AP Art History 2014 – 2015 Brief Description of Course AP Art History is designed to provide the same benefits to high school students as those provided by an introductory college course in Art history: an understanding and enjoyment of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other forms within historical and cultural contexts. In the course, students examine major forms of artistic expression from the past, the present and from a variety of cultures. They learn to look at works of art critically, with intelligence and sensitivity, and to articulate what they see and experience. Unit Information Unit Name or Timeframe: Calendar- First Term First Quarter – July 29 to September 26 Week1 Introduction: Methodology, Elements and Principles of Art Week 2 Prehistoric, Ancient Near East Week 3 Egypt Week 4 Aegean, begin Greek Week 5 Greek Week 6 Etruscan, begin Rome Week 7 Rome Week 8 Late Antiquity Week 9 Ancient World Wonders Content and/or Skills Taught: An introduction to major vocabulary terms and concepts regarding the study of art history A discussion on the Elements and Principles of Art. Lectures on the art forms, including historical, cultural, stylistic developments of previously listed topics. Discussion of art and religion Topic Essay is due at the end of the quarter. Major Assignments and /or Assessments: Quizzes on each chapter Daily note taking on flashcards Vocabulary lists Nightly reading Homework from student study guide Short response essays 30 min essays Ancient World Board Game with 100 Art Historical References. Unit Name or Timeframe: Second Quarter – October 13 to December 18 Week 1 Byzantine Week 2 Islam Week 3 Medieval Art, Romanesque Art Week 4 Gothic Week 5 Section Test Week 6 14th Century Italian Art, 15th Century Northern Europe Week 7 15th Century Italian Art Week 8 High Renaissance Week 9 High Renaissance Content and/or Skills Taught: Continued discussion of art, religion, and the influence of the Islamic World. Extensive study of the art and architecture of Medieval Europe through the Renaissance. The differences between the art of Northern Europe and Southern Europe. The stylistic characteristics of various Baroque artists and their locales. Major Assignments and /or Assessments: Quizzes on each chapter Daily note taking on flashcards Vocabulary lists Nightly reading Homework from student study guide Short response essays 30 minute essays Topic Essay Museum Report Unit Name or Timeframe: Calendar – Second Term Third Quarter – January 5th to March 13th Week 1 16th Century Northern Europe Week 2 Baroque Week 3 Baroque Week 4 Baroque, Rococo, Enlightenment Week 5 Enlightenment Week 6 Late 19th Century Week 7 Impressionism, Modernism Week 8 Modernism, Postmodernism Week 9 Postmodernism Week 10 Postmodernism Content and/or Skills Taught: The philosophies of the era of the Enlightenment and its influences on the art of the 18th century. Study the rise of three contrasting styles: Naturalism, Neo-Classicism and Realism. Discussions of Modernism including the artists of the Impressionist movement, their lives, and society, plus the works of modernism that evolved from these early shifts in Art History. The stylistic characteristics of various Baroque artists and their locales. Discussion of the various styles and purposes of artwork from the above named cultures beyond the European tradition. Major Assignments and /or Assessments: Quizzes on each chapter Daily note taking on flashcards Vocabulary lists Nightly reading Homework from student study guide Short response essays 30 minute essays Students will complete an “Ism” book that illustrates their understanding of Modernism from the realists all the way through post-modernism. Fourth Quarter – March 30th to June 4th Week 1 Southeast Asian Art Week 2 Korean Art, Japanese Art Week 3 Ancient American, Native American Art, African Art Week 4 Oceanic Art Week 5 Art of the 21st century Week 6 Review for AP Exam Week 7 Review, Take Exam Week 8 and 9 Fun Content and/or Skills Taught: Discussion of the various styles and purposes of artwork from the above named cultures outside of the Western tradition. A heavy emphasis on comparative analysis with Western Art will be included in all discussion and PowerPoint presentations. Major Assignments and /or Assessments: Daily note taking on flashcards Vocabulary lists Nightly reading Homework from the student study guide Short response essays 30 minute essays A study binder with visuals, maps, vocabulary lists, presentation notes, imagery, cultural elements and analytical essays for a specific society beyond the European tradition will be used to enhance classroom lecture and review. (Finish) Topic essay due (including art from the 21st century) End of Term Major Assignments and Assessments: Art Flash Cards The students are shown how to take notes on 5”x8” ruled cards. These note cards are Art Flash Cards. These cards have a black and white copy of the artwork on the back and on the ruled side are all of the notes that pertain to the work specifically. This includes the following information for each artwork: period/culture, subject/iconography, style/technique, significance/function/purpose (includes social, political and religious values of the culture; patronage; art historical/historical significance). These cards are used for quick reviews and quizzing sessions in the classroom. The Topic Essays For the first essay, students will choose an art history topic and will write an essay that focuses on the chosen topic through several chapters of the Gardner Book. They must include a bibliography if they reference other sources outside of the text. The second topic essay is similar to the first but they must also include