03 - OERup!

OER uptake in adult
what do stakeholders need?
Barcelona, 9th June 2015
Marc Romero Carbonell (Universitat Oberta De Catalunya, Spain)
Ines Kreitlein (MFG Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Brief presentation of the OERup! Project and its main products:
Need analysis, Training package, Quality criteria rubric
Discussion (small groups)
Coffee break
Discussion (small groups)
The OERup! Project
OERup! Project
The OERup! project takes up the need to promote and foster the successful
implementation of OER (Open Educational Resources) and OEPs (Open
Educational Practices) in adult education in Europe…
…in order to widen participation in Open Education.
The core of OERup! will be the development and testing of a training
package consisting of a blended-learning training concept and material on
the topic of OER, addressing European AEI.
OERup! Project
Adult Education need
analysis in Europe
Training package on
OER in adult education
Guideline for adult
education institutions
on OER implementation
Needs in Adult Education
European perspective
United Kingdom
The summary and the partners’ reports can be downloaded here:
OERup! Project
The need analysis…
• reveals the status quo of AE in Europe.
• recommends starting points for a successful implementation of open
educational practices in adult learning.
Common identified trends in the use of OER
• Perception and attitudes towards OER: the AE professionals and organisations
are open to find more about OER and to understand its philosophy behind.
• OER usage and practice: there are very few AE organisations who implement a
specific OER policy. The integration of OER falls more under the responsibility
and willingness of teachers and trainers.
• Availability and quality of OER: Finding appropriate, good quality OER
resources in national languages is still a big challenge. The process of selecting
good OER is also difficult as it is a time consuming task.
• Impact of OER use in adult education institutions: there is a big potential for
OERs to improve the quality and content of teaching, and to contribute to the
professional development of staff.
The training package
OERup! Training Package
Target Group
main target group:
adult education teaching professionals
 employed teacher or trainer
 freelance teacher or trainer
mentor or tutor
manager of adult education institutions
secondary target group:
ICT support of adult education institutions
consultants/ experts in adult education
=> from all subject areas
OERup! Training Package
Target Group - prerequisites
entry level:
new to OER
experienced/ advanced with OER
technical requirements:
basic knowledge of ICT handling
access to the internet (and corresponding hardware, e.g. tablet, computer, etc.)
access to the tools, plattforms in use (e.g. google+ community (?!))
newest flashplayer and fast internet for access to Adobe Connect
audio devices (e.g. headset)
OERup! Training Package
Module 1
After having participated in the training, the learner will…..
OER & OEP - what does it mean? what's in it for me? (all participants)
• be able to understand the terms in use (definitions and philosophy behind it)
• be able to state his/her own motivation for producing and using OER
Open licensing (all participants)
• understand the main issues around copyright and licensing and the implications
for his/her work
• be able to apply the appropriate license to his/her OER
• distinguish different types of licenses (with a focus on creative commons) and
how they support OEP
OERup! Training Package
Module 2
After having participated in the training, the learner will…..
Searching, evaluating, and repurposing OER (all participants)
• know about OER repositories
• be able to assess the quality of OER (in terms of format, media, adaptability, etc.)
• be able to meaningfully repurpose OER
• understand the implications of different licenses
OERup! Training Package
Module 3
After having participated in the training, the learner will…..
Creating and distributing quality OER (all participants)
• know what is needed in order to make OER findable (keyword - matadata)
• be able to apply the appropriate license to his/her resource
• know a range of tools and platforms that help him/her to produce OER
• know how to design his/her OER so it can be readily used and adapted
 be aware of limitations/possibilities of different devices, formats, languages
 understand the importance of keeping the context in mind when producing
 ....
OERup! Training Package
Module 4
After having participated in the training, the learner will…..
Implementing OEP I (for teaching professionals)
• know how teaching practice should change around OER (keyword - open
 know how to facilitate co-production of ressources (with colleagues or
 know how to engage learners in using OER
 ...
• know about the power of social learning
• have increased its capacity to promote an OER policy in his/her institution
OERup! Training Package
Module 5
After having participated in the training, the learner will…..
Implementing OEP II (for managers, consultants, freelancers)
• know about benefits, risks, and costs of OEP (ROI)
• fully understand the implication for their institution
• know how to develop and deliver strategies to implement OER and OEP at
institutional level
• be able to develop their own OEP business case
• be able to evaluate the impact of OER on his or her work
OERup! Training Package
Module Overview
1. OER & OEP - what does it mean? what's in it for me? (all participants)
2. Searching, evaluating, and repurposing OER (all participants)
3. Creating and distributing quality OER (all participants)
4. Implementing OEP I (for teaching professionals)
5. Implementing OEP II (for managers, consultants, freelancers)
Quality criteria
Quality criteria
To support the development of the “Training package on Open Educational
Resources (OER) in adult education”.
– A first step for the training package development is the definition of quality criteria which the
training package should adhere to in line with a set of quality indicators for successful OER
implementation in AE institutions. These indicators are displayed as a rubric and they are
based on EFQUEL ECB-check rubric.
This rubric has two main objectives:
– To serve as a tool to support the design of the TP by providing design guidelines; pointing to
key aspects that should been considered during the design process. Once the design of the TP
has been completed, the rubric can also be used as a checklist.
– To be used as an evaluation tool with participants after the TP has been implemented. This
would require some necessary adaptations to the rubric.
This rubric is to be applied by the OERup! Partners during the design of the TP,
and by trainers during its implementation.
Quality criteria
1. Information about the Training Package
General description and main objectives
Organizational and technical requirements
2. Target group
3. Quality of the content
4. TP design
Learning design and methodology
Learning materials
Collaborative learning
Assignments and competence development
Competence development progression
5. Media design
6. Technology
7. Evaluation & review
OERup! Project
• Is the content relevant from your perspective?
• Do you miss any content?
Learning Outcomes
• Are the learning outcomes relevant from your perspective?
• Do you miss any learning outcome?
Training Structure
• Do you think the structure is appropriated to deliver the content
and to achieve the learning outcomes? Why?
Thank you
# OERup
kreitlein@mfg.de ; mromerocar@uoc.edu
Join the OERup! community
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made of the information contained therein.