Welcome and Introductions State ODE/OBR Vision To assure that Sinclair Community College Tech Prep programs are a vital and effective component of the State’s integrated strategies to enhance students’ college and career readiness and postsecondary success. 1. increasing postsecondary persistence and completion, 2. lowering out-of-pocket higher education costs for students, 3. diversifying the college-going population, and 4. developing more career focus. Career Development “Students who clarify their personal career goals in high school are likely to complete a college education by their mid-20s; youth with indecision were less successful in education and career establishment and satisfaction.” • Source: Weathering the Great Recession: Psychological and Behavioral Trajectories in the Transition from School to Work, prepared for the American Psychological Association (APA) by faculty from Purdue and Pennsylvania State universities and the University of Minnesota Objective By 2015, increase MVTPC annual student participants to 10,000 students. This 1,500 student increase should lead to the capture of 25,000 college credits each year, thereby lowering out-of-pocket higher education costs for MVTPC students by 2016. Therefore, by 2017, 2,500 MVTPC students would transition annually from secondary to postsecondary education at Sinclair. The accessibility and sustainability of these students leads to community alignment for career and workforce development for our stakeholders. Our mission? To work with you and area high schools to support high schools students to complete their T-P pathway, earn college credits and become “college ready.” Scholarship Qualifications 1. Earn a GPA of 2.25. 2. Complete the high school Tech Prep program and continue the same or related Tech Prep program at Sinclair. 3. Complete the FAFSA. 4. Be enrolled a minimum of 12 credit hours for $750 per semester award amount (students may enroll 9-11 hours and received adjusted amount of scholarship $). 5. Maintain academic standing. 6. Expanded opportunities. Scholarship Letter http://www.mvtechprep.org • Launching the New Tech Prep Website. Calendar – 2014-15 • Work in Progress • Review Agenda • Tech Prep Showcase on March 26? Alternative Qualifiers Miami Valley Tech Prep Consortium Proposal to Assist Execution of Accelerating Students through the Pathway Sinclair Community College will now accept SAT scores and COMPASS math scores The minimum college level scores that must be met for the corresponding coursework are as follows: • • • • Math: Math: English: Reading: ≥ 520 ≥ 620 ≥ 430 ≥ 450 • COMPASS Algebra: ≥ 52 MAT 1470 MAT 1570 ENG 1101 No Reading Course Required MAT 1470 Sinclair outreach efforts to students and parents ANGEL Shell Proficiency Testing Program to Course Credit Update #Proficiency Credit is an assessment process where a student earns letter grades typically through a test or series of tests #Portfolio Credit is awarded in select programs based upon submitted evidence of completion/competence. Typically, letter grades are awarded. #Certificate Credit is Awarded by State or National Accreditation; Project Lead the Way (PLTW) #Articulated Credit is captured on the senior transmittal forms where students earn a Y grade based upon the classroom teacher’s assessment of progress Angel Shell Tests online Sinclair instructors (no# sign) Sinclair Adjunct professors teach 100% of the content at the HS or Career Center. (no # sign) CTAG • College credit earned in high school and TRANSFERABLE to all state schools in Ohio • All high schools and colleges are required to participate LPS CTAG credits Course CTAG Number Sinclair Equivalent Volunteer Firefighter CTFF001 FST1100 Firefighter 1 CTFFI002 FST 1102 Firefighter 2 CTFFII003 FST 1102. FST 1103 Fire Safety Inspector First Responder CTFINSP001 FST 1103 CTFR001 EMS 1100 – 2 credits EMT – Basic CTEMTB002 EMS 1150 – 5 credits EMT – Intermediate CTEMTB002 EMS 1155– 2 credits Education CTAGs Course Intro to Education CTAG Number Sinclair Equivalent CTED001 2-3 semester EDU 1100 Automotive Course CTAG Number Suspension/ Steering CTAUT001 semester) CTAUT002 semester) CTAUT003 semester) CTAUT004 