work from an artist who is currently working in this century. Topics might include: The Figure of the Madonna and Child Through Time, The Venus, Religion and Its Effects on the Visual Arts, Burial Systems of World Culture, Non-Western Civilizations, The Mystery of the Pyramids, The Social Position of Women in History, The Roman Empire, The Development of Religious Architecture, Mosaics through Time, War and Art, Representations of Christ, and Pagans. The "Ism" Book This is a book that each student is required to create to further their understanding of 20th century art. The Ism book is more a creative expression that allows each student to show his or her creativity and have some fun with each of the major styles, starting with Impressionism and going into Post Modernism. Each page is a style and must include an artist that epitomizes the style. The page must be decorated with the main motifs of the style. Even the text must match the style in question. Included on each page are a color copy of the work and the four main characteristics of the style. The student must also include the factors that influenced the style and what influences the style will have on the future. Each work must be fully identified. The Medieval Board Game Students will create a board game that covers chapters 12 through 19 of the Gardner text. They have to incorporate at least 100 Art Historical References that pertain these chapters. The game board will be graded on a rubric that will consider functional design, content, and aesthetics. The “Beyond Europe” Art Binder Students will be responsible for creating a binder that includes visuals, maps, vocabulary lists, presentation notes, imagery, and cultural elements for a specific nonwestern society. They will become an “expert” on that specific culture. Students will complete several essays and/or T-charts that are based on themes that connect a Western/European artwork with an artwork from outside the European tradition. Students must also address how cultural background influences how a piece of artwork is read and valued (how might each work be perceived in the context of another culture?). Some of these themes include: 1.The human body 2.Religious subjects 3.Narrative 4.Religious sites/spaces 5.Gender 6.Politics and Power Textbooks Title: Gardner’s Art Through The Ages Publisher: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning Copyright: 2005 Author: Fred S. Kleiner Second Author: Christin J. Mamiya Description: No art history student can get through a semester without Gardner’s Art Through the Ages. Chronicling the history of art from the earliest known cave paintings to postmodern architecture, as well as most major artists, works, and styles in between, this book is a must have for those interested in understanding art in context. Students also purchase the study guide that is paired with this text and do several written activities as needed directly in their study guide. Title: The Annotated Mona Lisa Publisher: Andrews and McNeel Published Date: 1992 Author: Carol Strickland Description: A crash course in Art History from Pre-Historic to Post-Modern. This text is sometimes used to give students a more plain English definition of art movements and vocabulary. Other Course Materials Material Type: Audiovisual Materials Description: I have numerous videos regarding art, artists, and history. These are used to help explain the historical context of various art styles that have been studied. I also have a subscription to ARTnews. I use any article that is appropriate out of this magazine throughout the year to add to the instruction. DATE July 28 (Traditional Day) July 30 Aug 3 CLASS ASSIGNMENT LECTURE TOPIC/NOTES First Term/1st Quarter HOMEWORK Introduction to Class Syllabus 1. Read What is Art? 2. Read/Review Introduction pp.1-13 1. Instructional Activity: Visual and Contextual Analysis 2.Instructional Activity: But Is It Art? The Language of Art What is Art? Article/Video Worksheets 1.Vocabulary for Introduction Due Next Class 2.Blogging Mastering the Approach Article/Video Worksheets 1.Formative Assessment: How Do Works of Art Evoke Responses? Due Aug 11th 2. Read Miner’s Article: “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” (on– line) 3. Review Essay Rubric 4. Read content for The Burning of Sanjo Palace and the Alexander Mosaic. Fill out Article/Video Worksheets 1. Listen to the podcast “Swimming Reindeer” 2. Make sure you review Summer Reading Assignment #2 (Which is for Unit 1) 3. Vocabulary for Unit 1 Due August 13th 4. Instructional Activity: Thematic Connections (Prepare using article/video worksheets and bring these worksheets to our next class.) 1.Instructional Activity: Tradition and Change 2.Instructional Activity: Audience Response Aug 5/PD 1. Instructional Activity: Differing Interpretations **Students read the Miner article before class** 2. Instructional Activity: Thematic Connections part 1 3. Summative Assessment: Comparative Analysis: The Burning of Sanjo Palace vs. Alexander Mosaic Mastering the Approach 7 1. Instructional Activity: Prehistoric Art 2. Instructional Activity: The Ancients Portray the World Around Them 3. Instructional Activity: Thematic Connections part 2 (Roundtable discussion) Unit 1 – Global Prehistory Apollo 11 stones Great Hall of the Bulls Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine Swimming Reindeer* Bushel with ibex motifs The Ambum Stone 1. Instructional activity: For homework, blog in response to the following questions: a. What body parts most define us as human? b. What body part(s) would you least want to live without? c. What would you look like if you increased the size of your most significant parts and diminished the size of others? 