S&I Framework Nutrition & Diet Elements October 12, 2011 Nutrition & Diet Elements • • • • • • Background of Nutrition Standards Use of Nutrition Data Elements Nutrition Terminology Submission to SNOMED-CT Additional Nutrition Standards Work Nutrition & Diet Data Elements In Detail A-B and C-D Data Elements & Nutrition Care Background Nutrition professionals practicing in all areas of healthcare including in-patient acute care, long term care, and outpatient/ambulatory care use the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) for identifying, planning for, and meeting nutritional needs of patients/clients. The Nutrition Care Process includes four steps: • Nutrition Assessment • Diagnosis • Intervention • Monitoring & Evaluation Each step in the Nutrition Care Process has a set of standardized terms published by the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) as the International Dietetics & Nutrition Terminology (IDNT). Work is currently underway to submit these terms to SNOMED-CT. The narrative summary and underlying IDNT codes would represent the nutrition and diet data that should be included in clinical summaries, nutrition consult request summaries, as well as discharge summary and instructions. Nutrition Informatics Survey 2011 HIMSS Analytics Elements of ADA Nutrition Care Process Standardize Language in Use Use of ADA’s Nutrition Care Process Standardized Language has increased since this study was last conducted. At this time, approximately 61 percent of respondents reported that they use nutrition diagnostic terms. Not asked Not asked Not asked Which elements of the ADA’s Nutrition Care Process Standardized Language are you using at your primary worksite? (Only those who said “yes” to question 15). IDNT-to-SNOMED Project Summary • Total: 646 terms, 146 headings (792 spreadsheet lines) • 6% of terms already in SNOMED CT • 49 % of terms ready for SNOMED CT submission • 30% of headings ready for SNOMED CT submission • 41% of terms and 61% of headings still need review Additional Work • HL7 Nutrition and Diet Orders Domain Analysis Model The first informative ballot of was balloted in September 2011. The second round of the ballot is scheduled for January or May 2012. • HL7 Patient Care Allergy Project: • HL7: EHR Functional Profile in Nutrition: The testing phase will last approximately 18 months, followed by changes to the profile as determined by test implementers, and balloting as a normative standard in January 2013. • HL7Patient Care Pressure Ulcer Prevention Model: Inclusion of Nutrition Care in Prevention & Treatment • S&I Nursing Codes Mapping Sub-Work Group: IDNT mapped to existing TOC-CIM categories Additional Model Federal Health Information Model : model of healthcare data developed for federal agencies, the Veterans Administration; untested. Diet CIM Object Summary CIM Object Name Diet Diet Narrative CIM Object Definition CDA ID References The diet that has been ordered or recommended by the clinician. (Distinct from the diet that the patient reports they follow, e.g. a vegetarian diet). Diet appears in 2 places. The first is the diet that has been “ordered” or recommended by the clinician. The second is the diet that the patient is actually consuming. This second instance will be for patient selfmonitoring. Clinical Example: Patient is advised to follow a low salt, low fat and reduced calorie diet. Current Text: Records a narrative description of the expectations for diet, including proposals, goals and order requests for monitoring, tracking, or improving the dietary control of the patient, used in a discharge from a facility such as an emergency department, hospital , or nursing home. Recommend as in Consolidated CDA Templates (US Realm) September 2011: This section records a narrative description of the expectations for diet and nutrition including nutrition prescription, proposals, goals, and order requests for monitoring, tracking, or improving the nutritional status of the patient, used in a discharge from a facility such as an emergency department, hospital, or nursing home. CIM Object Priority “B” Data Elements for PCP to Specialist with Consultation Request (including closed loop referral) “B” Data Elements from Hospital to PCP or other facility (e.g. long term care or subacute care) “B” Data Elements to Patient: Data Exchange to a PHR. “B” Data Elements for PCP to Specialist with Consultation Request (including closed loop referral) “B” Data Elements from Hospital to PCP or other facility (e.g. long term care or subacute care) “B” Data Elements to Patient: Data Exchange to a PHR. Nutrition Assessment Name of Data Definition of Data Element Element ISO/HL7 Data type Examples & Guidance Nutrition Assessment CE (Coded Element) ED (Encapsulated Clinical Examples: Data) PQ (Physical Three-day food record Quantity) reflects patient has been severely restricted in protein/kcalorie intake. Average intake was 1250 kcal, 30 grams protein. Food and Nutrition related indicators which are used to evaluate the nutritional status of the patient. Five general categories used to evaluate and later assess outcomes are: 1. Food/Nutrition-Related History Outcomes (Food & nutrient intake, food & nutrient administration, medication/herbal supplement use, knowledge/beliefs, food & supplies availability, physical activity, nutrition quality of life) 2. Anthropometric Measurement Outcomes (height, weight, body mass index (BMI), growth pattern indices/percentile ranks, and weight history) 3. Biochemical Data, Medical Tests and Procedures (Lab data (e.g. electrolytes, glucose) and tests (e.g. gastric emptying time, resting metabolic rate) 4. Nutrition-Focused Physical Finding Outcomes (Physical appearance, muscle & fat wasting, swallow function, appetite and affect) 5. Client History (Personal history, medical/health/family history, treatments and complementary/alternative medicine use, and social history) BMI:22 Mid-arm muscle circumference: Data Element Priority B Nutrition Diagnosis Name of Data Element Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Data type Identification and labeling of a nutrition problem that a food and nutrition professional is responsible for treating independently. Typically includes three categories: 1. Intake (too much or too little of a food or nutrient compared to actual or estimated needs.) 