班級:化材三乙 學號:49940083 姓名:賴冠廷 題目: membrane contator Abstract Membrane contactors based on microporous hydrophobic materials already offer remarkable performances for different separation applications at industrial scale, especially for gas–liquid mass transfer operations. Impressive process intensification effects can indeed be achieved in certain cases, due to the large interfacial area provided by hollow fiber membranes. Nevertheless, depending on the membrane and fluid properties, great differences in mass transfer can be obtained; undesirable effects due to liquid contact such as gradual changes in membrane structure and/or partial wetting of the pores can dramatically affect mass transfer performances. Numerous studies have addressed these difficulties for one of the most attracting and challenging application of membrane contactors: the absorption of CO2 in a chemical solvent in order to achieve post-combustion CO2 capture from flue gases. For this application, given the fast chemical reaction which takes place in the liquid phase, a highly permeable membrane material is absolutely necessary. Additionally, the membrane material has to withstand long term contact with a chemically reactive solvent (typically an amine such as monoethanolamine: MEA) and has to remain non wetted. A possible solution which prevents wetting problems together with a minimal impact on the membrane mass transfer coefficient is reported in this study; the key idea is to make use of a composite membrane based on a thin dense skin, based on a highly permeable glassy polymer, coated on a microporous support. In a first step, screening tests have been performed in order to identify potential polymer candidates for the thin skin, combining a high CO2 permeability and solvent (MEA) compatibility on long time scales. In a second step, composite hollow fibers with a thin skin (Teflon AFR, PTMSP) coated on a porous support (PP) have been prepared and tested. The concept has been finally tested and validated at lab scale for CO2 capture from a gas mixture into aqueous solutions of MEA with hollow fiber modules. Remarkably, the overall mass transfer performances of the composite fibers compete with the most permeable microporous membranes classically proposed for membrane contactor applications. The possible use of these novel composite fibers for other applications and the extension of the concept to different industrial situations are discussed. c 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Theory Film theory has been used to describe a resistance in series model in gas-liquid systems. Fig. 1 shows the concentration profile for the transport of gas from the liquid phase to the gas phase in gas stripping membrane contactor systems. There are three resistances in the resistance in series model including gas film resistance, liquidfilmresistance, and themembraneitself. The resistance in series model for the non-wetted mode of operation for the hollow fiber module (with liquid feed in the lumen side and gas flow in the shell side) can be written as follows [12] (1) whereKL is the overall liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient, k0 L , km, and kG are the liquid, membrane, and gas mass transfer coefficients, respectively. H represents Henry’s constant, and do, di, and dln are the outer, inner and logarithmic mean diameters of the membrane. E is the enhancement factor which is included to account for the effect of the reaction. The individual mass transfer coefficients can be calculated by using correlation equation. The correlations to predict the individual mass transfer coefficients for membrane contactor depend on the operation, i.e. tube side mass transfer coefficient and shell side mass transfer coefficient. Yang and Cussler [13] proposed correlations to predict both tube and shell side mass transfer coefficients. The tube side mass transfer coefficient can be usually well described by the Leveque’s correlation: (2) This equation is valid for Gz > 20 to predict the tube side mass transfer. For the shell side mass transfer coefficient, they also reported the correlation as follows: Sc0.33 (3) where dh and L are the hydraulic diameter and membrane length. Eq. (3) is valid for 0.5 < Re < 500. Packing densities of 0.03 and 0.26 were tested in their work. The membrane mass transfer coefficient depends on the mode of operation, i.e. non-wetted, wetted or partially wetted. The membrane mass transfer coefficient in the non-wetted mode of operation can be calculated by [14]: (4) where DG,eff is the effective diffusion coefficient of gas in the gasfilled membrane pores, and ε, _, and ı are the porosity, tortuosity, and thickness of the membrane, respectively. Appendix A provides the steps of calculation for the values of k0 L , kG, and kM. It also includes the important data required for the calculation. Experimental 4.1. Materials The polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membranes were purchased from Altrateck (China). The specifications of the membrane and membrane module are shown in Table 1. Carbon dioxide (CO2, 99.8 vol.%), methane (CH4, 99.9 vol.%) were obtained from Thai Industrial Gases PLC. The absorbent used was prepared from deionized water and monoethanolamine (MEA, 99.8 mol%) obtained from QreC, Malaysia. 4.2. Experimental procedures The experimental set up of gas–liquid membrane contactor is illustrated in Fig. 3. In this work, all experiments were performed at a room temperature (25 ◦C) and atmospheric pressure. The flow rates of feed gas consisting of CO2 and CH4 supplied from the compressed gas cylinders were individually adjusted and controlled by the mass flow controllers, (Brooks Model 4800 series). The set point controller (Brooks Model 0254) was used to control and monitor the flow rate of each gas entering the module. In the experiments, the gas mixture was fed through the shell side of the membrane module, counter-currently to the absorbent flow into the tube side of the fibers. A peristaltic pump (I/P digital Masterflex model 759245) delivered the absorbent from the absorbent reservoir through a rotameter to the membrane module. The inlet and outlet gas volumetric flow rates were measured by a digital gas flow meter (Bios International, DC-lite). The inlet and outlet concentrations of CO2 and CH4 were analyzed by the Gas analyzer (Cubic, Gasboard-3200). Before entering the gas analyzer, the moisture in the outlet gas was removed by the water trap. Since CH4 is the flammable gas, the methane-rich gas was vented outside the laboratory building by the pipe line in which the flame arrestor was installed at the end. In addition, CH4 detector (BW technologies, GasAlert MicroClip) with response range of 0–5 vol.% was also installed to detect any leakages and ensure safety operation. 參考文獻: Journal of Membrane Science 377 (2011) 261– 272 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Membrane Science jo u rn al hom epa ge: www.elsevier.com/locate/memsci A dense membrane contactor for intensified CO2 gas/liquid absorption inpost-combustion capture P.T. Nguyena, E. Lasseuguetteb,c, Y. Medina-Gonzalezb,c, J.C. Remigyb,c, D. Roizarda, E. Favrea,∗ a LRGP (CNRS UPR 3349) Nancy Universite, 1 rue Grandville, 54001 Nancy, France b Universite de Toulouse, INPT, UPS, Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, 4, Allee Emile Monso, 31030 Toulouse, France Journal of Membrane Science 376 (2011) 110–118 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Membrane Science journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/memsci CO2 stripping from monoethanolamine using a membrane contactor Sakarin Khaisria, David deMontignyb, Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikulb, Ratana Jiraratananona,∗ a Department of Chemical Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Prachautid Road, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand b International Test Centre for CO2 Capture, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada S4S 0A2