Chapter 8
Pgs. 223 - 272
Mrs. Wheeler / Mr. Rath
List the six essential nutrients and
describe their functions in the body.
List the acceptable macronutrient
distribution ranges.
Explain the difference between the
i. Complete and incomplete proteins
ii. Saturated, unsaturated, and trans fat
iii. Simple and complex carbohydrates
iv. Soluble and insoluble fiber
Explain the role of fiber and
antioxidants in the body.
The taking in and utilization of nutrients
 Involves three steps
 Consumption (Eat Slow-it takes 20 minutes for your body to
recognize you are full)
Metabolism (Everybody is different)
Utilization (We have control over this through Metabolic
Essential Nutrients: 6 classes
 Macronutrients
carbohydrates, protein, & fat
vitamins & minerals
Essential Nutrients are substances the body must get from
food, because it cannot manufacture them at all or fast
enough to meet its needs
 There are 45 essential nutrients broken down into six
classifications: (Table 8.1 Functions of)
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One kilocalorie represents the amount of heat it
takes to raise the temperature of one liter of
water 1 degree C.
1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories
In common usage, people refer to kilocalories as
calories. Calorie is also used on food labels.
A person needs about 2000 kilocalories a day to
meet his or her energy needs.
Calories consumed in excess of energy needs can
be converted to fat and stored in the body
 Carbohydrates
4 Calories per gram
 Proteins
4 Calories per gram
 Fats
9 Calories per gram
 Digested
along different sections of the
gastrointestinal tract
 HCl
and gastric
lipase really start
to break down
macronutrients in
the stomach
 Most digestion
occurs in the
small intestine
 Protein
= 10-35%
of daily calories
 Carbohydrates =
45-65% of daily
 Fat = 20 – 35%,
10% saturated, of
daily calories
 Key
to building body’s structural components
Muscles, bones, blood, enzymes, cell membranes, and
some hormones
 Compound
of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
and oxygen
 Composed of 20 amino acids, 9 of which are
 Complete
vs. Incomplete
 Complete = foods that supply all the essential
amino acids in adequate amounts
Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, and
 Incomplete = foods that supply most but not
all essential amino acids
Plants, including legumes, grains, and
 Complementary
Two or more incompletes that together supply
all the essential amino acids
 Recommended
0.8 gram per kilogram (0.36 gram per pound) of
body weight daily to prevent deficiencies
Endurance athletes = 1.2 – 1.4 g/kg
Resistance and strength-training athletes =
1.2 – 1.7 g/kg
10–35% of total daily
 Sources
The following foods provide about the same
amount of protein as 1oz (7g) of meat
¾ c yogurt
½ c cooked legumes
¼ c cottage cheese
2 Tbsp peanut butter
¼ c soy beans
¼ c tofu
1 c regular or soy milk
1 egg
1 oz cheese
1/3 c mixed nuts
 Also
known as lipids
 Supply energy, provide insulation, and
support and cushion organs
 Absorb fat-soluble vitamins
 Types of fats:
 Single double bond
 Multiple double bonds
Trans fat
 Recommended
 Men
17 g of linoleic acid and 1.6 g of alpha-linoleic acid
12 g of linoleic acid and 1.1 g of alpha-linoleic acid
 For total
fat is 20-35% of total calories
 Formed
during the hydrogenation process
to solidify liquid fats
One hydrogen is added on each side of the
double bond, as opposed to cis-fatty acids,
where two hydrogens are on the same side of the
double bond
Allows more fats to be packed closer together
 Provide
stability, shelf life, plasticity to
 Elevates levels of LDL (low-density
lipoproteins, “bad cholesterol”) and lowers
levels of HDL (high-density lipoproteins,
“healthy cholesterol”)
Together, increases risk for coronary heart
Studies have examined the role of dietary fats on blood cholesterol levels
and the risk of heart disease
Most Americans consume more saturated fats than trans fats, both of
which can raise LDL (low density lipoprotein/bad cholesterol)
Monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids improve
cholesterol levels and have a number of heart healthy effects
 Omega-3
 Primary fish
 Dark green leafy vegetables
 Walnuts and flaxseeds
 Canola oil
 Omega -6
 Corn and soybean oil
In addition to heart disease risk, dietary fats from red meat can raise the
risk of cancer, especially colon cancer
 The
body’s preferred source of energy
 Two types:
Simple (one or two sugar units/molecule)
Complex (more than two sugar units/molecule)
 Recommended
225-325 grams based on a 2000 calorie intake/day
AMDR recommends 45-65% of total daily calories
Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, its
simplest form
Refined vs. Whole Grain
Whole grains have higher nutritional values compared
to refined carbohydrates in the following:
Fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds
Whole grains (unrefined carbs) take longer to
chew and digest, resulting in:
Making people feel full sooner
Entering the bloodstream more slowly
Reducing the possibility of overeating
Slower rise of blood sugar
A measure of how the
ingestion of a particular
food affects blood
glucose levels
 Foods with a high
glycemic index cause
quick and dramatic rise in
blood sugar levels
 Diets rich in high
glycemic index foods are
linked to increased risk of
diabetes and heart
disease, as well as
increasing caloric intake
High fiber foods and
carbohydrates tend
to have a lower
glycemic index
Indigestible carbohydrates that are intact in plant
Fiber passes through the intestinal tract and provides
bulk for feces, assisting with bowel elimination
Types of fiber
Sources of Dietary Fiber
Soluble fiber: slows the body’s absorption of glucose, binding
cholesterol-containing compounds in the intestines
Insoluble fiber: binds with water, allowing fecal matter to
become bulkier and softer
All plant foods contain fiber; however, fruits, legumes, and
oats contain higher amounts
RDA for Fiber
38 grams for adult men
 25 grams for adult women
Proteins form key parts of the body’s main structural
components—muscles and bones—and of blood, enzymes, cell
membranes, and some hormones
 The building blocks of protein are amino acids
 Types of Protein
Complete (meat sources)
Incomplete (plant sources)
Adequate daily protein intake for adults is .8 grams per kg of
body weight
 AMDR for protein for adults is 10-35% of total daily calories
Refer to Table 8.2 for popular foods and the
amount of protein
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 Needed
in much smaller amounts
 Vitamins are organic (carbon-containing)
substances needed in small amounts.
