UNCF ICB 2015 CFO Institute Financial Statements & Financial Responsibility Financial Statements & Financial Responsibility The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Session Objectives Financial Statements GAAP Examples USDE Composite Score Formula/Example Composite Financial Index (CFI) and Core Ratios Formula/Example UNCF Financial Indicators Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Complete Set of Financial Statements (FASB ASC 958-205-45-4) Statement of Financial Position(FASB ASC 958-210-45) Statement of Activities (FASB ASC 958-225-45) Statement of Cash Flows(FASB ASC 958-230-45) Notes to Financial Statements (FASB ASC 958-205-50) Online: fasb.org Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Statement of Financial Position – Disclosures (ASC 958-210-45&50) Liquidity of assets and liabilities by sequencing or by presenting classified statement Totals should be presented for current assets and current liabilities when presenting classified statement Assets/liabilities aggregated into homogeneous groups Info. about donor restrictions resulting in temp./perm. restricted net assets Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Statement of Financial Position – Disclosures (ASC 958-210-45&50) Categories of receivables shown separately, such as A/R, pledge receivables, student receivables Assets (e.g. cash) with donor imposed restrictions limiting use to long-term purposes shown separately from similar assets available for current use. Separate line item for “Cash” or “Cash equivalents.” Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Statement of Activities – Disclosures (ASC 958-225-45&50; 958-720-45) The amount of unrestricted revenue/support by major category The amount of temporarily restricted revenue/support by major source The amount of permanently restricted revenue/support by major source Report expenses as decreases in unrestricted net assets Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Statement of Activities – Disclosures (ASC 958-225-45&50; 958-720-45) Report expenses by functional or natural classification Change in net assets by class and in total Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Statement of Cash Flows – Disclosures (ASC 958-230-55) Accounting policy for determining items treated as cash/cash equivalent should be disclosed Cash receipts/payments must be classified as operating, investing and financing activities and reported separately. The net effect of cash flows and cash equivalents should be shown to allow a reader to reconcile beginning and ending cash/cash equivalents. Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Statement of Cash Flows – Disclosures (ASC 958-230-55) Separate disclosure of noncash investing and financing activities If indirect method is used, the amounts of interest paid, excluding capitalized amounts, should be disclosed Items reconciling change in net assets to cash flows from operating activities should include separately all major classes of operating items Financial Statements The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Pending Changes FASB Exposure Draft—Comment Deadline: Aug. 20, 2015 Proposed Accounting Standards Update would significantly change existing financial reporting model. Net asset classification Liquidity information Statement of activities Presentation of operating cash flows Financial Statements Examples Berea College Barnard College North Central College The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Financial Statements Example #1 The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Financial Statements Example #2 The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Financial Statements Example #3 The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Financial Statements Best Practices Sample College The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com USDE Composite Score The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Financial Responsibility Composite Scores Section 498(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 Requires institutions to annually submit audited financial statements to the USDE to demonstrate financial responsibility necessary to participate in the Title IV programs. A composite of three ratios derived from the audited financial statements is used to gauge the institution’s financial responsibility. primary reserve ratio equity ratio net income ratio USDE Composite Score The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Reflects the overall relative financial health of institutions on a scale from -1.0 to 3.0. A score greater than or equal to 1.5 indicates the institution is considered financially responsible. A score of less than 1.5 but greater than or equal to 1.0 is considered financially responsible, but requires additional oversight of the institution. A score less than 1.0 is considered not financially responsible. However, an institution with a score less than 1.0 may continue to participate in the Title IV programs under provisional certification. The institution is also subject to cash monitoring requirements and must post a letter of credit . USDE Composite Score The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Primary Reserve Ratio = Expendable Net Assets Total Expenses Equity Ratio = Modified Net Assets Modified Assets Net Income Ratio = Change in Unrestricted Net Assets Total Unrestricted Revenue USDE Composite Score Primary Reserve Ratio = The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Expendable Net Assets Total Expenses BARNARD COLLEGE Expendable Net Assets = 184,480 + Unrestricted Net Assets 86,499 + Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 145,718 – Annuities, term endowments, life income funds (temp. restr.) 