The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Information Name: Position: Nationality E-mail Chen, Chun-An Associate Professor Taiwan, Republic of China Educations Ph.D. in Management, National Chiao Tung University Specialties Marketing, Strategy, Brand Professional Experiences 1. Chung Hua University Associate Professor, Department of International Business (2013- Present) 2. Chung Hua University Assistant Professor, Department of International Business (2006- 2013) 3. China University of Technology Lecturer, Department of Accounting (2000- 2006) 4. AVID Electronics Corp. Project Manager (1999- 2000) 5. Industrial Technology Research Institute Planning Engineer, Electronics Research & Service Organization (1996- 1999) QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE MEASURES* *Quantitative measure: Impact factor (xx/xx in Management of ISI ranked journals Qualitative measure: CHU recognized A+ and A-tier journals are indicators that are necessary requirement for internal promotions for academic staffs to the levels of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, that included all SSCI, SCI, TSSCI, EI and AHCI indexed journals, and journals recognized by Taiwan National Science Council (NSC) in Management, Business, Finance and Accounting, and Economics fields (hereafter CHUI). 根據2013 AACSB Standard,所謂的intellectual contributions指的是具有對實 務、理論、與教學具有impact的學術著作,本校所定義之impact共有兩種,分別為量化指標與質化 指標。量化指標指的是ISI的impact factor,或是被引用 (例如:Google scholar citations)或被下載的 次數 (SSRN working paper的下載次數);質化指標指的是您所發表的期刊是否為indexed journal, indexed journal包括了SSCI, SCI, TSSCI, EI and AHCI, 以及所有國科會所有列入期刊分級評等之所 有管理、商業、財務與會計、以及經濟領域之期刊 (詳細名單請前往國科會人文處),目前,CEPS 中文資料庫中,有部份中文期刊有計算出其Impact factor,故若您的論文是被刊登於CEPS的期刊之 1 The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development 中,請列出其Impact。因此,所有的intellectual contributions指的全部都是期刊文章,當然,也包含 被刊登於具impact期刊的個案,故Teaching Impact所指的是您的論文/個案,被刊登於具impact的期 刊當中。 Five-Year Summary of Intellectual Contributions a. Peer Reviewed Journal Papers (Academic and Teaching Impact) aⅠ.Discipline (*The faculty members who are in the category of “Discipline-based Scholarship” show the evidence that their intellectual contributions have published in CHUI journals that have capacity to generate, communicate, synthesize or interpretation of new understanding, insight, knowledge or technology; to develop new technologies, processes, tools or uses; to refine, develop or advance new methods or develop those based on existing knowledge, people in this category are intend to impact the theory or, knowledge or practice of business and management. 1. Chen, C. A. (2013) Suitable Festival Activities for Taiwan’s Tourism and Nation Branding with the Application of the PR AHP Program, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, (Forcoming)【SSCI】 2. Chen, C. A., Lee, S.R. (2013) Developing the Country Brand of Taiwan from the Perspective of Exports, Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 3(9), 1223-1236. 3. Chen, C. A., Lee, H. L., Yuan, W. B. (2013) Discussion on Adolescent Internet Addction Counseling Strategies Through DEMATEL. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science. (Forcoming) 【EI】 4. Chun-An Chen, Hsien-Li Lee, Ya-Hui Yang, Ming-Huang Lee (2013) Developing Taiwan’s Nation Brand from a Cultural Perspective, Chiao Da Management Review. (Forcoming)【TSSCI】 5. Chun-An Chen, Hsien-Li Lee, Chia-Hui Wu, (2012) How Taiwan's Semiconductor Distributors Select Strategic Partners in China, Journal of Technology Management in China.Vol 7(1), pp.36-49. 【EI】 6. Chun-An Chen, Hsien-Li Lee (2012) Developing Taiwan into the Tourist Transport Centre of East Asia. Tourism Economics, 18(6), 1401-1411. 【SSCI】 7. Chun-An Chen, Hsien-Li Lee, Ming-Huang Lee, Ya-Hui Yang (2011) How to Develop Taiwan's Tourism Nation Brand. African Journal of Business Management. Vol 5(16) pp.6764-6773. 8. Chun-An Chen (2012), Using DEMATEL Method for Medical Tourism Development in Taiwan. American Journal of Tourism Research. 1(1) pp26-32. 9. Chun-An Chen (2012) Discussion on increasing college teachers’ willingness to adopt web-based learning in Teaching. Business and Management Research. 1(3) pp.1-8. 10. Hsien-Li Lee, Chun-An Chen, Chien-Yi Chung,(2012)”Discussion on the Growth Strategies of Small and Medium sized Semiconductor Distributors with the Application of DEMATEL and ANP”, Journal of Data Analysis, 7(3),p65-86. 【ACI, EncoLit】 11. Yaw-Shun Yu, Ambrosio Barros, Chun-An Chen, Ming-Lang Yeh (2012) Application of DEA to Identify the Firm’s Efficiency, A Case Study of Taiwan’s Computer Manufactures, Chung Hua Journal of Computational Science, p65-72, 2012.03. 