2016 Blue Crab Festival P.O. Box 1351, Palatka, FL 32178 Food Vendor Application We appreciate your interest in the 28th Annual Blue Crab Festival on May 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2016 This contract is between ____________________________________________ and The Blue Crab Festival, Inc. The Blue Crab Festival must receive the signed contract, fee, and proposed menus no later than March 31st, 2016. Applications received without payment, menu, or contract and insurance certificate will not be processed. Money Order or Cashier’s Checks should be payable to Blue Crab Festival. All fees are required to be paid in full with application. ***NO CASH, PERSONAL OR BUSINESS CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED.*** Mail contract, fees and insurance certificate to Blue Crab Festival, P.O. Box 1351, Palatka, FL 32178. Main Food Court Vendor spaces are 20’ frontage by 20’ depth. Commercial Display Area and Craft Area food vendor spaces are sold in 10’ by 10’ blocks, with only 10’ depth available. We reserve the right to limit vendors to 1 space, at our discretion. Access to the Main Food Court and Commercial Display/Resale Area for set-up will be available after 5:00 pm on Thursday May 26th. Any food vendor operating out of a trailer must arrive to be parked at 4:00 pm on Thursday. Access to the Craft Area for set-up will be available after 5:00pm on Friday, May 27th. All food vendors in the Main Food Court and Commercial Display/Resale Area will be inspected by the Palatka Fire Marshall, The Palatka Building Official and the State Health Department on Friday May 27th. Vendors cannot open without successfully completing these inspections. The time of your State Health Department inspection will be determined by the State Health Department. Should you require special arrangements you must speak directly with the State Health Department. Hours for food service will be as follows: Friday, May 27th, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, (except the Craft Area which does not open until Saturday at 10:00 am); Saturday, May 28th, 10:00 am to 10:00 pm (Craft Area closes at dusk [approx.. 7pm]); Sunday, May 29th, 10:00 am to 10:00 pm (Craft Area closes at dusk [approx.. 7pm]); Monday, May 30th, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The event will open at 10:00 am Saturday, Sunday and Monday. All vendors are required to serve during all hours. Craft Area vendors may remain open until 10:00pm but the Craft vendors typically close at dusk. The Main Food Court Vendor fee is $875.00 per space. A space is 20’ x 20’ and includes two (2) 20 amp plug-ins (two extension cords plugged in) or one (1) 50 amp plug-in. If available, a 30' x 20' Main Food Court vendor space fee is $1,350.00 per space and includes three (3) 20 amp plug-ins or one (1) 50 amp plug-in. The Commercial Display/Resale Area is $400 per space. The Craft Area is $400 per space. (The Craft Area is not open Friday night and closes at dusk Saturday and Sunday.) A space is 10’ by 10’ and includes one (1) 20 amp plug-in. Applicants may purchase up to two(2) Commercial or Craft Area Food vendor spaces but the depth is restricted to 10’. All food vendor applications must be postmarked no later than February 28, 2016. First priority is given to returning vendors that submit their application prior to the February 28, 2016 deadline. After that date, new vendors who submitted a completed application prior to the deadline will be notified if accepted. Vendor checks are not deposited until accepted. Vendors may purchase additional electrical plug-ins at $50 per 20 amp plug and $100 per 50 amp plug. Equipment teardown may only occur after 5:00 pm on May 30th, & must be removed by 9:00 pm May 30th. Electricity and potable water are available. Both 110v electrical and limited 220v electrical are available. Specify needs on the bottom of contract and the attached Electrical Request Form. The Electrical Request Form must be returned as part of your application. You must request electrical service in advance. Charges for additional electric will be determined by the Electrician based on your requests and must be paid in advance. Please be specific when stating your electrical needs as additional electric may not be available if not requested prior to the event. Generators are not permitted unless approved. Vendors who take additional power, without requesting and paying for it, will not return to the festival. Your entire display must fit within your assigned space. Main Food Court spaces are 20’ x 20’. Note: spaces are measured exactly; a 26’ trailer will not fit in a 20’ space. No vendor may extend past the approved designated space as determined by the committee. When requesting space you must include tongues/hitches, trailer/truck, tent ropes, and displays that will be in your space. If