(To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.1 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Date: Sir, Sub: Cash Balance Report – Called for. ***** The Office Cash Book may be closed as on closing cash balance as on FN and it may be certified that the FN has been physically verified and found to agree with the cash in cash chest. The details of closing cash balance denomination wise may also be furnished. Further the cash balance as on 2-6-2014 and 31-3-2015 may be furnished. S.No. 1 2 3 4 5. 6 Cash Book Petty Cash Book Salary Cash Book (Society) RMSA Cash Book RVM Cash Book Cash Balance as on 1.4.15 Cash Balance as on 1.5.15 Cash Balance Denomination The cash book and other subsidiary registers i.e. UDP Register, Permanent Advance Register, and other subsidiary cash books relating to schemes etc. may also be closed and produced to audit for verification. Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.2 Date: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: Bank Accounts Operated by the Institution – Called for. ***** The details of Bank account operated may be furnished in the following proforma, along with the connected Pass Books, Cash Books, reconciliation statements, Cheques Books, Counterfoils and other connected records for the period from 2012-13 to date may be produced to audit for verification. S. No. Name of the Bank (1) (2) 1 2 3 4 Type of A/c (Savings/ Current/ Fixed) Bank A/c No. (3) Purpose of Account (4) Salary RMSA RVM Any of other Closing balance in Rs. As on Remarks (5) (6) Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.3 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Date: Sir, Sub: Certain Records called for. ***** The following records from 2012-13 to 2015-16 (As on date) may please be produced to audit for scrutiny: 1. General Cash Book, Ledger, Bank pass book and cheque book counter foils 2. U.D.P. Register, Permanent Advance Register(Imprest) 3. Files with regard to Submission of Budget proposals and receipt of funds and Budget Control Register of expenditure 4. Register of Valuables/ cheques & DDs received & issued and deposits 5. Register of recoveries and remittance register 6. Contingent Register with Bills/Vouchers 7. Advances sanction files and recovery of advances register 8. Service Books and Leave Accounts 9. Pratibha awards 10. Register of staff quarters 11. Pay bills register, Acquittance register, TA, TTA & LTC Bills 12. Register of Revenue yielding properties 13. Stock and issue register of trunk boxes, Note books, text books, uniform cloth, shoe and socks, plates and glasses and sports, games material & Register of cosmetic charges and hair cut charges 14. Stock registers of medicines 15. Stamp Account 16. Stock register of Provisions, vegetables, milk, eggs & Daily stock issue register 17. Mess attendance register, Diet register and monthly expenditure statements 18. Stock Register of Stationery, Furniture etc. 19. Stock register of Lab equipment &consumables 20. Annual Administrative Reports 21. Files and registers on Disposal of unserviceable/condemned material 22. Files on Training on EAMCET coaching (iv) Training to JLs, PGTs, TGT on communication skills etc 23. Files a with regard to conducting of Science fairs/sports meet Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.4 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Date: Sir, Sub: Sanctioned strength of staff called for. ***** The information regarding sanctioned strength of staff (Permanent and Temporary/Contract) of the Institution may be furnished (Year wise) for the years 2012-13 to 2015-16 in the following proforma: S. No. Name of the post Sanctioned Posts Perm. Temp. G.O.No. and Date Existing No. of Posts Perm. Vacancies Temp. Copies of Government orders where in the posts are sanctioned in respect of which salaries are being drawn may please be furnished to audit for verification. Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.5 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Date: Sir, Sub: Infrastructure on buildings – called for. ***** The TELANGANA Residential Educational Institutions are organised as a cluster of school building, dormitory, kitchen & dining, health clinic, quarters for staff, play fields, along with compound wall, external sewerage and water supply, external electrification etc. Civil infrastructure in residential schools include provision for accommodating classes, various laboratories, library, arts/crafts room, Principal, staff and Office rooms etc. In this connection, the availability of infrastructure and buildings in respect of Telangana Residential School Medak may please be furnished in the following pro-forma: . S.No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Description Land (in acres) Class Rooms , Labs, Library & staff Rooms Dormitories Kitchen Dining hall Principal quarter Teaching staff qrtrs Non – Teaching staff qrtrs Compound wall Overhead tank Sump Borewells Open wells Hand bores R.O.Plant Municipal Water Available Required Remarks 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 Connection PVC tank