12. Yaw-Shun Yu, Chun-An Chen, Ying-kuan Chen (2011) The key Consumer Factors of Choosing Near Field Communication Technology in Mobile Phone, Chung Hua Journal of Computational Science, p45-53, 2011.03. 2 The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development 13. Chun-An Chen, Ming-Huang Lee, Ya-Hui Yang (2012) Branding Taiwan for Tourism using DEMATEL and ANP methods, The Service Industries Journal, 32(8), 1355-1373. 【SSCI】 aⅡ.Teaching and Learning*(*The faculty members who are in the category of “Teaching and Learning Scholarship” indicates their intellectual contributions have published in CHUI journals that can develop and advance new understanding, insight, teaching content and learning pedagogies to impact learning behavior and have impact on teaching of business and management. The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development。中華大學管理學院是一所應用導向型的商學院,其提供教學以及研究來促進區域經濟 發展。即我們透過優質教學來培養學生之專業能力,透過教育與研究來達成到產學鏈結。故本院之教師所做的研究需 要符合本院的 mission。下列請您自行填寫您的著作與本院使命的關聯性 (Alignment of intellectual contribution outcomes with themes or focus areas valued by the business school’s mission).,例如:若您的研究對象是亞太區域之國家、經濟、樣 本…等,應都能被視與本院的 mission 具有高度相關 ( ■ Higher (90%~70% quantile);若您研究的是美國的資本市場, 由於其全球化所造成各國家連動性,亦會影響到台灣的資本市場,故因能被視為與本院的 mission 有高度相關。 Impact Alignment of intellectual contribution outcomes with themes or focus areas valued by the business school’s mission. ■ Higher (90%~70% quantile) □ Median (60%~40% quantile) □ Lower (30%~10% quantile) b. Research Monographs 審稿中期刊 1. Chen, Chun-An (2013) The study of how to improve the consistency of the AHP and ANP questionnaires. Under review in SSCI Journal. 2. Chen, Chun-An (2013) The Comparison of Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relation and Traditional AHP Method. Under review in SSCI Journal. 3. Chen, Chun-An (2013) DEMATEL & MMDE Program Construction and Application - Developing Taiwan into the Tourists’ Transport Center of East Asia as an Example. Under review in SSCI Journal. 4. Chen, Chun-An (2013) The Application of the PR AHP Program: Taiwanese Businessmen Assess the Investment Environment of China. Under review in SSCI Journal. c. Published Cases (Teaching Impact)* 已發表或被接受的個案,請參照QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE MEASURES填寫相關的impact訊息。 *Quantitative measure: Impact factor (xx/xx in Management of ISI ranked journals, Qualitative measure: CHU recognized A+ and A-tier journals are indicators that are necessary requirement for internal promotions for academic staffs to the levels of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, that included all SSCI, SCI, TSSCI, EI and AHCI indexed journals, and journals recognized by Taiwan National Science Council (NSC) in Management, Business, Finance and Accounting, and Economics fields (hereafter CHUI). 3 The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development Alignment of intellectual contribution outcomes with themes or focus areas valued by the business school’s mission. □ Higher (90%~70% quantile) □ Median (60%~40% quantile) □ Lower (30%~10% quantile) Authors (publish year), Topic of case study, Publisher, Citation counts (Download counts)。 d. Funded and Competitive Research Grants (Project Director (PD)/Project Co-director (PC)) 國 科會計劃、或產學計劃 e. Scholarly Presentations (SP) and Invited Presentations (IP) f. Others (Technical Reports of Funded Projects) 技術報告 g. Published Textbooks 教科書 h. Executive Editor for Journals 期刊的編輯委員 (會) i. Reviewer for Journals 若您曾是期刊的審稿員 1. Asia Economic Journal【SSCI】 2. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade【SSCI】 3. Computer & Education【SSCI】 4. International Journal of Hospitality Management【SSCI】 5. Social Indicators Research【SSCI】 6. Tourism Management【SSCI】 j. Serve as Advisory Board Member for the Following Public Affairs Committee and Editorships k. Certification 證照 l. Awards and Recognition 獲獎 Impact 4 The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development Research awards and recognition that document alignment with mission-related focus areas for research. □ Higher (90%~70% quantile) □ Median (60%~40% quantile) □ Lower (30%~10% quantile) Analysis of the breadth of faculty engagement and production of intellectual contributions 對於intellectual contributions的自我評估。 Professor Chen pursued his PhD studies at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, majoring in marketing. His research interests in marketing include: national brand and tourism. His research has published in tourism and management journals. The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development. The evidence of Professor Chen demonstrates his intellectual contributions are high quality and should have an impact on the theory and practice of business and management. The research conclude with global perspective aligns with the mission of CHU business school. 