0 – Intangible assets 0 – Property, plant and equipment net of depreciation 142,781 + Post-employment and retirement liabilities 18,045 + All debt obtained for long-term purposes 76,999 (PPE > LTD) – Unsecured related-party receivables 0 USDE Composite Score Primary Reserve Ratio = Expendable Net Assets Total Expenses BARNARD COLLEGE Primary Reserve Ratio = 1.311 Expendable Net Assets = 184,480 Total Expenses = 140,684 The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com USDE Composite Score Equity Ratio = Modified Net Assets Modified Assets BARNARD COLLEGE Modified Net Assets = 378,909 + Unrestricted Net Assets 86,499 + Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 145,718 + Permanently Restricted Net Assets 146,692 – Intangible assets 0 – Unsecured related-party receivables 0 The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com USDE Composite Score Equity Ratio = Modified Net Assets Modified Assets BARNARD COLLEGE Modified Assets = 500,765 + Total Assets 500,765 – Intangible assets 0 – Unsecured related-party receivables 0 The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com USDE Composite Score Equity Ratio = BARNARD COLLEGE Equity Ratio = 0.756 Modified Net Assets = 378,911 Modified Assets = 500,765 Modified Net Assets Modified Assets The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com USDE Composite Score Net Income Ratio = The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Change in Unrestricted Net Assets Total Unrestricted Revenue BARNARD COLLEGE Net Income Ratio = 0.010 Change in UR Net Assets = 1,453 Unrestricted Revenue = 139,195 USDE Composite Score The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com BARNARD COLLEGE Ratio Result Primary Reserve Ratio = 1.311 Equity Ratio = 0.756 Net Income Ratio = 0.010 x Strength Factor 10 6 (1+ (50 x Result) (Min -1 *Max 3) Ratio SF Score Primary Reserve Ratio = *3.00 *3.00 Equity Ratio = Net Income Ratio = 1.52 SF Score 13.11 4.54 1.52 Weighted Weight Score 40% 1.20 40% 1.20 20% 0.30 Composite Score = 2.70 USDE Composite Score The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com BARNARD COLLEGE Ratio Result Primary Reserve Ratio = 1.311 Equity Ratio = 0.756 Net Income Ratio = 0.010 x Strength Factor 10 6 (1+ (50 x Result) (Min -1 *Max 3) Ratio SF Score Primary Reserve Ratio = *3.00 *3.00 Equity Ratio = Net Income Ratio = 1.52 SF Score 13.11 4.54 1.52 Weighted Weight Score 40% 1.20 40% 1.20 20% 0.30 Composite Score = 2.70 Financial Responsibility Composite Score Scale: 1.5 – 3.0 Institution demonstrates overall financial health 1.0 – 1.4 Institution demonstrates minimal financial health; additional monitoring is needed in the areas of viability, liquidity and/or profitability. -1.0 - .9 Institution demonstrates relative weakness in fundamental elements of financial health (viability, liquidity and/or profitability). Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Financial Component of an Institution's Well-being Developed by KPMG/Prager, McCarthy & Sealy to measure financial performance. Used to assist institutions: understand the affordability of strategies monitor financial results of implemented initiatives Combines four core ratios in a manner similar to the Composite Score (i.e. applies strength factor and weight). Net Operating Revenues Ratio Return on Net Assets Ratio Primary Reserve Ratio Viability Ratio Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Reflects the overall relative financial health of institutions on a scale from -4.0 to 10.0. CFI of 3 indicates that the institution is relatively financially healthy. This may be attained by achieving the following targets on core ratios (that yield each a Strength Factor of about 3): Net Operating Revenues of 2% Return on Net Assets of 6% Primary Reserve of 0.40x Viability of 1.25x Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Reflects the overall relative financial health of institutions on a scale from -4.0 to 10.0. CFI of 3 indicates that the institution is relatively financially healthy. This may be attained by achieving the following targets on core ratios (that yield each a Strength Factor of about 3): Net Operating Revenues of 2.00% ÷ 0.70% = 3* x 10% = 0.30 Return on Net Assets of 6.00% ÷ 2.00% = 3 x 20% = 0.60 Primary Reserve of 0.40x ÷ 0.133x = 3 x 35% = 1.05 Viability of *Rounded up 1.25x ÷ 0.417x = 3* x 35% = 1.05 Composite Financial Index 3.00 Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios CORE RATIOS Net Operating Revenues = The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Excess of UR Operating Revenues Unrestricted Operating Revenues Return on Net Assets = Change in Net Assets . Total Net Assets Beginning of Year Primary Reserve Ratio = Expendable Net Assets Total Expenses Viability Ratio = Expendable Net Assets Long Term Debt The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios Net Operating Revenues = Excess of UR Operating Revenues Unrestricted Operating Revenues BARNARD COLLEGE Net Operating Revenues Ratio = -1.1% Target 2% Excess (Deficiency)of UR Operating Revenues = -1,489 Unrestricted Operating Revenues= 139,195 Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios Return on Net Assets = The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Change in Net Assets Total Net Assets Beginning of Year BARNARD COLLEGE Return on Net Assets Ratio = 12.8% Change Net Assets = 42,932 Total Net Assets Beginning of Year = 335,977 Target 6% Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios Primary Reserve Ratio = The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Expendable Net Assets Total Expenses BARNARD COLLEGE Primary Reserve Ratio = 1.2x Expendable Net Assets = 166,435 Total Expenses = 140,684 Target 0.4x Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios Viability Ratio = The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Expendable Net Assets Long Term Debt BARNARD COLLEGE Viability Ratio = 2.2x Expendable Net Assets = 166,435 Long Term Debt = 76,999 Target 1.25x Composite Financial Index and Core Ratios BARNARD COLLEGE Ratio Result Net Operating Revenues = -1.1% Return on Net Assets = 12.8% Primary Reserve Ratio = 1.2x Viability Ratio = 2.2x / SF____ 0.7% 2.0% 0.133x 0.417x The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com SF Score_ -1.5 6.4 9.0 5.2 (Min -4 Max 10) Weighted Ratio Score x Weight Score . Net Operating Revenues = -1.5 10% -0.2 Return on Net Assets = 6.4 20% 1.3 Primary Reserve Ratio = 9.0 35% 3.2 Viability Ratio = 5.2 35% 1.8 Composite Financial Index = 6.1 The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com UNCF Financial Indicators Report III A Study Conducted by WPG The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com Financial Ratios 37 Member Institutions Five Years 41 Ratios Sent Via Email July 13, 2015 To Presidents & CFOs Closing Comments The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs ____________ wpg-inc.com QUESTIONS? Contact: (404) 874-0555 keith@wpg-inc.com UNCF ICB 2015 CFO Institute Financial Statements & Financial Responsibility THANK YOU Keith X. Terrell, CPA Cr.FA, FCPA, CGMA Senior Vice President The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs