Module 8C NMP

Module 8: Nutrient Management
8.1: Introduction to macro- & micronutrients
8.2: Nitrogen
8.3: Phosphorous
8.4: Potassium and other nutrients
8.5: Solid & liquid nutrients produced by AD
8.6: Environmental hazards & the case for nutrient separation
8.7: Phosphorous separation strategies
8.8: Nitrogen separation strategies
8.9: Salt removal & clean water technologies
8.10: Soil nutrients & soil health
8.11: Creation & implementation of cNMP
8.12: Data collection, reporting & compliance
This curriculum is adapted from: eXtension Course 3: AD, University of Wisconsin
8.10: Soil nutrients & soil health
Let’s start with soil
Farmers use nutrients to improve the agricultural quality of their soil: the ability of
that soil to support crop growth.
Physical properties of soil:
Color: generally, darker soil contains more organic matter
Texture: depends on the relative amounts of sand vs. silt vs. clay.
Structure: size of aggregates or crumb and the presence of soil pores that
allow water and air to penetrate soil
Internal drainage: deep penetration of water following saturating rains
Depth: distance from surface to the layer roots can’t penetrate
Susceptibility to erosion: is decreased by stable surface aggregates and effective
Darby (2009)
Visual inspection of soil
Darby (2009)
Chemical properties of soil
Chemical properties affect the availability of soil nutrients.
pH: measure of the relative acidity of alkalinity of a soil on a scale of 1 – 14
The scale is logarithmic, so a difference of 1 is 10-fold more or less acidic.
1 = acid
7 = neutral
14 = alkaline
Most Vermont soils are slightly acid, pH 5 – 7.
Most crops like neutral pHs of 6 – 7.
Cation exchange capacity: mineral nutrients are charged ions held in soil by
negatively charged clays and organic matter
+ Ca+2, Mg+2, K+1, Na+1, NH4+1
• CEC is a soil’s capacity to retain cations; increases with % clay & organics
• Primary macronutrients
• Secondary macronutrients
• Micronutrients
Darby (2009)
Soil nutrients
Primary macronutrients
• Nitrogen: nitrate (NO3-1) & ammonium (NH4+1)
• Phosphorous: phosphates (H2PO4-1 & HPO4-2)
• Potassium (K+1)
Secondary macronutrients
• Calcium (Ca+2)
• Magnesium (Mg+2)
• Sulfur (SO4-2)
Darby (2009)
• Iron (Fe+2)
• Manganese (Mn+2)
• Boron (BO3-2)
• Molybdenum (MoO4-2)
• Copper (Cu+2)
• Zinc (Zn+2)
• Chlorine (Cl-1)
• Nickel (Ni+2)
• Cobalt (Co+2)
Soil biology
Healthy soils are full of life & microbes are particularly important.
Darby (2009)
Components of the plant & soil ecosystem
A health plant – soil ecosystems requires attention to each of the components of
the system.
Darby (2009)
Principles of soil fertility
1. Maintaining SOM by addition of organics + conservation of soil. For dairy
farms SOM is manure, cover crops, crop residues.
2. Maintaining soil biological activity / biodiversity of up to 100,000 different
organisms that feed on SOM & the by-product from roots. In return organisms
decompose organics, cycle & hold nutrients, degrade pollutants & improve
soil structure.
3. Maintain soil tilth, the porosity of soil that allows water, oxygen & roots to
infiltrate. Tilth depends on the aggregation of soil via organic matter from
roots & microbes & is reduced by compaction.
4. Preventing erosion by minimizing exposure to wind & fast-running water, and
maintaining SOM: cover crops, no/low till.
5. Maintaining proper soil pH in Vermont usually requires addition of lime. Soil
pH of 6 – 6.8 allows rhizome bacteria to thrive symbiotically with legumes.
6. Maintaining proper nutrient balance aimed at the crops being grown. Balance
is challenging when using manure whose NPK ratio is fixed.
Darby (2009)
Soil compaction
There are three types of soil agricultural compaction:
1. Surface compaction is increased by growth of annual crops.
Surface crusting occurs when rain falls on bare soil creating a pore-less crust.
Surface compaction increases runoff & decreases germination.
1. Plow layer compaction is caused by erosion, reduced SOM, heavy field
equipment, and working wet soil.
2. Subsoil compaction occurs
below the tilled growing layer
when heavy equipment is
repeatedly run on (wet) soil.
Bottom line: Minimize traffic in
fields & don’t work wet soil.
Darby (2009)
Goals that create good soil fertility
A healthy and balanced soil has the following characteristics:
• Good water infiltration & storage
• Good soil tilth (xxx)
• Low rates of erosion
• Good levels of organic matter
• High levels of biological diversity
• pH appropriate for the crop
• Essential nutrients for the crop of choice
It’s wise to choose a crop that the soil of a field can support and nurture.
Darby (2009)
Cornell soil health test
Assesses twelve indicators of
biological, physical & chemical
soil properties.
More expensive than simpler
tests, but provides a great
Darby (2009)
8.11: Creation & implementation
of a cNMP
What is nutrient management planning?
NMP is a mixture of best management practices that aims to:
1. Optimize crop yield & quality
2. Minimize fertilizer costs
3. Protect soil & water quality
• the right amount of fertilizer,
• In the right form,
• In the right place, and
• At the right time.
NMPs should satisfy state & federal regulations: Natural Resource Conservation
Service 590 Nutrient Management Standard – the highest standard of
Darby (2009)
NMPs focus on NPK
• Essential part of chlorophyll
• Essential element for amino acid & protein production
• Lack of N causes yellowing of older leaves & stunted growth
• Used to create healthy root systems
• Essential for formation of seeds & fruits (crop maturation); and
• Photosynthesis, respiration, cell division & other biological processes
• Lack of P causes stunted growth & purple or reddish coloration of older leaves
• Regulates water use
• Aids with disease resistance
• Increases stem strength, photosynthesis & protein synthesis
• Lack of K causes scorching or necrosis & poor root systems
Darby (2009)
Nutrient recommendations: sufficiency
There are a number of different approaches or philosophies to nutrient
Sufficiency approach: based on maintaining a critical level of exchangeable
nutrients. Optimize soil nutrient levels to optimize crop production.
Maintenance approach: aims to replace the nutrients that the crop will remove from
the soil. This could allow you to calculate fertilizer need without testing soil.
Drawback: plants can take up more than they need if it’s there – luxury
Soil cation approach: aims to maintain proper levels of K, Mg, Ca.
Problem: studies in the Northeast find that this approach is not effective.
Combination approach – just what it sounds like
All approaches should make use of tables of recommended nutrients for each crop
in each soil and location.
Darby (2009)
Fertilizer calculations
Fertilizer nutrients are usually displayed as percentages of N-P2O5-K2O
So 12-24-12 is 12% N, 24%P, 12% K
How many pounds of each nutrient are in 300 lb of 12-24-12?
N & K = (0.12) (300 lb) = 36 lb
P = (0.24) (300 lb) = 72 lb
Your grass hay field requires 100 lb of N per acre.
How much 46-0-0 urea do you need to spread per acre?
100 lb N = 217 lb of 46-0-0 should be spread per acre
Using the fertilizer table 20 on p.92 of “Digging In”, calculate the amount of muriate
of potash that should be spread if soil tests recommend spreading 150 lb of K2O
per acre for alfalfa?
150 lb = 246 lb of muriate of potash per acre
Darby (2009)
Liquid fertilizer calculations
For liquid fertilizers percentages are still used, but the density of the liquid also
comes into play telling us how many pounds of nutrient there are per gallon.
How many pounds of N,P,K are there in one gallon of a 9-18-9 liquid fertilizer with
a density of 11.4 lb?
N, K = 11.4 lb 0.09 N,K = 1 lb / gallon
1 gallon
P = 11.4 lb 0.18 P = 2 lb / gallon
1 gallon
So, if you want to apply 20 lb of P per acre as a starter fertilizer:
20 lb P
= 10 gallons of 9-18-9 per acre
2 lb P / gallon of 9-18-9
How much N and K will that add?