you set up tents and/or cooking or preparation areas behind your space, you will be charged for the additional space used. Additional space is $45 per linear foot. A menu with pricing must be submitted with this contract and becomes a part of the contract. Menus and pricing may be adjusted up to 3 weeks prior to the event, with approval of the Festival. The Committee must approve each menu item for sale in advance. If an item is not on your approved menu, you will not be selling it. Legible menus with prices must be clearly posted at all times. The Committee limits duplication of menu items, including beverages. The selling price for 20 ounce sodas is $2.00 each and 20 ounce water is $2.00 each. All sodas and water must be purchased from the Committee. Ice will be available for purchase and must be purchased onsite from the Festival Committee Ice Vendor. Each vendor will have access to the park for set up and tear down. Trucks & trailers will not remain in the park, on Memorial Drive or on St. Johns Avenue. Trucks will be permitted into the park after the Festival closes for the night. All trucks must be removed by 9:00 am on Saturday, Sunday & Monday. If you do not arrive on time, then you will have limited ability to get to your space with a vehicle. No changes in menu items, pricing, or portion size may occur during the event without approval of the Committee. Violations will result in removal of the item from your menu. Any attempt to sell unapproved items will not be tolerated and will result in your exclusion from future Festivals. You may not sell any food item disguised as something else (chicken as alligator), such acts shall result in immediate removal from the festival. Be prepared to have your stock checked and verified, including production of receipts. Grease disposal will be available on site. All grease must be disposed of in approved manner. Storm drains are not for grease disposal. Portable rest rooms are not for grease or grey water disposal. Failure to comply will result in the assessment of additional costs and fees at the sole discretion of the Festival Committee or the City of Palatka. Vendors who dump their grease or grey water on the ground or in the storm drain will not return to the festival. Vendors are required to cover the asphalt or ground under their booth to prevent damage from hot grease and spills. All vendors must have a first aid kit, ABC fire extinguisher (K if cooking with grease) and meet Fire Marshall Standards. Vendors will park their vehicles in the designated lots, not in the park or on Memorial Drive, 2nd Street, or St. Johns Avenue. No trucks or trailers will be permitted to remain in the Park unless approved in advance. The Festival reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to close down food vendors who have serious violations or lack of professionalism. Should you have any questions, email contacts are returned quickly: info@bluecrabfestival.com. This contract is NOT assignable or transferable. Only businesses, groups or organizations listed on the application will be permitted to operate or advertise from the location. Everyone that you deal on the Committee of the Blue Crab Festival is a volunteer. We are all trying to put on a great Event and to give you the opportunity to make some money. The Festival volunteers assist with this one Festival every year. Abuse of our Volunteers will not be tolerated. Suggestions that you may have to improve our Festival are welcomed when respectfully made. Company Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Booth Name (if different than company name) __________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip code _____________________________________________________________________________ e-mail address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone _______________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________________ FL Sales Tax or Social Security Number_____________________________________________ You Must provide 3 photos of your booth. They must show ALL serving or public facing sides of your display. FOOD VENDOR FEES _______ Main Food Court, 20x20 space, $875, includes ________ 2, 20amp plug-ins or ______ 1, 50amp plug-in (Indicate power needs) _______ Main Food Court, 30x20 space, $1,350, includes _______ 3, 20amp plug-ins or ______ 1, 50amp plug-in (Indicate power needs) _______ Additional footage, $45 per linear foot of frontage. Total frontage you are requesting? _________ (30’ is the maximum frontage available.) _______ Commercial Display/Resale Area, each 10x10 space, $400, includes _____ 1, 20amp plug-in, Max 2 spaces (Indicate power needs, if any. Power is not available in all areas) _______ Craft Area, each 10x10 space, $400, includes _______ 1, 20amp plug-in, Max, 2 spaces (Indicate power needs, if any. Power is not available in all