Why did America become involved in Cuba? Containing communism in Cuba The Treaty of Paris • Was a treaty in which Cuba gained its independence from Spain • The USA had a right to intervene in Cuban affairs and to supervise its finances and foreign relations The Treaty of Paris • Was a treaty in which Cuba gained its independence from Spain • The USA had a right to intervene in Cuban affairs and to supervise its finances and foreign relations • Cuba served an Economic purpose for the USA • ¾ of Cuban imports came from the USA • 2/3 of all farm land was controlled by USA • The USA took control of Guantanamo Bay: Used it as a Navy and port. Cuba and America in the 1950’s Cuba and America in the 1950’s Cuba and America in the 1950’s • Cuba had become a tourist destination for Americans • Gambling , Hotels, Beaches , and Horse racing were the main attractions • Soon the US-Mafia controlled many of these industries How did tension develop between cuba and the USA How did tension develop between cuba and the USA • 5O years after the Treaty of Paris discontent of American involvement in Cuba was Spreading • No government official would be elected unless they had policies favorable to the US • In 1959 Cuba underwent a revolution and overthrew the unpopular president Batista • Revolution was lead by Fidel Castro Fidel Castro • Wealthy lawyer who overthrew Batista with Guerilla force • Was a communist • Promised to restore power to people and end American corruption • Education, Health Care, Wealth Redistribution, Closing Casinos, Integration • Jailed those who disagreed with him, homosexuals and any one he considered a deviant was imprisoned How would the USA react to the Cuban revolution? How would the USA react to the Cuban revolution? • America planned to remove Castro in The Bay of Pigs Invasion • The CIA encouraged, funded and transported an attempt by anti-Castro Cuban exiles to invade Cuba • The 1,400 troops were to land on a remote beach known as the bay of pigs • Cuban air bases were to be bombed to protect troops: US planes would be disguised as Cuban aircraft • The plan was for the soldiers to march into Havana gain support and overthrow Castro Failure of the bay of Pigs • Poor Secrecy: Castro knew the attack was going to happen • Failure to Control the Air: The air strikes missed targets : Photos of the US planes became public: Cuban Air force in tact • Failure to Gain support: The Cuban population sided with Castro • Response: The troops landing at the bay were met by 20,000 troops The Cuban Missile Crisis On 14 October 1962 an American U2 spy-plane took pictures of a nuclear missile base being built on Cuba. Kennedy’s advisers told him he had 10 days before Cuba could fire the missiles at targets in America. THE Cuban Missile Crisis Why were their Nuclear missiles in Cuba Why were their Nuclear missiles in Cuba • Political Reasons: Castro knew he would not be able to stop the US from over throwing him: So he used the Missiles as a deterrent to US invasion Why were their Nuclear missiles in Cuba • Political Reasons: Castro knew he would not be able to stop the US from over throwing him: So he used the Missiles provided by the Soviet Union as a deterrent to US invasion • Military Reasons: The Soviet Union did not have a close enough base to strike America : Cuba was only 90 miles from the USA: This was a response to USA placing missiles in Turkey What were the USA’s Options • No action: The failed Bay of Pigs showed any military action towards cuba would be dificuly • Use diplomatic measures: Negotiation rather than fighting • Threaten Castro • Naval blockade: US ships would stop any ships coming into the Island • Air Strikes: Destroy the base by bombing it • Invasion: Troops would destroy base and remove cuba How Close was Nuclear War • October 22: Kennedy announced discovery of Missals to Public and his intention to quarantine( Naval blockade) the island • October 23: Air force prepares for attacks on Cuba and USSR 125,000 soldiers begin mobilization • October 25: Raised military readiness to DEFCON2( 5-1 system 1 being most nuclear war) How Close was Nuclear War • October 25: Raised military readiness to DEFCON2( 5-1 system 1 being most nuclear war) • October 26: Russian ruler Khrushchev sends letter proposing removal of missiles and personal is USA guarantees not to Invade Cuba October 27: A US Spy plane is shot down over Cuba October 28: Khrushcev announces the return of missiles to the USSR, trusting the USA would not invade Cuba Quiz What was the name of the USA’s Invasion to overthrow Castro? Quiz What was the name of the treaty that granted the US power over Cuba? Quiz How did Kennedy deal with the Cuban Missal Crisis A. B. C. D. Air Strikes Naval Blockade He did nothing Full ground invasion Quiz Which of the following was not one of Castros policies A. B. C. D. Redistributing land Expanding tourism Free health care Free education Quiz Which of the following was not one of Castros policies A. B. C. D. Redistributing land Expanding tourism Free health care Free education Quiz Which of the following was not a reason the bay of pigs failed A. B. C. D. Failure to control the air Failure to gain support Poor secrecy Old weapons