(10 gallons 9-18-9) (1 lb N and K/gallon) = 10 lb each of N & K
Darby (2009)
How far can you afford to haul fertilizer?
Have a look at the worksheets in “Digging In” or the Excel version we prepared to
allow you to do quick spreadsheet estimates:
Darby (2009)
NMP software?
A variety of software tools are out there.
• UVM likes goCrop, a web application
• ACS (Agricultural Conservation Services) uses Crop and Field
• Sosten Lungu, our agronomy professor, likes to use a variety of tools:
• Purdue’s Manure Manager
• simple Esxcel spreadsheets
Darby (2009)
First, get organized!
You might consider creating a real or virtual binder of information organized to
flow with the NMP process:
• Farm information
• Maps (six types!)
• Soil information
• Soil analysis
• Manure production
• Manure analysis
• Field & crop information
• Risk assessment (Vermont P Index)
• Field-by-field planning
• Record keeping
• References
Darby (2009)
Six types of maps
1. Proximity map: all tracts of land used by the farm in relation to the farmstead,
town and roads
2. Conservation plan map: FSA (Farm Service Agency) land tract & field
numbers for any farm involved in a federal program
3. Nitrate leaching map: highlighting fields prone to leaching because of soil type
4. Topographic map
5. Environmental concern map: showing environmentally sensitive areas or land
features: water, wetlands, wells, wildlife habitat, rare and threatened species
6. Soils map: showing which of Vermont’s 180 soil types are found in each field
Darby (2009)
Proximity map
Darby (2009)
Conservation map
Darby (2009)
Nitrate Darby (2009)
Topographic Darby (2009)
Enviro Darby (2009)
Soils Darby (2009)
Soil fact sheets
USDA NRCS offers a
Vermont Soil Fact Sheet
for each of the 180 types
of soil found in Vermont.
• Find and download a
soil fact sheets for each
type of soil on your
Darby (2009)
Soil sampling
The key to good soil sampling is being sure that your sample is representative of
the entire field. Sampling must be repeated every three years.
1. Take samples in the fall.
2. Use a sampling probe or auger.
3. For each field that you plant and fertilize as a unit, take 15 sample cores per
20 acres and combine in a 5-gallon bucket to create a composite sample.
If the field is greater than 20 acres, take 2 composite samples (30 cores).
If parts of a field are distinctly different, create a sample for each part.
a. Use 6 inches for hay or perennial crops.
b. Use 6-10 inches for corn or annual crops.
4. Discard plant material & mix all cores well.
5. Place about 1 cup of the mixture into a plastic bag.
6. Label with name, field name, sample number & date.
7. Log the sample, recording field, sample location & date.
8. Send the samples for testing.
9. Organize the results in a spreadsheet that can be sorted for trends.
Darby (2009)
Soil erosion
Erosion: when soil loses its structure an travels from one place to another by
wind, rain or surface water.
1. Sheet erosion: removal of a uniform layer from bare soil
2. Rill erosion: in channels formed by the concentrated flow of water
3. Gulley erosion: formation of large channels (or rills) over time
T value = tolerable soil loss in units of tons of soil per acre per year
• T values are the amount of soil that can be formed (and therefore
lost) per year to maintain steady soil levels.
• Shown on the soil fact sheet
Darby (2009)
RUSLE2 = revised universal soil loss equation version 2
A complex computer model that estimates potential soil losses from rill & interrill
erosion caused by rain and surface water.
• Considers many factors
RUSLE2 reports should be run for each field and will suggest management
strategies and the loss of soil predicted for each.
• Goal: soil loss less than T
Darby (2009)
Create a field inventory with software
Use realistic crop yields based on a good historic average!
Darby (2009)
Manure application schedule
Is a working plan organized by crop and month
Darby (2009)
Management for N or P?
This decision is made using using two tools: 1) the P index, and 2) soil P tests.
In a perfect world, we could create the perfect fertilizer for each and every field to
be ensure that each field received sufficient nutrients, but never more than it
needed. This would prevent nutrient loss and pollution of water.
But the world isn’t perfect, and in the real world we must find the most effective
and least risky way to use manure and digester effluent as a source of recycle
nutrients back into the food system.
N-based or P-based management?
How do we do this well? If the P index is too high, nutrient application must
manage P, even if it prevents application of sufficient N. Under P-based
management, any P applied to a field must be removed by the crops grown in
that field. However, if the P index is low and soil can handle additional P, then
nutrient application can ensure that fields receive as much N as they need.
Darby (2009)
N- or P-based nutrient management
Darby (2009)
A example:
A field is given a “yellow” rating: it has a high P index & soil P levels of greater
than 20 ppm. So, this field must be managed for P.
Cropping plan: corn silage with a yield of 20 tons/acre (based on previous years
or similar conditions)
How many tons of P are removed per acre by corn silage?
(20 tons) (5 lb P removed / ton) = 100 lb
So how much P can you apply in spreading manure or AD effluent? 100 lb
How much manure or effluent will supply 100 lb of P?
On average your manure has a P concentration of 8 lb / 1000 gallons, so:
(8 x 12) = 96 (pretty close to 100)
(12) (1000 gallons) = 12,000 gallons of manure per acre
Darby (2009)
8.12: Data collection, reporting
& compliance
What records should you keep?
Records should be kept on a per field basis.
1. Planting & harvest dates
2. Crop yields
3. Dates and amounts of all nutrients applied (type, amount, method)
For the cNMP you must have copies of:
• Updated copy of your cNMP
• Copies of current soil tests
• Copies of current manure / effluent tests
• Records of any manure transferred off-farm
Keep old files on hand for at least five years.
Darby (2009)
How do you measure crop yields?
Methods used include:
• Weighing truckloads or wagonloads using truck scales
• Measuring wagonloads
 Volume of each wagon
 Samples of each day’s harvest for dry weight
 U Wisconsin found that when forage dry weights were from 30 –
50%, density of forage crops could reasonably be estimated as
5 lb dry matter / cubic foot
A wagon is 16 ft long x 7.25 ft wide x 6 ft high = 696 ft3
DM estimate = (696 ft3) (5 lb DM / ft3) = 3,480 lb DM / wagon = 1.74 tons DM
If actual DM is 28%, actual mass = 1.74 tons / 0.28 = 6.96 tons/wagon
Darby (2009); Sid Bosworth @ UVM Extenesion
Who has state reporting requirements?
Farm size and operations determine how they are regulated in Vermont:
Medium Farm Operations
Large Farm Operations
Mature dairy
(milking or dry)
200 - 699
Beef or cow/calf
300 - 999
Youngstock / hiefers
300 - 999
150 - 499
16,500 – 54,999
Laying hens
25,000 – 81,999
Annual reporting using MFO or LFO forms
Darby (2009)
EQIP may be able to help
EQIP, the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, is administered by NRCS
as a voluntary conservation program.
• Aims to combine agricultural production & environmental conservation
• Offers financial & technical help for implementation of structures or
management practices.
• EQIP eligibility requires complete NRCS crop records for the previous year.
Darby (2009)
Recordkeeping cheat sheets
Consider maintaining a summary sheet or log of:
• All discrepancies between your plans and what you actually did;
• Extraordinary weather;
• Unexpected events, both good and bad;
• Keeping this log in chronological order makes it easier to piece together
events long after they’ve happened.
Don’t forget to document implementation of measures required or requested by
the state after your previous report.
Darby (2009)
Updating the cNMP
Annual updates are critical and are easier to do if you’ve kept a cheat sheet of
log, and if you tackle one section of the cNMP at at time:
Farm Information Sheet:
Has herd size changed? Has acreage used changed? Borrowing or leasing new
fields? Has the crop plan or rotation changed? Have tilling methods or spreading
methods changed?
Maps & soil information can be changed by NRCS / NRCD, so give them
information about fields added or removed and give them time.
Soil analysis must be done every three years, so check dates, send in new
samples, archive old information and add new results.
Manure production: Have you added new animals or changed storage?
Manure analysis needs to be done annually, so send out the sample and update
that portion of the cNMP.
