Late/Missing Work If a student does not attempt or is absent for an


Robert E. Lee High School

English 10H Common Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Ennis

(540) 332-3926

Course Objectives

The emphasis of this honors course is a thematic approach to world literature, including multicultural literature. In addition to reading various representative novels, students will study drama, poetry, and nonfiction writing. Analytical and creative responses to the literature will be stressed in composition and discussion. Rigorous outside reading is a requirement of the course.

Textbook and Texts

Literature Prentice Hall Literature: World Masterpieces

Bhagavad Gita translated by Eknath Easwaran

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

The Stranger by Albert Camus

Classroom Rules

 Be respectful.

 Be prepared.

 No electronic devices

. Prentice Hall Publishing Company.

The Tempest by William Shakespeare

Things Fall Apart

Brave New World by Chinua Achebe by Aldous Huxley

Conduct Rubric

A—Responsible, Respectful

B—Occasional Lapse in Good Behavior

C—Inappropriate Classroom Behavior


F—No Improvement in Poor Behavior

Grading Scale

A+ = 98-100

B+ = 90-92

C+ = 82-84

D+ = 75-76

F = 69 and below

A = 95-97

B = 87-89

C = 79-81

D = 72-74

A- = 93-94

B- = 85-86

C- = 77-78

D- = 70-71

Grading Percentages - The percentages below apply to ALL English 10H Classes

50% In-class and Take Home Essays

25% Tests

25% Daily Work and Homework


Homework is assigned as a means to practice skills and is generally graded on an effort basis. We will go over homework during the class period following the assignment; therefore, late homework will not be accepted. Students will receive a 50 on non-attempted homework assignments.

See page 14 of the Student Handbook for additional homework information and guidelines.

If homework cannot be completed at home, then students are encouraged to attend plus block for extra help.


Late/Missing Work

If a student does not attempt or is absent for an assignment, he/she will receive an Incomplete for that assignment. The Incomplete will remain until the assignment is completed. Five points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late. After an assignment is six school days late, the maximum number of points that will be deducted is 25 points. Example: An essay is due on Monday,

October 3. The student turns the essay in on Wednesday, October 12. Although the assignment is seven days late, only 25 points will be deducted. The due date will be calculated according to the

Student Handbook & Code of Conduct policy: “… the number of school days absent plus one to a maximum of 10 days.”

Late and missing work will be accepted until the Friday before progress or report card distribution.

Missing Work Reports will be distributed; however, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate makeup work. I am available after school most days until 3:30 p.m. Other times may be arranged at the student’s request.

Progress Report Agreement

I look forward to working with you this year. Please be sure to sign up for the Parent Portal as soon as possible. Parent Portal offers you an in-depth look at all your child’s grades. Through Parent Portal, you can see what grade your child has earned on each assignment; additional notation will indicate whether an assignment is late or missing.

I encourage you to reflect on your child’s grade with weekly family discussions.

All students have the opportunity to rewrite essays to improve essay grades. Students that feel like they need to retake a test must complete a formal request highlighting how they intend to improve their score. They have five days after a test is assigned to retake it. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances. For more information about Parent Portal please contact the school office at 540-332-3926.

Progress reports will also be sent home every three weeks, excluding the weeks that report cards go home.

Please monitor your child’s progress and contact me as soon as possible if you have any questions. It is better not to wait until the end of the grading period to get involved.


Tripp Ennis


General Course Outline

First Nine Weeks Second Nine Weeks

Unit 1

Literature: Ancient World Literature

Novel: Life of Pi; Siddhartha

Poetry: Bhagavad Gita

Misc: Vedas




Unit 3

Literature: Colonial and Post Colonialist Literature

Novel: Things Fall Apart

Play: The Tempest

Poetry: “Sonnet: 18” by William Shakespeare

“Sonnet: 138” by William Shakespeare

“White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling

“Black Man’s Burden” by Hubert Harrison

“The Second Coming” by William Butler Yeats

Grammar: Types of Phrases Grammar: Passive and Active Voice; Types of Sentences

Unit 2

Literature: Modern World Literature

Novel: The Stranger by Albert Camus

Essay: “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Albert Camus

Short Story: Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Poetry: “The Skulls” by Ivan Turgenev

“Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold

“Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen

“Kafka’s Watch” by Raymond Carver

Grammar: Types of Sentences, Types of Phrases

Unit 4

Literature: Utopian and Dystopian Literature

Novel: Brave New World by Aldus Huxley

Poetry: “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelly

“Song: To the Men of England”

by Percy Bysshe Shelly

“Sonnet: The Ladies Home Journal”

by Sandra Gilbert

“America” by Allen Ginsberg

“The Diameter of a Bomb” by Yehuda


Grammar: Syntax Analysis


2 – Take Home Essays

5 – In Class Essays

2 – Unit Tests

8 – Vocab. & Grammar Quizzes

8 – Weekly Class work/Homework Grades


2 – Take Home Essays

5 – In Class Essays

2 – Unit Tests

8 – Vocab. & Grammar Quizzes

8 – Weekly Class work/Homework Grades

Daily Routine

“Do Now” Grammar Correction: 5-10 minutes, to be started by or before the tardy bell.

Journal: Students will use a spiral notebook in which to write about specific topics, prompts, etc.

Journal entries will be mostly bi-weekly following our essay schedule.


After you have reviewed this syllabus with your parents/guardians, please sign this form and return it to Mr. Ennis.


I have read this syllabus and understand it. I will honor it while in Mr. Ennis’s classroom.

Signature __________________________________ Date _________________

Printed Name ______________________________


My child has discussed this syllabus with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature __________________________________ Date _________________

Printed Name ______________________________


I will be fair and consistent in administering the policies and procedures of this syllabus.

Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________________

Printed Name: __________________

E-READER USE: Please indicate whether your child has permission to use his/her

personal e-reader in class to access texts.

___ I do give permission for my child to use his/her personal e-reader in class to access texts.

___ I do not give permission for my child to use his/her personal e-reader in class to access texts.


Is it okay to contact you via e-mail concerning your child? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, please provide an email address you check frequently.

Parent E-mail Address ____________________________________________________

