A. Candidacy Statement

Election Packet
Spring 2014
Table of Contents
I. Application and Positions
A. Candidacy Statement…………………………………………………………………..………………..3
B. Campaign Statement……………………………………………………………………………………..3
C. Petition…………..……………………………………………………………………………………………..4
D. Positions Available………………………………………………………………………..……………….5
E. Obligations of Senators…….…………………………………………………………..……………….6
II. Election Application
A. Instructions for Filing Election Application………………………………………………….…7
III. Rules and Regulations
A. Mandatory Meetings and Events…………………………………………………………………..8
B. General Election Guidelines…………………………………………………………………….…….8
C. Debates and Speeches…………………………………………………………………………………..9
D. Electronic Campaign Promotion…………………………………………………………………..10
E. Print Campaign Promotion…………………………………………………………………………...11
F. Financial Expenditures………………………………………………………………………………….12
G. Filing an Elections Complaint……………………………………………………………………….13
IV. Elections Committee
A. Purpose………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
B. Responsibilities…………………………….……………………………………………………………….14
C. Elections Judicial Board…………………………………………………………………………………14
D. Elections Packet……………………………………………………………………………………………15
E. Contact Information……………………………………………………………………………………..16
F. Calendar of Events………………………………………………………………………………………..17
I. Application and Positions
A. Candidacy Statement
I, _________________________________ announce my candidacy for the office of
Print Full Name
___________________________________________. I have completed the petition honestly
and fairly. In addition, I understand that to be eligible for a Student Government Association
position I must be in good academic (GPA of 2.5 and above) and disciplinary standing (not on
disciplinary probation or higher) with Elon University, as specified in Article III of the SGA
Constitution. My signature below signifies that I will allow the advisor of the Student
Government Association to assess these standings and notify the SGA Elections committee of
eligibility. My signature also signifies that I understand the obligations of a Senator, as
described in the Applications and Positions section of this packet. By signing below, I agree to
uphold all rules and regulations specified within this packet.
______________________________ ___________ ___________________
Phone Number
B. Campaign Statement
(see page 9)
----------------------------------------------------------------------ELECTIONS COMMITTEE USE ONLY
Elections Committee Chair
SGA Advisor
I. Application and Positions
B. Petition
We, the undersigned, support the named candidate in his/her attempt to be elected to office.
Candidate’s Name
Office Desired
Supporter Name (Print)
1. ____________________________
Supporter Signature
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
6. ____________________________
7. ____________________________
8. ____________________________
9. ____________________________
I. Application and Positions
C. Positions Available in the Spring 2014 Election
Executive Council:
Vice President
Junior Class (2016):
Vice President
Senator (2)
Senior Class (2015):
Vice President
Senator (2)
Sophomore Class (2017):
Vice President
Senator (2)
Academic Council:
Love School of Business (2)
School of Education (2)
Elon College of Arts and Sciences (4)
Communication (2)
I. Application and Positions
D. obligations of senators
Duties and Responsibilities of each Senate Member (as Stated in the Constitution)
i. Each member of the Senate shall be a member of at least one committee.
a) Class Treasurers automatically serve on the Finance Committee.
ii. Each member of the Senate shall be responsible for all SGA meetings required by
office (Senate, Council, Committee, special or otherwise). In addition, each
member of the Senate has an obligation to be informed of the location and time
of the meetings.
iii. Each member of the Senate shall be responsible for one office hour per week as
required by the Senate Rules.
Senate Meetings
i. The Senate Meeting will be held every Thursday at 7:30pm in Moseley 215,
unless otherwise specified by the Executive Vice President.
Absence Policy
i. Each member of the Senate may accumulate up to three unexcused absences
during the Senate year. When a member of the Senate accumulates more than
three unexcused absences, the Executive Secretary is required to inform the
Judicial Committee under the guidance of the Executive Vice President. The
Judicial Committee will review the cases according the procedures set forth in
the Student Government Association Constitution and Bylaws.
Office Hours
i. Each member of the Senate is required to do at least one posted office hour a
week in the Student Government Association Office, Moseley 221A.
ii. All Executive Officers are required to hold at least five posted office hours per
week and post those hours on the door to their designated office (President,
Vice President, and Treasurer) or the hall door to the Student Government
Association Office (Secretary). The Executive Officers are also required to hold
five un-posted hours per week in the Student Government Office, Moseley 221A.
II. Elections application
A. Instructions for filing an election application
Complete the Candidacy Statement.
Complete the Petition.
All candidates for Executive Officer shall obtain 300 signatures, 75 signatures
each from each academic class (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).
