POPULATION DYNAMICS- EQUATIONS TO THINK ABOUT Population Density Pop Density = Number of Individuals Area Calculate the density of 56 cheetahs living in a 250 km2 area. Estimating Population Size Mark and Recapture Method M(marked) = m(recaptured – marked) N (pop. Size) n (total recaptured) 10 harp seals are tagged. The following year 25 are caught and 3 are tagged. What would be the estimated population? POPULATION GROWTH CALCULATIONS Pop Change = (B + I ) – (D+E) X 100% N(initial pop. Size) Calculate the population change of 10,000 penguins if there are 4500 births, 2000 deaths and 300 immigrants. Calculate the growth rate if a population of giraffes increases from 1560 individuals to 1780 individuals in the following season. N(t) = N(0)λt Assuming a constant growth rate how big would this population be in 4 years from time 0. INSTANTANEOUS GROWTH dN rN dt Calculate the instantaneous population growth rate of a dish of bacteria if the population is 1000 cells and r = 0.035 per hours. Note: r can be converted to lambda in the following manner er which translates into lambda Doubling Time td = 0.69 r How long would it take the population of bacteria (above) to double in size? How long would it take to reach a population of 8000 cells? How long would the population take to get 20,000 cells? GROWTH RATES WITH CARRYING CAPACITY dN N rN 1 dt K If rmax is 0.3, calculate the growth in population of moose if there are 2000 individuals and the carrying capacity of the environment is 3000. What if there were 4000 individuals and the carrying capacity was the same? Homework Questions 1. Calculate the area occupied by a population of 2300 lions if the density is 1200 km 2. 2. A research group captures 50 grey wolves and tags them. A year later they capture 40 grey wolves, of which 7 are tagged. What is the estimated population of wolves? 3. An island population of 267 iguanas has 120 births, 35 deaths and 40 have been washed away in a storm to a neighbouring island. If the growth rate was +40% how many arrived to the island? 4. If the growth rate is 1.15, and the current population of raccoons is 1789, what would have been the population last year? 5. A population of moose has a growth rate of 1.03. If the initial population is 1000, what would be the population in 10 years (assume constant rate). 6. The growth rate of a particular fly is 0.55 per week. If there is an initial population of 34 individuals, how many would there be the next week and in two weeks? 7. How long would it take the population in #6 above to double in time? How long would it take to reach 2176 individuals? How long would it take to reach 20,000 individuals? 8. Calculate the increase in a population of white-tailed deer if r = 0.2 and the carrying capacity of the environment is 10,000, when the population is 3000 individuals, 10,000 individuals and 12,000 individuals?