Multinational Accounting: Translation of Foreign Entity Statements
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Multinational Accounting
• When a U.S. multinational company prepares
its financial statements for reporting to its
stockholder, it must include its foreign operations
measured in U.S. dollars and reported using
• These foreign operations may be subsidiaries,
branches, or investments of the U.S. company.
Multinational Accounting
• Accountants preparing financial statements must
consider both the differences in accounting
principles and the differences in currencies used
to measure the foreign entity’s operations.
• For example, a British subsidiary of a U.S.
company provides the parent with statements
measured in British pounds sterling, using the
British system of accounting, which is different
from U.S. accounting methods and measures.
Multinational Accounting
• The U.S. parent company must typically perform
the following steps in the translation and
consolidation of the British subsidiary (see next
Multinational Accounting
• Receive British subsidiary’s financial statements,
which are reported in pounds sterling.
• Restate the statements to conform to U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles.
• Translate the statements measured in pounds
sterling into their equivalent U.S. dollar amounts.
• Consolidate the translated subsidiary’s
accounts, which are now measured in dollars,
with the parent company’s accounts.
Determining the Functional Currency
• There are three possible alternatives for the
exchange rate to be used in converting foreign
currency values to the U.S. dollar:
– Current Rate: the exchange rate at the end of the
trading day on the balance sheet date.
– Historical Rate: the exchange rate that existed
when an initial transaction took place.
– Average Rate: the period is usually a simple
average for a period of time.
Determining the Functional Currency
• Functional currency is defined as “the currency
of the primary economic environment in which
the entity operations; normally that is the
currency of the environment in which an entity
primarily generates and receives cash.”
Determining the Functional Currency
• FASB 52 indicates that the following six items
must be assessed in order to determine an
entity’s functional currency:
Cash Flows.
Sales Prices.
Sales Markets.
Intercompany Transactions.
Determining the Functional Currency
• Most foreign affiliates use their local currency as
the functional currency because the majority of
cash transactions of a business generally take
place in the currency of the country in which the
entity operates.
• Also, the foreign affiliate usually has active sales
markets in its own country and obtains financing
from local sources.
Determining the Functional Currency
• Some foreign-based entities, however, use a
functional currency different from the local
currency: for example, a U.S. company
subsidiary in Venezuela may conduct virtually
all of its business in Brazil, or a branch operating
in Britain may well use the U.S. dollar as its
major currency although it maintains its
accounting records in British pounds sterling.
Functional Currency Designation in Highly
Inflationary Economies
• An exception to the criteria for selecting a
functional currency is specified when the
foreign entity is located in countries such as
Argentina and Peru, which have experienced
severe inflation.
• Severe inflation is defined as inflation
exceeding 100 percent over a three-year
Highly Inflationary Economies
• The FASB concluded that the volatility of
hyperinflationary currencies distorts the
financial statements if the local currency
is used as the foreign entity’s functional
• Therefore, in cases of operations located in
highly inflationary economies, the reporting
currency of the U.S. parent—the U.S.
dollar—should be used as the foreign
entity’s functional currency.
Highly Inflationary Economies
• Once a foreign affiliate’s functional currency is
chosen, it should be used consistently.
• However, if changes in economic circumstances
necessitate a change in the designation of the
foreign affiliate’s functional currency, the
accounting change should be treated as a
change in estimated: current and prospective
treatment only, no restatement of prior periods.
Translation versus Remeasurement
• Two different methods are used to restate
foreign entity statements to U.S. dollars:
» Translation
» Remeasurement
Translation versus Remeasurement
• Translation is the most common method used
and is applied when the local currency is the
foreign entity’s functional currency.
• This is the normal case in which, for example, a
U.S. company’s Swiss subsidiary uses the Swiss
franc as its recording and functional currency.
• The subsidiary’s statements must be translated
from the Swiss franc into the U.S. dollar.
Translation versus Remeasurement
• To translate the financial statements, the
company will use the current rate, which is the
exchange rate on the Balance Sheet date to
convert the local currency balance sheet
account balances to the U.S. dollar.
Translation versus Remeasurement
• Remeasurement is the restatement of the
foreign entity’s financial statements from the
local currency measures used by the entity into
the foreign entity’s functional currency.
• Remeasurement is required only when the
functional currency is different from the currency
used to maintain the books and records for the
foreign entity.
Translation versus Remeasurement
• One application of remeasurement is for affiliates located
in countries experiencing hyperinflation.
• For example, an Argentinean subsidiary of a U.S. parent
records and reports its financial statements in the local
currency, the Argentine peso. Because the Argentine
economy experiences inflation exceeding 100 percent
over a three-year period, the subsidiary’s statements
must then be remeasured from Argentine pesos into U.S.
• Most business entities transact and record
business activities in the local currency.
• Therefore, the local currency of the foreign entity
is its functional currency.
• The translation of the foreign entity’s statement
into U.S. dollars is a relatively straightforward
Translation Exchange Rates
Revenue & Expense
Generally, weighted-average
exchange rate for period
covered by statement
Assets & Liabilities
Current exchange rate on
balance sheet date
Stockholders’ Equity
Historical exchange rates
Translation Adjustment
• Because a variety of rates are used to translate
the foreign entity’s individual accounts, the trial
balance debits and credits after translation
generally are not equal.
• The balancing item to make the translated trial
balance debits equal the credits is called the
translation adjustment.
Translation Adjustment
• The translation adjustment resulting from the
translation process is part of the entity’s
comprehensive income for the period.
• FASB 130 requires the reporting of
comprehensive income as part of the primary
financial statements of the entity.
• A second method of restating foreign
affiliates’ financial statements in U.S.
dollars is remeasurement.
• Although remeasurement is not as
commonly used as translation, some
situations exist in which the functional
currency of the foreign affiliate is not
local currency.
• Remeasurement is similar to translation in that
its goal is to obtain equivalent U.S. dollar values
for the foreign affiliate’s accounts so they may
be combined or consolidated with the U.S.
company’s statements.
• The exchange rates used for remeasurement,
however, are different from those used for
translation, resulting in different dollar values for
the foreign affiliate’s accounts.
• The remeasurement process divides the
balance sheet into monetary and nonmonetary
accounts. Monetary assets and liabilities, such
as cash, short-term or long-term receivables,
and short-term or long-term payables, have their
amounts fixed in terms of the units of currency.
Nonmonetary assets are accounts such as
inventories, and plant equipment, which are not
fixed in relation to monetary units.
• The monetary accounts are remeasured using
the current exchange rate.
• These accounts are subject to gains or losses
from changes in exchange rates.
• The appropriate historical exchange rate is
used to remeasure nonmonetary balance
sheet account balances and related revenue,
expense, gain, and loss account balances.
Remeasurement Gain or Loss
• Because of the variety of rates used to
remeasure the foreign currency trail
balance, the debits and credits of the
U.S. dollar equivalent trial balance will
probably not be equal.
• In this case, the balancing item is the
remeasurement gain or loss, which is
included in the period’s income statement.
Remeasurement Gain or Loss
• Any exchange gain or loss arising from the
remeasurement process is included in the
current period’s income statement, usually
under “Other Income.”
• Various account titles are used, such as
Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss), Currency
Gain (Loss), Exchange Gain (Loss), or
Remeasurement Gain (Loss).