GLR Toilets & Bathrooms Sewerage treatment plant External Electrification Street lights Solar lights Transformers Generator Inverter Solar power system K-Yan Computers Internet Internal CC roads Play fields Land scape Furniture Stoves Weighing machine Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.6 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Date: Sir, Sub: Availability of other infrastructure facilities/amenities-called for ***** The availability of other infrastructure/amenities in the institution may please be furnished in the following proforma: Name of the item Television MANA TV Ramp PA system Toilets for Boys/Girls Toilets for staff Usable condition of toilets Running water to toilets Drinking water with source Sufficiency of water Play ground Two tier Cots Duel desks Chairs Tables Kitchen utensils Gas Connection Generator(Back up)/Inverter No. of Fire Extinguishers Required Availability Shortage Remarks Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.8 Date: 4th January 2016 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Medak Medak District. Sir, Sub: Details of works taken up by Convenor/Principal out of institution funds ***** The details of works taken up during the period from 2012-13 to date along with expenditure particulars and relevant records may be furnished to audit. Files relating to correspondence made with the Head Office (Society) along with proposals for requirement of buildings, infrastructure in class rooms (Benches, Tube lights, Fans, labs etc), Water facilities, drainage facility etc may be made available to audit. Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.9 Date: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: Availability of required Staff strength ***** As per norms the following is the requirement Teaching and non-teaching staff for TREIS Schools/Colleges. The actual availability of staff against the requirement may be furnished to audit by clearly mentioning permanent/contract basis/outsourcing staff along with sanctioned strength of staff and details of staff recruited by the institution during the period 2010-11 to date. Manpower to be available in the TREIS Schools/ Colleges as per norms ( Year wise statements for 2012-13 to 2015-16) S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name of the post Principal Sr. Resident Teacher/ JLs (P.G. Teacher) JLs + PGTs Resident Teacher (T.G.T.) Computer Instructor P.E.T. PD Librarian Craft Teacher Art Teacher Staff Nurse Superintendent Sr. Assistant Care Taker Jr. Asst-cumTypist Plumber-cum- No. of posts Required as per norms (1:20) Sanctioned Strength by Society/Govt. Regular Contract Part time Out Sourcing Daily Wages Vacant Vacancy from 15 16 17 18 Electrician Record Asst./ Roneo operator Watchmen, Office Subordinates Lab Attendant Sweeper Subject wise teachers’ vacancy along with period of vacancy may please be provided Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.10 Date: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: Implementation of P-5 Programme ***** Under P-5 programme the principal have to prepare an action plan and circulated to staff. 1. Empowerment of Students, teachers and principals Whether the principal & teachers are interacting in English with the students How many guest lectures are arranged with reputed teachers working in other institutions in this fortnight/month? 2. Environment: Whether the toilets attached to school & hostel are in useable condition? And are clean Whether the students are educated on the importance of cleanliness and hygienic conditions maintained to be in the school? 3. Competitions Whether any of your school students participated in any completions held at District/Zonal/State level Whether you are practicing the concept of Importance of the Day immediately after the prayer. 4. Technology Whether you have “MANA TV” if yes, whether the students are watching “MANA TV” Programme Whether you have computers in you School? And how many? Whether they are in working condition? If yes, what is taught? 5. Community: Whether monthly parents association meetings are held? On which day/date Any Public representatives like minister/MP/MLA/MLC/ZP Chaiman/MPP/Surpunch visited the school? On what occasion (A visitor’s book is to be maintained by the librarian) It may please be intimated whether the above activities are (P-5) being conducted and monitored by the principal, if so, the information on the above activities may be furnished to audit. Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.11 Date: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School . Sir, Sub: Implementation of Software packages ***** The details of IT initiatives implemented at the institution level i.e. (i) Creating Website for hosting information relating to the institution (ii) SAMS for monitoring of students and staff attendance, student and staff performance, student health chart and behaviour monitoring, School wise, Dist. Wise, Zone wise and state wise performance comparison, Attendance input for payment of salaries and diet expenditure and implementing uniform calendar, time table and lesson plans (iii) Pay Roll package for payment of staff salaries (iv) OFMS for maintenance of accounts (v) OLMS for traking Legal cases may be intimated to audit. Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.12 Date: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: Details of amenities provided to students ***** The following information with regard to amenities provided to students may be intimated to audit. S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Amenity Norm Actually Provided Short/ Excess Reasons Accommodation (incl. Details of No. of students per room) Uniforms Shoe and Socks Towels Bed Sheets Carpet Plate, Glass with katora Trunk Box Text Books Note Books Stationery Hair Cutting Charges Washing charges Cosmetic Charges etc. The details may be furnished in following pro-form Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.13 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Date: Sir, Sub: Details of Committees formed ***** The following information with regard to various committees formed in the School i.e. House Keeping Committee, Mess Committee, Parent Teacher Committee along with minutes of the meeting may be furnished to audit. Year Name of the Committee 2013-14 House Keeping Committee Mess Committee Parent Teacher Committee Visit of Medical Officer/Staff Inspection by Departmental Officers House Keeping Committee Mess Committee Parent Teacher Committee Visit of Medical Officer/Staff Inspection by Departmental Officers House Keeping Committee Mess Committee Parent Teacher Committee Visit of Medical Officer/Staff Inspection by Departmental Officers 2014-15 2015-16 No. of Dates Meetings/Visits Meetings /Visits of Yours faithfully Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.14 Date: 4th January 2016 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: Pass percentage certain information called for ***** The details of pass percentage of the students percentage wise (eg: below 50%, Between 5060, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, above 90% and as per new system grade wise results as A+, A, B, C, D, E etc., analysis) in 10th Class students may please be furnished to audit during 2012-13 to 2015-16. Reasons for decline in the results (if any). Action taken to improve the pass percentage. Yours faithfully Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No.7 Date: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: Dropout students (school left) certain information called for ***** The details of sanctioned strength, actual admission and students left from the school information (batch wise eg., 2008-2014, 2009-15, 2010-16) may please be furnished to audit in the following format during 2008-09 to 205-16 Batch class 2008-14 V VI VII VIII IX X Sanctio ned strength Actual Admissio n in 5th class Backlog vacancy Admissio n in VI & VII classes etc., Total strengt h Student s left the school Closin g balanc e at the end of acade mic year Remarks / Reasons for students leaving the school ------------------------Similarly 2009-15, 2010-16 etc., batches may please be furnished to audit Yours faithfully Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Hyderabad. (To be returned in original with reply) No. PAG(G&SSA)/SGS-35/2015-16 /A.E. No. Dated: 11-1- 2016 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir Sub: Distribution of Uniforms/text books/note books/writing material - certain information called for As per the Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2010 under the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Act No.35 of 2009) The Government shall provide free textbooks, notebooks @ 1notebook per subject and other writing material, midday meals with Nutritional values, uniforms in neighborhood schools run by the Government. In this connection the details of Text books, note books @ 1 note book per subject and other writing material, and uniforms provided to students item wise, school wise, class wise may please be provided during 2012-13 to 2015-16 in the following format.-I (for note books, uniforms, other writing material) and format-II (for text books) Format -I Name of the item Year Name of the school Class No. of students No. of items distributed Uniforms Note books other writing material Reasons for non supply and action initiated by TREIS Format-II Name of year the school Class Name of No. of No. of Dates of Reasons for non the supply and students books supply action initiated title/subject supplied by TREIS The above information may please be furnished to audit along with relevant records. Yours faithfully, Senior Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Hyderabad. (To be returned in original with reply) No. PAG(G&SSA)/SGS-35/2015-16 /A.E. No. Dated: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir/Madam Sub: Students’ Health - certain information called for **** As per the D.O. letter No. 10-11/2014/E.E dated 9th October 2014 of Ministry of Human Resources Government of India wherein certain instructions were given with regard to micro nutrient supplement of the student. In