2. Instructional Activity: Objects and the Afterlife For homework, blog about five objects you would take with you to the afterlife, what those objects reveal about you and what misinterpretations might result if they were discovered by future archeologists. 4. Formative Assessment: Thematic Connections: Write an essay that includes both a visual analysis as well as a contextual one. The rubric for the assignment measures students’ accurate contextual information and evidence, detailed formal analysis, specific visual evidence used to support ideas, and logical, well-articulated thematic comparisons with known works. 11 1. Instructional Activity: The Ancients Portray Themselves, Part 1 2. Instructional Activity: The Ancients Portray Themselves, Part 2 3. Instructional Activity: The Ancients Build Unit 1 – Global Prehistory Running horned woman Anthropomorphic stele Read “New Light on Stonehenge “ or “If the Stones could Speak” (on-line source) Study for test Jade cong Tlatilco female figurine Terra cotta fragment Bushel with ibex motifs Anthropomorphic stele Stonehenge 13 1. TEST – MC, Match, ID, Comparative Essay 2. Instructional Activity: Geography Defines Culture 17 19/PD Unit 1 – Global Prehistory Unit 1: Flash Cards are due. Unit 1:Vocab is Due Unit 2a – Ancient Mediteranean Egypt and Mesopotamia Reading Assignment Unit 2a Vocabulary for Unit 2a Due August 25 Fill out an Article/Video Worksheet on Great Palette of Narmer Pyramids (Menkaura, Khafre, Khufu) and Great Sphinx Due next class. 1. Instructional Activity: Ordinary/Extraordinary 2. Instructional Activity: The Tomb 3. Formative Assessment: 15Minute Practice Essay – SR (Short Response) Unit 2a – Ancient Mediteranean Egypt and Mesopotamia 1. Instructional Activity: The Amarna Period 2. Instructional Activity: The Temple 3. Instructional Activity: The Book of the Dead Unit 2a – Ancient Mediteranean Egypt and Mesopotamia Seated scribe King Menkaura and queen Wall plaque, from Oba’s palace Great Pyramids (Menkaura, Khafre, Khufu) and Great Sphinx King Menkaura and queen Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters Tutankhamun’s tomb, innermost coffin Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall 1. Fill out an Article/Video worksheet on The Book of The Dead and have it ready for the day of the test. 2. Note: Make sure you did the reading for Asyrian lamassu before you blog. Blog: Blog in response to the prompt, Design a composite creature with your face. The creatures you combine should express your personality. Mortuary temple of Hats Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb (page from the Book of the Dead) 21 1. Instructional Activity: Mesopotamia 2. Instructional Activity: Narrative 3. Instructional Activity: Lamassu 4. Instructional Activity: Architecture of Empire and City-State Unit 2a – Ancient Mediteranean Egypt and Mesopotamia White Temple and its ziggurat Statues of votive figures, from the Square Temple at Eshnunna (modern Tell Asmar, Iraq) Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs at Ur (modern Tell el- Muqayyar, Iraq) The Code of Hammurabi Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb (page from the Book of the Dead) Study for test Great Pyramids (Menkaura, Khafre, Khufu) and Great Sphinx Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II, Dur Sharrukin (modern Khorsabad, Iraq) Athenian agora Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes 25 27 1. TEST – MC, Match, ID, Essay: Summative Assessment: Attribution Short Essay 2. Students will assess their own essay. Unit 2b – Ancient Mediteranean Etrucans and Greeks 1.Instructional Activity: Funerary Art 2. Instructional Activity: The Greek Male Figure 3. Formative Assessment: Attribution Short Essay Unit 2b – Ancient Mediteranean Etrucans and Greeks Reading Assignment Unit 2b Vocabulary for Unit 2b Due on Sept 4 Anavysos Kouros Peplos Kore from the Acropolis Sarcophagus of the Spouses Temple of Minerva (Veii, near Rome, Italy) and sculpture of Apollo Anavysos Kouros Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) 31 1. Instructional Activity: The Painted Surface 2. Instructional Activity: The Temple 3. Instructional Activity: Acropolis Sculpture Unit 2a: Flash Cards are due. Unit 2a:Vocab is Due Unit 2b – Ancient Mediteranean Etrucans and Greeks Tomb of the Triclinium Niobides Krater 1. Research the assigned Acropolis Statue. Use an article/video worksheet and bring it to the next class. 2. Students are assigned one of three tasks for homework prior to this class. #1) Watch the “Ancient Greek Vase production and the black-figure technique” then, research redfigure technique. #2) Read Ovid’s story of the Niobides, and #3) research the functions of Greek pottery. Make notes for yourself. *Students should be able to explain the techniques, the story, or the function of vases when they come to class. 1. Watch the “Grave Stele” of Hegeso. Fill out an article/video worksheet. Bring it to the next class. Temple of Minerva (Veii, near Rome, Italy) and sculpture of Apollo Acropolis Sep 2/PD 1. Formative Assessment: Short Essay Practice 2. Instructional Activity: Hellenistic Art 3. Instructional Activity: Classical and Hellenistic Sculpture Unit 2b – Ancient Mediteranean Etrucans and Greeks Study for Test Grave stele of Hegeso Winged Victory of Samothrace Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun, Pompeii Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon Seated boxer 4 9/PP 1.Test - Multiple Choice, Matching, Image ID and Summative Assessment: Short Text-Based Essay 2. Instructional Activity: Roman Portraiture Unit 2c – Ancient Mediteranean Rome Unit 2b: Flash Cards are due. Unit 2b:Vocab is Due Augustus of Prima Porta Reading Assignment Unit 2c Vocabulary for Unit 2c Due on Sept. 15 1. Instructional Activity: Roman House and Wall Painting 2. Instructional Activity: Unit 2c – Ancient Mediteranean Rome 1. Blogging: Respond to this question: How can relief sculptors use composition, line, and space to create tension in a story? Head of a Roman patrician House of the Vettii Imperial Architecture Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) Forum of Trajan Pantheon 11 1. Formative Assessment: Architecture of Power 2. Instructional Activity: Narrative Relief Sculpture Unit 2c – Ancient Mediteranean Rome Forum of Trajan (Column of Trajan) Study for Test (Vocab will cover Unit 3c. Multiple Choice, Slide ID and Essay Questions can be from any piece from Unit 2). Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus 15 Unit 2c: Flash Cards are due. Unit 2c:Vocab is Due 1. TEST (1 hour)– Multiple Choice, Matching, and 2 essays: 15 min. and 30 min. NOTE: Do 1- 4 tonight then do 5 and 6 tomorrow. Do 7 and 8 over the weekend. 2.Cengage Learning: Welcome to your Ematerials 1. Watch Engineering an Empire: China 3 of 3 Due next class 2. Read Ancient Origins: The Enduring Mystery of The Lady of Dai Mummy Due next class 3.Watch Beliefs Made Visible: Hindu Art in South Asia Due next class 4. Read Hindiusm and Hindu Art Due next class 5. Watch Beliefs Made Visible: Buddhist Art in South Asia Due next class 6. Read Buddhism and Buddhist Art 7. Reading Assignment Unit 8a, 8b, 8c (Take Pre- Lecture Quiz before the 21st) 17 1. Instructional Activity: China Before Buddhism: Funerary Art 2. Instructional Activity: India, Birthplace of Hinduism 3. Instructional Activity: India, Birthplace of Buddhism Unit 8 – South, central, East, and Southeast Asia Jade cong Terra cotta warriors from mausoleum of the first Qin emperor of China Funeral banner of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui) Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja) 8.Vocabulary for Unit 8 Due Sept 25 1. Read “Eight Scenes of the Buddah’s Life” 2. Afghan Soldiers from the Ruling Taliban Movement and Visiting Journalists Stand in Front of One of the Destroyed Buddha Statues in the Central Province of Bamiyan, March 26, 2001 Due next class 3. Harold, Bamiyan and Buddhist Afganistan Due next class 4. Watch: Chinese Buddhist Cave Shrines Due next class 5. Did you take your pre-lecture quiz? Chapters16 and 33. Due before the 21st. 21 Pre – Lecture Quiz (16&33) 1. Instructional Activity: Religious Architecture in India and Cambodia 2. Instructional Activity: Buddhism Spreads North and Northeast 3.Instructional Activity: Buddhism Spreads East and Southeast Unit 8 – South, central, East, and Southeast Asia Great Stupa at Sanchi Angkor, the temple of Angkor Wat, and the city of Angkor Thom, Cambodia Lakshmana Temple Buddha Jowo Rinpoche, enshrined in the Jokhang Temple Longmen caves 1. Watch: The Longest Bas Relief in the World 2. Read “Neo-Confucianism & Fan Kuan’s 3. Watch Hokusai and Hiroshige: Great Japanese Prints from the James A. Michener Collection 4. Read Travelers by Streams and Mountains. Due next class 3. Do an Article/Video Worksheet on Travelers by Streams and Mountains. Due next class Todai-ji Borobudur Temple 23/PP 1. Instructional Activity: Nature Themes 2. Instructional Activity: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Painting and Printmaking 3. Instructional Activity: The Forbidden City and Chairman Mao Unit 8 – South, central, East, and Southeast Asia Gold and jade crown The David Vases Ryoan-ji Travelers among Mountains and Streams **Major Project #1: Nature Themes Due October 13th Study for Test Night Attack on the Sanjô Palace Portrait of Sin Sukju (1417–1475) White and Red Plum Blossoms Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as the Great Wave, from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji Forbidden City Chairman Mao en Route to Anyuan 25 TEST/Rally Unit 8 – South, central, East, and Southeast Asia Vocab for Unit 8 is due Flash cards for Unit 8 are due. Homework over break includes the 1. Nature Themes project and the following: 2. Read Unit 3a and Unit 3b 3. Vocabulary for Unit 3a and Unit 3b 4. Read “Reconstructing Petra” 5. Blogging /Respond to the following prompts: a Did you learn to read using books or computer screens? Which format do you use most often now? b Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each format. c. Do you think children of the future will learn to read from books? Explain your rationale. 6. Take the Pre- Lecture Quizzes on Chapter 8, 9,10, and 11 First Term/2nd Quarter Oct Pre- 1.Instructional Activity: Petra and the Tomb Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia(Islamic and Nature Project is Due! 13 Lecture Quizzes (8&9) 2. Instructional Activity: Christian Architecture 3. Instructional Activity: Manuscript and Icon Christian Art) Catacomb of Priscilla 1. Watch San Vitale, Ravenna. Do an article /video worksheet. Due next class. Petra, Jordan: Treasury and Great Temple Forum of Trajan Pantheon Santa Sabina San Vitale Hagia Sophia Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well and Jacob Wrestling the Angel, from the Vienna Genesis Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George Oct 15 PreLecture Quizzes (11& 10) 1.Formative Assessment: 15Minute Practice Essay 2.Instructional Activity: Migratory Art and Art of Conversion 3.Instructional Activity: Islamic Monuments Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia(Islamic and Christian Art) Theodora and Attendants /San Vitale Merovingian looped fibulae Lindisfarne Gospels: St. Matthew, cross-carpet page; St. Luke portrait page; St. Luke incipit page San Vitale The Kaaba Dome of the Rock Oct 19 1. Instructional Activity: Sacred Space/The Mosque 2. Formative Assessment: Sacred Space 3. Instructional Activity: Islamic Calligraphy and Ivory Carving Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia(Islamic and Christian Art) 1. Read “The Lindisfarne Gospels” 2. Instructional Activity: Virtual Walking Tour Take the virtual walking tour of the Dome of the Rock and create five multiplechoice questions that address different learning objectives based on your visit. Partners exchange questions via email, respond to them, and provide each other with feedback on the questions (are they related to key aspects of the monument?) and responses. Help each other address gaps in understanding. 