Price Controls (Ceilings and Floors) For Wheat Please, for your answers to questions 1-40, please number, vertically, labeling the cases. Case #1 Buyers got more income Directions: Using graph paper and supply and demand schedules below, please plot the supply and demand curves from the Market in Wheat. Supply Schedule Price Quantity Supplied $3.50 40 3.70 100 3.90 160 4.10 200 4.30 240 4.50 260 4.70 280 4.90 300 5.10 320 Demand Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Demanded $5.30 40 5.10 80 4.90 120 4.70 160 4.50 200 4.30 240 4.10 260 3.90 280 3.70 300 3.50 320 New Demand Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Demanded $5.30 160 5.10 200 4.90 240 4.70 280 4.50 300 4.30 320 4.10 n/a 3.90 n/a 3.70 n/a 3.50 n/a Now assume that the Government has instituted a price control of $4.50. Please answer the following questions. hint: draw that $4.50 price line and label it PG for "Government Price." 1. What would the new Market Price be if there was no price control? Hint: What is the price at E2? 2. Without the price control, what would be the quantity demanded at the new equilibrium? 3. Without the price control, what would be the quantity supplied at the new equilibrium? 4. What is quantity demanded if the Government enacted a price control of $4.50? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the new demand curve? 5. What is quantity supplied if the Government enacted a price control of $4.50? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the supply curve? 6. Would a price control of $4.50 be a price ceiling or a price floor? 7. Why? 8. Which is there? A government created shortage or a government created surplus? 9. What is the amount of the shortage or surplus? Hint: Compare the difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied. 10. Which brings more total wheat to the market (and creates more wealth), the market price or the government price? Case #2 People now prefer low-carb foods Directions: With the graph paper provided and supply and demand schedules below, please plot the supply and demand curves from the Market in Wheat. Supply Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Supplied $3.50 40 3.70 100 3.90 160 4.10 200 4.30 240 4.50 260 4.70 280 4.90 300 5.10 320 Demand Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Demanded $5.30 40 5.10 80 4.90 120 4.70 160 4.50 200 4.30 240 4.10 260 3.90 280 3.70 300 3.50 320 New Demand Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Demanded $5.30 n/a 5.10 n/a 4.90 n/a 4.70 n/a 4.50 40 4.30 80 4.10 120 3.90 160 3.70 180 3.50 200 Now assume that the Government has instituted a price control of $4.10. Please answer the following questions. hint: draw that $4.10 price line and label it PG for "Government Price." 11. What would the new Market Price be if there was no price control? Hint: What is the price at E2? 12. Without the price control, what would be the quantity demanded at the new equilibrium? 13. Without the price control, what would be the quantity supplied at the new equilibrium? 14. What is quantity demanded if the Government enacted a price control of $4.10? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the new demand curve? 15. What is quantity supplied if the Government enacted a price control of $4.10? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the supply curve? 16. Would a price control of $4.10 be a price ceiling or a price floor? 17. Why? 18. Which is there? A government created shortage or a government created surplus? 19. What is the amount of the shortage or surplus? Hint: Compare the difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied. 20. Which uses fewer resources and is therefore less wasteful and more efficient, the market price or the government price? Case #3: Oil and gas prices increase. Oil and gas are used in the production of wheat and are an important production cost for wheat! Supply Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Supplied $3.50 40 3.70 100 3.90 160 4.10 200 4.30 240 4.50 260 4.70 280 4.90 300 5.10 320 Demand Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Demanded $5.30 40 5.10 80 4.90 120 4.70 160 4.50 200 4.30 240 4.10 260 3.90 280 3.70 300 3.50 320 New Supply Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Supplied $3.50 n/a 3.70 n/a 3.90 n/a 4.10 40 4.30 80 4.50 120 4.70 160 4.90 200 5.10 240 Now assume that the Government has instituted a price control of $4.50. Please answer the following questions. hint: draw that $4.50 price line and label it PG for "Government Price." 21.What would the new Market Price be if there was no price control? Hint: What is the price at E2? 22. Without the price control, what would be the quantity demanded at the new equilibrium? 23. Without the price control, what would be the quantity supplied at the new equilibrium? 24. What is quantity demanded if the Government enacted a price control of $4.50? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the demand curve? 25. What is quantity supplied if the Government enacted a price control of $4.50? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the new supply curve? 26. Would a price control of $4.50 be a price ceiling or a price floor? 27. Why? 28. Which is there? A government created shortage or a government created surplus? 29. What is the amount of the shortage or surplus? Hint: Compare the difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied. 30. Which brings more total wheat to the market (creates more wealth), the market price or the government price? Case# 4: A genetically modified strain of wheat hits the market. Twice as much wheat is now grown in half the time. Supply Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Supplied $3.50 40 3.70 100 3.90 160 4.10 200 4.30 240 4.50 260 4.70 280 4.90 300 5.10 320 Demand Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Demanded $5.30 40 5.10 80 4.90 120 4.70 160 4.50 200 4.30 240 4.10 260 3.90 280 3.70 300 3.50 320 New Supply Schedule for Market in Wheat Price Quantity Supplied $3.50 240 3.70 260 3.90 280 4.10 300 4.30 320 4.50 n/a 4.70 n/a 4.90 n/a 5.10 n/a Now assume that the Government has instituted a price control of $4.10. Please answer the following questions. hint: draw that $4.10 price line and label it PG for "Government Price." 31. Without the price control, what is the new Market Price? 32. Without the price control, what is quantity demanded at the new Market Price? 33. What is quantity supplied at the new Market Price? 34. What is quantity demanded if the Government enacted a price control of $4.10? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the demand curve? 35. What is quantity supplied if the Government enacted a price control of $4.10? Hint: Where does the Government Price line intersect the new supply curve? 36. Would a price control of $4.10 be a price ceiling or a price floor? 37. Why? 38. Which is there? A government created shortage or a government created surplus? 39. What is the amount of the shortage or surplus? Hint: Compare the difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied. 40. Which uses fewer resources and is therefore less wasteful and more efficient, the market price or the government price?