Q. Where in the alimentary canal does amylase act?

3.3.3 + 4 Human Nutrition & Digestion 1 FMQuiz Homework Solution
Q. What is meant by the term omnivore?
A. An animal that eats both animals and plants
Q. What is a heterotrophic organism?
A. One that uses food already made by other
Q. What is meant by absorption?
A. Movement across membrane into blood or
Q. What are the final products of the digestion of a
A. Amino acids
Q. What is an autotrophic organism?
A. One that makes its own food
Q. Name a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme in the
human alimentary canal
A. Amylase
Q. What is meant by the term digestion?
A. Breaking down food
Q. What is the role of bile in fat digestion?
A. Emulsification
Q. What is peristalsis?
A. Muscular activity or contractions to move food
Q. Where in the alimentary canal does amylase
A. Mouth and Small intestine
Q. Why is a low pH important in the stomach?
A. Kills germs or Optimal pH for enzymes
Q. The passage of the products of digestion from
the intestine to the blood is called ...
A. Absorption
Q. Describe two functions of bile in relation to
A. Emulsification; Neutralisation or Raises pH or
Makes alkaline
Q. What is a carnivore?
A. An animal that feeds on animals only
Q. Where is lipase produced?
A. Pancreas
Q. Why is fibre important?
A. For peristalsis or Prevent constipation or bowel
Q. Name an enzyme that is involved in the
digestion of fat.
A. Lipase
Q. What are the products of fat digestion?
A. Fatty acids and glycerol
Q. State the product(s) of amylase digestion.
A. Maltose
Q. Name a structure in the human digestive
system, other than teeth, which is involved in
mechanical digestion.
A. Tongue or Oesophagus or Stomach or Small
Q. State a role of beneficial bacteria in the
alimentary canal.
A. Production of vitamins or Inhibition of
Q. State two ways in which the villi are adapted for
the absorption of soluble foods.
A. Large surface area; Rich blood supply; Microvilli;
Thin-walled; Lacteal
Q. What is a protease enzyme?
A. Breaks down protein
Q. What is a herbivore?
A. An animal that feeds on plants only
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