1 - Physical Pharmacy Laboratory

SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
• Surfactant molecules
• Surface and interfacial tension
• Behavior of surfactants & Gibbs equation
• Insoluble monolayers
• Adsorption
• Micellisation
• Liquid crystals & Vesicles
• Solubilisation
• Summary
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Surfactant molecules
Surface & interfacial tension
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Characterized by two distinct regions in structure
Hydrophobic region
Hydrophilic region
Amphipathic molecule
Properties of surfactants
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Generally classified by Hydrophilic group
 Anionic
 Cationic
 Zwitterionic
 Nonionic
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Imbalance between attractive forces
[Air or immiscible phase]
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Interfacial tension
Generally between the values of surface tension of involved
n-Octanol against water
▪ Much lower than pure liquid
▪ Hydrogen bonding between liquids
→ Cohesive force ↑
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Behavior of surfactants
Gibbs equation
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Tendency to accumulate the boundary between two
 Escape from a hostile environment
 Minimize free energy state
 Reduce interfacial tension
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Increasing the concentration of surfactants
 Surface becomes saturated with surfactant
 Form small spherical aggregates or micelles
 Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC)
 Calculate the area occupied by a surfactant molecule
using the Gibbs equation.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Surfactant molecule equilibrium between surface and bulk
1 𝑑γ
𝑐 𝑑γ
𝑅𝑇 𝑑 ln 𝑐
𝑅𝑇 𝑑𝑐
γ : surface tension
Γ : the amount of component in the surface (# of moles / m2)
c : concentration of surfactant
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Application of the Gibbs equation
 Just below the cmc, surfactant molecules are closely packed in
the surface.
 The area A that each molecule occupies at the surface
Γ : the amount of component in the surface (# of moles / m2)
NA: the Avogadro constant
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Amphipathic nature of the drugs
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Insoluble monolayer
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Insoluble amphiphilic compounds can
form films on water surfaces.
Dissolve the surfactant in a volatile
solvent and carefully injecting the
solution onto the water.
* J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004, 108, 6351-6358
Yoshikito Moroi, Muhammad Rusdi, and Izumi KUbo
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Langmuir trough
 Apparatus for study of monolayers on a laboratory scale
surface pressure
Surface pressure π=γ0-γm
γ0: Surface tension of the clean surface
γm : Surface tension of the film-covered surface
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Three types of monolayer states
1. Solid or condensed monolayers
2. Gaseous monolayers
3. Liquid or expanded monolayers
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
1. Solid or condensed state
 Rises abruptly when the
molecules become tightly packed.
 At high pressures, the molecules
are in contact and orientated
vertically in the surface.
 The extrapolated surface area is
very close to the cross-sectional
area of molecule.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
2. Gaseous monolayers
 The molecules move around in the film, remaining a sufficiently
large distance apart.
 Upon compression, there is a gradual change in the surface
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
3. Expanded monolayers
 Intermediate states between
condensed and gaseous films
 Close packing is prohibited by
bulky side-chains, or cisconfiguration.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Transition between monolayer states
 As the film is compressed, transition between phases can occur.
Condensed phase
Begin to stand upright
Lying along the surface
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
Gaseous phase
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Study of polymers used as packaging materials and
film coatings
 To assess the suitability of polymer as
potential enteric and film coatings
 At pH 3.1, more tightly packed film
 Restrict dissolution in the
 At pH 6.5, more expanded film
 Allow penetration and
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Cell membrane models
 Useful models for studying drug-lipid interactions
TFP  remains in the monolayer
CPZ  excluded from
the interface
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface
Adsorption isotherms
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface
Adsorption vs. Absorption
• The process of accumulation at
an interface
• The penetration of one
component throughout the body
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface
Two general types of adsorption
 Physical adsorption
▪ Adsorbate is bound to the surface through the weak van der Waals
 Chemical adsorption (Chemisorption)
▪ Involves the stronger valence forces
▪ Usually involves an ion-exchange process
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface
Adsorption isotherms
 Langmuir equation
▪ Monolayer adsorption
 Freundlich equation
▪ Multilayer adsorption
The concentration of solute
adsorbed onto the solid phase
* Vadose Zone Journal, 2007, 6(3), 407-435
Sabine Goldberg, Louise J. Criscenti and Kirk J. Cantrell
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Langmuir equation
𝑚 1 + 𝑏𝑐
a: related to surface area
b: related to the enthalpy of adsorption
c: concentration of solution
𝑥/𝑚 𝑎𝑏 𝑎
Linear form
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Increase of concentration
 Deviations from the typical Langmuir plot can occur.
