Regulation of Glycolysis - Valdosta State University

Regulation of Metabolic Pathways
• Systems must respond to conditions
• Homeostasis is not equilibrium
• Dynamic Steady State
– Flux - Rate of metabolic flow of material
through pathways
• Many ways to regulate – for example
– At the protein level (e.g. allosteric control)
– At the gene level
– At transcription or translation
• There are different time scales for regulation
– < sec, seconds, hours, days
– Based on situation that requires response
• Maintaining ATP concentration is critical
– Energy needed to sustain cellular processes
– Typical cell
• [ATP]  5 mM
• ATP-using enzymes KM range 0.1 – 1 mM
• Significant [ATP] drop would cause many
reactions to decrease
• Cells are sensitive to ratios
ATP + glucose  ADP + glucose 6-phosphate
G  G0  RT ln
[ ADP][G6 P]
[ ATP][ glu ]
• AMP is a very sensitive indicator – small changes
make a big difference percentage-wise (normal
conc. <0.1 mM)
-Fast response (sec or less) – usually allosteric
control (faster response than synthesis or
degradation of enzyme)
-Covalent modification (also fast)
most common:
-Slower response (sec to hours) –exterior
effects such as hormones, growth factors
Overall regulatory networks will:
1. maximize efficience of energy source
utilization by preventing futile cycles.
2. partition metabolites between alternative
pathways (Ex: glycolysis and PPP).
3. use the best energy source for the immediate
needs of the cell.
4. shut down biosynthetic pathways when their
products accumulate.
Metabolic regulation – maintains homeostasis at
the molecular level (e.g. hold concentrations
of metabolites constant)
Metabolic control – changes flux through a
metabolic pathway
Coordinated Regulation of Glycolysis
& Gluconeogenesis
Futile (substrate) cycles are to be avoided
cycles that recycle metabolites at the expense of
Glycolysis Regulation
When ATP is needed, glycolysis is
When ATP levels are sufficient, glycolysis
activity decreases
Control points
1. Hexokinase
2. PFK-1
3. Pyruvate kinase
Hexokinase reaction is metabolically
G6P (product) levels increase when glycolysis
is inhibited at sites further along in the
Recall there are 4 isozymes
G6P inhibits hexokinase isozymes I, II and III
Glucokinase (hexokinase IV) forms G6P in
the liver (for glycogen synthesis) when
glucose is abundant (activity is modulated by
fructose phosphates and a regulatory protein)
• Isozymes I,II and II have similar KM
(important in muscle)
– Normally at saturation
• Hexokinase IV has much higher KM
(important in liver)
– Important when blood glucose is high
• Glucose enters mammalian cells by passive
transport down a concentration gradient from
blood to cells
• GLUT is a family of six passive hexose
• Glucose uptake into skeletal and heart
muscle and adipocytes by GLUT 4 is
stimulated by insulin
• Other GLUT transporters mediate glucose
transport in and out of cells in the absence of
• GLUT2 is transporter for hepatocytes
• Quick equilibrium of [glucose] with blood
glucose in both cytosol and nucleus
• Regulator protein – inside the nucleus
– Binds Hexokinase IV and inhibits it
– Protein has regulatory site
• Competition between glucose and
fructose 6-phosphate
– Glucose stimulates release of hexokinase
IV into cytoplasm
– Fructose 6-phosphate inhibits this process
• Hexokinase IV not affected by glucose 6phosphate as the other isozymes are
Addition of a
protein raises
apparent KM for
glucose (inhibits
hexokinase IV)
Glucose 6-Phosphate Has a Pivotal Metabolic
Role in Liver
2. Regulation of Phosphofructokinase-1
• Important - this step commits glucose to glycolysis
• PFK-1 has several regulatory sites
• ATP is a substrate and an allosteric inhibitor of
PFK-1 (note that it’s an end-product of the
• AMP allosterically activates PFK-1 by relieving the
ATP inhibition (ADP is also an activator in
mammalian systems)
• Changes in AMP and ADP concentrations can
control the flux through PFK-1
•AMP relieves ATP inhibition
of PFK-1
• Elevated levels of citrate (indicate ample
substrates for citric acid cycle) also inhibit
• Most important allosteric regulator is
fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (later in the
3. Regulation of Pyruvate Kinase (PK)
• At least 3 PK isozymes exist in vertebrates
• Differ in distribution and modulators
• Inhibited by high ATP, Acetyl-CoA, long-chain