 Promote
and regulate chemical reactions and
processes in the body
Fat-soluble: A, D, E, and K
Water-soluble: C and B-vitamin complex
Thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3),
pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7),
folate (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12)
 Minerals
Inorganic (do not contain carbon) compounds
needed for regulation, growth, and maintenance
of body tissues
 There are about 17 essential minerals:
 Major minerals (those needed in amounts
exceeding 100 mg per day) include:
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium,
and chloride
Trace minerals (those needed in small
amounts) include:
Copper, fluoride, iodide, iron, selenium, and zinc
The human body is composed of
about 60% water; you can live only a
few days without water
 Water is used in digestion and
absorption in food and is the
medium for most chemical reactions
that take place in the body
 Recommendations:
 Women need to drink about 9 cups
(2.2 liters) of fluid per day
 Men need to drink about 13 cups
(3.7 liters) of fluid per day
 Water is lost every day through
urine, feces, sweat, and evaporation
Antioxidants are substances that protect against the breakdown
of body constituents by free radicals; actions include binding
oxygen, donating electrons to free radicals, and repairing damage
to molecules
 Free radicals are chemically unstable, electron-seeking
compounds that can damage cell membranes and mutate genes
in its search for electrons
 Many fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin
C, vitamin E, selenium, and carotenoids
 Antioxidants also fall into a broader category of phytochemicals,
substances found in plant foods that help prevent chronic diseases
bright colored fruits and vegetables
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 Plant
chemicals that protect against disease
and have health-enhancing benefits
 Examples:
Anthocyanosides: red, purple, and blue
Carotenoids: orange, red, and yellow
Flavonoids: citrus, onions, apples, grapes, wine,
Lignans: flaxseed, berries, whole grains, licorice
Resveratrol: grapes and wine
Various tools have been created by scientific and government
groups to help people design healthy diets
 The following are considered guidelines to use as a reference:
 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
Adequate Intake (AI)
Daily values
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
ChooseMyPlate (new 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines)
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Note: that regular soda is the leading source of both added sugars and calories in the
American diet, but it provides few nutrients except sugar.
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 Types of vegetarian diets
Vegans = vegetarian who eats no animal products
Lacto-vegetarians = vegetarian who includes milk and
cheese products in the diet
Lacto-ovo-vegetarians = vegetarian who includes milk,
cheese products, and eggs in the diet
Partial vegetarians, semivegetarians, or pescovegetarians
= vegetarian who includes eggs, dairy products, small
amounts of poultry and seafood in the diet
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Some populations face special dietary
challenges, including:
Women lacking nutrient-dense foods, calcium,
Men needing more fruits, vegetables, grains
College students should improve overall quality
of food choices
Older adults need nutrient-dense foods, fiber,
vitamin B-12
Athletes need increased energy and fluid
People with special health concerns should
discuss this with their physician or dietitian
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 Read food labels
 Irradiated foods
 Read dietary
 Environmental
supplement labels
 Food additives
 Foodborne illness
contaminants and
organic foods
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 Most widely used are sugar, salt, corn syrup, citric
acid, baking soda, vegetable colors, mustard, and
 Concerns about some additives:
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) causes some people to
experience episodes of sweating and increased blood
Sulfites cause severe reactions in some people
Check food labels
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To avoid harmful effects of mercury, guidelines have been set
for women who are or who may become pregnant, as well as
nursing mothers:
 Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish
 Eat up to 12 ounces per week of a variety of fish and shellfish;
limit consumption of albacore tuna to 6 ounces per week
 Check advisories about locally caught fish; if no information is
available, limit to 6 ounces per week
 Follow the same guidelines for children but in smaller servings
 To avoid exposure to PCBs in farmed fish, some experts
recommend a limit of 8 ounces of farmed salmon per month
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 Assessing and changing your diet
 Staying committed to a healthy diet
 Try additions and substitutions to bring your current
diet closer to your goals
 Plan ahead for challenging situations
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Chapter Eight
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