Section 10.1 Cell Growth Book work review (Get your highlighters ready!) 1. What are two reasons why cells divide rather than continue to grow indefinitely? a. b. More demands the cell places on its DNA (DNA overload) Cell has more trouble moving enough nutrients and wastes across the cell membrane Book work review 2. Is the following sentence true or false? As a cell increases in size, it usually makes extra copies of its DNA. False. How do we change the statement to make it true? Book work review 3. Circle the letter of what determines the rate at which food and oxygen in a cell are used up and waste products produced. The cell’s volume. Book work review 4. How can you obtain a cell’s ratio of surface area to volume? Divide the surface area by the volume. Book work review 5. If a cell’s surface area is 6 cm2 and its volume is 1 cm3, then what is its ratio of surface area to volume? 6:1 Book work review 6. Is the following sentence true or false? As a cell grows in size, its volume increases much more rapidly than its surface area. True Book work review 7. Circle the letter of what happens to a cell’s ratio of surface area to volume as the cell’s volume increases more rapidly than its surface area. The ratio decreases. Book work review 8. What is cell division? The process by which a cell (parent) divides into two new daughter cells. Book work review 9. How does cell division solve the problem of increasing size? 1. 2. Before division, cell replicates (copies) all DNA for the new daughter cell. Reduces cell volume (increased ratio of surface area to volume). Cell 1 cm sides Cell 3 cm sides Surface area: 6 cm2 Volume: 1 cm3 Surface area: 54 cm2 Volume: 27 cm3 Surface Area and Volume ***Highlight/circle the surface area equation and volume equation 1. 27 smaller cells x 6 cm2 = 162 cm2 2. 27 smaller cells greater surface area Whiteboard review Are the cells of a small plant larger or smaller than those of a large plant? Are the cells of a small animal larger or smaller than those of a large animal? The cells would be roughly the same size. Size of the organism itself does not affect cell size. Whiteboard review So, make a general statement that compares the number and size of cells in small organisms to those in larger organisms. Small organisms have less cells than larger organisms, but the cells are roughly the same size no matter the size of the organism itself. Whiteboard review What are the reasons (2) that cells stay small? 1. 2. More demands the cell places on its DNA (DNA overload) Cell has more trouble moving enough nutrients and wastes across the cell membrane Whiteboard review The rate at which food/waste exchange takes place depends on the ________ of the cell. However, the rate at which food and oxygen are used up and waste products are produced depends on the cell’s _______. Surface area; volume Whiteboard review Where is DNA found in a eukaryotic cell? What is the function of DNA? Nucleus; contains your genetic information (traits) Whiteboard review What is the ratio of vowels to consonants in the alphabet? 26 letters in the alphabet A, E, I, O, U = 5 vowels Leaves 21 consonants 5:21 or 5 to 21 Whiteboard review Calculate the surface area, volume, and then ratio of surface area to volume of a cell (cube) with 10 cm sides. S.A. = 10 x 10 x 6 = 600 cm2 Vol. = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 cm3 Ratio: 600:1000 6:10 3:5 Whiteboard review Comparing a 1 cm per side cell and a 3 cm per side cell… 1. Which of the two cells has the greater volume? 2. Which of the two has the greater surface area? 1. 3 cm cell 2. 3 cm cell Whiteboard review True or False… Both volume and surface area increase with cell size. True Whiteboard review How would the function of the lysosome organelle of a cell be impaired/more difficult if the cell were to become too large? What about mitochondrion? Lysosome = breaking down organic molecules/organelles (too much to do) Mitochondrion = energy production (not enough produced) Whiteboard review How is a cell’s DNA like the books in a library? Books and DNA both contain information. (DNA = genetic information). Whiteboard review As a cell increases in size, which increases more rapidly, its surface area or its volume? Volume increases much more rapidly than surface area. Whiteboard review Which scenario is best for a cell? A large ratio of surface area to volume… or A small ratio of surface area to volume. A large ratio of surface area to volume (6:1 is better than 2:1)