Mr. Evans Chemistry Room 433 Reminders • September 12 is the cutoff date for tablet fees. • Tablets will be issued on September 17. • The Klein Collins Website has a fact sheet with information about the tablets. • You may purchase locks and parking tags during all lunches through Thursday of this week. Objectives: • TLW become familiar with the classroom policies and procedures for Chemistry • TLW use reading and listening skills to understand verbal directions and information on powerpoint slides. Activities: • Review Classroom policies and procedures. • Receive Safety Contracts (due Friday, 8/31/12 • Start Safety Review Classroom Policies and Procedures Overview The purpose of these policies and procedures is to help you successfully complete the Chemistry requirement for graduation, and to help you prepare for the Chemistry EOC or Science TAKS test. The purpose of these policies and procedures is to help you successfully complete the Chemistry requirement for graduation, and to help you prepare for the Chemistry EOC or Science TAKS test. Fire Drill and Emergency Escape Route Active Chemistry Classroom Guidelines This PowerPoint and a course syllabus will be posted to my website and into LMS; you are responsible for following these guidelines, and may be quizzed over them to ensure understanding. Materials • Required: – Tablet Computer (after issue) – Notebook of your choice (spiral or binder) – Writing instrument (pen and pencil) • Recommended: – Scientific Calculator (class set will be available) – Glue sticks, scissors, and colored pencils. Text: • The red ‘Active Chemistry’ textbook is assigned to the class. • We will rarely use a textbook; you may check one out, or use the link on my website for the online textbook. Grading • 60% Major Grades – Tests – Labs – Project • 40% Daily Grades – Weekly Class work/homework – Quizzes – Lab activities • No extra credit is available Science test days are Mondays and Wednesdays. Test Retake • Any TEST that you score less than a 70 on may be retaken. • You must come to tutorials to retake the test; you may be required to review the material before the retake. • You must retake the test within one week of the original administration. • No other assignments are eligible for retakes. Lab • Students must be familiar with lab safety standards, evidenced by returning a signed safety contract and passing the safety quiz. • Violation of lab safety procedures could result in removal from the lab and referral to the student’s AP. Missed Work due to absence (per Student Handbook) Late work • Major grades: - 10 points per day up to 3 days, then ‘0’ • Daily grades: -50 points 1 day late, then ‘0’ • MUST BE TURNED IN DURING THE GRADING PERIOD IN WHICH IT WAS ASSIGNED! Tutorials Tutoring is available Tuesday through Thursday until 3:15. You must be in the room by 2:40 to attend. It is your responsibility to attend if you feel it is necessary to succeed. Assigned Seats • Necessary for accurate attendance and to help teacher learn students names. • Helps maintain an orderly classroom environment. • Easier to group for labs and to issue equipment. • Some seating is mandatory to meet legal requirements. • Seats will be changed periodically. Tardies • We will follow the school tardy policy (referral every 3rd tardy). • You should be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell sounds. • If you arrive later than 5 minutes, or if it is otherwise obvious you are not making an attempt to arrive on time, you will receive an office referral for non-compliance, regardless of tardy number. • 15 minutes late is considered truant. Rest Room Policy • Only one person is allowed out of the room at a time; you must take the restroom pass. • Restroom pass use is only permitted 10 minutes after the start of class, and is not permitted within 5 minutes of the end of class. • A restroom pass does not excuse a tardy. • Restroom use should take approximately 5 minutes; you must use the restroom in this hall (by the computer lab room 431). If you use another restroom, you are subject to a referral for being out of area. • Excessive requests to use the restroom pass could result in a conduct grade of ‘N’. Personal business (dropping off forms, buying parking tags, etc) must be taken care of on your own time (before or after school, between classes, at lunch). Please do not ask to leave class for these purposes. For safety and to reduce distractions, table tops should be kept clear of all backpacks and personal items. For safety, all students should remain seated until the their work has been checked and the dismissal bell sounds. No food or drink is allowed in class, including water. No cell phone use during class ($15). If I see it or hear it, I must confiscate it (school board policy). No warnings! Safety Safety Poster • With your table partner, you will create a safety poster about your assigned safety rule. • The poster should help the viewer understand the rule and its importance. • The poster must have at least 4 colors (not counting black and white). • The poster may or may not have a picture/drawing. • Be prepared to share your poster with the class. Glassware safety Fire safety Chemical safety Equipment safety Equipment safety Safety equipment Chemical safety Glassware safety Safety Fire safety procedures Safe lab Safety procedures equipment Safe lab Chemical procedures safety Safe lab Safe lab procedures procedures