2. Clinical (nutrition problems that relate to medical or physical conditions) 3. Behavioral-Environmental (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, physical environment, access to food, or food safety) ED (Encapsulated Data) PES Statement Problem or Nutrition Diagnosis Label (Problem/Etiology (Describes alterations in the Signs/Symptoms patient’s nutritional status) Etiology (Cause/Contributing factors linked to the nutrition diagnosis ) Signs/Symptoms (Data used to determine that the patient has the nutrition diagnosis specified, linked to etiology) ED (Encapsulated Data) Nutrition Diagnosis CE (Coded Element) (value set is all of the SNOMEDcoded interventions in the IDNT list. Examples & Guidance Clinical Examples: Data Element Priority B Inadequate oral intake related to intolerance as evidenced by frequent nausea and vomiting prior to admission. Altered nutrition-related laboratory values related to diabetes mellitus as evidenced by diabetic ketoacidosis. Biting/Chewing (masticatory) difficulty (SNOMED CT CID 175130015 ) related to xerostomia as evidenced by Speech Language Pathologist evaluation. CE (Coded Element) (value set is all of the SNOMEDcoded interventions in the IDNT list. B Diet CIM Objects (In Detail) Name of Data Element Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Data type Nutrition Prescription The patient’s individualized recommended dietary intake of energy and/or selected foods or nutrients based on current reference standards and dietary guidelines and the patient’s health condition and nutrition diagnosis. This includes the nutrition recommendation by the dietitian. CE (Coded Element) or CF (Coded Element with formatted values) or PQ (Physical Quantitiy) It may not be what the patient currently receives. The prescription is different than the Nutrition Intervention because it is more nutrient-based and excludes things like feeding, education, counseling, coordination of care. Examples & Guidance Clinical Examples: Recommend Isosource 1.5 tube feeding per small bowel feeding tube at 70 ml per hour to provide 2310 calories (27 Kcal/Kg), and 105 gm protein (1.2 gm/Kg) per day. Recommend patient consume 2000 calories, 80 grams protein per day for optimal wound healing. Typically includes a PES Statement: Problem/Etiology/ Data Element Priority B Nutrition Intervention Name of Data Element Nutrition Intervention Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Data type Examples & Guidance Data Element Priority Purposefully planned actions intended to positively CE (Coded Element) Clinical Examples: B change a nutrition-related behavior, environmental (value set is all of Enteral nutrition condition, or aspect of health status for an individual the SNOMED-coded solution: 1 Kcal/cc (and his or her family or caregivers), target group, or the interventions in the formula for 1600 community at large. A food and nutrition professional IDNT list. Kcal/day works in conjunction with the patient/client(s) and other health care providers, programs, or agencies during the Adaptive equipment nutrition intervention phase. for feeding assistance. Areas include: 1. Food and nutrient delivery (Individualized approach Nutrition counseling for food & nutrition delivery, including meals & based on motivational snacks, enteral and parenteral feeding & interviewing strategy. supplements) Includes SNOMED 2. Nutrition Education (formal process to instruct/train Codes (IDNT mapped in a skill to help manage or maintain eating behavior to SNOMED) and/or to maintain or improve health) LOINC 3. Nutrition Counseling (supportive process via collaboration to set priorities, establish goals and create individualized action plans that acknowledge and foster responsibility for self care to treat an existing condition & promote health.) 4. Coordination of nutrition care (consultation with, referral to, or coordination of nutrition care with other health care providers, institutions, or agencies that can assist in treating or managing nutritionrelated problems) Nutrition Intervention (Continued) Name of Data Element Patient Instructions Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Data type Directions to the patient which have been agreed upon ED between dietitian and patient and conform to diet order, (Encapsulated goals and care plan. Data) Examples & Guidance Clinical Example: Reduce intake of refined carbohydrates, reduce fat consumption & increase omega-3 fatty acid intake per written guidance. Data Element Priority B Nutrition/Diet Order (Detail) Name of Data Element Diet Description Diet Type Code Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Datatype Narrative description of the LIST (List Sequence) or ED recommended diet or daily (Encapsulated Data) nutrient intake Set of codes that controls the type of diet modification that a patient should receive or follow Examples and Guidance Data Element Priority Examples: General Healthful Diet; or “80 gm protein + Consistent Carbohydrate + 2g sodium + 2g potassium + 800-1000mg