What Are Animals? Animals: 1. are multicellular – 2. have eukaryotic cells without cell walls – 3. 4. distinguishes them from bacteria and most protists distinguishes them from bacteria, fungi, algae and plants cannot produce their own food, so they depend on other organisms for nutrients can actively move (with the exception of adult sponges) Sponges Phylum Porifera Basic characteristics: simple asymmetric sessile—permanently attached to a solid surface have many shapes, sizes and colors Sponge Structure and Function Body is built around a system of water canals ostia—tiny holes or pores through which water enters the sponge’s body spongocoel—spacious cavity in the sponge osculum—large opening through which water exits from the spongocoel Sponge Structure and Function Lacking tissues, sponges have specialized cells collar cells (choanocytes) use their flagella to provide force for moving water through the sponge’s body archaeocytes—cells that resemble amoebas, and can move through the body can assume any of the other cell forms, or transport materials Sponge Structure and Function Structural materials spicules—skeletal elements that give support to a sponge’s body, which are produced by specialized cells and composed of calcium carbonate, silica or spongin spongin—a protein that forms flexible fibers Sponge Structure and Function Sponge size and body form size is limited by water circulation asconoid—simplest form; tubular and always small syconoid—sponges that exhibit the first stages of bodywall folding leuconoid—sponges with the highest degree of folding, which have many chambers lined with collar cells Sponge Structure and Function Nutrition and digestion sponges are suspension feeders – they feed on material that is suspended in seawater sponges are filter feeders – they filter their food from the water sponges are one of the few animals that can capture particles 0.1 to 1.0 micrometers in size Sponge Structure and Function Reproduction in sponges asexual reproduction budding—a group of cells on the outer surface of the sponge develops and grows into a tiny new sponge, which drops off fragmentation—production of a new sponge from pieces that are broken off sexual reproduction eggs usually develop from archaeocytes and sperm from modified collar cells larval stage is a planktonic amphiblastula Ecological Roles of Sponges Competition compete for space to attach with corals and bryozoans Predator-prey relationships few species eat sponges spicules are like needles some produce chemical deterrents major food source for hawksbill sea turtle Ecological Roles of Sponges Symbiotic relationships sponges are mutualistic or commensalistic hosts to many organisms e.g. mutualistic bacteria many organisms live within the canals or spongocoel, for protection, water flow Sponges and nutrient cycling boring sponges recycle calcium as they burrow into coral and mollusc shells Cnidarians: Animals with Stinging Cells Phylum Cnidaria Named for their cnidocytes—stinging cells Cnidocytes are used to capture prey and protect the animal Organization of the Cnidarian Body Radial symmetry—many planes can be drawn through the central axis that will divide the animal into equivalent halves Often exhibit 2 body plans within their life cycles: polyp—a benthic form characterized by a cylindrical body with an opening at 1 end medusa—a free-floating stage (jellyfish) Stinging Cells Cnida—stinging organelle within a cnidocyte, which may function in locomotion, prey capture, or defense nematocysts—spearing type, which are discharged when the cnidocill—a bristle-like trigger—contacts another object Dangerous species Portuguese man-of-war (painful stings) box jellyfish (can kill within 3-20 minutes) Types of Cnidarians Hydrozoans (class Hydrozoa) mostly colonial colonial forms contain 2 types of polyp: feeding polyp—functions in food capture reproductive polyp—specialized for reproduction hydrocorals secrete a calcareous skeleton some produce floating colonies e.g. Portuguese man-of-war Types of Cnidarians Scyphozoans true jellyfish (class Scyphozoa) medusa is predominant life stage photoreceptors—sense organs that can determine whether it is dark or light Cubozoa box jellyfish (class Cubozoa) tropical voracious predators, primarily of fish Types of Cnidarians Anthozoans (class Anthozoa) sea anemones polyps with a vascular cavity divided into compartments radiating from the central one though sessile, many can change locations coral animals polyps that secrete a hard or soft skeleton form reefs along with types of algae soft corals polyps that form plant-like colonies Nutrition and Digestion of Cnidarians Gastrovascular cavity—central cavity where cnidarians digest their prey functions in digestion and transport Many hydrozoans and anthozoans are suspension feeders Jellyfish and box jellyfish eat fish and larger invertebrates Sea anemones generally feed on invertebrates Reproduction Hydrozoans generally exhibit asexual polyp stage and sexual medusa stage in the life cycle reproductive polyps form medusa-like buds which grow into adults after release adults release gametes into the