 1. 2. 3. I can collect, organize, and analyze data accurately and precisely I can write and speak effectively to present and explain scientific results, using terminology and graphics I can safely use lab equipment and techniques when conducting investigations. 4. I can use SI units and describe prefixes and how SI units are related to English units. 5. I can use graphical, mathematical, and simple statistical models to express patterns and relationships determined from sets of scientific data 1. I can describe fundamental assumptions of science I can use a variety of sources to retrieve relevant information. 2. Summer 2011 Critical Vocabulary observation, data, inference, hypothesis, controlled experiment, manipulated variable, responding variable, biology, Metric System, microscope, science A.4. Foundations a. Describe the biological criteria that need to be met in order for an organism to be considered alive d. Use mathematics to enhance the scientific inquiry process (e.g., choosing appropriate units of measurement, graphing and manipulating experimental data) 1. 2. CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT & REFLECTION Interim & End of Unit Common Assessments (Assessments & Rubrics Attached) Proposed Assessment Standards Assessment Method Date Matching or Multiple Choice over Vocabulary for Interim Assessment. A, B, C, D, E, F I can describe the criteria that needs to be met for an organisms to be considered living. I can use math to enhance scientific inquiry Interventions for Struggling Students Extensions for Proficient Students 25 multiple choice questions 1 constructed-response INSTRUCTIONAL RIGOR & STUDENT ENGAGEMENT/INSTRUCTIONAL RELEVANCE Resources: Essential Instructional Activities: 2|Page organism Summer 2011 Individual Teacher Activities: DAY # Day 1 Day 2 “I CAN STATEMENTS….” I can understand the terminology used in an experiment. I can make a graph using information that I have gathered in the classroom. Instructional Activities Vocabulary Notebook on key terms of Unit 1: observation, data, inference, hypothesis, controlled experiment, manipulated variable, responding variable, theory , law, cell, technology Formative Assessment Check of the Vocabulary Notebook Poster session: Graphing exercise The graphs presented in class. Intervention Extension 3A 1C, 1E, 4D Alternate Assignment Using Graphing Skills Lab pages 49-54 in Lab Manual A Day 3/4 Day 5 I can use lab equipment safely when conducting scientific investigations Recognizing Laboratory Safety Lab, along with Identifying Laboratory Equipment Lab The lab handout I can make measurements in Metric and compare them to English Units. Making Metric Measurements Lab: Length, Mass, time, temp, quantity, area, volume, and density. Page 27-30 In Lab Manual A The lab handout New American Lecture, Topic: Characteristics of Living Things. Visual Organizer, Review Questions: Mastery, Understanding (compare/contrast), Interpersonal, Self Expressive. Hook and Bridge and Synthesis Task The information from Instructional Activities will be turned in. Day 6 I can identify the 5 characteristics of a living organism 3|Page 1F 2A, 4D 4A Summer 2011 Ideas and Thoughts for Refinement 4|Page Summer 2011