Our Star KATHRINE CARRICK Why does it shine? o During the 19th century astronomers had a theory called gravitational contraction which suggests that the sun generates its energy by slowly contracting in size. o However later studies showed that gravitational contraction could not be the way the sun was generating its energy. Formation o The true answer to the suns generation of energy came with Einstein's theory of E- mc^2. This equation showed that mass itself contains an enormous amount of potential energy. In the 1930s this idea led to the theory that the sun uses nuclear fusion to generate its energy. Nuclear Fusion o Nuclear fusion is the process of joining two or more light weight small nuclei into a larger one. o This process occurs because the suns temperature is so hot that the positively charged nuclei move around at high speeds until they collide with each other. o However sticking positively charged nuclei together is not easy but the strong force is what binds a protons and neutrons together. oThis process of nuclear fusion combines four hydrogen nuclei into one helium nucleus, releasing energy in the process. Core o Located in the center of the star is the suns core. Here the temperature raises to about 15 million K. The density is 100 times the density of water on earth and the pressure is 200 billion times that on the surface of the earth. o The core is also where nuclear fusion occurs transforming hydrogen into helium which will take about a few hundred thousand years to reach the surface. Radiation Zone o Located about a third of the way to the Suns center, is what we call the Radiation Zone. In this layer energy moves outward mostly in the form of photons. Here, the temperatures rises to nearly 10 million K and x rays are very intense. o Again, this picture shows where the Radiation Zone in located within the sun. Convection Zone o The Convection Zone is the first layer of the suns interior. This is where energy generated from the suns core travels upward, transported by the rising of hot gas and falling of cool gas called convection. o The diagram to the right depicts the different layers of the Sun, showing the convection occurring in this particular layer. Atmosphere o Solar Winds blow a stream of charged particles continually outward from the sun in all directions o The Suns atmosphere is defined as low density gas o The Chromosphere is the first layer which is extremely hot, at about 1 million K, but has very low density. o The second layer, or Photosphere which is much cooler compared to the chromosphere, is also considered the visible surface of the sun. However it may look like a surface, the photosphere is comprised of gas less dense than the earths atmosphere. The temperature is slightly under 6000 k resulting in the effect of a boiling pot of water. Sunspots o Sun Spots are defined as dark splotches on the suns surface which can be larger than Earth. They are regions of strong magnetic fields, which keep the sun spots cooler than the surrounding photosphere. o Sun spots appear darker because they are less bright than the surrounding photosphere oThe sunspot cycle is when the number and location of the sunspots vary depending whether it is at solar maximum or solar minimum. The number of sunspots rises during solar maximum. Solar flares & Prominences o Similar to sunspots, solar flares and prominences are all considered solar activity. Solar activity being defined as solar weather. o Solar prominences occur when gas in the chromosphere and corona becomes trapped in these giant loops formed by magnetic field lines. o When magnetic field lines that cause solar prominences and solar flares undergo sudden changes, it creates intense solar storms know as solar flares. During these storms, bursts of X rays and fast-moving charged particles are shot into space. o Again, similar to sunspots, solar flares and prominences change with the solar cycle. Coronal Mass Ejections o As a result of solar storms, large numbers of highly energetic particles are ejected from the suns corona forming huge bubbles referred to as coronal mass ejections. o A coronal mass ejection can reach earth which results in a geomagnetic storm. These storms can produce very strong aurora borealis but on the down side they can effect radio communications, disrupt electrical power delivery, and damage the electronic components of orbiting satellites.