PAC-Minutes-March-20.. - Pueblo West High School

Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Minutes
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Participants Present: Daniela Bogart, Leslyn Carlson, Savannah Carlson (sophomore), Jan-Marie Martin,
Rachelle Eastep (DP Coordinator)
Old Business:
A. Approval of February minutes
B. CAS Update (Michelle Erickson)
1. Days for Girls: Close to being done cutting fabric. Meeting on Saturday, March 28th
at 7:30AM-11:00AM at Pueblo West High School to sew the hygiene kits. Please see
Mrs. Erickson if you are interested in helping.
2. Penny Harvest (Megan Vaught and Nolen Martin): These students have collected
approximately $300 in funds to be given to non-profit organizations. PWHS
students have the opportunity to vote on the non-profits to which they would like
to see the money donated. Students can find that survey on Moodle. All teachers
were given a copy of the attached letter to read during their 5th hour classes.
C. Angel Fund Update (Rachelle Eastep/Dave/Miles)
1. General Fund Balance ($369.22)
2. Albertson’s Cards: Albertson’s cards are still available from Rachelle Eastep. If you
shop at Albertson’s and swipe your card when buying groceries, our IB students
receive 1% of all money spent which goes towards the testing fees.
3. Fundraising Opportunites
a. Brink’s meats: Please see the attached flyer for information. If you, a relative,
or friend orders a 20 lb. box of 85/15 ground beef from Brink’s meats and you
order online, $5.00 of each box of meat sold can go to an IB student’s testing
fund. You must designate on the order form the name of the student and that
the profit should go to the IB testing funds.
4. Applebee’s Fundraiser: Mrs. Martin is working on organizing a pancake breakfast
fundraiser through Albertson’s for the Fall. Students would have the
opportunity to see tickets and earn money for their testing fees through the sale
of tickets. There will be more information regarding this fundraiser
5. Wendy’s Fundraiser: Mrs. Martin is working on a night at Wendy’s where IB students
can give a coupon to anyone that is eating at Wendy’s on a certain night and a
percentage of the profits will go toward the student’s IB testing fees. The
coupons would have the name of the student on them, and the students would
be awarded testing fees according to the number of coupons used. There will
be more information forthcoming about this fundraiser scheduled for the Fall.
D. Extended Essay Deadlines for Juniors
1. February 26th: All candidates must have read a sample EE and reflect on how the
graders assessed it. The written reflection should be approximately two pages long
and show the IB Coordinator that the candidate fully understands how his or her EE
for his respective area of study will be graded. The reflection should be uploaded to
Managebac in order for the EE supervisor to see if the candidate is on the right track
with his/her EE expectations.
2. March 19th: All candidates must have met with their supervisors a second time and
have a revised research question that is narrowed down.
3. April 2nd: All candidates must have met with Mrs. Vail, media specialist in order to
explain their topic and explore media resources that are available to them through
the media center.
4. April 16th: Students must submit the titles of three sources to be used on their EEs
to Managebac.
E. IB Global Gathering Luncheon, Wednesday, March 18th: Current sophomores
doing full IB next year met with current juniors and seniors during lunch to
converse about what to expect during their junior and senior years and to get
tips about how to problem-solve during the program. The “Five Buck Lunch” was
purchased from Subway.
F. IB Exam Testing Schedule: Please see the revised testing schedule that is
attached. The time for the IB English exam has been modified in order to not
conflict with the AP calculus exam. Thank you to the parents and alumni who
volunteered to help with the IB testing this year. All testing sessions are covered
These individuals are listed on the exam schedule.
New Business
A. MYP Authorization
1. What does that mean for our current freshmen and sophomores?
a. Teachers completing unit planners (promotes interdisciplinary learning and
ensures that as a faculty we are working toward the same goal of promoting
the mission statement and learner profile of IB . This is a conscious effort
for teachers to be more consistent in their planning of units, grading with
MYP rubrics, and focusing on the global contexts of IB. This should help with
real-life application of concepts and help teachers answer the question,
“Why do I have to learn this?”)
b. Personal Projects: All 10th graders starting next year will complete the MYP
personal project. Students will work in groups of no more than 3 students
with the support of a mentor teacher within the building. Students will be
able to pick a topic that they have a personal connection to. They will meet
with their mentor three times a year during the school day for advisement.
Projects will be due the beginning of March. Mrs. Melster and her
leadership team is in the process of working on incentives for students who
complete both the personal project and the community service piece. The
personal project can serve as a stepping stone for the Extended Essay piece
of the Diploma Program during the junior and senior years.
c. Community Service: All 10th graders should complete 20 hours of
community service by the end of the school year. They are able to count
hours within a club or organization. Students can reach out on their own for
volunteer opportunities or contact Mrs. Melster for ideas. Students need to
document hours on an MYP community and service reflection form. Those
forms are available through Mrs. Melster or through their advisor.
Incentives are being worked on by Mrs. Melster and the PWHS
B. Predicted Numbers of enrollees in IB classes for next year: This year the IB Diploma
Program filled 120 seats in IB classrooms. Our enrollment for next year has almost
tripled with 357 seats in IB classrooms being filled.
Upcoming Dates:
March 2015
(Juniors): All candidates must have met with their supervisors a second time and have a
revised research question that is narrowed down.
(Seniors): Spanish B: Individual Oral Internal Assessment in the Media Center
conference room scheduled throughout the day individually.
(Parents): PAC (Parent Advisory Council) Meeting in the Media Center at 4:30
this is open to any parent interested in being a part of the IB program.
April 2015
(Juniors): All full IB candidates must have met with Mrs. Vail, media specialist in order
to explain their research topic and explore media resources that are available to them
through the media center.
(IB Math SL and IB Math Students): Guest speaker during 4th and 5th hours.
(incoming 8th graders): 8th grade orientation at 6:30PM with an IB breakout session in
the media center at 5:30PM.
(incoming 8th graders): Class registration at Skyview Middle School at 7:45 AM and at
LPI at 1:30 PM
(Parents): PAC (Parent Advisory Council) Meeting in the Media Center at 4:30 P.M. this
is open to any parent interested in being a part of the IB program.
(Juniors): Students must submit the titles of three sources to be used on their EEs
to Mrs. Eastep on Managebac.
(All students testing): Exam training done each hour in IB classrooms. This must be
made up if a student is absent, or they will not be allowed to test.
(All students testing): Exam training done each hour in IB classrooms. This must be
made up if a student is absent, or they will not be allowed to test.
(Sophomores): Required orientation meeting for all sophomores entering into IB their
junior year. Each sophomore must have at least one parent present. The meeting will
be in Pueblo West High School Media Center beginning at 6:30 P.M.
(Juniors): All full IB candidates must submit a written summary on the three sources
reported to Mrs. Eastep by April 16th.
Comments/Questions/ Concerns
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30PM. The next meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, April 15th at 4:30 PM in the PWHS Media Center.
Respectfully Submitted by Rachelle Eastep