water, where they are fertilized and form larvae planula larva—planktonic larva that grows in the water column, then settles Reproduction Scyphozoans medusae (sexual stage) release gametes into the water for fertilization planula larvae settle, grow into polyps, and reproduce medusa-like buds asexually Reproduction Anthozoans asexual reproduction pedal laceration—leaving parts of the pedal disk (base) behind to grow into new animals fission—the anemone splits in two and each half grows into a new individual budding produces large colonies of identical hard corals sexual reproduction larval stage is a planula larva Ecological Relationships of Cnidarians Predator-prey relationships cnidarians are predators stinging cells discourage predation Habitat formation coral polyps form complex 3-dimensional structures inhabited by thousands of other organisms coral reefs provide a solid surface for attachment, and buffer waves and storms Ecological Relationships of Cnidarians Symbiotic relationships Portuguese man-of-war and man-of-war fish reef-forming corals and zooxanthellae sea anemones... and clownfish and the hermit crab Ctenophores Phylum Ctenophora Planktonic, nearly transparent Ctenophore structure named for 8 rows of comb plates (ctenes) which the animal uses for locomotion ctenes are composed of large cilia exhibit radial symmetry bioluminescent Ctenophores Digestion and nutrition carnivorous, feeding on other planktonic animals may used branched tentacles in a net pattern, adhesive cells, jellyfish stingers Coral Animals Stony (true) corals deposit massive amounts of CaCO3 that compose most of the structure of coral reefs Hermatypic—coral species that produce reefs, found in shallow, tropical waters Ahermatypic—corals that do not build reefs, which can grow in deeper water from the tropics to polar seas most do not harbor zooxanthellae Coral Animals Coral colonies large colonies of small coral polyps, each of which secretes a corallite a planula larva settles and attaches a polyp develops, and reproduces by budding to form a growing colony polyps’ gastrovascular cavities remain interconnected a thin, usually colorful epidermis overlies the colony surface Coral Animals Sexual reproduction in coral mostly broadcast spawners—release both sperm and eggs into the surrounding seawater spawning is usually synchronous among Pacific reef species, but nonsynchronous among Caribbean species Coral Animals Asexual reproduction Reproduction by fragmentation some branching corals are fragile and tend to break during storms if they survive the storm, fragments can attach and grow into new colonies fragmentation is a common form of asexual reproduction for branching corals Coral Animals Coral nutrition symbiotic zooxanthellae supply 90% of nutritional needs of stony coral zooxanthella provide glucose, glycerol and amino acids coral polyp provides a suitable habitat and nutrients, absorbed directly through the animal’s tissues zooxanthellae remove CO2 and produce O2 need of zooxanthellae for sunlight limits depths to which stony corals can grow Coral Animals Coral nutrition (continued) corals as predators small animals paralyzed by the nematocysts are passed into the digestive cavity World of Coral Reefs Coral reefs are highly productive, but occur in nutrient-poor waters This is made possible by the symbiotic relationship between coral animals and zooxanthellae These symbionts + algae form the basis of the community; other reef animals depend on these organisms Coral Reef Types Fringing reefs border islands or continental landmasses Barrier reefs are similar to fringing reefs but separated from the landmass and fringing reef by lagoons or deepwater channels Atolls, usually elliptical, arise out of deep water and have a centrally-located lagoon Reef Structure Reef front or forereef—portion of the reef that rises from the lower depths of the ocean to a level just at or just below the surface of the water, on the seaward side drop-off—a steep reef-front that forms a vertical wall spur-and-groove formation or buttress zone—finger-like projections of the reef front that protrude seaward; disperses wave energy and helps prevent damage Reef Structure Reef crest—the highest point on the reef and the part that receives the full impact of wave energy where wave impact is very strong, it may consist of an algal ridge of encrusting coralline algae, lacking other organisms, and penetrated by surge channels—grooves of the buttress zone Reef flat or back reef—portion behind the reef crest Coral Reef Distribution Major factors influencing distribution: temperature – corals do best at 23-25o C light availability – photosynthetic zooxanthellae need light sediment accumulation – can reduce light and clog feeding structures salinity wave action – moderate wave action brings in oxygenated seawater, removes sediment that could smother coral polyps duration of air exposure – can be deadly Reef Productivity Source of nutrients land runoff for reefs close to land source for atolls unclear possible explanations: nutrients accumulated over time are efficiently recycled reef bacteria and