Elements, Compounds Or Mixtures Exploration

Compounds Or
Mixtures Exploration
LT: I can create and classify elements, compounds and
1. Use white marshmallows and toothpicks to make 6
molecules of oxygen (O2) and place them on the paper
labeled O2 Element.
2. Use yellow marshmallows and toothpicks to make 4
molecules of hydrogen (H2) and place on the paper labeled
H2 Element.
3. Use orange marshmallows to make 4 atoms of carbon (C)
and place on the paper labeled C Element.
4. Draw and label pictures of your models in your notebook.
1. What do the three areas have in
2. Define the term element in your own
3. What other elements can you make with
your marshmallows?
5. Use pink and green marshmallows and toothpicks to make 6
molecules of salt(NaCl) and place them on the paper labeled
Salt (NaCl) compound.
6. Use yellow and white marshmallows and toothpicks to make
6 molecules of water (H2O) and place on the paper labeled
Water H2O Compound.
7. Draw and label pictures of your models in your notebook.
Look at the two areas labeled Compounds
and answer the following:
4. What two things do the area contents
have in common?
5. Define the term compound in your own
6. What other compounds can you make
with your marshmallows?
8. Take 2 molecules of NaCl and 2 molecules of H2O and place
them on the paper labeled Salt Water (H2O + NaCl) Mixture.
9. Take 2 molecules of O2 and 2 molecules of H2O and place on
the paper labeled Dissolved Oxygen (H2O + O2) Mixture.
10. Draw and label pictures of your models in your notebook.
Look at the two areas labeled Mixtures and
answer the following:
7. What do the area contents have in
8. Define the term mixture in your own words.
9. What other mixtures can you make with
your marshmallows?
10.In your own words, what is the difference
between elements, compounds, and
11.Explain the analogy: An element is to a
compound as a letter is to a word.
12.Complete your own analogy: Elements
and compounds are to mixtures as
____________ and ____________ are to
Formula Mass
Each atom has a unique mass (on the periodic table). The
masses are different for atoms of different elements. Each
molecules must also have a mass that depends on both its
chemical formula and the mass of its individual atoms.
Use your diagrams and chemical formulas to calculate the mass
of each of the molecules you built. Record the masses near the
drawings of each model you made.