this connection, the details of arrangements made at schools to provide Six monthly dose for de-warming and Vitamin-A supplementation, Weekly Iron and folic acid supplement, Zink and appropriate supplementation depending on common deficiencies found in the local areas, may please be furnished school wise from 2013-14 to 2015-16, to audit. Yours faithfully, Senior Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Hyderabad. (To be returned in original with reply) No. PAG(G&SSA)/SGS-35/2015-16 /A.E. No. Dated: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir/Madam Sub: Utilisation of Bio-Metric - certain information called for **** APRE Institution has decided to provide one Bio Metric attendance system to each APRE Institution for effective monitoring system to ensure regularity of staff and students vide proceeding No. Rc.No. 2 BMASAPREIS/2012 dated: 21.8.2012. In this connection, details of purchase of bio metric and the utilisation of Bio-Metric may please be furnished to audit. If not been used reasons for non utilisation may please be furnished to audit. Yours faithfully Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No. Date: 9th January 2016 To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: Computer education certain information – Called for. ***** The following information with regard to computer education may please be furnished to audit. 1. No. of computers available in the school including computer lab. 2. No. of computers working. 3. Whether regular computer instructor/teacher available in the school. 4. If not available. Period from which instructor/teacher not available along with reasons. 5. Details of engagement of guest/contract teacher. 6. How the computer education is imparting to students in the absence of regular/contract/guest teachers. The above information may please be furnished to audit along with relevant records. Yours faithfully, Sr. Audit Officer/SGS-35 (To be returned in Original with reply) Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Hyderabad No. PAG (G&SSA)/SS-II/SGS-35/2015-16/AE.No. Date: To The Convenor/ Principal, TREIS School Sir, Sub: -Furnishing of Details of Remittance particulars called for. ***** Details of remittance particulars i.e., undisbursed pay and allowances, advances, excess drawl of pay and allowances of staff(regular/contract/outsourcing), sale of gunny bags, empty tins, old newspapers and magazines etc., may please be furnished to audit in the following format from 2-6-2014 to date along with relevant records S.No. particulars Date of remittance by cheque/bankers cheque/DD/Cash (cheque/DD No Name of the bank & Date) Amount Rs. Remarks Yours faithfully, Senior Audit Officer/SGS-35 Office of the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Hyderabad. (To be returned in original with reply) No. PAG(G&SSA)/SGS-35/2015-16 /A.E. No. Dated: 28-12- 2015 To The Secretary, Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad. Sir/Madam Sub: - School management committee - certain information called for **** As per G.O. Ms. No. 14 dated 22.2.2011 of Government of Andhra Pradesh issued rules under free and compulsory Education rules 2010 under the provisions of the Right of Children to free and compulsory Education Act, 2009 (ACT No. 35 of 2009). As per para 19 of the above rules, A School Management Committee (SMC) shall be constituted in every school, other than an unaided school, within its jurisdiction, within six months of the commencement of the Act and reconstituted every two years. The Serpanch shall be the Chairperson of the School Management Committee in rural areas and in Municipal areas the concerned Councilor/corporator shall be the chairperson of the school management committee, of the schools failing in their respective jurisdictions. The school Management committee shall meet at least once a month and the minutes and decisions of the meetings shall be properly recorded and made available to the public. The following are the important functions of the SMC: 1. Identify the needs, prepare a plan, and monitor the implementation of the provisions of section 4 2. Ensure the enrolment and continued attendance of all the children from the neighborhood in the school, 3. Monitor the maintenance of the norms and standards prescribed in the schedule 4. Bring to the notice of the local authority any deviation from the norms and standards relating to rights of the child, in particular, mental and physical harassment of children, denial of admission, and timely provision of free entitlements as per sub-section (2) of section 3. 