3. Read the Smarthistory Article on The great Mosque of Cordoba and do and article/ video worksheet Due next Class 4. Read Pyxis of al- Mughira Study for the Test! Santa Sabina Great Mosque Great Mosque (Masjid-e Jameh) Lindisfarne Gospels: St Matthew, cross-carpet Page; St. Luke Portrait Page; St Luke incipit page Pyxis of al-Mughira Folio from a Qur’an Oct 21/PP Test – Short Test Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia(Islamic and Christian Art) Vocabulary for Unit 3a and 3b is due! Flashcards for Unit 3a and Islamic works already covered are due. 1. Read Unit 3c and Unit 3d 2. Do Vocabulary for Unit 3c and 3d. Due Nov 2nd 3.Instructional Activity: Pilgrimage For homework, read about “Pilgrimage and the relic cult”, Blog in response to the prompt, Describe a journey you have taken or would like to take to a place that is especially meaningful to you. Why is it meaningful? 4.Read “Gothic Architecture” Oct 23 1.Instructional Activity: Bayeux Tapestry 2. Instructional Activity: Romanesque and Gothic Architecture 3. Instructional Activity: Romanesque and Gothic Ornamentation Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia (Romanesque, Gothic) Forum of Trajan Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus Bayeaux Tapestry 1. For homework, spend 30 minutes exploring either website on Chartres and writing a half-page synthesis. Due Next Class 2. Research for your presentation for class on the 27th (Narrative in Books and on Walls) Due Next Class! Santa Sabina Church of Sainte-Foy Chartres Cathedral Church of Sainte-Foy Chartres Cathedral Reliquary figure (byeri) Oct 27 1. Instructional Activity: Early Gothic Serenity versus Late Gothic Emotion 2. Formative Assessment: Short Essay Practice 3. Instructional Activity: Narrative in Books and on Walls Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia (Romanesque, Gothic) 3. Reread about the basin (Baptistère de St. Louis) in chapter 10 Chartres Cathedral Rottgen pieta Pieta Dedication page with Blanche of Castile and King Louis IX of France and Scenes from the Apocalypse, from a Bible moralisée Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel, including Lamentation Golden Haggadah (The Plagues of Egypt, Scenes of Liberation, and Preparation for Passover) Oct 29 1. Instructional Activity: Islamic Secular Art and CrossCultural Connections 2. Instructional Activity: Islamic Architecture: The Palace Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia (Cross Cultural) Study for the Test Merovingian looped fibulae Pyxis of al-Mughira Basin (Baptistère de St. Louis) Bahram Gur Fights the Karg, folio from the Great Il-Khanid Shahnama The Court of the Gayumars, folio from Shah Tahmasp’s Shanama The Ardabil Carpet Great Mosque Alhambra Forbidden City Nov 2 Test Unit 3 Early Europe/West& Central Asia (Cross Cultural) 1.Unit 3c and Unit 3d Flashcards are due with the rest of the flash cards from Unit 3b. 2. Vocabulary for Unit 3c and 3d is due 1. Blogging: What comes to mind when you hear the term, Renaissance? Explain the connotations of the term. Due next class 2.Watch: 3 videos: Donatello’s David, How one point perspective works and Masaccio’s The Tribute Money. 3.Do an article/video worksheet for the Donatello statue and one for the Masaccio painting. Due next class. 4. Read Unit 3e and Unit 3f material 5. Vocabulary for Unit 3e and 3f Due Nov 19 6. Take Pre Lecture quizzes for Chapter 23 and 22 Nov 4/PP Nov 6 1. Instructional Activity: Setting the Stage 2. Instructional Activity: Learning from the Ancients, Part 1 Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) 1.Instructional Activity: Learning from the Ancients, Part 2 2. Instructional Activity: Mastering the Illusion of Naturalism, Italian Style 3. Summmative assessment Game Assignment Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) David Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) 1.Read “The Birth of Venus” by Botticelli article. 2.Read “Annunciationn Triptych Merode Forum of Trajan Altarpiece, ca 1427-1432” Pantheon 3. Read “Flanders” Santa Sabina 4.Watch, “The Road to Van Eyck” Chartres Cathedral 5.Read: Jones, Hidden Horror Pazzi Chapel Palazzo Rucellai Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel, including Lamentation Madonna and Child with Two Angels 6. Read: Meisler, A masterpiece Born of St. Anthony’s Fire 7. Work on Game 8. Did you take your Pre- Lecture Quizzes? Birth of Venus Nov 10 Pre – Lecture quizzes (23&22) 1.Instructional Activity: Mastering the Illusion of Naturalism, Northern Style 2. Formative Assessment: Short Essay Practice 3. Instructional Activity: 16thCentury Northern European Art Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece) The Arnolfini Portrait Röttgen Pietà Isenheim altarpiece Allegory of Law and Grace Hunters in the Snow Nov 13 1. Instructional Activity: Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael 2. Instructional Activity: Art of the Mannerists and the Venetians Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) Last Supper Sistine Chapel