Marc Apter - IEEE Region 10

IEEE E-Tools for Section
Volunteers – HQ Support
Cecelia Jankowski, Managing Director
Marc Apter, 2004-2005 Vice President
IEEE Regional Activities
2007 Region 10 Meeting
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Helping Sections to Service Members
Providing Member
Relationship Management
SAMIEEE – Volunteer access
to member data &
Tool Set for RA Volunteers
OU Management
Project – Support
responsibilities (events, web
page) using an open source
Enabling Member
e-Notice - Electronic
newsletter subscription
service –762 units enrolled
(Regions, Councils, Sections,
Subsections, Chapters,
Societies, Student Branches
and Conferences)
EWH – Web Hosting for over
1,280 units
• Electronic newsletter subscription service, created
for IEEE organizational units to enable email
distribution of newsletters and meeting notices
• IEEE HQ handles list creation and maintenance
– New members automatically added and members can
unsubscribe from each list.
– Volunteers not faced with bounces and managing the
Majordomo list function
• There are 762 Sections, Councils, Regions,
Chapters, Societies, Student Branches,
Conferences, etc., registered for use
• Region 10 Councils, Sections, Subsections,
Chapters and Affinity Groups participate
• Access for many volunteers automatically
associated with current officer positions
• Potentially over 5,000 volunteers have access to
the member data
– To date over 300 volunteers have been trained to use
the web based tool via Internet Conferencing. Training
is not required for gaining access
• With the introduction of the IEEE Business
Management System this year, the tool will be
changed to Siebel Analytics. User
documentation and training schedules are
being developed
Entity Web Hosting
• Over 1,280 organization unit, OU, websites
hosted by IEEE
• Posting units responsible for site content,
maintenance and its conformance to IEEE
– OUs choose a single Webmaster who is
skilled in managing web content
– Webmaster is the entity contact, only one
authorized to post content to the website,
and is expected to work with HQ to ensure
effective site security measures exist
• Units at all levels of Region 10 are individually
hosted on EWH
Electronic Services
• Members can have a total electronic experience
– New member, renewal, add services, update contact
information all allow Instant access
– On-line store
– IEEE Xplore
Myieee and
What’s new @ IEEE
E-mail alias service with virus protection
SPAM filtering
IEEE job site
Mentoring Connection
Evolving Member Value
Aug - Integration of module
Dec - Profession Desktop
– IEEE Job Site – RSS feed of
featured job listings
– Mentoring Program
– Career Navigator
2007 Plan (to date)
OU Management System
– Announcements
– Calendars
– Volunteer Desktop Upgrade
Online Membership Directory
RSS Reader / Feeds
User satisfaction survey
“myIEEE 2.0” requirements gathering
- RAB authorized beta release
- New Initiative business plan
- Launched Member/Basic
- Completion Production Guide and
Production Workbook
- Launched Public Access
- Marketing begins
- Symposium Presentation, IEEE
Broadcast Technology Society Washington DC
- New Initiative recommended for
- Upgraded viewer requirements
- Finalize business model
- Invitations for Advisory
- 15 productions available
2007 Plan (to date)
• Advisory Group Producer
1st year of New Init production funding
Official launch marketing
15-20 additional productions
Guidance is available for new producers…
Production Guide
Series Slate
Content Sources
Production Paradigm
Production Process
Technical Specs
Sample Budgets
Production Workbook
Producer Checklist
Show Rundown Sheet
Selects Log
Credits Log
Appearance Release
Location Agreement
Videotaping Notification
Young Members Seek
Out New Products
•™ Beta Release Launched
– New benefit launched for members with limited
public access in 2006 As of October,
– Student members account for 46% of usage
• myIEEE™ Valued by Members
– As of 2006, about 10,000 members log in weekly
– Usage statistics show we are reaching a younger
– 40% of usage was attributed to student members.
IEEE Mentoring Connection
Partnership with The Training
Status (as of Nov 9)
• Mentees
• Mentors
• 101 mentoring partnerships
• 88 open requests for
Jan – Evaluation of pilot
May – Opened up production site,
invitation to all members
Jun – Mentoring article, The
Jul – Partnerships begin forming
Aug – Invitation to mentors and
Dec – Integration in myIEEE’s
profession desktop
2007 Plan (to date)
Collect testimonials, ramp-up
Satisfaction evaluation
Online Membership Directory
Mar – Finalized functional spec
Jun – Finalized navigation,
graphic design
Sep – BMS Prioritization / ROI
2007 Plan (still to be determined)
Basic & Opt-In versions
– Privacy & trust
Robust searching capabilities
Development and deployment
Integration within myIEEE
Online Communities Enable Global Collaborations
• Over 100 in operation with
20,000+ users
• Topics include Power &
Energy, Embedded
System, Product Safety,
Ethernet P Optical
Networks, Employment &
Career Strategies
• IEEE governance—
Strategic Planning;
Business Management System - BMS
• BMS is more than an upgrade
It is an entirely new way for IEEE to operate
– Provides full “360 degree” view of Members and Customers to
enable us to understand customer behavior and create the
knowledge of what they want in the future
• Handles all transactions by individuals – not just members
– Membership, Conferences, Xplore users, etc.