 Formation of multi adsorption layers
Freundlich equation
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Freundlich equation
= 𝑎𝑐1/𝑛
a, n: constants
1/n: related to the intensity of drug adsorption
c: concentration of solution
log 𝑥 𝑚 = log 𝑎 + (1 𝑛) log 𝑐
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
1. Solubility of adsorbate
2. pH
3. Nature of adsorbent
4. Temperature
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting adsorption
Lundelius’s Rule
 Adsorption of a solute is inversely proportional to its solubility.
 Ex) Adsorption of iodine onto carbon
▪ CCl4:CHCl3:CS2 = 1:2:4.5  Inverse ratios for the solubility
 The greater the solubility, the stronger are solute-solvent bonds
▪ Solute-solvent bonds must first be broken for adsorption.
 The smaller the extent of adsorption!
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting adsorption
Adsorption increases as the
ionisation of the drug is
The extent of adsorption
reaches a maximum when the
drug is completely uninonised.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting adsorption
Surface area of the adsorbent
 The most important property affecting
 Extent of the adsorption is
proportional to the specific surface
Adsorbent-adsorbate interactions
 Particular adsorbents have affinities
for particular adsorbates
▪ Ex) Digoxin - Antacids
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting adsorption
Adsorption is generally an exothermic process
 Increase in temp  Decrease in the amount adsorbed
 Small variations in temp tend not to alter the adsorption process
to a significant extent
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Adsorption of poisons/toxins
 Activated charcoal, magnesium oxide, tannic acid
Taste masking
 Diazepam
 Carbon haemoperfusion
Adsorption in drug formulation
 Improved dissolution rate, the stabilisation of suspensions
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Micellisation & Micellar structures
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
 Small aggregates formed after the cmc
 Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC)
▪ Concentration over which micelles are formed
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
In dynamic equilibrium with free molecules in
 Association colloids
Driving force for micelle formation
 To attain a state of minimum free energy
 Remove the hydrophobic group from
the aqueous environment
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Critical packing parameter (CPP)
 Consider the geometry of the surfactant molecule
𝑙𝑐 𝑎
v: volume of one chain
a: cross-sectional area of surfactant head group
lc: extended length of the surfactant alkyl chain
 CPP determines the preferred association structures assumed
for each molecular shape.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
CPP ≤ 1/3
 Single hydrophobic chain
 Simple ionic or large nonionic head group
 Spherical micelle
 Most surfactants of pharmaceutical interest fall into this category.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
1/3 < CPP ≈ 1
 Additional second alkyl chain
 Bilayer (non-spherical structures)
 Form vesicles
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
1 < CPP
 In nonaqueous media, reverse (or inverted) micelles may form.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Stern layer
 For most ionic micelles, the degree of ionisation (α) is between 0.2 ~
0.3; 70~80 % of the counterions may be bound to the micelles
Gouy-Chapman electrical double layer
 Outer surface of the Stern layer
 Contain 20~30 % counterions to neutralise the charge on the micelle
Gouy-Chapman layer
Stern layer
* Fast track – Physical Pharmacy
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
In highly concentrated solution
 The micelles elongating to form cylindrical structures with many
ionic systems.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Larger than ionic micelles
 Absence of an electrical work for additional monomer into ionic
 Frequently asymmetric
Hydrophobic core surrounded by a shell of oxyethylene
 The palisade layer (highly hydrated)
* Fast track – Physical Pharmacy
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Structure of the hydrophobic group
Nature of the hydrophilic group
Type of conterion
Addition of electrolytes
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Compounds with rigid aromatic or heteroaromatic
ring structures
 Purines, pyrimidines, etc.
 Face-to-face stacking of molecules one on top of the other
 Do not exhibit cmc
Length of Hydrocarbon chain
 Increase length  Increased hydrophobicity  Decreased cmc
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Effect of substituents on hydrophobicity can be
roughly estimated.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Nonionic surfactants
 Not involve any electrical work
 Much lower CMC and higher aggregation number
 Increase in the ethylene oxide chain length
 Make more hydrophilic and the CMC increases
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Cationic surfactant
 Cl- < Br- < I-
Anionic surfactant
Increase in micellar size
 Na+ < K+ < Cs+
The weakly hydrated ions can be adsorbed more
readily in the micellar surface
 Decrease the charge repulsion between the polar groups
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Reduction of repulsion forces by electrolytes
 Lower CMC and higher micellar size
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Cloud point
 Temperature over which aqueous solutions of nonionic surfactants
become turbid
 Reversible process of phase separation
Increase in the micellar aggregation number
Change in micellar interactions
The dehydration process
* J. Chromato. A, 2000, 902, 251-265 SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
R. Carabias-Martinez, E. Rodriguez-gonzalo,,
and B. 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Comparatively small effect on ionic surfactants
Ionic surfactant
Nonionic surfactant
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Liquid crystals
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
State of matter that have properties between those of a
conventional liquid and those of a solid crystal
Thermotropic liquid crystal
• Phase transition into liquid crystal phase as
temperature is changed.
