• Fruits and vegetables are a valuable source of many vital nutrients, however, this depends on the type.
• In general, the main nutrients they contain are Fibre, Vitamin A, Vitamin C,
Vitamin B and a little Protein and Carbohydrate, especially in root vegetables.
• They are such useful foods because there are so many to choose from, they are very colourful in cooking, they provide a great deal of flavour and texture, they can be eaten raw or cooked, they fill us up, but at the same time are low in calories, they can be bought in different forms.
• 1) Look for fruit and vegetables that are in season to get them at their best time. They will be cheap and easily available.
• 2) Root vegetables should be firm and smoothly shaped so they are easy to peel. (Potatoes, turnips, parsnip, carrots, swede)
• 3) Green vegetables should be firm, crisp and a good colour.(Cabbage, spinach, cauliflower.)
• 4) Store vegetables in a cool, dark place. Buy small amounts at a time, as they lose their freshness.
5) Store fruits either in the fridge or in a fruit bowl. Eat within about a week.
• Berry -strawberry
• Citrus -orange
• Large fruitpineapple
• Small fruitbanana
• Leafy green - cabbage
• Pod - peas
• Flower -broccoli
• Root -swede
• Tuber -potato
• Fungi -mushroom
• Stemcelery
• Many Health Organisations have brought about guidelines, that it is extremely beneficial in the diet for people to consume at least 5 fruit/vegetables, due to their health benefits. This comes in line with
COMA and NACNE guidelines which recommend an increase in consumption of fruits and vegetables.
• Supermarkets are advertising this campaign extensively in their supermarkets, and encouraging consumers to buy fruits and vegetables.
• Do you ensure that you consume 5 a day?
• What are they?
• Complete a class survey to find out this information.
• Have you tried a range of exotic fruit and vegetables?
What is it?
(mouth feel)
• In pairs, produce an informative fact sheet, highlighting the importance of fruit and vegetables in the diet.
• Why are fruit and vegetables such beneficial food commodities in the catering industry?
• Ingredients:
• 3 oz self raising flour
• 3oz caster sugar
• 3 eggs
• Quick gel 100ml
• Kiwi
• Strawberries
• Star fruit (optional)
• Method:
• 1) Grease and line tin. Collect equipment. Pre-heat oven to
• 2) Whisk eggs and sugar with electric hand whisk until light and fluffy.
• 3) Sieve and fold in flour. Put in tin. Bake for 15 mins.
• 4) Chop fruit, make glaze.
• 5) Remove flan from oven, take from tin, fill with fruit, top with glaze.