Field information: update the crop history & yield section.
Field-by-field planning must be updated if you’ve taken new soil tests.
Darby (2009)
cNMP resources
Darby (2009)
Sources & resources (1)
This curriculum is a modification of the wonderful:
• eXtension Course 3: AD, University of Wisconsin
Additional sources & resources:
Ahn, C.H., Park, H.D., Park, J.K. (2007) Enahanced biological phosphorous removal performance and
microbial population changes at high organic loading rates, Journal of Environmental Engineering,
133(10): 962 – 969.
AlgeEvolve (2013) Nutrient recovery through algae, The 7th AgSTAR National Conference, Indianapolis,
Battistoni, P., Paci, B., Fatone, F., Pavan, P. (2006) Phosphorous removal from anaerobic supernatants:
start-up and steady-state conditions of a fluidized bed reactor full-scale plant. Industrial Engineering
Chemistry Research, 45: 663-9.
Bishop, C.P. and Shumway, C.R. (2009) The economics of dairy anaerobic digestion with co-product
marketing, Review of Agricultural Economics, 31(3): 394-410.
Bowers, K.E. & Westerman, P.W. (2005) Performance of cone-shaped fluidized bed struvite crystallizers
in removing phosphorous from wastewater, Transactions of the ASAE, 48: 1227-34.
Chapuis-Lardy, L., Fiorini, J. Toth, J. Dou, Z. (2004) Phosphorous concentration and solubility in dairy
feces: variability and affecting factors, Journal of Dairy Science, 87(12): 4334 – 4341.
Churchouse, S. and Wildgoose, D. (1999) Membrane bioreactors progress from the laboratory to fullscale use. Membrane Technology, 1999(111), 4 – 8.
Darby, H (2009) Digging in: a nutrient management course for farmers, UVM Extension
Dery, P. & Anderson, B. (2007) Peak phosphorous, Energy Bulletin, 13 April 2007
Sources & resources (2)
DVO (2013) Personal communication
Eekert, M.H.A., van, Weijma, J., Verdoes, N., Buisonje, F.E., de, Reitsma, B.A.H., Bulk, J. van Strichting
Toegepast Onderzoek Waterbeheer (STOWA)
PFrear, C., Liao, W., Ewing, T., Chen, S. (2011) Evaluation of co-digestion at a commercial dairy
anaerobic digester, Clean Air, Soil, Water, 39(7) 679-704.
Frear, C., Wang, Z., Li, C., Chen, S. (2011) Biogas potential and microbial population distributions in
flushed dairy manure and implications on anaerobic digester technology, Journal of Chemical
Technology & Biotechnology, 86: 145 – 152.
Gerritse, R.G. & Vriesema, R. (1984) Phosphate distribution in animal waste slurries, Journal of
Agricultural Sciences, 102(1): 159-161.
Global Phosphorous Research Initiative
Gungor, K. & Karthikeyan, K.G. (2005) Influence of anaerobic digestion on dairy manure phosphorous
extractability, Transactions in the ASAE, 48(4): 1497-1507.
Gungor, K. & Karthikeyan, K.G. (2005) Probable phosphorous solid states and their stability in
anaerobically digested dairy manure, Transactions of the ASAE, 48(4): 1509-1520.
Gungor, K. & Karthikeyan, K.G. (2008) Phosphorous forms and extractability in diary manure: a case
study for Wisconsin on-farm anaerobic digesters. Bioresource Technology, 99(2): 424-436.
Halpern, D. (2013) Low cost nutrient recovery for improved project profitabiilty, 2nd Annual Anaerobic
Digestion and Biogas Conference 2013, San Francisco, CA.
Havlin, J.L., Beaton, J.D., Tisdale, S.L., Nelson, W.L. (2005) Soil fertility and fertilizers: an introduction to
nutrient management, 7/e, Pearson, Saddle River NJ
Sources & resources (3)
ICUSD (2013) National market value for anaerobic digestion products. Report to Innovation Center for
US Dairy, August
Jeong, Y.K & Hwang, S.J. (2005) Optimum doses of Mg and P salts for precipitating ammonia into
struvite crystals in aerobic composting, Bioresource Technology, 96: 1-6.