Lyotropic liquid crystal
• Phase transition as a function of both
temperature and concentration
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Produced when certain substances are heated
Three types of thermotropic liquid crystals
1. Nematic (soap-like) liquid crystals
▪ Orientate with long axes parallel, but not ordered into layers
▪ Mobile and orientated by electric or magnetic fields
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
2. Smectic (thread-like) liquid crystals
▪ Arrange with long axes parallel, also arranged into layers
▪ Viscous and not oriented by magnetic fields
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
3. Cholesteric (chiral nematic) liquid crystals
▪ Formed by several cholesteryl esters
▪ Stack of very thin two-dimensional nematic-like layers
* Physiochemical Principles
of Pharmacy
4th edition
SKKU Physical
Alexander T Florence성균관대학교
and David Attwood
The liquid crystalline phases that occur on increasing
the concentration of surfactant solutions
As increase of concentration of surfactant
 Spherical micelle  elongated or rod like micelle
 hexagonal phase (middle phase)
 cubic phase (with some surfactants)
 neat phase (lamellar phase)
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Formed by phospholipids and other surfactants
having two hydrophobic chains (CPP≈1)
 Multilamellar or unilamellar
 Used as drug carriers
 Disadvantages
▪ Phospholipids  Oxidative degradation
 Nitrogen atmosphere
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Surfactant vesicles
 Formed by surfactants having two alkyl chains
 Sonication  Single-compartment vesicles
 Use of vesicles formed by ionic surfactants
 membrane models (due to toxicity)
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Surfactant vesicles
 Niosome
▪ Nonionic surfactants-based vesicles  Less toxic and potential use
in DDS
▪ Behave in vivo like liposomes
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Process whereby water-insoluble substances are brought into
solution by incorporation into or onto micelles.
 Incorporated substance
Maximum additive concentration (MAC)
 Maximum amount of solubilisate that can be incorporated into system
 Determining of MAC
▪ By visual inspection
▪ From extinction of turbidity measurement on the solutions
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Related to the chemical nature of the solubilisate
 Nonpolar solubilisates
 Hydrocarbon core
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Related to the chemical nature of the solubilisate
 Water insoluble compounds containing polar groups
 Polar group at the core-surface
 Hydrophobic group buried inside
the hydrocarbon core
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Related to the chemical nature of the solubilisate
 Water soluble molecules
 In the polyoxyethylene shell
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
1. Nature of the surfactant
2. Nature of the solubilisate
3. Temperature
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
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Factors affecting CMC and size
Chain length of hydrophobe
(when solubilisate is located within the core)
 Increase in alkyl chain length
 Solubilisation capacity increases
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Ethylene oxide chain length
 Increase in the hydrophilic chain length
 Solubilisation capacity increases
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Increase of alkyl chain length  Decrease in
Effect of steroid structure on solubilisation
 More hydrophilicity of the substituent in C17 of the ring
 Lower quantity of surfactant required
Increase in solubility
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Increase of temperature  Increase of solubilisation
Complicating factor when considering the effect of
temperature on the amount solubilised is the
aqueous solubility of solubilisate.
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Factors affecting CMC and size
Study of the solubilisation of benzoic acid
Increase in aqueous solubility
* Physiochemical Principles of Pharmacy 4th edition
Alexander T Florence and David Attwood
Increase in solubilisation
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Solubilisation of phenolic compounds
 Form clear solutions  For use in disinfection
Solubilisation of iodine in nonionic surfactant
micelles (iodophors)
 Reduction of corrosion problems  For use in instrument
Solubilisation of drugs
 Steroids, water-insoluble vitamins, etc.
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
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SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Surface and interfacial tensions arise because of an
imbalance of attractive forces on the molecules.
Surfactant molecules have hydrophilic and
hydrophobic regions and adsorb at interfaces for
attaining minimum free energy state.
The extent of adsorption at the interface can be
calculated using the Gibbs equation
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Insoluble amphiphilic compounds will form films
on water surfaces and these may be tightly packed.
 Condensed, Expanded, Gaseous film
Adsorption of solutes onto solid surfaces from
solution can occur by physical adsorption
 Langmuir equation (monolayer), Freundlich equation (multilayer)
Micelles form at the critical micelle concentration.
 The main driving force for the formation is the increase entropy
when the hydrophobic regions of the surfactant are removed
from water.
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실
Micellar structure
 Ionic micelle  Stern layer, Gouy-Chapman layer
 Nonionic micelle  Palisade layer (highly hydrated), Cloud point
 Critical Packing Parameter (CPP)  Preferred association
An important property of surfactant micelles is their
ability to solubilise water-insoluble compounds
 The location of solubilisates is related to the chemical nature of
SKKU Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
성균관대학교 물리약학연구실