All candidates for Class Officer shall obtain 150 student signatures from within
their respective class.
All candidates for Class Senator shall obtain 100 student signatures within their
respective class.
All candidates for Academic Council shall obtain 50 student signatures within
their respective school.
The completed application must be returned to the SGA Office (Moseley 221A) no
later than 6:00 pm on Wednesday, February 6, 2014.
There will be a meeting of ALL candidates on February 6, 2014 at 6:15pm in Moseley
The opportunity to give a speech to the student body will be available on Thursday
February 13, 2013 at 7:30pm. Consult the Elections Rules and Regulations for the
Elections will begin on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 9:00am and continue until 5:00
pm on Wednesday, February 19, 2014. All voting will be conducted through Elon
University web-based voting system.
Elected Senators will take their oath of office on April 3, 2014 at 7:30pm in Moseley 215.
This will also be the first required Senate meeting for those elected.
The Senate Retreat will be held Fall Semester and is mandatory for all Senators. Retreat
date will be provided in August 2014.
III. rules and regulations
A. Mandatory Meeting
Mandatory Meeting, February 6, 2014 at 6:15 pm in Moseley 217
All candidates are required to attend the Mandatory Candidates Meeting, an
information session hosted by the Elections Committee Chair.
Candidates will be made aware of campaign regulations and permitted to
campaign following the meeting.
Pictures will be taken at the meeting to accompany each candidate’s name on
the ballot.
If a candidate is not present at the Mandatory Candidates Meeting, they are not
eligible for the election unless excused, in advance, by the Elections Committee
a. Candidates may submit excuses in writing to the Elections Committee
Chair at least 24 hours prior to the mandatory meeting.
b. Candidates will only be excused for documented illnesses and academic
course conflicts.
B. General Election Guidelines
A candidate shall not campaign inside or within 50 feet of any designated Voting Center
i. Voting Centers on campus include: Belk Library, and designated area of Moseley
If a candidate is conducting any campaigning within or around the Voting
Centers, his or her infractions will be presented to the Elections Judicial Board
ii. If a candidate is found in violation of any of the regulations set forth in this
packet, campaign violation charges will be forwarded to the Elections Judicial
III. rules and regulations
C. Debates and speeches
All candidates for Executive Offices are required to give a speech. Speeches are optional,
yet strongly encouraged, for all At-Large positions.
There will be no scheduled speeches for Academic Council positions.
The speeches will be held on February 13, 2014 at 7:30pm in Moseley 215 or designated
Time Specifications for Speeches:
i. Executive Office candidates will be allotted a maximum of six minutes
ii. At-Large Presidential candidates will be allotted a maximum of four minutes
iii. Other At-Large position candidates will be allotted a maximum of three minutes
iv. Candidates running unopposed for any position will be allotted a maximum of
three minutes.
Speech Approval
i. All speech scripts must be turned in to the Elections Committee Chair.
ii. If a speech is not turned in to the Elections Committee Chair for approval on
time, the candidate will not be allowed to deliver their speech.
a. Any candidate for Executive Office that does not deliver a speech will
face disqualification.
iii. If a candidate changes their approved speech, he/she is subject to
Speech Delivery
i. Speeches will begin with the Sophomore At-Large candidates, followed by Junior
and then Senior At-Large candidates.
ii. Speeches will begin with At-Large Presidential Candidates and continue in the
following order: Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Senators by class.
iii. Executive Office candidates will follow the same format after the last candidate’s
speech from the Senior Class.
iv. Candidates for each position will speak in alphabetical order by their last name.
Campaign Statement
i. All candidates may submit a statement of fifty words or less about their
campaign to accompany their name and picture on the ballot.
ii. Statements are due with the application and also must be e-mailed to the
Elections chair.
Presidential Debate
i. All candidates for the office of Executive President are required to participate in
the Presidential Debate.
i. The Presidential Debate will be held on February 13, 2014 along with the
candidate speeches.
ii. The debate will be moderated by the Elections Committee Chair(s) or the outgoing Executive President or other designee.
iii. Questions for said debate will be formulated by the Elections Committee Chair
and submitted to the Executive Vice President for approval.
Subjects may include, but are not limited to: campaign platforms,
current issues, SGA Legislation
Any candidate for Executive President that does not participate is subject to
III. rules and regulations
D. Electronic Campaign Promotion
Online Groups
i. Facebook/Twitter/Online Communities
a. Candidates cannot create a group or fan page until the candidate has been
verified and the mandatory candidates meeting has taken place.
b. No person or group can post derogatory remarks towards another candidate or
other group.