filter feeders capitalize on nutrients from dissolved/particulate organic matter nutrients brought from other communities Reef Productivity Reef photosynthesis photosynthetic organisms: zooxanthellae, benthic algae, turf algae, sand algae, phytoplankton, seagrasses Coral Reef Community Sponges and cnidarians sessile organisms, though anemones can move if necessary filter feed; anemones also paralyze and consume small fishes and crustaceans Annelids sessile filter feeders include featherduster and Christmas tree worms fireworms are mobile predators palolo worms burrow through and weaken coral and usually deposit feed Coral Reef Community Crustaceans shrimps, crabs and lobsters vary from parasites to active hunters Molluscs gastropods eat algae from coral surfaces giant clams are filter feeders, but also host symbiotic zooxanthellae octopus and squid are active predators Coral Reef Community Echinoderms feather stars, sea urchins, brittle stars, sea stars, and sea cucumbers filter feed, scavenge, or eat sediment Reef fishes most prominent and diverse inhabitant diverse food sources, including detritus, algae, sponges, coral, invertebrates, other fish Species Interactions on Coral Reefs Competition between corals and other reef organisms for space to attach Effect of grazing grazing of larger, fleshier seaweeds permits competitively inferior filamentous forms or coralline algae to persist herbivory decreases with depth Species Interactions on Coral Reefs Effect of predation predation of sponges, soft corals and gorgonians provides space for competitively inferior reef corals species that feed on fast-growing coral assist slowergrowing species to remain corallivores seldom destroy reefs small invertebrates are almost all well hidden or camouflaged, indicating the prevalence of predation in the reef Coral Reef Ecology Coral provides: foundation for reef food webs shelter for resident organisms Reefs form a complex 3-dimensional habitat for many beautiful and strange creatures Threats to Coral Reefs Effect of physical changes on the health of coral reefs hurricanes and typhoons topple and remove coral formations El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) changes winds, ocean currents, temperatures, rainfall and atmospheric pressure over large areas of tropical and subtropical areas can cause massive storms Threats to Coral Reefs Coral bleaching a phenomenon by which corals expel their symbiotic zooxanthellae most often associated with warming of the ocean water by ENSO or global warming if the stress is not too severe, corals may regain zooxanthellae and recover if the stress is prolonged, corals may fail to regain zooxanthellae and die Threats to Coral Reefs Coral diseases black band disease—a distinct dark band of bacteria migrates across the living coral tissue, leaving behind a bare white skeleton white pox—characterized by white lesions and caused by Serratia marcescens other coral diseases: white band disease white plague yellow blotch disease Threats to Coral Reefs Human impact on coral reefs overfishing may occur human-sewage bacteria cause white pox nutrient-rich runoff (eutrophication) increases algal growth, which covers and smothers corals e.g. Kane’ohe Bay in Hawaii Evolutionary Adaptations of Reef Dwellers Protective body covering tough, defensive exteriors help animals avoid predation, but can limit mobility and growth Protective behaviors producing a poisonous coating of mucus burying the body in sand to hide inflating to appear larger hiding at night when nocturnal predators are active Evolutionary Adaptations of Reef Dwellers Role of color in reef organisms color for concealment and protection countershading disruptive coloration camouflage (bright colors in reef environment) Evolutionary Adaptations of Reef Dwellers Role of color in reef organisms other types of camouflage body shape warning coloration other roles of color defending territories mating rituals Evolutionary Adaptations of Reef Dwellers Symbiotic relationships on coral reefs cleaning symbioses cleaner wrasses, gobies, etc. feed on parasites of larger fishes cleaning organisms set up a cleaning station Other symbiotic relationships clownfishes and anemones conchfish and the queen conch gobies and snapping shrimp crustaceans and anemones Molluscs Phylum Mollusca Have soft bodies, usually covered by a calcium carbonate shell One of the largest and most successful groups of animals Wide range of sizes, lifestyles and relationships to humans (i.e., some are food, others cause commercial damage) Ex: Snails, Clams, Squid, Octopus Molluscan Body 2 major parts (mostly for snails and nudibranchs): head-foot—region containing the head with its mouth and sensory organs and the foot, which is the animal’s organ of locomotion visceral mass—body region containing the other organ systems, including the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, excretory and reproductive systems Molluscan Body Mantle—protective tissue covering the soft parts, which extends from the visceral mass and hangs down on each side of the body; it forms the shell Radula—a ribbon of tissue