areas) (Craft Area is not open Friday night and closes at dusk Saturday and Sunday) Please remit to; BLUE CRAB FESTIVAL POST OFFICE BOX 1351 PALATKA, FL 32178 Phone: 386-983-9772 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR FOOD VENDORS Please initial each item in the space provided acknowledging that you have read and understand each point and agree to abide by said listed rules _______ 1. BEVERAGES ALL WATER AND SOFT DRINKS MUST BE PURCHASED FROM THE FESTIVAL COMMITTEE. A representative will be on-site with products available for purchase all weekend. ______ 2. ICE ALL ICE IS TO BE PURCHASED THROUGH THE FESTIVAL. Ice will be distributed in 20 pound bags. Please alert us to any special needs that you may have (i.e. block ice) so that we may accommodate you. NO VENDOR IS ALLOWED TO MAKE OR BRING ICE. The price of ice will accompany your confirmation letter. ______ 3. MOBILE CONCESSIONS Mobile concessions must be self-contained to State of Florida specifications. You must attach a drawn diagram of how your unit sets up, along with your selling side and accurate dimensions. INCLUDE awnings and tongue. All applications must attach 3 photographs of booth set-up. Photos will NOT be returned. ______ 4. MENU AND PRICE LIST Menus and prices must be posted PRIOR TO OPENING!! Please make sure your menu and price list is large enough to be seen and legible. Failure to have your menu and price list posted will result in a fine from the festival committee. For the first incident the fine will be $50.00, if a second incident occurs you will be asked to breakdown your booth and leave the festival grounds for the remainder of the event. Changing prices during the festival is grounds for removal from the festival site for the remainder of the event, and a guarantee of not being asked to return in the future years. ______ 5. LISTED ITEMS Only items and prices listed will be allowed to be sold. Your price list must be clearly displayed for the public at all times. Any deviation on prices from those submitted are grounds for removal from the festival for the remainder of the weekend. The festival reserves the right to delete items from your submitted menu to help avoid duplication. However, if this is the case, you will be notified in advance. ______ 6. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE YOU MUST provide a certificate of General and Product Liability in the amount of $500,000.00 naming the CITY OF PALATKA and THE BLUE CRAB FESTIVAL as additional insured. ANY OTHER VERBIAGE THAN THAT LISTED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ALONG WITH THE REQUIRED AMOUNT REQUESTED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. If you do not have insurance and wish to obtain coverage under the festival insurance policy, please indicate on the checklist and include an additional $250.00 with our application to obtain coverage. ______ 7. STORAGE TRAILERS The Festival has limited areas for storage trailers. For this reason all storage trailers must have a permit from the Festival. The permits are free to the vendor but must be applied for with your application. There will be a $75.00 charger, per trailer, to provide electric, if required. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN CORDS AND CONNECTIONS. You must indicate your intentions below: 1)I will need trailer parking________ 2)I will need electric for my trailer._________ ______ 8. MOBILE VEHICLES DUE TO INSURANCE RESTRICTIONS THERE WILL BE NO MOBILE VENDOR VEHICLES ALLOWED ON FESTIVAL GROUNDS AT ANY TIME. THIS INCLUDES 4 WHEELERS AND GOLF CARTS. However, you may use push carts to transport your products. ______ 9. VENDOR VEHICLES Vendor vehicles must be removed from streets prior to the festival start time and are NOT ALLOWED ON THE STREETS DURING THE FESTIVAL HOURS. ______ 10. BREAK DOWN OF BOOTH Vendors are not allowed to close their booth before the listed end of show times. Any vendor not in compliance or any vendor who breaks down their booth prior to the end of the show on Monday at 5:00 pm will not be eligible to return to the show the following year. ______ 11. INSPECTIONS The City of Palatka Inspectors, along with the State of Florida Hotel and Restaurant Inspectors will be around to inspect your booth. There will be no charge for the City of Palatka inspections, however, the standard fees will apply and be payable to the State Inspectors. Anyone who does not comply with the above inspections and inspectors will be removed from the festival site. