ASL 2 Midterm Study Guide Cardinal Numbers – Also counting numbers, while the hand shapes remain the same, different movements and locations are used for different kinds of numbers. (i.e., age numbers, ordinal numbers, money numbers) Ordinal Numbers – Numbers that indicate order in a series. The general order for describing a person using ASL: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Gender Height Body Type Hair Color Hair Type Other (i.e. clothing) Money numbers have their own distinctive form. The form for money numbers under a dollar is a combination of the sign ‘cent’ (index finger moving out from the forehead) and the number. The form for “1 dollar” is similar to the ordinal number “first.” “1dollar” can be made with a slightly bigger twist of the wrist and with a wider arc than the ordinal number. ASL verbs: Plain: Require the signer to specify the subject and object. Raise, Play, Want, Like, Run Inflecting: Allow the signer to indicate the subject and object by changing the direction of movement of the sign. Tell, Give, Ask, How, Help Spatial: Like inflecting verbs, allow the signer to change the direction of the movement of the sign, specifically to indicate location. Like plain verbs, however, the signer must indicate the subject and object. Put, Send Residual Hearing-can affect a deaf person’s ability to communicate using speech. Interpreters for the Deaf: Earn upwards of $30-50 per hour. Must follow a strict code of ethics. Can socialize with Deaf community. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf is also known as RID. RID was created in 1964. Has CI (certificate of interpretation) and CT (certificate of translation) Making a request in ASL: Polite: Give reason + you please for-me + request Familiar: Brief reason + you (please optional) for-me + request Command: You + command What is the number of persons with some degree of hearing loss (ranging from hard-of hearing to profoundly deaf) in the United States? 22-28 million What is FRAT? Why and when was it formed? What is ADA? Why and how were deaf drivers discriminated against? Why have insurance companies discriminated against Deaf people? FRAT is The National Fraternal Society of the Deaf. Founded in 1898, it was formed as a response to discriminatory life-insurance practices. ADA is The American with Disabilities Act. Some car dealers still refuse to allow Deaf to test-drive a new car, supposedly because they’re risky. The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. New-car dealers are required to eliminate architectural and communication barriers, provide auxiliary aids as needed and ensure equal access to any transportation service(s) provided to other customers. Insurance companies consider the Deaf as high risk – more accident-prone than hearing people – and accordingly charge them more. When and why was NTID established? NTID is the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. The NTID was established in 1968. It was created to help address Deaf people’s underemployment in skilled technical trades. Concerns Deaf people have regarding law enforcement: 911 accessibility Clear communication with police and other law enforcement Fair treatment by highway police and county prosecutors Confidentiality of TTY transcripts used as evidence Equal access as participants in courtroom proceedings ADA is The Americans with Disabilities Act. ADA does not require all salesclerks to receive sensitivity training. ADA generally places interpreting costs on employers or facilities. Who are the ‘Big Three’? Gallaudet, NTID, CSUN How do deaf people use warning systems, doorbells, telephones, alarms? Give examples of each of these. Flasher systems alert users to doorbells and ringing phones by causing a dedicated electric light or all the table lamps in a particular room or area to flash. Signaling systems can be rigged up so that lights flash in a certain pattern for the doorbell. Each device can be connected to a specific light or lights, so that they can flash in every room or particular rooms. They can also use differently-colored light bulbs to indicate which device is “ringing.” Vibrotactile devices can also be used, as well as odors used in fire alarms. Strategies for sign language students include: Don’t stare unless you plan to introduce yourself Do not speak in presence of deaf without signing Let the deaf person know you sign Let the deaf person set the communication mode List and define the four (4) common telephone systems in use in U.S. workplaces. Explain why each is compatible or not compatible with a TTY. Centex System – central line with extensions and is not compatible Recording – frustrating due to relay and time constraints and is not compatible Dedicated Lines and Direct Links – extremely expensive and is compatible Tapping into Modem Lines – fax machines and internet and is compatible I. II. III. IV. How can Deaf people’s plight be compared to the treatment of Native America Indians? Dispossessed of Right of Citizenship Denied access to Native Language Forced to assimilate into majority or alien culture What is a Deaf peddler? Explain the history of deaf peddling and the current controversy surrounding it. A deaf peddler sells ABC cards, key chains, trinkets and asks for donations. Peddlers often frequent heavily trafficked areas such as airports, bus stations and restaurants. Historically, it was once an acceptable source of income, now it is frowned upon by many. It is frowned upon because it: perpetuates stereotypical ‘poor deaf/dumb/mute’ and many peddlers are not really deaf and are just pretending. Can deaf people become pilots? Who is Cal Rogers? YES – there may not be too many of them, but the numbers are slowly and steadily increasing. Cal Rodgers (1879-1912) – was a well-to-do sportsman who was deafened by scarlet fever at age 6. Rodgers became the first person to make a transcontinental solo flight. Who were among the first deaf actors to be featured on a TV commercial? Marlee Matlin and Audree Norton What are signsongs – are they part of the deaf culture? Signsongs are an artistic hybrid, borrowing the idea of choral signing from Hearing culture and the signs (more or less) from Deaf culture. NO – signsongs are not a part of ASL culture. How can deaf people be more prone to AIDS and other STDs ? Isolation from the media Public health program accessibility Communication problems – misinformation from others ASL 2 Midterm Vocabulary Places: Problems: Size: Parking Lot Building Broke Small Store Basement Not Working Medium Playground Floor Lousy Large Grass Area Stairs Hot/Cold Across/Front Room Closed Restaurant Front/Back Door Locked In/Out With/Without Dirty Next/To Swimming Pool Register Need/Must: Snacks: There: Search Cookie None/Nothing Get Coke Not Here Thirsty Pepsi Around/Approximate Hungry Sandwich Don’t Know Want Sugar Not True/Not Really Chocolate Gum Cigarette Smoke Ethnicities: Clothes: American Indian Blouse Scoop Neck Eastern Indian Sweater V-Neck Spanish Shirt Turtle Neck Mexican Pants-Jeans Long Sleeved African America Shorts Short Sleeved Caucasian Skirt Spaghetti Strap Dress Plaid Coat Striped Hair: Short Curly Hat Polka-dots Medium Straight Cap Ruffles Long Bald (2) Gloves Print Zig-Zag Belt Tie Shoes Bow-tie Socks Face: Long Wide-Eyed Boots Round Freckles Sandals Body: Accessories: Average Gut Glasses Necklace Pregnant Muscular Earrings Ring Tall Thin Watch Bracelet Short Heavy Inflecting Verbs: Spatial Verbs: Objects Around the Room: Tell Put Shelves Medicine Give-You Send Cabinet Blanket Give-Me Help Trash Spider Show-You Bring-Me Drawer Radio Show-Me Bring-You Chair Pillow Ask-You Table Television Ask-Me Flower Album-CD Take Newspaper Comb Money Umbrella Brush Purse Pipe Match Sleep Shoes Slippers Problem: Request: Messy Phone Ringing Clean Answer Door Bed Messy Flower Wilting Make Bed Answer Phone Dishes Dirty Thirsty Wash Dishes Water Car Dirty Clothes Piled up Wash Car Bring-Me Windows Dirty Knock at Door Wash Windows Hang Cat Hungry Shirt Wrinkled Feed Iron Dog Wants Walk Ashtray Full Take Empty Grass High Need Send Letter Mow Empty-Trash Floor Dirty Sweep Send Carpet Dirty Vacuum