ceiling and altar wall frescoes 1. Watch Leonardo’s Last Supper/Do Article Video Worksheet 2. Watch Michelangelo’s Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel/Do Article/Video Worksheet 3. Watch Raphael’s School of Athens/Do an Article/Video Worksheet 4. Read:Mannerism: Bronzino (1503–1572) and His Contemporaries 5. Read: Sixteenth-Century Painting in Venice and the Veneto 6. Read: Venus of Urbino by Titian 7. Work on Game 1. Read: Ferren, Tracking Turkey’s first Starchitect 2. Read “Islam:Mughal Empire (1500s 1600s)” 3. Work on Game School of Athens Entombment of Christ Venus of Urbino Nov 17 1.Instructional Activity: Converging Cultures in New Spain 2. Instructional Activity: Sacred Architecture of the 16th Century 3. Instructional Activity: The Mughal Empire Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza Templo Mayor (Main Temple) Hagia Sophia Mosque of Selim II Great Mosque (Masjid-e Jameh) Saint Peter’s Basilica 1. Read: St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City 2. Work on Game Suleymaniye Mosque Great Mosque (Masjid-e Jameh) Bahram Gur Fights the Karg, folio from the Great Il-Khanid Shahnama Lakshmana Temple Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings Taj Mahal Nov 19 Test Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) Unit 3e and Unit 3f Vocabulary is Due! Unit 3e and 3f Flash Cards are Due! 1. Read Unit 3g 2.Do Vocab for Unit 3g Due Dec 8 3.Read:The Baroque: Art, Politics & Religion in 17th-century Europe (first half for this activity) 4.Read:Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (1571 - 1610) and His Followers 5.Read The Ecstasy of St. Teresa 6.Watch Caravaggio’s Calling of Saint Matthew 7.Watch “Carving Marble with Traditional Tools” 8. Work on Game 9. Take the Pre Lecture Quizzes on Chapter 24 and 25 over Thanksgiving Break Nov 30 PreLecture Quizzes (24& 25) 1. Instructional Activity: Southern Baroque, Art of the Counter-Reformation 2. Instructional Activity: Counter-Reformation Architecture Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) Calling of Saint Matthew Ecstasy of Saint Santa Sabina Il Gesù, including Triumph of the Name of Jesus ceiling fresco San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane 1. Watch “Fury of Creation” 2. Blogging For homework, students blog in response to the following prompts: Think of the best photo that’s ever been taken of you. Analyze why you like this image. What kind of person does it make you appear to be? Imagine yourself 20 years from now. You have achieved success and are being honored by having a painted portrait hung in public. How would you pose? How would you be dressed? What expression would you be wearing and what would you do with your hands? What setting would you choose? What objects woul you want near you? Remember, people’s ideas of you will be based on this. Who do you want to be? 3. Read: The Baroque: Art, Politics & Religion in 17th-Century Europe (second half for this activity) -PDF 4. Read: Francis Bacon and the Scientific Revolution 5. Work on Game Dec 2/PD 1. Instructional Activity: Portraits 2. Instructional Activity: The Scientific Revolution, Protestantism, and Dutch Genre Painting Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Henri IV Receives the Portrait of Marie de’ Medici, from the Marie de’ Medici Cycle Self-Portrait with Saskia Las Meninas Ecstasy of Saint Teresa Woman Holding a Balance Fruit and Insects 1. You will be assigned one of the following to read to prepare for the next class assignment: 1.Donahue-Wallace, pp. 160–161 2. Angel with Arquebus – PDF 3.Brooklyn Museum Acquires Rare Folding Screen 4.Folding Screen with the Siege of Belgrade (front) and Hunting Scene (reverse) 5.New Acquisition: Miguel Gonzalez, Virgin of Guadalupe 6.The Virgin of Guadalupe (Virgen de Guadalupe) 7. Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo 2. Work on Game Dec 4 1. Instructional Activity: Architecture of Power 2. Instructional Activity: The Spanish Viceroyalties and Artistic Hybridization Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) Study for test Alhambra The Palace at Versailles City of Machu Picchu Forbidden City Nan Madol Angel with Arquebus, Asiel Timor Dei Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and hunting scene The Virgin of Guadalupe (Virgen de Guadalupe) Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo Dec 8 Test Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) 1. Unit 3g Vocab is due! 2. Unit 3g Flash Cards are due! Dec 10 1.Formative Assessment: Research and Extension 2.Formative Assessment: Flashcard Frenzy: Review Unit 3 Early Europe (Early Modern Atlantic World) 1. Formative Assessment: Research and Extension Partners draw from the following categories: Dutch genre scenes Counter-Reformation religious art Art created for royal patrons Art reflecting international conflict Art reflecting transoceanic colonization and trade They choose an artwork we have not discussed from that category, research it in the context of the unit’s guiding questions, and create a teaching video of 10 minutes or less for our SchoolTube site. Pairs may use the textbook, but they must also refer to at least two online sources, for which they complete website evaluation forms. The videos must include Dec 11 Traditional Day Dec 16 Test Flashcard ID Exams Games are Due!! Second Term/ 3rd Quarter Jan 4 Pre Lecture Quiz on Chapter 26 Jan 6/PP School Tube Videos source citations. Once the videos are uploaded, students view three, leaving written commentary on the effectiveness with which the videos address the unit’s guiding questions. Due Jan 4th 2. Work on Game 3. Study 1.Work on Game and finish it! 1. Read Unit 4 a, b, and c over break. 