Unit 7 (Book6) TextI Beauty

Unit 7 Beauty
Susan Songtag
Teaching objectives:
 I. Analysis of the concept of beauty.
 II. Library work.
 III. Comprehension of the text.
 IV. Organization and development.
 V. Language points.
 VI. Exercises
 VII. Further readings
I. Background knowledge:
Definition of beauty.
Greeks:universe: a delight
Beauty : a perceptual experience of
pleasure, meaning or satisfaction.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics,
sociology, social psychology and culture.
As a cultural creation, beauty has been
extremely commercialized.
. "beauty" was used to mean "women,"
 not muscular or strong. body's contours(轮
廓 ): precise technical specification for
softness and curvature(弯曲), glossy hair,
and lots of it - red lips, a small delicate nose,
a face wide at the temples and narrow at the
jaw, a dainty neck.
2.History of beauty :
 Aesthetics, branch of philosophy
 (1)Plato : Plato's thinking had a marked
ascetic(禁欲者) strain.
 (2)Aristotle :Aesthetics was inseparable
from morality and politics.
 (3)Neoplatonism :a life of sense through a
rigorous(严格的)ascetic discipline.
 . Symmetry
 阿派莱斯为了画一个美女的图像,选择了
汗颜的。” 培根的人本主义审美观是文艺
Bacon’s Mottoes
 Of Beauty
VIRTUE is like a rich stone, best plain set
 美德好比宝石,在朴素背景的衬托下反而更
 Beauty is as summer fruits, which are
easy to corrupt, and cannot last.美有如盛
 if it light well, it maketh virtue shine, and
vices blush. “假如美落在人身上落得适当的
(4)Johann Gottlieb Fichte beauty: a moral
 (5)in the 18th and 19th centuries :art as
imitation of nature.
 Jane Austen and Charles Dickens in England
and dramatists such as Alexandre Dumas :
presented realistic accounts of middle-class
(6) Henrik Ibsen, criticize society and so
lead to reform.
 In the 19th century, in painting. French
 (7)the impressionist objective was to
capture the fleeting moment, the optical
sensation produced by a chance effect of
weather, light, or movement.
 pointillism点画法:分色主义;点描派:后
The Circus by Georges Seurat
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La
Grande Jatte
Seurat’s Trombonist长号手
French artist Georges Seurat’s drawing of a trombonist
(1887-1888) in chalk and conte
(8) “art for art's sake
 (9)John Dewey, human experience :
disconnected, fragmentary, full of
beginnings without conclusions
(10)Marxism and Freudianism:
 Marxism :art is great only when it is
 Sigmund Freud art : therapeutic use。
 James Joyce: The stream-ofconsciousness
(11)Existentialism: A philosophy that
emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation
of the individual experience in a hostile
or indifferent universe, regards human
existence as unexplainable, and stresses
freedom of choice and responsibility for
the consequences of one's acts.
 存在主义:一种强调在怀有敌意或冷漠的世
“存在先于本质”(l'existence précède
4.Susan Sontag (January 16, 1933 –
December 28, 2004) was an American
literary theorist, novelist, filmmaker, and
political activist.
II.Library work
 Find out about the difference between
Roman Catholicism and Protestantism in the
Christian religion(para.4)
 Roman Catholic Church is Christian church
headed by the Pope, the Bishop of Rome.
Roman Catholics may be simply defined as
Christians in communion with the Pope.
Roman Catholicism holds that the Pope
and the Bishops have in varying degrees
the spiritual authority Christ assigned to
his apostles. The voice of the Pope is
regarded as infallible when speaking on
matters of faith and morals.
Protestantism is a special development
within Christianity. It is distinct from Roman
Catholicism in that it breaks from papal
obedience. Protestantism is widely
practiced in most northwestern European
countries except southern Germany,
Ireland, France, and Belgium.
What is the definition of “pagan”? In what ways is a pagan
different from either a Catholic or a Protestant?
A pagan is one of a people or community
professing a polytheistic religion, i.e., a
religion based on the belief in more than one
god. Ancient Romans and Greeks were
pagans. A pagan is different from a Roman
Catholic and a Protestant in that the latter
believe in only one god.
III. Organization and development:
1.What can we infer from this etymological
study of the word?
 To Sontag, the change that has occurred in
the meaning of the word is not merely an
instance of semantic narrowing, but ,more
significantly, an instance of the distortion of
the lexical meaning of a word which has
been inflicted upon it by social prejudice. It
is just such social prejudice that the author
aims to expose and denounce.
2.Can you find where?
Her point is made especially clear in the
last and conclusive paragraph. This is a
justifiable alternative because of the
complicated nature of the issue she deals
with in the essay.
IV. Answer the following questions.
1.How does the notion of beauty held by the
ancient Greeks basically differ from the
modern one?
 For the ancient Greeks beauty embraces
both inside and outside excellence, a
combination of a person’s virtue and good
looks. In present-day English beauty refers
exclusively to the good looks of a female.
2.What does the word “ paradoxical”
(para.1) mean?
3.In what sense is the word “ beauty”
used in the sentence “ we are wary of
the enchantments of beauty” (para.2) ?
And how do you interpret the sentence?
In the overall sense of the word, i.e.,overall
excellence. We are more aware (than the
ancient Greeks) of the aspects “beauty” has,
which we think distinguishable and should
be distinguished.