5. Monitor the implementation of the meal in the school 6. Prepare an annual account of receipts and expenditure of the school. The committee shall also get the accounts audited by either a chartered accountant or a local fund auditor or an auditor from the cooperative department. In this connection school wise constitution of School Management committee constituted and details of meetings conducted along with minutes and details of preparation of annual accounts of the schools and its audit may please be furnished to audit. Yours faithfully, Senior Audit Officer/SGS-35 Receipt and Issue of Note Books, Telangana Residential School/College __________________ , __________ District S.No. Note Book type 2012-13 1 Single Ruled (SR) 2 One Side Ruled (OSR) 3 Four Ruled (FR) 4 Un-Ruled (UR) 5 Long Note Books (LNB) 2013-14 1 Single Ruled (SR) 2 One Side Ruled (OSR) 3 Four Ruled (FR) 4 Un-Ruled (UR) 5 Long Note Books (LNB) 2014-15 1 Single Ruled (SR) 2 One Side Ruled (OSR) 3 Four Ruled (FR) 4 Un-Ruled (UR) 5 Long Note Books (LNB) 2015-16 1 Single Ruled (SR) 2 One Side Ruled (OSR) 3 Four Ruled (FR) 4 Un-Ruled (UR) 5 Long Note Books (LNB) OB Received Quantity Received on Issued CB Receipt & Issue of Text Books 2012-13 (Receipts) Class Strength Telugu English Hindi Math s GS PS NS EVS/ Social Date of Receipt V VI VII VIII IX 2012-13 (Issues) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Hindi Math s GS PS NS EVS/ Social Issue V VI VII VIII IX 2012-13 (Receipts) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt I Inter II Inter 2012-13 (Issues) Class I Inter II Inter Strengt h Telugu Englis h Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Receipt & Issue of Text Books 2013-14 (Receipts) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Hindi Math s GS PS NS EVS/ Social Date of Receip t GS PS NS EVS/ Social Issue V VI VII VIII IX 2013-14 (Issues) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Hindi Math s V VI VII VIII IX 2013-14 (Receipts) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt I Inter II Inter 2013-14 (Issues) Class I Inter II Inter Strength Telugu English Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt Receipt & Issue of Text Books 2014-15 (Receipts) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Hindi Math s GS PS NS EVS/ Social Date of Receip t GS PS NS EVS/ Social Issue V VI VII VIII IX 2014-15 (Issues) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Hindi Math s V VI VII VIII IX 2014-15 (Receipts) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt I Inter II Inter 2014-15 (Issues) Class I Inter II Inter Strengt h Telugu Englis h Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Receipt & Issue of Text Books 2015-16 (Receipts) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Hindi Math s GS PS NS EVS/ Social Date of Receip t GS PS NS EVS/ Social Issue V VI VII VIII IX 2015-16 (Issues) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Hindi Math s V VI VII VIII IX 2015-16 (Receipts) Class Strengt h Telugu Englis h Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt Btny Zoolog y Chy Phy Date of Receipt I Inter II Inter 2015-16 (Issues) Class I Inter II Inter Strengt h Telugu Englis h Eng. WB EV S Maths 1A/11 A Maths 1B/11 B Month-wise receipts and expenditure details of the Institute, from 2012-13 onwards: Budgetary Position 2012-13 Month April, 12 May June July August September October November December January February March,13 Total: OB Receipts Exp. CB Budgetary Position 2013-14 Month April, 13 May June July August September October November December January February March,14 Total: OB Receipts Exp. CB Budgetary Position 2014-15 Month April, 14 May June July August September OB Receipts Exp. CB October November December January February March,15 Total: Budgetary Position 2015-16 Month April, 15 May June July August September October November OB Receipts Exp. CB December January February March 16 Total: PARTICULARS OF RMSA & RVM (SSA) DURING THE PERIOD FROM 2012-13 TO 2015-16 SL. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Circular No. & date of RMSA Amount received ( Rs.) Expenditure (Rs.) Purpose Details of UCs. Telangana Residential JR. COLLEGE: S.No. Addition information called for 1 Selection of Students 2 Preparation of Annual Accounts/Audit Reports 3 Annual Work Plan 4 Internal Audit by the Society 5 Tours and Field Visits conducted by the School to students. 6 Interruption in supply of food 7 Cases of food poising Reply Admissions (2012-13 to 2015-16) Year Class No. of Sanctioned Application Strength received No. of students selected Reasons Remarks for Shortage/ Excess PRINCIPAL Records to be kept ready ( 2012-13 to 2015-16) 1. Cash books Society (General) RMSA & RVM(Copies of UCs) 2. Stock Registers of Provision, Rice, Uniforms, Trunk boxes, Note Books, Text Books, Shoes& Socks, Plates, Katoras, Glasses, Carpets, Bed Sheets, Towels etc. 3. EMD Register 4. Fixed Assets Register 5. Correspondence files with Society/Head Office & Register of various committees like Mess Committee, House Keeping Committee, Parent Teacher Committee, Visitors Register etc. 6. Committees meetings, minutes and resolutions 7. Bank Statements or Bank Pass books up to date 8. Attendance Registers of School and Mess 9. Stock Register 10.Stock Registers of Note Books and Text Books 11.Daily mess issue registers 12.Daily menu register 13.Mess stock registers 14.Challan/ remittances. 15.Files relating to works/infrastructure. 16.Service books 17.Pay bills & acquittances 18.Vouchers of society, RMSA, RVM 19.Tender files relating to catering, daily needs, vegetables, fruits, eggs, barber etc.,