2. Do the Vocab for Unit 4 a, b, and c. Due Jan 25 3. Don’t forget to do the Schooltube assignment. 4. Pre Lecture Quizzes on Chapters 26, 27 and 28. 1.Blog: Do you believe in progress? Is the world getting better? Explain. 2.Read: Wright of Derby’s A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery 3.Watch: “David, Oath of the Horatii, 1784 4.Read: The Oath of the Horatii – Louvre article 1. Instructional Activity: 18thCentury Britain: The Enlightenment and the Belief in Progress 2. Instructional Activity: Seeds of Revolution in France Unit 4 Later Europe and the Americas (1750-1900) The Tête à Tête, from Marriage à la Mode A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery 1.Read: Portrait of Sor Juana Ines dela Cruz 2.Read: Anderson “American Icons: Monticello” 3. Make sure you took your Pre-Lecture Quiz on Chapter 27 The Swing The Oath of the Horatii Jan 8 Pre Lecture Quiz on Chapter 27 1.Formative Assessment: Short Essay 2.Instructional Activity: Images of Women, Part 1 (Gender Restrictions and Expectations) 3.Instructional Activity: Neoclassicism in America Unit 4 Later Europe and the Americas (1750-1900) 1.Read: Japonisme The Tête à Tête, from Marriage à la Mode and Resolution 3,Read:Y no hai remedio (And There’s Nothing to Be Done A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery The Swing The Oath of the Horatii Portrait of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Self-Portrait The Coiffure Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as the Great Wave, from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji Monticello 2.Read: The Third of May, 1808 Same as Coflict 4.Watch: Romanticism in France Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People 5.Read: Daguerre (1787–1851) and the Invention of Photography 6.Read:Eadweard Muybridge 7.Read:Early Photography 8. Do an Article/Video Worksheet for Portrait of SorJuana Ines de la Cruz (Due: Jan 25) 9. Do an article Video workshet for George Washington (due Jan:25) George Washington 8.Blog: What is the most powerful and/or beautiful natural occurrence you have ever experienced? Describe it and its impact on you in detail. 9.Blog: Why have photographers struggled to be considered “artists”? Jan 12 1.Instructional Activity: Romanticism and Revolution 2. Instructional Activity: Romanticism, Nature, and Human Action 3.Instructional Activity: Photography and Lithography Unit 4 Later Europe and the Americas (1750-1900) Y no hai remedio (And There’s Nothing to Be Done), from Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War), plate 15 1.Watch: Delacroix Liberty Leading the People 2.Read: The Burghers of Calais 3.Watch: Profile of Gustave Courbet 4.Read: Realism 5.Read: Stone Breakers The Third of May, 1808 6.Read: The Stonebreakers Liberty Leading the People 7.Blog: Read the following excerpt, paraphrase it, and list examples of works we’ve studied or images from popular culture that support ideas expressed within the excerpt. “In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy on to the female form, which is styled accordingly. In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness. Woman displayed as sexual object is the leit-motif of erotic spectacle...she holds the look, plays to and signifies male desire.” (Laura Mulvey: Visual Pleasure and narrative cinema) The Oxbow (View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm) Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On) Still Life in Studio Nadar Raising Photography to the Height of Art The Horse in Motion 8. Do an Article/Video Worksheet on Liberty Leading the People (Due Jan 25th) Jan 14 1.Instructional Activity: Realism 2.Instructional Activity: Realism 3.Instructional Activity: Images of Women (part 2) What is the Male Gaze? Unit 4 Later Europe and the Americas (1750-1900) The Stone Breakers The Burghers of Calais Venus of Urbino 1.Watch: Olympis’s Manet 2. Read: Une Odalisque 3. Read: Paul Cezanne Mount St. Victoire 4. Read: Tractman, Van Gogh’s Night Visions 5. Make sure you took your Pre-Lecture Quiz on Chapter 28 Jan 19 Pre Lecture Quiz on Chapter 28 1. Instructional Activity: Images of Women, Part 3 (Reactions to the Female Nude) 2. Instructional Activity: New Visions of the Landscape Venus of Urbino La Grande Odalisque Olympia The Oxbow (View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm) The Saint-Lazare Station The Valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel (El Valle de México desde el Cerro de Santa Isabel) The Starry Night 1.You will be assigned two specific articlse to read from the following: a. Gauguin: Maker of Myth b. Lubow, “Edvard Munch, Beyond the Scream” c. Morrison, “Gauguin’s Bid for Glory” d. Prideaux, “Edvard Munch, Behind the Scream” e. Richardson, “Gauguin’s Last testament” f. The Scream g. Temkin: The Scream; Edvard Munch Mont Sainte-Victoire 2.AFTER reading the articles blog: How do artists alter appearances of the visible world to portray dreams/nightmares/visions? Jan 21 1.Instructional Activity: Rejection of the Modern World/The View Within 2.Instructional Activity: 19thCentury Architecture — Reviving the Old, Rejecting the Old Unit 4 Later Europe and the Americas (1750-1900) 3.Read: Carson, Pirie, Scott Building 4.Read: Sullivan Center 5. Do an article/Video worksheet on “The valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel. (Due Jan 25th) Study for the test! The Valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel (El Valle de México desde el Cerro de Santa Isabel) The Scream Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Chartres Cathedral Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament) Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Building Jan 25 Test 1. Vocab for Unit 4 