semester) 10 Hour Safety CTS001 semester) Brakes Electrical Engine Sinclair Equivalent (2 AUT 1165 (2 AUT 1114 (2 (2 (1 AUT 1116 Culinary and Food Service Mgmt. Course CTAG Number Sinclair Equivalent CTCF001 Sanitation and Safety semester 1 Intro to Hospitality and Tourism CTCF002 semester 2 CTCF003 Food Production Lab semester 2 Cooperative Work Experience 1 CTCF004 semester HMT 1107 HMT 1105 HMT 1101 HMT 2292 Engineering Course CTAG Number Sinclair Equivalent CTEET001 semester 2-3 4 Digital Electronics CTEET002 semester Manufacturing Processes CTMET004 semester 3 3 CADD CTEMT005 semester DC Circuits EET 1150 EET 1131 OPT 2205 MET 1371 Health Science Course CTAG Number Basic Administrative Functions CTMAT004 Semester) (1 (2 Bookkeeping Functions CTMAT005 Semester) CTMAT006 Process Insurance Claims Semester) (3 CTMAT008 Fundamental Procedures Semester) (3 (2 Specimen Collection CTMAT009 Semester) (2 Diagnostic Testing CTMAT010 Semester) (5 Patient Care CTMAT011 Semester) Sinclair Equivalent MAS 1110 MAS 2210 MAS 2210 MAS 1102, 1103 MAS 2201 MAS 1102, 1103 MAS 1102, 1103 Construction Course CTAG Number Intro to Alternative & CTAE001 Renewable Energy SEMESTER) CTSP001 Solar Photovoltaic SEMESTER) Sinclair Equivalent (3 EGV 1101 (3 EGV 2101 Information Technology Course CTAG Number Sinclair Equivalent Network + CTIT002 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 1130 A+ Essentials CTIT003 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 1714 A+ Technician CTIT004 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 2717 Intro to Desktop Operating System CTIT005 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 1107 Intro to User Support CTIT006 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 2711 Cisco /CCNA Exploration I CTIT007 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 1141 Cisco /CCNA Exploration II CTIT008 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 2416 Cisco /CCNA Exploration III CTIT009 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 2421 Cisco /CCNA Exploration IV CTIT0010 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 2426 Windows Operating System CTIT0011 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 1130 Microsoft.NET Framework CTIT0012 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 1130 Managing and Maintaining Windows CTIT0013 (3 SEMESTER) CIS 1130 Schools Currently Approved for LPS School Course Course Name Butler Tech EMT Basic EMS 1150 – 5 credits Warren County EMT Basic EMS 1150 – 5 credits Butler Tech Firefighter 1 FST 1102 – 6 credits Warren County Firefighter 1 FST 1102 – 6 credits Warren County Firefighter 2 Transition FST 1103 – 5 credits Schools Currently Approved in Education School Course Number and Name COLERAIN HIGH CTED001 - Introduction to Education FAIRFIELD HIGH Same as above LAKOTA EAST HIGH Same as above GREENE COUNTY CAREER CENTER VO Same as above HAMILTON HIGH Same as above MIAMI VALLEY CAREER TECH JVSD Same as above SPRINGFIELD-CLARK COUNTY VOC Same as above UPPER VALLEY VOC Same as above WARREN COUNTY JVSD Same as above Schools Currently Approved in Automotive School Course Number and Name D RUSSEL LEE CAREER CTAUT001 – Brakes, CTAUT002 - Electrical/Electronic TECHNOLOGY Systems; CTAUT004 – Suspension and Steering GREENE COUNTY Same as Above CAREER TECH CENTER GREENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Same as Above HAMILTON HS Same as Above FAIRMONT HS Same as Above MIAMI VALLEY CTC Same as Above SPRINGFIELD-CLARK CAREER CENTER Same as Above UPPER VALLEY Same as Above WARREN COUNTY Same as Above Schools Currently Approved in Culinary School D Russell Lee Career Technology Centerville High School Course Number and Name CTCF001 - Sanitation and Safety; CTCF002 – Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism; CTCF003 – Food Production Laboratory; CTCF004 – Cooperative Work Experience Same as DR Lee John Patterson Same as DR Lee Greene County CTC Same as DR Lee Miami Valley CTC CTCF001 - Sanitation and Safety; Springfield – Clark CTC Same as DR Lee Upper Valley CTC CTCF001 - Sanitation and Safety; Warren County CC Same as DR Lee Courses Currently Approved in Engineering Schools Course Number