Tender forms - Kerala Science Congress

(An Institution of Kerala State Council for Science, Technology& Environment)
KUNNAMANGALAM, KOZHIKODE-673571, KERALA.Ph:0495 2351881,www.cwrdm.org
Sealed tenders are invited from authorized distributors / suppliers having valid registration/license,
for supplying 1500 credit card type pen drives with carrying case and data uploading to it having the
specifications given below for use in the 28th Kerala Science Congress, satisfying the terms and
conditions stipulated. The item may have to be supplied within 15 days from the date of supply order.
Tender cost- Rs1155/- including 5%VAT, EMD – Rs.5250/Tender shall be submitted in the prescribed form along with tender cost and EMD by means of two
Demand drafts drawn on ascheduled bank in favourofThe Executive Director, CWRDM payable at
Kozhikode. Tender form can be downloaded from the website www.cwrdm.org
Last date and time of receipt of filled tender bids
: 28-12-15, 3 PM
Date and time of opening of tender bids
: 28-12-15, 3.30 PM
Sd/The Chairman
Organising Committee
28th Kerala Science Congress
Item Specification
Pen drive
Credit card type (sample design attached)
8GB, USB 2, high speed
Toshiba A+ Grade
1500 Nos.
Printing in multi colour on both sides
(matter will be provided by CWRDM)
Data uploading
Upto 2GB(data will be provided by CWRDM)
1 Year minimum. Warranty card to be provided.
In plastic carrying case of approved design for each
pen drive.( sample design attached)
The Chairman
Organising Committee
28th Kerala Science Congress
Form 1
(An Institution of Kerala State Council for Science,Technology& Environment)
Ph:0495-2351881, Fax: +91-495-2357827,2351808, www.cwrdm.org
Tender No
2. Tender forthe supply of
: ESD/KSC-2016
(Name of the Item)
3. Detailed Specification
4. Date of issue
Name of Tenderer
6. Address of Tenderer
7. Last date of Tender(for receipt of filled and duly signed Tender) : 28-12-15, 3 PM
8. Cost of Tender Form: Rs.1155.00(Inclusive of 5%VAT)
Demand Draft No of (Name of bank)Dated:(towards cost of tender form)
9. EMD
Demand Draft No.of (Name of bank)
(towards EMD)
(To be filledin by the Tenderer)
Please use separate form for each item
: Rs…………..
1. Name of Tenderer in full
2. Address of Tenderer (in full)
Telephone no of the Tenderer :
E-mail Id of the Tenderer
Fax No. of the Tenderer
Taxes (as applicable)
Entry Tax
Others :
7. Total Cost( all inclusive)
8. Warranty/Guarantee
9. Firm Validity of the Offer
11. Time required for Delivery after receipt of supply order
12. Details of technical literature/authorized dealer/supplier Certificates
attached, if any
13. List of existing clientele during the
last3 years
for similar items(data storage devices) :
(Attach duly signed separate list)
I/We agree to the terms and conditions stipulated by CWRDM.
Name,address &
Signature of the tenderer with Seal
1. Tender shall be submitted in the prescribed Tender Form (Form 1) with all required details in a
sealed envelope superscribing the name of the work so as to reach TheChairman,Organising
Committee, 28th KSC, CWRDM, Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode –673571, Kerala on or before
28-12-15,3.00 PM.
2. CWRDM reserves the right to refuse issuingof Tender Forms to any persons or firm and to
reject any of the Tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
3. Tenders which do not conform to the terms and conditions(clauses) of this Notification willbe
4. Tenders will be considered firm for acceptance for a period of six months from the last date
fixed for receipt of filled and duly signed Tenders. Bidders are not free to withdraw or modify
the tenders during this firm period.
5. In case of any matter which is not covered by this Tender Notification, or the general terms
and conditions of the contract or the specifications etc. as given herewith, the decision of
TheExecutive Director, CWRDM shall be binding on the bidder.
6. The acceptance of this Tender rests with the competent authorities as per the rules of
CWRDM, who do not undertake to accept the lowest or any particular Tender or assign any
reason for the rejection of any Tender.
7. Any further information regarding this Tender, which CWRDM do not consider to be kept
confidential, can be obtained from the Office of the CWRDM during working hourson any
day prior to the last date fixed for the receipt of Tenders.
8. Tender should be superscribed as “Tender for the supply of Credit Card type Pen
drives”(Name of the work with Reference Number).
9. You are requested to submit your Tender with complete technical literature/manual if anyand
requireddetails for supplying the above item,soas to reach The Chairman,
Committee, 28th KSC, CWRDM, Kunnamangalam P. O,Kozhikode–
673571,Kerala,on orbefore 28-12-15, 3.00 PM.
10. Thetenderershould submit along with this tender an agreement executed and signed inthe
format given in Form 4.The successful bidder should execute this agreement in Kerala stamp
paper of value Rs 100/- purchased in Kerala state.
11. The tenderer should submit along with this tender a copy of a single work order received by
the tenderer for a value worth Rs 2.0 lakh or more for a similar item (data storage devices).
12. The successful bidder will have to give a security deposit @ 4% of the total cost of the bid and
execute an agreement in the prescribed format.
13. Tenders will be opened on the due date for submission of tender(28-12-15)at3.30 PM
.However, placing of final orders will depend upon the close scrutiny of Tenders by a duly
constituted Committee in due course.
14. The rate quoted in the Tender should be valid for 6 months inclusive of all taxes,duties(Sales
Tax,Additional Sales Tax,CST,Entry tax,Excise duty),Insurance,Freight,Packing,forwarding ,
Installation etc. shown separately.