Candidates are responsible for all remarks posted on their own profiles,
twitter or other social networking accounts,, groups, and fan pages.
Online Advertisements
v. Must be approved by Dean Patterson and the Elections Committee.
a. Must not exceed the costs of the finance expenditure guidelines set forth by
the Election Packet’s Rules and Regulations.
b. If an online advertisement is used, a receipt must be printed and submitted
with all other receipts.
Mass Messaging
i. Candidates are prohibited from mass messaging members of the student body
through the Elon University e-mail system or Blackboard Affinity Accounts.
Accounts prohibited include but are not limited to:
a. All Students
b. Class Affinity Accounts ( i.e. Class of 2013)
c. Academic course (Moodle ) accounts
ii. Candidates may utilize organization email and Blackboard Accounts if they are
active members and have provided the Elections Committee Chair with written
permission from leader of the account after the mandatory candidates meeting.
i. Individual candidates or “tickets” may not post anything on E-Net.
ii. The Elections Committee will post election information and events for the entire
student body on E-Net. This information includes but is not limited to:
a. Required paperwork and deadlines
b. Election dates and procedures
c. Election events (i.e. candidate speeches, Presidential Debate)
Moseley Center Digital Posters
Individual candidates or “tickets” may not post Moseley Center Digital Posters.
The Elections Committee will post election and events for the entire student body
on Moseley Center Digital Posters. This information includes but is not limited to:
a. Candidate Names/ Pictures
b. Election dates and procedures
c. Election events (i.e. candidate speeches, Presidential Debate)
If a candidate is accused of a violation of any of the online campaign regulations, their
charges will be forwarded to the Elections Judicial Board.
III. rules and regulations
E. Print Campaign Promotion
Flyers and Posters
Approval Process
a. Posters must first be approved by the Elections Committee, prior to
b. Posters should then be approved with the ORIGINAL stamp of approval by the
SGA Advisor or her designee , prior to duplication
ii. Posting Policy
a. Flyers may not be displayed prior to the Mandatory Candidates Meeting.
b. Flyers may only be hung in approved places set forth by Elon University
Posting Policy in the Elon University Student Handbook
c. No more than one flyer/sign for one candidate or groups of candidates may
be placed on one bulletin board
d. No flyers may be posted in Voting Centers including Belk Library, Moseley
Center, or any computer lab
e. All campaign flyers must be removed by midnight following the first day of
the specified election
f. Flyers that are not removed will be removed by campus personnel/Elections
Committee and forwarded to the Elections Judicial Board
g. In the event that a candidate is not qualified, he/she must remove all posters
 Chalking Guidelines
i. Candidates may not chalk at all prior to the Mandatory Candidates Meeting.
ii. Approval Process
a. Candidates must fill out and turn in a Chalking Form to the Moseley Center
Front Desk for approval.
b. The Chalking Form must also be signed by Dean Patterson in the R.N.
Ellington Center for Health and Wellness.
iii. All chalking procedures must follow guidelines as stated in the Elon University
Student Handbook.
a.Chalking is only permitted on natural gray concrete sidewalks that are
subject to being washed by the rain.
b. Prohibited chalking areas include and are not limited to:
o Brick pathways around the campus
o Interior and exterior of all campus buildings
o Underneath overhangs/covered areas (i.e. outside of Belk Library)
o Rail Road Underpass
o Town of Elon sidewalks
c. Candidates may not chalk within three feet of another candidate’s chalking.
d. If there is a question as to whether or not a candidate can chalk in a certain
area, he/she should consult the Elections Committee Chair prior to chalking.
White Board Marking
i. Candidates may write in corners of white boards in classrooms to promote
voting/their campaign without direct approval.
If a candidate is accused of a violation of any of the print campaign regulations, their
charges will be forwarded to the Elections Judicial Board.
III. rules and regulations
F. Financial expenditures
Candidates must use personal funds for all election
expenses. No University organization funds or resources
may be used for election expenses
A candidate’s election expenses may not exceed the following:
i. Academic Council
a. Candidates for this council may spend up to thirty-five dollars on the entirety
of his/her campaign.
ii. At-Large Council
a. Candidates for this council may spend up to seventy-five dollars on the
entirety of his/her campaign.
iii. Executive Council
a. Candidates for this council may spend up to one hundred fifty dollars on the
entirety of his/her campaign.
 Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement
i. All candidates must provide a Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement.
ii. The statement must include the following information:
a. Receipts for materials purchased
o Copies should be made of receipts containing campaign purchases
o Documentation from Printing Center must be provided if candidate
chooses to use Print Dollars/Phoenix Cash
b. Explanation of what materials were used for in campaign
iii. All candidates must submit a Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement by the
time and date given by the Elections Committee Chair at the Mandatory
Candidates Meeting.
a. If candidate plans on spending money, he/she should provide written
documentation of their intent to the Elections Committee Chair.
b. If a candidate plans to spend money after the Campaign Finance Disclosure
Statement is submitted, he/she must inform the Elections Committee prior
to the deadline and turn in the receipts when purchases are made.
c. Failure to provide a Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement by the
established deadline will result in a candidate’s disqualification.
o Extenuating circumstances will be assessed on a case-by-case by the
Elections Committee Chair
d. All financial information will be filed by the Elections Committee and made
available to anyone who requests the information.
iv. Exceeding Financial Limits:
a. If a candidate declares that he/she has exceeded the financial limit of their
position to the Elections Committee, the Election Judicial Committee will
determine whether or not the offense should result in disqualification.
b. The Elections Committee Chair will file an Honor Code Violation against any
candidate that exceeds financial limits and does not declare so to the
Elections Committee.
v. No Donations from any group or individual may be given to candidates running for
Executive, At-Large, or Academic Councils.
III. Rules and Regulations
G. Filing an Elections Complaint
Electronic Campaign Complaint
i. Provide screenshot of any Facebook/Myspace/ Twitter Online Community/E-Net
violation and reasoning behind the complaint to the Elections Committee Chair via
email as soon as possible.
ii. Provide a copy of any evidence of mass messaging to the student body and
reasoning behind the complaint to the Elections Committee Chair via email as soon
as possible.
iii. Provide a picture of any Moseley Digital Poster violation and reasoning behind the
complaint to the Elections Committee chair via email as soon as possible.
iv. The Elections Judicial Board will review the complaint and respond in a timely
 Print Campaign Complaint
i. Provide a copy of any flyer or poster not bearing the stamp of approval to the
Elections Committee Chair as soon as possible.
ii. Provide a picture of any flyer or poster hanging in an unapproved area and reasoning
behind the complaint to the Elections Committee Chair via email as soon as possible.
iii. Provide a picture of any Chalking violation and reasoning behind the complaint to
the Elections Committee chair via email as soon as possible.
iv. The Elections Judicial Board will review the complaint and respond in a timely
IV. Elections Committee
A. Purpose
To conduct all Student Government Association Elections
i. Elections for all Student Government Association positions, with the exception of
First-Year At-Large positions, will be conducted in fall.
ii. First-Year Elections will be conducted in the early September, as specified by the
Senate and the Elections Committee of the specified year.
B. Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Elections Committee to:
Provide a copy of the Elections Packet to all candidates both online and in the
SGA Office, Moseley 221A
Organize and administer all Student Government Association and Homecoming
Plan and hold Mandatory Candidates Meeting
Certify qualifications of candidates
Prepare a ballot listing all eligible candidates for each elected office and provide
procedures for posting campaign statements
Determine the legitimacy of charges and adjudicate election violation complaints
Certify the election results
Provide the results of the elections to the Elon University Community
C. Elections Judicial Board
i. Must be made up of at least four members of the Elections Committee
a. In the event that the Elections Judicial Board does not have quorum and a
decision must immediately be made, a temporary board of four senators, one of
which must be a member of the Elections Committee, may be selected by the
Elections Committee Chair.
 Purpose
i. The Elections Judicial Board will serve as the judicial body to review infractions or
charges brought forth against a candidate.
ii. The Elections Judicial Board will conduct their proceedings consistent with
procedural guidelines set forth by the Student Government Association Judicial
iii. The Elections Judicial Board will decide responsibility for any and all allegations
and will assign sanctions including, but not limited to:
a. an official warning
b. disqualification from election
c. a filing of an Honor Code violation with the Office of Judicial Affairs
IV. Elections Committee
D. Elections Packet
The Elections Packet will
i. Consist of position requirements and obligations, election procedures, candidate
responsibilities, Elections Judicial Board rules, and rules of candidacy for Student
Government Association Elections
ii. The Elections Packet will be made available to all students running for positions in
Moseley 221A or online through the SGA university website.
IV. Elections Committee
E. Contact Information
Elections Committee Chair:
Connor O’Donnell
(336) 278-7254 (SGA Office)
February 2014
6:00 IN
Moseley 217
Speeches and
Location TBD
at 9:00am
Elections end
at 5:00pm
Moseley 215
Important Dates:
March 30, 2014 - New Executive Officers Begin
April 3, 2014 - New Senators Sworn In