• Handles all relationships they may have with IEEE – not just
membership and subscriptions
– Volunteer role(s), Awards bestowed, Conference registrations,
Single Article Purchases, Standards memberships,
Merchandise, etc.
– Integrated Business Intelligence engine (data warehouse)
enabling Member/Customer interactions, Campaign
Management, List Management and Audit reporting
• Ability to understand their needs and analyze data to drive
options and decision making for future products and services
Business Management System - BMS
• BMS is more complex and integrated than
the systems it replaces
– Over 10k products with different pricing
and media choices
– Data migration from 26 systems being
replaced by BMS
– Creating 9 real-time interfaces and 23
batch interfaces
Business Management System - BMS
• More capabilities for volunteers and members
– Initial release of BMS will be in place before the next
renewal cycle
– BMS has a shopping cart so the join/renew experience will
be a little different.
– Analytics will be replacing SAMIeee and will have much
more capabilities than currently available.
– Able to collect non member attendance at section/chapter
meetings so we can develop a prospect list and have the
ability to send a mailing to them by eNotice. (Future)
– This will give us more flexibility that we could consider a
monthly credit card charge for membership. (Future)
– More features coming after we get the initial install
BMS Analytics (SAMIeee)
• Enhanced Graphical User Interface
• View multiple representations of same information in
one report (e.g., data & graphics)
• See membership statistics, month to month and year
to year
• User will also be able to format his/her own
dashboard for personal preference
• Data to be refreshed three times a week and no
refresh down time
• All data available currently in SAMIeee will be
available in BMS
Analytics – Dashboard Concept
Institute wide
Geographic Stats
delivered as an
Interactive dashboard,
instead of 100 + static
Historical Geo
Stats will be
available !
(going as far back
as the BMS
launch month)
Global Prompt!
(Just choose
month and your
Org Unit to get
its Stats!)
Analytics – Improved User
Select the fields
required for analysis
Variety of graphs and
charts available!
results for
Analytics-Data & Graphics
Results can be
presented in
multiple ways.
(Note new grade
IEEE Staff Organization
March 2007
Jeffry Raynes
Executive Director
Cecelia Jankowski
Barbara Stoler
Educational Activities
Don Curtis
Human Resources
Sally Waselik
Chris Brantley
Mary Ward-Callan
Matt Loeb
Corp Strat & Comm
Dick Schwartz
Tony Durniak
Publications Act.
Judy Gorman
Regional Act.
Technical Act.
Standards Act.
Business Admin.
2006/2007 RAD Staff Changes
• Joined RAD in the past year
Noel Bryson, Producer
Janet Caswell, Administrator
Elizabeth Cortez, Finance Administrator
Alycia Ellis, A & A Associate
Qiana Harder, Membership Development Manager
Peggy Lefkin, Supervisor RA Administration
Brian Pratz, Product Manager
Stacey Waters, Administrator
• Departed RAD in the past year
Mike Binder, Director Membership
Elena Mitelman, Tech Project Manager
Sameer Qureshi, Finance Administrator
Felicia Taylor, Membership Development Mgr.
IEEE Regional Activities Staff
Cecelia Jankowski
Managing Director
Open, Director, Membership
John Day, Sr. Mgr – Bus Dev
Noel Bryson,
Cathy Downer, GOLD, Mentoring
Adrienne Hahn, Member Comm
Qiana Harder, MD Outreach
Brian Pratz, myIEEE
Denise Maestri, Supervisor, A&A
Denise Howard, Sr. Members
Alycia Ellis
Dyana Barnosky
Vera Sharoff, Manager, Information Processing
Open, Tech Proj Mgr
Helen Shiminsky, SAMIeee
Khanh Luu, EWH, e-Notice
Information Processing
Stacey Waters, Administrator
Dan Toland, Manager, RA Admin
Peggy Lefkin, Supervisor, RA Admin
Janet Caswell, RAB Ops
Peggy Kovacs, Unit Reporting
Lauren Leaston, Unit Formations
Donna McClelland, Supplies, Pins
Elizabeth Cortez, Coord, RA Finance
Geraldine Benedicto, Exp Repts, Conc Bank
Vicki Waldman
Open, Geounit Programs
Fanny Su, Manager, Singapore
Serena Dhing
Laura Durrett, Manager, Student Services
Christine Eldridge, Student Branch Formations
Barb Koeing, Branch Reporting
(Pubs) Emily Smith, Potentials Editor
Geographic Unit & Financial Support
 RAD Mgmt Team
Thank You!
We appreciate ALL of your
IEEE volunteer time