containing teeth (found in all except bivalves) used for scraping, piercing, tearing or cutting pieces of food Molluscan Shell Secreted by the mantle Normally comprises 3 layers: periostracum—outermost layer, composed of the protein conchiolin that protects the shell from dissolution and boring animals prismatic layer—middle layer, composed of calcium carbonate and protein, which makes up the bulk of the shell nacreous layer—innermost layer, composed of calcium carbonate in thin sheets, with a different crystal structure Molluscan Shell Periostracum and prismatic layers form at the mantle’s margin as the animal grows Nacreous layer is secreted continuously nacreous layer of oysters is known as mother of pearl, which can become layered over irritating particles (such as sand grains) to form pearls Chitons (class of mollusca) Class Polyplacophora Have flattened bodies most often covered by 8 shell plates Attach tightly to rocks Most scrape algae and other organisms off the rocks with radulae for food Scaphopods (class of mollusca) Tusk shells (class Scaphopoda) Tusk-like shell is open at both ends, with foot protruding from larger end Water enters and exits at smaller end Feed primarily on foraminiferans, which are captured with the foot or tentacles emerging from the head Gastropods (class of mollusca) Class Gastropoda (snails and nudibranchs) May have no shell, or a univalve (one-piece) shell as the animal grows, whorls of the shell increase in size around a central axis operculum—covering over the shell’s aperture which allows it to be closed Gastropods Feeding and nutrition herbivores – most feed on fine algae; some on large algae like kelps carnivores – usually locate prey using its chemical trail; have evolved various behaviors for capturing/subduing prey scavengers and deposit feeders filter feeders Gastropods Naked gastropods nudibranchs—marine gastropods that lack a shell have cerata—projections from the body that increase the surface area available for gas exchange some feed on cnidarians and then use their stinging cells as defensive weapons in the tips of cerata bright colors indicate toxicity to predators Bivalves (class of mollusca) Class Bivalvia Have shells divided into 2 jointed halves (valves) Includes: clams oysters mussels scallops shipworms Bivalves Bivalve anatomy no head or radula laterally compressed bodies shell halves attached dorsally at a hinge by ligaments umbo—oldest part of the shell, around hinge adductor muscles—large muscles which close the 2 valves mantle often forms inhalant and exhalant openings to facilitate filter feeding palps form the food into a mass for digestion Cephalopods (class ofcuttlefish, mollusca) Class Cephalopoda (nautilus, squid, octopus) Ring of tentacles projects from the anterior edge of the head, for use in prey capture, defense, reproduction and sometimes locomotion Except for nautiloids, they lack shells or have small internal shells Cephalopods Types of cephalopods nautiloids produce large, coiled shells composed of chambers separated by septa (partitions) gas-filled chambers aid with buoyancy siphuncle—cord of tissue connecting the nautiloid to uninhabited chambers (it inhabits the last chamber) which removes seawater from each chamber as it forms 60-90 tentacles coated with a sticky substance function in sensation or bringing food to the mouth Cephalopods nautiloids (continued) move using jet propulsion usually dwell on the bottom during the day and migrate to the surface at night nautiloids eat hermit crabs and scavenge for other food on the bottom food is stored in a crop prior to transport to the stomach for digestion Cephalopods coleoids (e.g. cuttlefish, squids, octopods) cuttlefish have a bulky body, fins, 10 appendages (8 arms + 2 tentacles), and small internal shells squids have: large cylindrical bodies with a pair of fins derived from mantle tissue 10 appendages (8 arms + 2 tentacles) arranged in 5 pairs around the head and embellished with cup-shaped suckers surrounded by toothed structures and attached by a short stalk a pen (a degenerate shell; an internal strip of hard protein) which helps support the mantle Cephalopods coleoids (continued) octopods have 8 arms (no tentacles) with suckers without stalks or teeth, and sac-like bodies without fins coleoids cloud the water with a dark fluid called sepia containing melanin (a brown-black pigment) when disturbed swim by jet propulsion by forcing water through a ventrallylocated siphon or by fin undulation (in squids) have the most advanced, complex nervous system among invertebrates Cephalopods Color and shape in cephalopods arm/body movements and color changes are used in communication chromatophores—special skin cells containing pigment granules which are concentrated or dispersed to change color cephalopods can produce general body color changes or stripes and other patterns Cephalopods Feeding and nutrition carnivores – prey is located with highly developed eyes and captured by tentacles or arms a pair of powerful, beak-like jaws in the oral cavity is used to bite or tear tissues; octopods use radula to drill holes in shells