Phosphorus + 1500 mL Fluid Restricted “ B CE (Coded Element) Examples: Note: Local codes only at DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop present Hypertension), Kosher, or Vegan Or Per IHE: LOINC 42344-2 Texture Modification Required Indicator specifying whether the patient/client requires food texture modifications BL (Boolean) Texture Modifier Code Describes the consistency or how the food or type of food should be modified for consumption. CE (Coded Element) Food Type Code Indicates what type of food, e.g., meats, or liquids, require a texture CE (Coded Element) modification Patient safety issue. Yes - Patient has documented difficulty chewing/swallowing due to stroke. Failure to properly convey this information could lead to a choking hazard. Pudding-thick , chopped or ground Patient undergoing treatment and rehabilitation following a stroke may require honey-thickened liquids, ground meats and chopped vegetables. B B B B Nutrition/Diet Order (Detail – Continued) Name of Data Element Nutrient Modification Required Nutrient Type Code Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Datatype Indicator specifying whether the patient/client requires a therapeutic or modified diet to eliminate, decrease, or increase certain substances in BL (Boolean) the diet (e.g., sodium, potassium) Code which identifies the nutrient which is to be modified CE (Coded Element) Indicates how much of the nutrient is being PQ (Physical Quanitity)/ Quantity/Quantity Modifier ordered. Ratio May need to be expressed as a range, thus a modifier e.g, <, > or Examples and Guidance Data Element Priority Modify distribution, type, or amount of food and nutrients (IDNT: ND-1.2) Example: Diabetic patient requires controlled intake of carbohydrates. B Renal dialysis patient requires 1.2 grams protein/kg body weight, < 2 grams sodium/day, and 800-1000 mg Phosphorus/day E.g., Sodium or Protein B B Nutritional Supplement – (In Progress) Name of Data Element Product Name/Description Product ID Quantity Frequency Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Datatype LIST (List Sequence) CE (Coded Element) Examples and Guidance Patient is not meeting nutrient intake requirements and requires additional calories and protein. RD recommends a high protein liquid nutritional supplement 3 times a day between meals. Data Element Priority B B PQ (Physical Quantity) IVL (Interval) B Enteral Nutrition – (In Progress) Name of Data Element Rate or Frequency Concentration/Strength Energy Density Definition of Data Element Time frame over which a product is administered Dilution or lack of dilution of the product prior to administration. Amount of calories (energy) provided per volume Examples and Guidance Data Element Priority Rate or Frequency of the feeding: Continuous tube feeding via pump, 65 mL per hour Or 720 mL bolus feedings, 3 x per day B Full Strength Half Strength B Infant formulas are mixed to a specified caloric density, e.g., 24 kcal/flluid oz, or 27 kcal/fluid oz B ISO/HL7 Datatype PQ IVL_TS Product Name/Description Product ID Administration Method Delivery Site Instructions B B A code that details how the food is to be administered, e.g., Pumpassisted. A code that identifies where the tube should deliver food to, eg. gastric. Narrative instructions pertaining to care and maintenance of the feeding tube. B B Example: Flush tube with __mL water every 3 hours. B Nutrition Care Provider Name of Data Element Assigned Entity Clinician Con tact information Healthcare Provider Identifier Effective Time Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Datatype Nutrition professional (RD) responsible for completing the request nutrition EN (Entity Name) consult and developing the nutrition prescription, and nutrition plan of care Address, phone and email information for the RD AD (Address) TN (Telephone Number) provider National Uniform Claim Committee Health Care Provider Taxonomy Date and time of the nutrition assessment, consult or when the nutrition prescription was completed Examples and Guidance Data Element Priority Palmetto Hospital Janice Jones B 1410 Main Street Columbia, South Carolina 22001 803-777-7777 B CE (Coded Element) B IVL-TS (IntervalTimestamp) B Nutrition Monitoring & Evaluation Name of Data Element Monitoring & Evaluation Definition of Data Element ISO/HL7 Data type Examples & Guidance Utilization of consistent data longitudinally for the purpose of evaluation and outcomes. Includes both patient evaluation of goals, re-assessment of existing parameters and evaluation of new data. CE (Coded Element) (value set is all of the SNOMED-coded interventions in the IDNT list. Clinical Examples: Includes the same general categories as assessment: Food/Nutrition-Related History outcomes, Anthropometric measurements, Biochemical Data, Medical Tests, and Procedure Outcomes and Nutrition-Focused Physical Finding Outcomes ED (Encapsulated Data) Patient has reduced sodium and cholesterol consumption and reduced BMI from 30 to 27. Outcomes over past 9 months reflect a reduction in BP and LDL . Data Element Priority B Nutrition Data Elements & CIM “A-B” • Active Medication List (including vitamin/mineral, herbal supplements) • Active Problem List • Intolerances including Allergies (Food) • Goals (Nutrition Related) • Patient Instructions (Food Modification/Enteral/Parenteral) • Social History (Alcohol) • Vital Signs (Ht/Wt/BMI with Date Stamp) Nutrition Data Elements & CIM “C-D” • • • • • • • • Anticipatory Guidance Goals Health Maintenance Patient Self-Management Physical Activity (? Possibility of “B”) Social Determinants of Health Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Activities of Daily Living