fatty acids (energy in good supply)
Liver form – low blood sugar glucagon 
increased cAMP cAMP-dependent protein
kinase  PK inactivation (is reversed by
protein phosphatase)
• Muscle form – epinephrine→increased cAMP →
activates glycogen breakdown and glycolysis
• PK is allosterically activated by Fructose 1,6 BP
• PK inhibited by accumulation of alanine
Regulation of Gluconeogenesis
• Fate of pyruvate
•Go on to citric acid cycle – requires
conversion to Acetyl Co-A by the pyruvate
dehydrogenase complex
•Gluconeogenesis – first step is
conversion to oxaloacetate by pyruvate
• Acetyl Co-A accumulation
• inhibits
pyruvate dehydrogenase
• activates
pyruvate carboxylase
Coordinated regulation of PFK-1 and FBPase-1
(1) Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) (glycolysis)
(2) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase FBPase-1
• Modulating one enzyme in a substrate cycle will
alter the flux through the two opposing pathways
• Two coordinating modulators
•Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
• Inhibiting PFK-1 stimulates gluconeogenesis
• Inhibiting the phosphatase stimulates glycolysis
• AMP concentration coordinates regulation
• stimulates glycolysis
• Inhibits gluconeogenesis
• In the liver, the most important coordinating
modulator is fructose 2,6-bisphophate
• It is formed from F6P by the enzyme
phosphofructokinase-2 (PFK-2)
• It is broken down by the same enzyme, but
at a different catalytic site in the enzyme –
it’s a bifunctional protein
-It is called fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase
(FBPase-2) for this activity
- Balance of PFK-2 to FBPase-2 activity
controlled by
• F2,6BP stimulates glycolysis
• F2,6BP inhibits gluconeogenesis
Effects of Glucagon and Insulin
The Pasteur Effect
• Under anaerobic conditions the conversion of
glucose to pyruvate is much higher than under
aerobic conditions (yeast cells produce more
ethanol and muscle cells accumulate lactate)
• The Pasteur Effect is the slowing of glycolysis in
the presence of oxygen
• More ATP is produced under aerobic conditions
than under anaerobic conditions, therefore less
glucose is consumed aerobically
Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism
• Muscle glycogen is fuel for muscle contraction
• Liver glycogen is mostly converted to glucose for
bloodstream transport to other tissues
• Both mobilization and synthesis of glycogen are
regulated by hormones and allosterically
• Insulin, glucagon and epinephrine regulate
mammalian glycogen metabolism (hormones)
• Ca2+ and [AMP]/[ATP] (muscle glycogen
• [glucose] (liver glycogen phosphorylase)
• [glucose 6-phosphate] (glycogen synthase)
• Hormones
•Insulin is produced by -cells of the pancreas
(high levels are associated with the fed state)
-increases glucose transport into muscle,
adipose tissue via GLUT 4 transporter
-stimulates glycogen synthesis in the liver
• Glucagon is Secreted by the a cells of the
pancreas in response to low blood glucose
(elevated glucagon is associated with the
fasted state)
-Stimulates glycogen degradation to
restore blood glucose to steady-state
-Only liver cells are rich in glucagon
Epinephrine (adrenaline) Released from the
adrenal glands in response to sudden energy
requirement (“fight or flight”)
- Stimulates the breakdown of glycogen to
G1P (which is converted to G6P)
-Increased G6P levels increase both the rate
of glycolysis in muscle and glucose
release to the bloodstream from the liver
Reciprocal Regulation of Glycogen
Phosphorylase and Glycogen Synthase
• Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) and glycogen
synthase (GS) control glycogen metabolism in liver
and muscle cells
• GP and GS are reciprocally regulated both
covalently and allosterically (when one is active the
other is inactive)
• Covalent regulation by phosphorylation (-P) and
dephosphorylation (-OH)
Active form “a”
Glycogen phosphorylase
Glycogen synthase
Inactive form “b”
Allosteric regulation of GP and GS
GP a (active form) - inhibited by Glucose
GP (muscle)- stimulated by Ca2+ and high [AMP]
GS b (inactive form) - activated by Glucose 6-Phosphate
• Hormones initiate enzyme cascades
•Catalyst activates a catalyst activates a
catalyst, etc.
• When blood glucose is low: epinephrine and
glucagon activate protein kinase A
• Glycogenolysis is increased (more blood glucose)
• Glycogen synthesis is decreased