diet depends on habitat squids are pelagic: fish, crustaceans, squid cuttlefish find invertebrates on the bottom octopods forage or lie in wait near the entrances to their dens Cephalopods Reproduction in cephalopods sexes are separate mating frequently involves some kind of courtship display male squid have a modified arm used to transfer a spermatophore (sperm package) from his mantle cavity to the female’s, near the opening of the oviduct (tube that carries eggs to the outside of the body) Ecological Roles of Molluscs Food for humans and other animals snail shells are a calcium source for some marine birds sperm whales consume masses of squid Some snails are intermediate hosts to parasites Shipworms damage wooden pilings and boat hulls, but also prevent wood from accumulating in the marine environment A few bivalves have commensal relationships (attaching to other animals) Arthropods: Animals with Jointed Appendages Phylum Arthropoda = 75% of species Ex: crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crawfish Have exoskeleton—a hard, protective exterior skeleton composed of protein and chitin (a tough polysaccharide) molting—shedding and replacement of exoskeleton to permit animal’s growth Body is divided into segments Usually, each segment has a pair of jointed appendages, for locomotion, mouthparts, sensation, ornamentation Arthropods: Animals with Jointed Appendages Have highly developed nervous systems sophisticated sense organs capacity for learning 2 major groups of marine arthropods: chelicerates – have a pair chelicerae (oral appendages) and lack mouthparts for chewing food mandibulates – have appendages called mandibles that can be used to chew food Chelicerates (group of arthropods) 6 pairs of appendages; 1 pair are chelicerae for feeding Horseshoe crabs 3 body regions cephalothorax – largest region with the most obvious appendages abdomen – contains the gills telson – a long spike used for steering and defense body is covered by a carapace—a hard outer covering Chelicerates Horseshoe crabs (continued) locomotion by walking or swimming by flexing the abdomen mostly nocturnal scavengers smaller males attach to females to mate, and eggs are laid in a depression on the beach; larvae return to the sea to grow Mandibulates (group of arthropod) Crustaceans—marine mandibulates Crustacean anatomy 3 main body regions: head thorax abdomen appendages: 2 pairs of sensory antennae mandibles and maxillae used for feeding walking legs, swimmerets (swimming legs), legs modified for reproduction, chelipeds (legs modified for defense) Mandibulates gas exchange small crustaceans exchange gases through their body surface larger crustaceans have gills Molting Crucial part of the life cycle Frequency of molting decreases with age Controlled by specific hormones produced in a gland in the head, and initiated by environmental conditions Decapods (group of mandibulate) Order decapoda; includes animals with 5 pairs of walking legs: crabs lobsters true shrimp 1st pair of walking legs are chelipeds—pincers used for capturing prey and for defense Wide range in size Decapods Specialized behaviors hermit crabs inhabit empty shells decorator crabs camouflage carapaces with bits of sponge, anemones, etc. common blue crabs are agile swimmers Decapods Nutrition and digestion chelipeds are used for prey capture appendages are used for scavenging predation and scavenging are usually combined some decapods are deposit or filter feeders Decapods Reproduction sexes usually separate males have appendages modified for clasping females and delivering sperm spermatophores—sperm packages copulatory pleopods—2 pairs of anterior abdominal appendages that deliver sperm most brood their eggs in chambers or modified appendages Cirripedia (class of arthropods) Class Cirripedia – the only sessile crustaceans Most have calcium carbonate shell Attach directly to a hard surface, or have a stalk for attachment Filter feed using cirripeds—feathery appendages which extend into the water when the shell is open Barnacles Reproduction hermaphroditic cross-fertilized using a long, extensible penis brooded eggs hatch into nauplius larvae nauplius larvae develop into cyprid larvae, which have compound eyes and a carapace of 2 shell plates cyprid larvae attach using adhesive glands in antennae, then metamorphose into adults Ecological Roles of Arthropods Arthropods as food important food sources for marine animals and humans copepods form a link between phytoplankton they eat and many animals that use them as a major food source krill are consumed in large quantities by whales and other organisms Ecological Roles of Arthropods Arthropods as symbionts cleaning shrimps remove ectoparasites and other materials from reef fish Some are ecotoparasites and endoparasites barnacles are commensal with many hosts Ecological Roles of Arthropods Role of arthropods in recycling and fouling grass shrimp feed on detrital cellulose material, and so helps break down algae and grasses in tidal marsh ecosystems barnacles are a serious fouling problem on ship bottoms attached barnacles can reduce ship speed by 