Jiang, A., Zhang, T., Chen, S., Zhao, Q, Li, X., Frear, C. (2013) Evaluation of an integrated ammonia
stripping, recovery, and biogas scrubbing system for use with anaerobically digested dairy manure,
Biosystems Engineering, accepted.
Kemira (2011) Case study: mechanical/chemical liquid solid separation of anaerobic digestate. The Sixth
AgSTAR National Conference, Boise, Idaho
Le Corre, K.S., Valsami-Jones, E., Hobbs, P., Jefferson, B., Parsons, S.A. (2007) Agglomeration of
struvite crystals, Water Research 41: 419-425.
Lei, X.H., Sugiura, N., Feng, C.P., Maekawa, T. (2007) Pretreatment of anaerobic digestion effluent with
ammonia stripping and biogas purification, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 145(3): 391 – 397.
Liao, P.H., Chen, A., Lo, K.V. (2005) Removal of nitrogen from swine manure wastewaters by ammonia
stripping, Bioresource Technology, 54(1): 17 – 20.
Ma, J., Kennedy, N. Yorgey, G., Frear, C. (2013) Review of emerging nutrient recovery technologies for
farm-based anaerobic digesters and other renewable energy systems, Prepared for Innovation Center
for US Dairy, Washington State University
MHF (2013) Multiform harvest. Personal communication
Sources & resources (4)
Mino, T., Van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Heijnen, J.J. (1998) Microbiology and biochemistry of the enhanced
biological phosphate removal process, Water Research, 32(11): 3193 – 3207.
Mulder, M. (2000) Basic principles of membrane technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands.
Pedros, P.B., Simon, M.M., Brown, S.H. (2013) US Patent No. 9,398,855, USPTO
Peter-Varbanets, M., Zurbrugg, C., Swartz, C., Pronk, W. (2009) Decentralized systems for potable
water and the potential of membrane technology, Water Research, 43(2): 245 – 265.
Sialve, B., Bernet, N., Bernard, O. (2009) Anaerobic digestion of microalgae as a necessary step to
make microalgal biodiesel sustainable. Biotechnology Advances, 27: 409 – 416.
Spindler, H., Bauermeister, U., Meier, T., Teske, M. (2011) US Patent No. 7,887,615, USPTO
Sutton, M.A., Reis, S., Bahl, K.B. (2009) Reactive nitrogen in agroecosystems: integration with
greenhouse gas interactions, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 133(3): 135 – 138.
Uellendahl, H. and Ahring, B.K. (2010) Anaerobic digestion as final step of a cellulosic ethanol
biorefinery: biogas production from fermentation effluent in a UASB reactor-pilot-scale results,
Biotechnology Bioengineering, 107: 59 – 64.
Vlaeminck, S.E., DeClippeleir, H., Verstaete, W. (2012) Microbial resource management of one-stage
partial nitritation/anammox, Mcrobial Biotechnology, 5(3): 433 – 448.
Wang, L., Li, Y., Chen, P., Min, M., Chen, Y.F., Zhu, J., Ruan, R.R. (2010) Anaerobic digested dairy
manure as a nutrient supplment for cultivation of oil-rich green microalgae Chlorella sp. Bioresource
Technology, 101(8): 2623 – 2628.
Sources & resources (5)
Weismann, U. (1994) Biological nitrogen removal from wastewater, In Biotechnics/Wastewater, 113-154,
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Wood, S. and Cowie, A. (2004) A review of greenhouse gas emission factors for fertilizer production, In
IEA bioenergy task (Vol 38, p.20)
Yanosek, K. (2002) Enhanced biological phosphorous removal from dairy manure to meet
nitrogen:phosphorous crop nutrient requirements, Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
Zhang, T., Bowers, K.E., Harrison, J.H., Chen, S. (2010) Releasing phosphorous from calcium for
struvite fertilizer production from anaerobically digested dairy effluent. Water Environment Research,
82(1): 34-42.