4. Did the limitation Christianity placed on the
meaning of the word “beauty” give it any
sexual bias?
No. It was limited to superficial
enchantment only.
5. What does Sontag mean by “And beauty has
continued to lose prestige”(para.3)?
It has lost prestige when its meaning was
narrowed down from overall excellence to
superficial enchantment. And it further lost
prestige when the superficial enchantment it
referred to became associated with the fair
sex only.
6.Do you think Sontag will agree that
“handsome” means to men what “ beautiful”
does to women?
 Not quite, “ handsome” does not have the
demeaning overtones “beautiful” has.
7. Why does Sontag think that regarding
women as the beautiful sex is detrimental to
both the notion of beauty and that of women
It depreciates the notion of beauty itself ,
and implies a sexually unfair judgment of
8.Explain “ It does not take someone in the throes of
advanced feminist awareness to perceive
One does not have to be a feminist who is
painfully aware of the many social biases
women have to put up with to perceive that.
In other words, virtually anyone can
perceive that Songtag’s purpose here is to
show the obviousness of the phenomenon.
9.What does Sontag refer to by “stereotypes” in the
last sentence of para.5? And what have they to do
with the “ mixed reputation” beauty enjoys?
Fixed notions of the two sexes; what people
generally think a man or a woman should be
 The association of beauty with nice looks
but dependence and inability, and
disassociation with intellect and success
give it a mixed reputation.
10.How does Sontag show linguistically in para.5
that social convention plays a role in maintaining
feminine stereotypes?
Use of the passive : women are taught ; use
of indefinite pronoun”everybody”.
11.Can you think of any concrete example of what
Songtag calls ‘ a flattering idealization of their
sex’(para.6)? What effect does such idealization
have on women?
Winners of a beauty contest , Miss America,
sex symbols, Marylin Monroe,some fashion
 Women are encouraged to look as
attractive as possible , given the models of
what they should and could possibly look
12.Constrasting para. 6 with para.7 ,do you think
(Sontag’s ) society is fair in its expectations of men and
women with regard to their looks?
Definitely not. For women perfection is the
goal; for men a small imperfection is
considered favourably.
13.What critical view does Songtag take of
Cocteau’s remark “ The privileges of beauty are
Refer to the paragraph.
 14. What /Who has made it a woman’s duty
to preen? If a woman succeeds in keeping
herself look nice , how would she expect
society in general to asses her?
 Social conventions .Her good looks conceal
an empty mind ;superficial allurement is the
best asset she can claim.
15. Do you agree with Songtag that it is
dangerous to consider persons as split
between what is ‘inside’ and what is ‘outside’?
 It is not totally irrational to consider the
“ inside “ and “outside” of a person
separately for they do not always go
together (as in the case of Socrates).
However, danger arises when the two
aspects are placed at opposite ends and
regarded as incompatible. This will entail an
erroneous notion of women.
16. To get women out of the trap they are caught in,
Sontag suggests that they ‘get some critical distance
from that excellence and privilege which is
beauty’(para.10).What do you think this means?
Disassociate themselves from the notion
of beauty as far as possible; deemphasize the notion of beauty in their
17What does “ the mythology of the feminine” (para.10)
The traditional /conventionalized but false/
not well-grounded notion of what women
should be like.
How do you interpret the last
sentence of the essay?
There should be something we can do so
that ‘beauty’ will not be an exclusive
superficial feature of women, (let it be
shared by men, too); and women will be
beautiful in the true sense of the word.
V. Paraphrase the following:
One of Socrates’ main pedagogical acts
was to be ugly---- and teach those
innocent, no doubt splendid-looking
disciples of his how full of paradoxes life
really was.(ll6-8)
The contrast between Socrates’ outward
ugliness and his inner strengths served to
draw the attention of his naïve and
handsome followers to the fact that there
were many such strange contrasts in the
We not only split off--- with the greatest facility ----the “ inside’
(character, intellect) from the “outside”(looks); but we
are actually surprised when someone who is beautiful
is also intelligent, talented, good.(ll10-12)
We tend to resist the idea that inside beauty
(character,intellect) can coexist with outside
beauty(looks) in one single person, and are
in fact taken aback to meet one who is
beautiful both inside and outside.
Associating beauty with women has put beauty even
further on the defensive, morally.(ll18-19)
Beauty, when considered in relation to a
female, involves a judgment of not only
looks but also character and intellect,
making itself a much more controversial
If a woman does real work---- and even if she has clambered
up to a leading position in politics, law, medicine,
business, or whatever—she is always under pressure
to confess that she still works at being attractive.(ll6163)
However successful a woman may be in her
career as a politician, lawyer, doctor,
businesswoman, or whatever, she
unavoidably feels compelled to admit to
making an effort to look attractive.
One could hardly ask for more
important evidence of the dangers
of considering persons as split
between what is “inside” and what
is “outside” than that interminable
half –comic half-tragic tale’ the
oppression of women.(ll66-68)
One could hardly ask for more important evidence of the dangers of
considering persons as split between what is “inside” and
what is “outside” than that interminable half –comic halftragic tale’ the oppression of women.(ll66-68)
The biased attitude towards women –the
long story of which is both lamentable and
laughable--- is the most powerful proof as to
how harmful it can be to judge a person by
refusing to put into consideration both inner
beauty and outer beauty together.