and Name CENTERVILLE HIGH CTMET005 - Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) GREENVILLE HIGH CTMET004 - Manufacturing Processes; CTMET 005 – Computer Aided Drafting and Design HAMILTON HIGH CTMET004 - Manufacturing Processes; CTMET 005 – Computer Aided Drafting and Design; CTEET001 - DC Circuits KETTERING CITY SD MIAMI VALLEY CAREER TECH JVSD SPRINGFIELD-CLARK COUNTY VOC UPPER VALLEY JVSD CTMET004 - Manufacturing Processes; CTMET 005 – Computer Aided Drafting and Design CTMET005 - Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) CTMET005 - Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) CTMET004 - Manufacturing Processes; CTMET 005 – Computer Aided Drafting and Design; CTEET001 - DC Circuits; CTEET002 – Digital Electronics Courses Currently Approved in Engineering Schools COLERAIN HIGH D RUSSEL LEE CAREER TECHNOLOGY ROSS HIGH Course Number and Name CTEET001 - DC Circuits; CTMET004 – Manufacturing Processes; CTMET 005 – Computer Aided Drafting and Design CTMET004 - Manufacturing Processes CTMET004 - Manufacturing Processes; CTMET 005 – Computer Aided Drafting and Design Schools Currently Approved in Health Science Schools Course Number and Name Springfield - Clark CTMAT004 - Prfrm Bsc Admin Med Asst Function; CTMAT 005 - Perform Bookkeeping Functions; CTMAT006 - Process Insurance Claims; CTMAT008 - Fundamental Procedures; CTMAT009 - Specimen Collection; CTMAT010 - Diagnostic Testing; CTMAT011 - Patient Care Schools Currently Approved in IT Schools ROSS HIGH D RUSSEL LEE CAREER TECHNOLOGY Centerville HS Greenville HS Course Number and Name CTIT002 - Networking/CompTIA Network +; CTIT003 CompTIA A+ Essentials; CTIT004 - CompTIA A+ IT Technician; CTIT005 - Intro to Desktop OS; CTIT006 - Intro to User Support; CTIT011 - MS Windows Desktop OS CTIT002 - Networking/CompTIA Network +; CTIT003 CompTIA A+ Essentials; CTIT004 - CompTIA A+ IT Technician; CTIT005 - Intro to Desktop OS; CTIT006 - Intro to User Support; CTIT011 - MS Windows Desktop OS; CTIT013 - MS Windows Server 2003 Environment CTIT002 - Networking/CompTIA Network +; CTIT003 CompTIA A+ Essentials; CTIT004 - CompTIA A+ IT Technician; CTIT003 - CompTIA A+ Essentials; CTIT004 - CompTIA A+ IT Technician; CTIT007 - Cisco Exploration I; CTIT008 - Cisco Exploration II; CTIT009 - Cisco Exploration III; CTIT010 - Cisco Exploration IV Schools Currently Approved in IT Schools Course Number and Name Hamilton HS CTIT002 - Networking/CompTIA Network +; CTIT003 - CompTIA A+ Essentials; CTIT004 - CompTIA A+ IT Technician; CTIT005 Intro to Desktop OS; CTIT006 - Intro to User Support Miami Valley CTC CTIT002 - Networking/CompTIA Network +; CTIT003 - CompTIA A+ Essentials; CTIT004 - CompTIA A+ IT Technician; CTIT005 Intro to Desktop OS; CTIT006 - Intro to User Support; CTIT007 Cisco Exploration I; CTIT008 - Cisco Exploration II; CTIT009 Cisco Exploration III; CTIT010 - Cisco Exploration IV Springfield – Clark CTC CTIT002 - Networking/CompTIA Network +; CTIT003 - CompTIA A+ Essentials; CTIT004 - CompTIA A+ IT Technician; CTIT007 Cisco Exploration I; CTIT008 - Cisco Exploration II Upper Valley CTC CTIT003 - CompTIA A+ Essentials Fall Orientations Career Coach Update on Transfer • University Parallel • The Ohio Transfer Module (OTM) is a OTM courses are guaranteed to transfer – Transfers as a Set of common skills in English Composition/Oral Communication – Mathematics, Statistics & Logic – Natural & Physical Sciences – Social & Behavioral Sciences – Arts and Humanities – Best to complete as a set TAG • Transfer Assurance Guidelines (TAGS) – Comprised of Transfer Module courses and additional courses required for an academic major. – Developed by faculty teams in in the arts, humanities, business, communication, education, health, mathematics, science, engineering, engineering technologies, and the social sciences have been developed by faculty teams. – Advisors at the institution to which a student wishes to transfer should also be consulted during the transfer process. – Students may elect to complete the full TAG or any subset of courses from the TAG. Because of specific major requirements, early identification of a student's intended major is encouraged.