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. FOOD VENDOR RELEASE I do hereby release the BLUE CRAB FESTIVAL COMMITTEE and the CITY OF PALATKA from any and all liability of any kind for any loss, damage or injury to myself, my staff, or merchandise and/or equipment during my paricipation in the Blue Crab Festival. I further agree to hold harmless, defend and indemnify th e BLUE CRAB FESTIVAL COMMITTEE and the CITY OF PALATKA against all claims, losses, damages or liability of any kind including cost and attorney fees arising out of my participation in the Blue Crab Festival. I have read all the rules governing the Blue Crab Festival and agree to abide by them. _______________________________________________________________ Food Vendor Signature Date APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTION All vendors requiring electrical power must complete this application. ALL CONNECTIONS MUST MEET LOCAL CODE AND WILL BE INSPECTED BY LOCAL AUTHORITES. For additional power needs, above those included in your application fee, we offer these levels of power with the following prices: 20amps basic electric $50.00 50amps maximum electric $100.00 Any additional electric will be billed in increments of either of the above. RULES 1. All connections to Blue Crab Festival electrical power will be done by Festival Electrical staff. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. 2. All electrical cords shall be 3-wire grounded and pass electrical inspection. Minimum size cord to be connected to Blue Crab Festival power is #12 guage. 3. Vendors will supply their own extension cords and/pr power cables. If any extra electrical services are needed, a licenced electrical contractor will be on location. Material and labor are the responsibility of the vendor. 4. There will be a member of the Blue Crab Festival electrical staff available to make connections or disconnections during the following times. Any other times must be arranged. Friday – 8 am to 5 pm, Saturday, 8 am to 10 am, Monday, 5 pm to 7 pm. There will be no power disconnects prior to 5:00pm on Monday. Failure to comply with this rule will render you ineligible to return the following year. All electircal panels are locked for safety. Only Blue Crab Festival electrical staff and City of Palatka have permission to remove locks. If electrical power becomes an issue, your equipment is subject to be inspected/tested. The vendor is responsible for any repairs that might be needed. We ask that all cords, cables and water hoses be placed so as not to create a trip hazard. Any item crossing a walk path will need to be taped down and covered. VENDOR NAME______________________________________________________ TYPE OF POWER__________________________________________________________ VENDOR SIGNATURE_____________________________________________DATE ________________ CHECK LIST FOR COMPLETED FOOD VENDOR APPLICATION ___ 1. Complete and signed application ___ 2. Vendor booth fees - MONEY ORDER payable to BLUE CRAB FESTIVAL ___ 3. Insurance Certificate ___ 4. Three (3) Photos of your booth along with required drawing and accurate dimensions ___ 5. Signed electrical contract BOOTH FEE ____________ ELECTRICAL FEE ____________ INSURANCE FEE ____________ YOUR MONEY ORDER TOTAL ____________ Payable to: BLUE CRAB FESTIVAL Palatka Fire Department Special Events Vendor Requirements 1. A 12ft clear area must be maintained in front of each vendor site. This clear area will allow for the passage of emergency response vehicles. 2. Temporary vender tents and/or canopies of 100sf or less and without food preparation are exempt from fire retardant requirements. Tent stakes, guy ropes, etc. will be clearly marked with visible warning, i.e. flag, barricade tape or protective cap. 3. Temporary electrical cords and hoses will not cross any street and where crossing sidewalks, will be protected and pose no trip hazard. All electric will be GFIC protected. NFPA 70 4. A 44" accessible clear path maintained on all city sidewalks. FBC Ch. 11. 5. Generators will be located to the rear of a vendor space, have a fire extinguisher, and be sound deadened. Food Vendors 1. All food venders must have a minimum of a 2A-10BC fire extinguisher currently certified and tagged by a licensed extinguisher company. (Tag showing inspection within 1 year of event date.) 2. Vendor deep frying, in addition to the ABC extinguisher, must also have a K-Class extinguisher currently certified and tagged by a licensed extinguisher company. 3. Temporary vendor tents or canopies used for cooking or assembly must be fire retardant certified in accordance with NFPA 101, Sec. 10.3.1 4. Concession trailers that are cooking food that produces grease laden vapors will also be required to have a hood and suppression system installed in accordance with NAPA 96. 5. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation will inspect all venders prior to opening for business. Event Staff will coordinate the overall inspection time. Exceptions: a. Non-profit organizations. The vender must have a State of Florida Tax Exemption Certificate, issued in the name of the vendor on site. b. Venders selling food items not prepared on site, i.e. pre-packaged.