對於自己學術狀態的自評 Scholarship Status ■Discipline-based Scholarship □ basic/discovery (若您在五年內曾獲得國家級、國際重要學會、組職之獎項, 例如:國 科會論文獎、教育部論文獎、諾貝爾獎、Journal of Marketing的年度論文獎。或您的期刊論文刊登 於國際重要期刊,例如:Journal of Management,且對於管理相關理論有卓越的貢獻) ■ integration/application (若您在五年內有期刊被刊登於SSCI, SCI, TSSCI, EI and AHCI, 以及所有國科會所有列入期刊分級評等之所有管理、商業、財務與會計、以及經濟領域之期刊) □ Teaching and Learning Scholarship (若您在五年內有期刊被刊登於SSCI, SCI, TSSCI, EI and AHCI, 以及所有國科會所有列入期刊分級評等之所有管 理、商業、財務與會計、以及經濟領域之期刊,其研究題目能對既有的管理教學方法有所改善的論文) 5 The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development Faculty Qualifications* ■Scholarly Academics (SA): □For faculty members who advise student theses in the Ph.D. program (1+2+2) □For faculty members who teach courses in the Ph.D. program (0+2+3) □For faculty members who teach courses in the bachelor or master program (0+1+4) (因SA對在博班有指導學生、在博班開課、在學士班或碩士班開課的教師有不同的要求,因此若您 是SA,請勾選符合何種情況的SA) □Practice Academics (PA) □Scholarly Practitioners (SP) □Instructional Practitioners (IP) *Definition of faculty qualifications SA: For faculty members who advise student theses in the Ph.D. program: An SA faculty member must hold a doctoral degree. He/she must be engaged in academic activities and has published at least one SCI, SSCI, or CHUI* journal paper, a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal papers, and a minimum of two peer-reviewed conference proceedings/ journal papers, all within the last five years. For faculty members who teach courses in the Ph.D. program: An SA faculty member must hold a doctoral degree. He/she must be engaged in academic activities and has published at least two peer-reviewed journal papers and a minimum of three peer-reviewed conference proceedings/journal papers, all within the last five years. For faculty members who teach courses in the bachelor or master program: An SA faculty member must hold a doctoral degree. He/she must be engaged in academic activities and has published at least one peer-reviewed journal paper and a minimum of four peer-reviewed conference proceedings/journal papers, all within the last five years. *CHUI journal papers: CHU recognized A+ and A-tier journals are indicators that are necessary requirement for internal promotions for academic staffs to the levels of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, that included all SSCI, SCI, TSSCI, EI and AHCI indexed journals, and journals recognized by Taiwan National Science Council (NSC) in Management, Business, Finance and Accounting, and Economics fields. PA: A PA faculty member must hold a doctoral degree. He/she must be engaged in academic activities and has published at least one peer-reviewed conference proceeding/journal paper or a textbook and fulfill, within the last five years, one or more of the following requirements: 1. Having been a consultant (CHU notwithstanding) in a relevant business area. 2. Having participated in at least three projects. 6 The mission of the college of CHU is to be an applied business school that provides education and research to promote regional economic development 3. Having been a project lead on at least one project. 4. Being a patent holder. 5. Having written a case study. 6. Having obtained professional certification or renewal of such certification. SP An SP faculty member must have a Master degree. He/she must be engaged in professional activities and has published one peer-reviewed conference proceeding/journal paper or a textbook, both within the past five years. Professional activities must satisfy one of the following requirements, within the past five years: 1. Having been a consultant (CHU notwithstanding) in a relevant business area. 2. Having participated in at least one project. 3. Being a patent holder. 4. Having written a case study. 5. Having obtained professional certification or the renewal of such certification. 6. Having been a manager or an administrator. IP: An IP faculty member must hold a Master degree. He or she must be currently engaged in professional activities within the last five years that satisfy one of the following requirements: 1. Having been a consultant (CHU notwithstanding) in a relevant business area. 2. Having participated in at least one project. 3. Being a patent holder. 4. Having written a case study. 5. Having obtained professional certification or the renewal of such certification. 6. Having been a manager or an administrator. 7