30% special paints and other anti-fouling measures Echinoderms: Animals with Spiny Skins Phylum Echinodermata (sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle stars) Larval forms exhibit bilateral symmetry but most adults exhibit a modified form of radial symmetry Mostly benthic, and found at nearly all depths Sea cucumbers and brittle stars are commonly found in deep-sea samples Echinoderm Structure Endoskeleton—internal skeleton that lies just beneath the epidermis Spines and tubercles project outward from the ossicles pedicellariae—tiny, pincer-like structures around the bases of spines that keep the body surface clean in some echinoderms Echinoderm Structure Water vascular system—unique hydraulic system that functions in locomotion, feeding, gas exchange and excretion water enters by the madreporite passes through a system of canals attached to some canals are tube feet—hollow structures with a sac-like ampulla within the body and a a sucker protruding from the ambulacral groove Asteroidea (class of echinoderm) Class Asteroidea Typically composed of a central disk + 5 arms or rays On underside, ambulacral grooves with tube feet radiate from the mouth along each ray Aboral surface—the side opposite the mouth, which is frequently rough or spiny Asteroidea Feeding in sea stars most are carnivores or scavengers of invertebrates and sometimes fish prey are located by sensing of substances they release into the water sea stars envelope and open bivalves, evert a portion of the stomach, and insert it into the bivalves to digest them digestive glands located in each ray provide digestive enzymes Asteroidea Reproduction and regeneration sea stars can regenerate rays; some can regenerate themselves from a single ray plus part of the central disc asexual reproduction involves division of the central disk and regeneration of each half into a new individual most have separate sexes, which shed eggs and sperm into the water for fertilization and hatching into usually planktonic larvae Ophiuroidea (class of echinoderm) Class Ophiuroidea e.g. brittle, basket and serpent stars Benthic with 5 slender, distinct arms, frequently covered with many spines Lack pedicellariae and have closed abulacral grooves Tube feet lack suckers and are used in locomotion and feeding Brittle stars shed arms if disturbed Ophiuroids Feeding in ophiuroids carnivores, scavengers, deposit feeders, suspension feeders, or filter feeders brittle stars usually filter feed by lifting their arms and waving them in the water deposit feeders use their podia to gather organic particles from the bottom into food balls and pass them to the mouth basket stars suspension feed by climbing onto corals/rocks and fanning their arms toward the prevailing current Ophiuroids Reproduction and regeneration in ophiuroids autotomize—to cast off, as of an arm, when disturbed or seized by a predator asexual reproduction by division into 2 halves and regeneration of individuals mostly separate sexes may shed eggs into water or brood them in ovaries or a body cavity planktonic larvae metamorphose into adults within the water column Echinoidea (class of echinoderm) Class Echinoidea – sea urchins and sand dollars Body enclosed by test—a hard exoskeleton Benthic on solid surfaces (sea urchins) or in sand (heart urchins, sand dollars) Regular (radial) echinoids—sea urchins; spheroid body with long, moveable spines Irregular (bilateral) echinoids—heart urchins and sand dollars; have short spines on their tests Echinoidea Feeding in echinoids feeding in regular echinoids mostly grazers which scrape algae and other food materials from surfaces Aristotle’s lantern—a chewing structure of 5 teeth feeding in irregular urchins irregular urchins are selective deposit feeders some sand dollars are suspension feeders Holothuroidea (class of echinoderm) Class Holothuroidea- Sea Cucumbers Have elongated bodies, and usually lie on 1 side Respiratory trees—a system of tubules located in the body cavity which accomplish gas exchange Sexes are generally separate Eggs may be brooded or incubated; larvae are planktonic Holothuroidea Feeding in sea cucumbers mainly deposit or suspension feeders oral tentacles—modified tube feet coated with mucus which are used to trap small food particles Defensive behavior Cuvierian tubules—sticky tubules released from the anus of some species eviscerate—to release some internal organs through the anus or mouth Crinoidea (class of echinoderm) Class Crinoidea – sea lilies and feather stars Primitive, flower-like echinoderms Most are feather stars, which seldom move and cling to the bottom with grasping cirri Suspension feeders Can regenerate lost arms Separate sexes shed eggs/sperm into the water; larvae have fee-swimming stage, then attach to the bottom and metamorphose into minute adults Ecological Roles of Echinoderms Spiny skins deter most predators Predators of molluscs, other echinoderms, cnidarians, crustaceans crown-of-thorns sea star eats coral sea urchins destroy kelp forests Black sea urchins control algae growth on coral reefs Sea cucumber poison, holothurin, has potential as a medicine