15. The maximum period required for deliveryof the items as stated in the tender noticeshould be
shown clearlyin the Tender.
16. The items will have to be delivered at the Office of CWRDM at Kottamparamba,
Kunnamangalam P.O,Kozhikode- 673 571,Kerala or the office of 28th KSC at University of
Calicut campus at Tenhipalam in Malappuram district of Kerala,as directed at the time of
17. If you have Government rates/DGS&D rates, you may also quote such rates with the
supporting Government Orders.
18. If you have ISI,ISO/BIS for products and factory, the same mayalso be mentioned separately
in your Tender with supporting certificates (including authorized distributorship
certificates)and orders.
19. You may quote for Educational Concessional Price, Commercial Price, separately wherever
applicable, in the same Tender Form.
20. No representation for enhancement of price once accepted will be considered during
thecurrency of the contract.
21. Form C/D is not applicable to us.
22. CWRDM is exempted from payment of Excise Duty/ Customs Duty on purchase of Research/
Scientific/ Lab equipments/ Instruments/ Consumables.
23. If the firm fails to complete the work within the prescribed time as per specifications given,
rate and conditions stipulated, they would be liable to face penalty as imposed by the
competent authority.
24. Payment will be made only after the supply is received in good condition, as per detailsgiven
25. Taxes if any at prevalent rates will be deducted as per government rules during final
26. Ifyou are the sole distributor for these items, relevant certificates of the
manufacturer/authorized distributorship certificate etc.may be forwarded along with
27. Duly filled in Form 2, 3&4 are also to be submitted with the tender.
28. Any Tender received after the time fixed on the due date is liable to be rejected. Tenders not
stipulating period of firmness and with price variation clauses and / or subject to the prior sales
conditions, are liable to be rejected.
29. In case of any dispute the jurisdiction shall be Kozhikode.
1. The supplier shall supply and install all equipments/software in the substantial and good
mannerwithin the stipulated time and the items supplied shall be of the best quality.
2. No supply will be paid for, unless it is fully in accordance with the specifications.
The supplier shall not assign the supply or sublet it as a whole or in part without the written
consent of the CWRDM nor shall the supplier assign any money due to him hereunder, without
the previous consent of the CWRDM. If the supplier contravenes this condition, he shall be
considered to have thereby committed a breach of contract.
Form 2
Name of item:
I/We agree to supply the itemstated in tender form at a price ofRs………………..………………/- Rupees
………………………………………………………(All inclusive price)within the time period stipulated
in the specification/tender form (Form 1)
(Please state terms and conditions)
1. Manufacturer:
2. Make
3. Model
4. Specification:
5. Quantity
6. Basic Price
: 1500Nos
(Educational Price/Commercial Price/Research & Scientific
institution like CWRDM)
7. Sales Tax(Percentage & Amount) :
8. Freight Charges(Amount)
9. Packing Charges(Amount)
10. Forwarding Charges (Amount)
11. Any other items:
Signature of the Tenderer with Seal
Name Address,Tel No, FaxNo & email id.
Declaration by Tenderer
Form 3
I…………………………………………………………………………………….... hereby declare
that I am not in any way related to any of the Centre’s employees who is in charge of or having
control of this tender. I agree that if, at any stage it is found that this declaration is untrue, the
contract entered will stand cancelled.
It is understood that the relationship with the Centre’s
employees referred to herein will be restricted to my Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister,
Direct Uncle, Nephew, Father-in-law, Sister-in-Law and first Cousins of the officer concerned.
I/We are assessed to Income Tax and my/our PAN No. is………………………..
Signature of Tenderer.
with seal.
Agreement accompanying tender
Form 4
Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode acting through the Registrar (herein-after referred to as the Centre) of
the one part andSri……………………………………………………………………………………
(Name and address of the Bidder) (herein-after referred to as “the bounden” of the other part).
WHEREAS in response to the invitation for ‘Tenders,contained in Notification
No. ………………………………dated …………………………..inviting tenders’, the bounden has
submitted to the Centre, a tender for the ……………………………………………………………..
Specified therein subjected to the terms and conditions contained in the said tender.
NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS and it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:
1. In case the tender submitted by the bounden is accepted by the Centre and the Contract for
supply of 1500 numbers of8GB Credit card type Pen drives with multi colour printing
on both sides and with carrying case and data uploading(Nos. of make, model, item) is
awarded to the bounden, the bounden shall within ……………days of acceptance of his
tender, execute an agreement &submit a security depositto this Centre incorporating all the
terms and conditions under which the Centre accepts his Tender.
2. In case the bounden fails to execute the agreement as aforesaid incorporating the terms and
conditions governing the contract, the Centre shall have power and authority to recover
from the bounden any loss or damages caused to the Centre by such breach as may be
determined by the Centre, the full amount may be recovered from the bounden and his
property moveable and immovable and also in the manner hereinafter contained.
3. All sums found due to the Centre under or by virtue of this agreement shall be recoverable
from the bounden and his properties, movable and immovable, under the provisions of the
Revenue Recovery Act for the time being in force as though such sums are arrears of land
revenue and also in such other manner as the Centre may deem fit.
In witness whereof …………………………………………………………………
Behalf of the Centre and…………………………………………………………….
The bounden have hereunto set their hands the day,monthand year shown against the
respective signatures.
Signed by…………………………………………………………………
In the presence of witnesses:
1. ……………………………………………..
2. ……………………………………………..
Signed by …………………………………..
Name, Address
Signature of the
Bidder with date & Seal
Sample design for pen drive(matter to be printed will be given):
Sample design for pen drive case: