GRDC R&D Plan Review: Tender Response Form

Request for Tender
for the provision of an independent
performance review of the implementation of
the GRDC Strategic Research and Development
Plan 2007–2012
RFT No. 2013.08.02
Tender Response Form
Full name of Tenderer: [Tenderer to insert details]
Place for Lodgement:
Tourism House
Level 1, 40 Blackall Street
Barton ACT 2600
GRDC Request for Tender – Tender Response Form
Information for Tenderers
Structure of this RFT
This Request for Tender (RFT) is made up of the following Parts:
A separate Request for Tender Document, which consists of:
Part 1 – RFT Details
Part 2 – Tendering Rules
Part 3 – Defined terms in this RFT
Part 4 – Statement of Requirements
Part 5 – Evaluation and Response Requirements
Part 6 – Draft Contract
(this) Tender Response Form, which consists of:
Part 1 – Tenderer’s Details
Part 2 – Response to Statement of Requirements
Part 3 – Tendered Pricing
Part 4 – Contract Compliance Statement
Part 5 – Tenderer’s Deed Poll
Before preparing a tender, Tenderers should make sure they have read and
understood all Parts of the RFT documentation.
Form of response
Tenderers should ensure that their tenders are substantially in the form of this
Response Form. Tenderers should fully address all requirements set out in this RFT
in preparing their tender. Tenderers may delete the ‘instructions’ from this document
upon completion.
Tenderers may attach additional details, tables etc. as an appendix, as appropriate or
Completing this response
Tenderers should complete all information requested in this Response Form.
Tenderers should type the information requested in each item in the space provided
and generally notated ‘[insert details]’ or similar.
Tenderer’s should ensure that enough detail is provided for the purposes of the
evaluation. Information should be presented clearly and succinctly. Responses will
be evaluated in accordance with Parts 2 and 5 of this RFT, including the Evaluation
Criteria set out in Part 5.
The inclusion of general marketing or other information that does not address the
Evaluation Criteria is discouraged.
Mandatory Requirements
Tenderers must satisfy all the Conditions for Participation (if any) and tenders must
meet all Minimum Content and Format Requirements specified in Part 5 of this RFT.
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Tenderer’s Details
Part 1
Tenderer’s Details
Tenderers should provide company, firm and/or business names as appropriate.
Include ABN, ACN, ARBN or other registration numbers wherever applicable:
Table: Tenderer Details
Tenderer’s legal name
[insert name]
Trading or business name/s
(if different to above)
[insert details]
[insert details]
ACN / ARBN / other
[insert details]
Type of entity (e.g.
company, incorporated
association, natural person)
[insert details]
Registered office / principal
place of business
[insert details]
Tenderer’s nominated
contact officer
(include full name, position,
phone, and email)
If a company, names and
ABN/ACN (if applicable) of:
[insert details]
 individual shareholders
holding 20 per cent or
more of any issued
share capital
 any related companies
(within the meaning of
section 50 of the
Corporations Act 2001)
If a trustee, provide details
of the relevant trust
including a copy of the
relevant trust deed
(including any variations to
that deed)
[insert details]
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Table: Tenderer Details
If a partnership, provide
details of the relevant
partnership including a
copy of the relevant
partnership agreement
[insert details]
If other entity, provide
[insert details]
Subcontractor Details (if applicable)
Tenderers should provide details of any proposed subcontracting arrangements.
Table: Subcontractor Details
Provide details of subcontractor(s)
proposed to deliver part of the
requirements including legal name, part
of the requirements proposed to be
delivered and details of arrangements
between Tenderer and subcontractor.
[insert details]
Conditions for Participation
The Tenderer confirms that it meets the following Conditions for Participation:
Table: Conditions for Participation
The Tenderer must not be named as not complying with the
Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999.
not comply]
Minimum Content and Format Requirements
The Tenderer confirms that its tender meets the following Minimum Content and
Format Requirements:
Table: Minimum Content and Format Requirements
This tender is written in English and measurements expressed
in Australian legal units of measurement.
This tender includes the Tenderer’s Details substantially in
accordance with Part 1 of the Tender Response Form.
This tender describes the methods the Tenderer intends to use
to address each of the core issues identified in section 10.1 of
Part 4 of the RFT, both qualitative and quantitative, and the level
of detail at which they propose to address those issues.
The tender describes how data is to be analysed and results
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Table: Minimum Content and Format Requirements
provided in the form of a written report to the GRDC.
The tender demonstrates the capacity of the Tenderer to
commence and manage the project to a successful conclusion
within the required timeline.
The tender includes a task timeline, in the form of a Gantt chart
or equivalent, showing the stages and tasks proposed by the
Tenderer and the proposed timing and dates of each.
The tender lists all proposed personnel, subcontractors and
suppliers that the Tenderer intends to engage in providing goods
or services to the GRDC.
The tender includes a short CV and statement for each person
to be engaged in providing the goods or services requested by
the GRDC, demonstrating their skills and experience directly
relevant to the proposed methods to be used.
This tender includes pricing information substantially in
accordance with Part 3 of the Tender Response Form.
This tender includes details of (at least) three referees.
This tender includes a Contract Compliance Statement
substantially in accordance with Part 4 of this Tender Response
This tender includes a signed Tenderer’s Deed Poll substantially
in the form at Part 5 of this Tender Response Form.
Conflict of Interest
Tenderers should provide a statement regarding any issues that it reasonably
considers may give rise to a Conflict of Interest in the provision of the required
Supplies (see definition of ‘Conflict of Interest’ in Part 3 of this RFT). Any actions or
arrangements that the Tenderer proposes to undertake in response to these issues
should also be detailed in this part. Please note that clarification may be sought by
the GRDC at any time as part of this RFT process.
Table: Conflicts of Interest
[insert details of Conflicts of Interest]
[insert details of proposed response or
Tenderers should provide details of insurance cover held and/or proposed in respect
of the provision of the Supplies. Such details should include, but need not be limited
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
types of insurance coverage held;
details of any blanket policy held;
amount of cover provided in policy; and
The Draft Contract describes the GRDC's expectations in regard to the type and
amount of insurance cover for the proposed Supplies.
Table: Insurance Details
Insurance type
Policy number
Extent of
cover: per
Extent of
cover: in the
Expiry date
Public liability
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Part 2
Response to Statement of Requirements
Evaluation Criteria
Tenderers should complete the following information on their capacity to deliver the
required Supplies in response to the following (technical) Evaluation Criteria 1 to 7.
Table: Evaluation Criteria
1. Demonstrated ability of the Tenderer to provide the Supplies in accordance with
the Statement of Requirements within the required timeframe.
[insert details]
2. Demonstrated industry experience and expertise in conducting organisational
performance reviews similar in scale and complexity to this RFT and providing
evidence-based findings and recommendations.
[insert details]
3. Demonstrated skills and qualifications of the Tenderer and any proposed
personnel and subcontractors.
[insert details]
4. Evidence of links to key industry personnel and GRDC stakeholders that will
enable the efficient and reliable collection of information relevant to the review.
[insert details]
5. Demonstrated capacity and resources of the Tenderer to provide the Supplies in
accordance with the Statement of Requirements within the required timeframe.
[insert details]
6. Clearly described methods that are proposed to be used to meet the
[insert details]
7. Clearly designed and mapped out pathway to provide the Supplies within the
required timeframe. This should show the stages and tasks proposed by the
Tenderer and the proposed timing and dates of each, in the form of a Gantt chart
or equivalent.
[insert details]
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
The Tenderer must provide details of the last three agreements entered into and
completed by them for the provision of goods or services comparable to those set out
in this Request for Tender with the details shown below.
Table: References
Agreement 1
a) Name of contracting organisation
[insert details]
b) Telephone number
c) Contact person name
d) Goods or services provided
e) Completion date of agreement
Agreement 2
a) Name of contracting organisation
[insert details]
b) Telephone number
c) Contact person name
d) Goods or services provided
e) Completion date of agreement
Agreement 3
a) Name of contracting organisation
[insert details]
b) Telephone number
c) Contact person name
d) Goods or services provided
e) Completion date of agreement
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Part 3
Tendered Pricing
Tenderers are to provide a total fixed Fee for provision of all work related to the
Supplies contemplated by this Request for Tender, including work by any
subcontractors or other expenses that may be incurred by the contractor in
performing the services.
Table: Total Fee
Total Fixed Price for delivery of the Supplies
(GST exclusive)
$[insert details]
Total Fixed Price for delivery of the Supplies
(GST inclusive)
$[insert details]
Tenderers are to provide an itemised costing or breakdown of the total Fee (above)
indicating the amount of time (number of days) that each of the personnel,
subcontractors or suppliers is expected to devote to the project. Tenderers may
adapt the following table as necessary to capture this information.
Table: Total Fee breakdown
[insert item/s e.g. details of personnel and no
of days dedicated to project]
$[insert details]
[insert item/s]
$[insert details]
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Part 4
Contract Compliance Statement
Compliance Statement
Tenderers should state their compliance or otherwise with the Draft Contract for this
RFT. Tenderers should refer to the Draft Contract at Part 6 of the RFT.
The table format below should be used in completing this Compliance Statement:
Table: Contract Compliance Statement
Clause /
Nature of Compliance
Schedule /
Explanation of partial or noncompliance
Instructions for completing the Contract Compliance Statement
Tenderers should note that the extent of non-compliance will be a factor in the
evaluation process. Any additional cost or risk that compliance with those variations
or additions will impose on the GRDC may be taken into consideration in evaluation.
In completing this Compliance Statement, the items should be in the order in which
the clauses appear in the Draft Contract and refer to the relevant clause number,
Schedule or Attachment. Compliance responses should be limited to the following
"Compliant" - which means:
in the case of a clause which is of an informative nature only, the
clause has been read and understood;
in the case of a clause which imposes a contractual condition, that the
condition is agreed; and
in the case of a clause which directs that an action be taken, that this
has occurred/will occur.
"Partially Compliant" - which means in the case of a clause which imposes a
contractual condition, that the Tenderer can meet the condition subject
to certain qualifications.
"Not Compliant" - which means:
in the case of a clause which imposes a contractual condition, that the
Tenderer does not agree with that condition; and
in the case of a clause which directs that an action be taken, that this
has not occurred/will not occur.
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Where a Tenderer states that it is partially compliant or not compliant with a clause,
the extent of non-compliance should be stated in full in the Compliance Statement. In
this case, the Tenderer should:
provide specific reasons for non-compliance with the clause; and
provide a specific proposal for alternative wording for the clause.
Non-committal terms such as “Noted” or a failure to respond may be deemed as a
response of “Not Compliant”.
When completing the Compliance Statement, the Tenderer may group clauses where
the response is the same for each of those clauses. For example “Clauses 2.1 to 2.6
– Compliant”.
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Tenderer’s Deed Poll
Part 5
Name of Tenderer:
[insert full name]
[insert ABN & ACN(if applicable)]
Offer to provide Supplies
The Tenderer offers to provide the Supplies described in the Request for
Tender No. [INSERT NO] (“RFT”) issued by the GRDC (“GRDC”), at the fees
and charges tendered in its tender and subject to the terms and conditions of
the RFT.
The Tenderer acknowledges that:
it has the capacity to offer the Supplies as described in its tender and
there is no restriction under any relevant law to prevent it from making
such an offer;
it has sufficient financial resources to deliver the Supplies, including in
respect of any guarantees or warranties related to the delivery of those
there are no current or impending legal action (either formal
proceedings or notification of legal action) which the Tenderer is aware
that could impact on the financial viability of the Tenderer or the
delivery of the Supplies; and
it complies with all Conditions for Participation set out in this RFT.
Conflict of Interest
At the time of submitting its tender, the Tenderer has made reasonable
enquiries and is not aware of any Conflict of Interest, other than those
disclosed in its tender (in section 7 of this Response Form), that exists or may
arise in the provision of the Supplies should the Tenderer be successful as a
result of this RFT process.
Offer Period
The Tenderer’s offer, as comprised in its tender, remains open for the Offer
The Tenderer will notify the GRDC of relevant details if there is any ‘material
change’ in the Tenderer or the tender after lodgement of this tender, as
required under this RFT.
Compilation of tender
The Tenderer’s tender has been compiled without the improper assistance of
employees or former employees of the GRDC and without the use of illegally
obtained information.
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Tenderer: [insert Tenderer name]
Neither the Tenderer, nor any of its officers, employees, agents,
subcontractors and/or proposed consortium members (if any), has attempted
to, or will attempt to, improperly influence an officer of the Commonwealth in
connection with the preparation or assessment of this tender.
False or misleading statements
The Tenderer is aware that giving false or misleading information is a serious
offence, pursuant to section 137.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).
This Deed Poll is provided for the benefit of the Grains Research and Development
Corporation in accordance with the laws of the Australian Capital Territory.
Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Signature of authorised
officer of the
Full name of
authorised officer of
the Tenderer:
Signature of Witness:
Full name of Witness:
*By signing, the authorised officer warrants that they are legally authorised to sign
this document on behalf of the Tenderer described in this Deed Poll.
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