Lesson #17 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church


Bible Blitz

Msgr Ed Thompson


Deacon Norm Kazyk

With Technical Assistance

Ray Hosler

Gospel of St. John


A.D. 90-100

St. John

Apostle, Evangelist, Letter Writer,

Son of Zebedee, brother of James

Gospel Purpose:

20:30-31 Belief in Jesus,

Messiah and God

Gospel Symbol:


Gospel Miracles:


Different Gospel:

Omissions, miracles, sequences

I Prologue (1:1-18)

II The Book of Signs (1:19 – 12:50)

III The Book of Glory (13:1 – 20:31)

IV Epilogue: The Resurrection

Appearance in Galilee (21:1-25)

I Prologue

Chapter 1

1-18 Prologue

II The Book of Signs

Chapter 1

19-28 John the Baptist’s

Testimony to Himself

29-34 John the Baptist’s

Testimony to Jesus

35-51 The First Disciples

Chapter 2

1-12 The Wedding at Cana

13-25 Cleansing of the Temple

Chapter 3

1-21 Nicodemus

22-30 Final Witness of the Baptist

31-36 The One from Heaven

Chapter 4

1-18 The Samaritan Woman

43-45 Return to Galilee

46-54 Second Sign in Cana

Chapter 5

1-18 Cure on a Sabbath

19-30 The Work of the Son

31-40 Witnesses to Jesus

41-47 Unbelief of Jesus’ Hearers

Chapter 6

1-15 Multiplication of the Loaves

16-21 Walking on the Water

22-59 The Bread of Life Discourse

60-71 The Words of Eternal Life

Chapter 7

1-13 The Feast of Tabernacles

14-31 The First Dialogue

32-36 Officers Sent to Arrest


37-39 Rivers of Living Water

40-52 Discussion about the

Origins of the Messiah

Chapter 8

1-11A Woman Caught in Adultry

12-20 The Light of the World

21-30 Jesus, the Father’s


31-59 Jesus and Abraham

Chapter 9

1-41 The Man Born Blind

Chapter 10

1-21 The Good Shepherd

22-42 Feast of the Dedication

Chapter 11

1-44 The Raising of Lazarus

45-54 Session of the Sanhedrin

55-57 The Last Passover

Chapter 12

1-11The Anointing at Bethany

12-19 The Entry into Jerusalem

20-36 The Coming of Jesus’ Hour

37-43 Unbelief and Belief among the Jews

44-50 Recapitulation

III The Book of Glory

Chapter 13

1-20 The Washing of the

Disciples’ Feet

21-30 Announcement of Judas’


31-35 The New Commandment

36-38 Peter’s Denial Predicted

Chapter 14

1-14 Last Supper Discourse

15-31 The Advocate

Chapter 15

1-17 The Vine and the Branches

18-27 The World’s Hatred

Chapter 16

1-33 Jesus’ Departure; Coming of the Advocate

Chapter 17

1-26 The Prayer of Jesus

Chapter 18

1-14 Jesus Arrested

15-18 Peter’s First Denial

19-24 The Inquiry before Annas

25-27 Peter Denies Jesus Again

28-40 The Trial before Pilate

Chapter 19

1-16 Trial continued

17-30 The Crucifixion of Jesus

31-37 The Blood and Water

38-42 The Burial of Jesus

Chapter 20

1-10 The Empty Tomb

11-18 The Appearance to Mary of


19-23 Appearance to the Disciples

24-29 Thomas

30-31 Conclusion

IV Epilogue

Chapter 21

The Resurrection Appearance

In Galilee

1-14 The Appearance to the

Seven Disciples

15-19 Jesus and Peter

20-23 The Beloved Disciple

24-25 Conclusion

Praise to You,

O Lord,

Jesus Christ!
