Date: October 22, 2015 Aim #18: How are organic and inorganic compounds different? Do Now: Warm-Up Notebook Date 10/21 Title of Activity Page # Throwback (Experimental Design) 34 HW: 1)Guided Reading 2-3 due next Thursday 2)M&M Lab due by Friday 3)Biochemistry Test- next Thursday 10/29 & Friday 10/30 (day of double period) Aim #18: How are organic compounds different from inorganic compounds? 1) What elements are all living things made of? Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, & Oxygen 2) What holds atoms together? CHEMICAL BONDS 3) When is energy released? WHEN BONDS ARE BROKEN 4) How do we write chemical compounds/molecules using symbols? Chemical Formula 2NH3 Tells us the number of atoms Tells us the number of molecules 5) What is a chemical formula? CO2 A chemical formula represents the chemical makeup of a compound or molecule. How many carbon atoms in 1 molecule of CO2? How many oxygen atoms in 1 molecule of CO2? 1 2 6) What is a structural formula? Bonds Structural formula shows the kinds, numbers, and the arrangements of atoms. It also shows the bonds Chemical Equations and Reactions • A+B C Products Reactants or • C Reactants A+B Products 8) Example of a Chemical Reaction: C6H12O6 +6O2 Glucose Oxygen 6H2O + 6CO2 Water Carbon dioxide Which are the reactants? How many water molecules are produced? 6 Which are the products? How many glucose molecules are used? 1 How many carbon atoms 6 are present in a molecule of glucose? Types of molecules • Organic • Inorganic 9) What do organic molecules have in common? C&H 10) What do inorganic molecules have in common? C or H or neither 11) Organic vs. Inorganic (Review) Organic • Have C & H together • Made by living things Inorganic • Have C or H or neither, but never both at the same time. • Can be found in living things 12) Organic compounds are made by Living Things CO2 + H2O inorganic O2 + C6H12O6 organic Identify the Organic & Inorganic Molecules H2O CO2 HCl CaO CaCO3 CH3OH NH3 KMnO4 SO3 Na2SO4 NaOH C6H12O6 C2H6 H2CO3 C2H5OH HNO3 KCl H2SO4 HF CH3COOH FeO3 CO C18H36O2 C3H6 NaCl CuSO4 MnCl2 NO2 C8H18 HBr Brain Pop: Body Chemistry hemistry/bodychemistry/