MASCARO Certified Practising Accountants& CO END OF FINANCIAL YEAR 30TH JUNE, 2015 ABN 95 047 575 326 INCOME TAX RETURN CHECKLIST Please complete details and circle applicable responses - either YES or NO. Where the reply to any question is "YES" – PROVIDE APPROPRIATE DETAILS. Tax File No: ________________________ ABN: _______________________ Name: _______________________________ Date of Birth: ________________ Current Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Home Telephone No: ______________________ Mobile Phone No: _____________________________ Work Telephone No: ______________________ Email address: ________________________________ Please indicate your preference for an appointment, or, whether you prefer to have your completed return forwarded to you by mail/email? Appointment Returned by Mail Email During the financial year ended 30th June 2015, did you change your Marital Status? : NO / YES Date: ____________ INCOME: IN 2015 WHAT WAS YOUR MAIN OCCUPATION? _______________________________________________ FOR 2015, DID YOU RECEIVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? 1-3/ Salary and Wages (PAYG Summaries) NO / YES How many PAYG Summaries do you have? ___________ 4/ Eligible Termination Payments NO / YES ______________________________________________ 5/ Newstart, Sickness or other Allowances NO / YES ______________________________________________ 6/ Aust Govt pension & other allowances NO / YES ________________________________ Veteran Code 7/ Other Aust Super Pensions or Annuities NO / YES ______________________________________________ 8/ Australian Super Lump sum Payments NO / YES ______________________________________________ 9/ Attributed Personal Services Income NO / YES_________________________________________________ 10/ Interest: NO / YES Please provide a Summary Statement of all your banks for all accounts Complete T2 or T3 and IT3 Bank BSB Account No. TFN amt withheld Interest Earned ATO Ref: Document1 Page 1 of 4 11/ Dividends: NO / YES [Provide all relevant statements] 12/ Employee share schemes: ______________________________________________ INT/DIV Supplementary Schedule] NO / YES ______________________________________________ [Provide all relevant statements] 13/ Income from Partnerships and/or Trusts NO / YES _______________________________________________ [Including Managed Funds][Provide annual tax statement] [MANG.TRUSTS Supplementary Schedule] 14/ Personal Services Income (PSI) NO / YES ______________________________________________ 15/ Net Income/Loss from Business NO / YES ______________________________________________ 16/ Deferred non-commercial Business Losses NO / YES ______________________________________________ 18/ Net Capital Gains NO / YES ______________________________________________ 19/ Interests in Foreign Entities, Funds, Trusts NO / YES ______________________________________________ 20/ Foreign source income (incl foreign pensions) & Foreign assets or property (IT4) NO / YES ______________________________________________ 21/ Rent Received ______________________________________________ 22/ Bonuses from Life Assurance or Friendly Society Policy NO / YES ______________________________________________ 23/ Forestry Managed Investment Scheme NO / YES ______________________________________________ 24/ OTHER INCOME: (including) NO / YES ______________________________________________ Cents per Km method (up to max 5000kms) NO / YES ______________________________________________ Log book Method NO / YES ______________________________________________ [P9 Supplementary Schedule] [CGT Supplementary Schedule] NO / YES [RENTAL Supplementary Schedule] Lump Sum Pension Arrears Sale/Disposal of Depreciable Assets Proceeds from Income Protection Policy ATO assessable interest EMPLOYEE WORK RELATED DEDUCTIONS: D1/ Motor Vehicle expenses [M/V Supplementary Schedule] [M/V Supplementary Schedule] D2/ Other Work Related Travel Expenses Domestic travel with reasonable allowance NO / YES ______________________________________________ Overseas travel with reasonable allowance - diary & all receipts required NO / YES ______________________________________________ Claiming actual expenses - travel for 6 or more nights in a row - do you have a travel diary? NO / YES ______________________________________________ [WRE Supplementary Schedule] D3/ Uniform/Protective Clothing Expenses Work Related Uniform/Protective Clothing expenses NO / YES _____________________________________________ Laundry expenses NO / YES _____________________________________________ Dry Cleaning NO / YES _____________________________________________ Other claims - mending/polishing, etc. NO / YES _____________________________________________ Ref: Document1 Page 2 of 4 D4/ Self-education Expenses NO / YES _____________________________________________ [SELF -EDUCATION Schedule] Please provide a summary of all receipts Incl. Course Fees, Books, Stationery, Travel. D5/ Other Work Related Expenses Home Office expenses NO / YES _______________________________________ Home/Mobile Phone [with Log Book/itemised] NO / YES _______________________________________ Computer & Software [with Log Book] NO / YES _______________________________________ Tools & Equipment NO / YES _______________________________________ Subscriptions & Union Fees NO / YES _______________________________________ Journals/Periodicals NO / YES _______________________________________ Expenses in relation to allowances NO / YES _______________________________________ Sun Protection Costs NO / YES _______________________________________ Other work deductions NO / YES _______________________________________ NO / YES _______________________________________ (Incl Seminars not held at an educational institution) OTHER DEDUCTIONS: D7/ Interest deductions (incl. investment advice fee paid to financial planner) D8/ Dividend deductions (incl. margin loan interest) NO / YES _______________________________________ D9/ Donations/Gifts -$2 or more to eligible charities NO / YES _______________________________________ D10/ Tax Agents Fees for previous year [GIC] NO / YES _______________________________________ D11/ Undeducted Purchase Price of Foreign Annuity NO / YES _______________________________________ D12/ Personal super contributions (self-employed only) NO / YES _______________________________________ Fund name: ________________________________ Account number: _________________________ Fund ABN: ________________________________ Fund TFN: _________________________ D14/ Forestry Managed Investment Scheme deduction NO / YES _______________________________________ D15/ Other Deductions (Incl. income protection, post business cessation exp’s) NO / YES _______________________________________ HECS / HELP / SFSS (debts owed) NO / YES $ ______________________________________ Do you plan to claim Super Co-contribution? NO / YES Your after tax contribution: OTHER INFORMATION: A3/ $ ____________ (<$34,488 - $49,488) M2/ Private Health Insurance Paid: NO / YES Provider Code: ________ - Provide Private Health Insurance Statement Membership No: ____________________ If NO: Spouse DOB: ______________________ Policy Type: Hospital Ancillary Both Spouse Taxable Income: $_____________ Dependant Children's Full Names Ref: Document1 Date of Birth Page 3 of 4 Carried Forward Losses from prior years L1/ NO / YES Non-Primary: $ _______________________ Capital: $ _______________________ P.A.Y.G. Instalment Credits paid during 2015 NO / YES $ ______________________________________ Did you Pay Child Support during 2015? (IT7) NO / YES $ ______________________Total for 2014/2015 Were you registered for Family Tax Benefits A &/or B or did your children receive Austudy during 2015? TAX OFFSETS (REBATES): SEPARATE NET INCOME OF DEPENDANT: T1/ Spouse (without dependent child/student) NO / YES T2/ Seniors and pensioners Tax offset NO / YES T3/ Superannuation/Annuity Tax offset NO / YES T4/ Spouse Superannuation NO / YES T5/ Zone or Remote Area NO / YES T6/ Medical Expenses (only if claimed in both 2013 and 2014) NO / YES $ _______________________ [TAX OFF-SET Schedule] $ _______________________ [TAX OFF-SET Schedule] NO / YES To Claim a Medical Tax Offset your income must be less than $90,000 (family - $180,000) and your out-of-pocket expenses must be greater than $2,218.00. If your income is higher than these thresholds, your out-of-pocket expense must be greater than $5,233.00. If you claimed Medical Tax Offset in 2013 and 2014, these rules apply and there is no change to the types of medical expenses you can claim. If not, the income test is the same but you can only claim a Medical Tax Offset for disability aids, attendant care and aged care costs. If you qualify, please provide a summary of your OUT OF POCKET expenses after reimbursements from Medicare, and your Private Health Fund. T7/ Dependent (Invalid and Carer) NO / YES $ _______________________ [TAX OFF-SET Schedule] T11/ Other refundable Tax offset NO / YES $ __________________________ (primary producers & special disability trusts) In order to facilitate the automatic credit of your net refund (where applicable) kindly complete the following authority. I authorise the ATO to automatically credit my account, as follows: BSB number: Account name: ___________________ Account number: ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF TAXPAYER: .........................……………………........................................ DATE: ................................................... Ref: Document1 Page 4 of 4