a, b and c is due! 2. Flashcards for Unit 4 a, b, and c are due! 1. Read Unit 4d an Unit 4e 2. Vocab for Units 4d and 4e Due 2/18 3. Everystudent will read one of the following articles. You will be assigned one: a. African Influences in Modern Art b. Braque’s The Portuguese 4. Everystudent will read one of the following articles. You will be assigned one: a. Hegarty, “Gustav Klimt: What’s the Secret to his mass appeal? b. The Kiss c. Marcus, A Golden Kiss for Klimt d.Weber, Brancusi: A Neverending Embrace 5. Make sure you take your Pre-Lecture Quiz on Chapter 29 Jan 27 PreLecture Quiz on Chapter 29 1.Instructional Activity: From Abstraction to Cubism 2.Instructional Activity: Kiss Kiss Unit 4 Later Europe and The Americas (1900s-1980s) Mont Sainte-Victoire Les Demoiselles d’Avignon The Portuguese Female (Pwo) mask 1.Read: Get the Picture: Alfred Stieglitz 2.Read: Harris, Some Teachable Ironies about the Alfred Stieglitz Photo The Steerage (1907), on the Cover of The Heath Anthology of American Literature, 3/e, Volume 2 3.Read: Soviet Cinema and Russian Constructivism The Kiss (Klimt) The Kiss (Brancusi) Jan 29 1. Instructional Activity: Abstraction to Nonobjectivity 2. Formative Assessment: Short Document-Based Essay Practice 3. Instructional Activity: Photography, Photomontage, and Social Commentary Unit 4 Later Europe and The Americas (1900s-1980s) Goldfish Improvisation 28 (second version) Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow, Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow The Steerage Illustration from The Results of the First Five- Year Plan 1.You will be assigned an artist. Your homework is to read and/or watch the appropriate materials. Matisse Read: Fauvism – article (Met) Watch: Matisse, the Red Studio Kandinsky: Read: The Great Upheaval: Modern Art from the Guggenheim Collection, 1910–1918: Vasily Kandinsky Read: Kuspit, Falling Apart And Holding Together: Kandinsky’s Development Mondrian Watch: Mondrian, Van Doesburg, and De Stijl Watch: The Philosophies of Mondrian and Van Doesburg Watch:Piet Mondrian’s Place in Art History Study for Flashcard ID Feb 2 cahsee Flashcard ID test Or Formative Assessment: Attribution Practice 1.You will be assigned an article. Your homework is to read the appropriate materials. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (German, Aschaffenburg 1880 - 1938 Davos): Self-Portrait as a Soldier, 1915 ITP 166: Self-Portrait as a Soldier by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Kathe Kollwitz In Memoriam Karl Liebknecht Self-Portrait as a Soldier (Selbstbildnis als Soldat), 1915 2. Read: Fallingwater 3. Read: A Magnificent Living Machine 4. Read: Marcel Duchamp Fountain 1917, Replica 1964 5. Read: Object Feb 4 Feb 8 Pre Lecture Quiz on Chapter 30 1. Read one of the following assigned articles: Davis, “Two Fridas” 1. Instructional Activity: German Expressionism 2. Instructional Activity: Modern Visions of Domestic Space 3. Instructional Activity: Transgressive Art/Dada/Found Objects/Surrealism Unit 4 Later Europe and The Americas (1900s-1980s) Fountain (second version) 2.Make sure you take your Pre-Lecture Quiz on Chapter 30 1. Instructional Activity: Surrealism and the Nature of Identity 2. Instructional Activity: Independent Research Unit 4 Later Europe and The Americas (1900s-1980s) 1. Instructional Activity: Independent Research Due by Feb 10th Self-Portrait as a Soldier Memorial Sheet for Karl Liebknecht Villa Savoye Fallingwater Kahlo’s The Two Fridas (Las dos Fridas), 1939 Wilfredo Lam’s The Jungle Object (Le Déjeuner en fourrure) Les Demoiselles d’Avignon The Two Fridas The Jungle 2. You will be assigned an article: Read: Cotter, “Visions of a People in Motion” Read: Diego Rivera Read: Diego Rivera’s Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park, 1947 Read: Jacob Lawrence: The Migration of the Negro (Series) Read: La Calavera de la Catrina 3. You will be assigned an article/video: Read: Andy Warhol Watch: Andy Warhol Biography - Video Watch: “[Arthaus 100672] OLDENBURG, Claes: Claes Oldenburg (Art Documentary) Watch: Art History Abbreviated: Claes Oldenburg Video Watch: De Kooning’s Woman I Video Read: “ITP 15: Marilyn Diptych by Andy Warhol article Read: Schiff: The Lipstick from Anti-War to “Morse Resource” article Read: Woman I, Willem de Kooning (1950-52) Feb 10/PD 1.Instructional Activity: Art of Social Commentary 2. Instructional Activity: ReEnvisioning the Feminine Unit 4 Later Europe and The Americas (1900s-1980s) 1.You will be assigned an article: Arena (Scrovengi) Chapel, including Lamentation Read: Agee, Frankenthaler’s New Way of Making Art Read:Helen Frankenthaler Read:Helen Frankenthaler, Abstract Expressionist, Remembered Read: ITP 259: Spiral Jetty by Robert Smithson Read:Sanford, The Salt of The Earth Read: Sculpture from the Earth, But Never Limited By It Read:Spiral Jetty The Migration of the Negro, Panel no. 49 Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Park Woman, I Marilyn Diptych Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks 1.You will be assigned 2 articles: Set 1 Read: House in New Castle County, Delaware Read: Lamster, A personal Stamp on The Skyline Set 2 Read: Muschamp, Opposites Attract Read: Robert Venturi: architect biography Feb 16 1. Formative Assessment: Short Essay 2. Instructional Activity: ReEnvisioning the Natural World 3. Instructional Activity: Modern and Postmodern Architecture Unit 4 Later Europe and The Americas (1900s-1980s) Study Les Demoiselles d’Avignon Woman, I Hunters in the Snow The Oxbow (View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm) The Starry Night Narcissus Garden The Bay Spiral Jetty Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as the Great Wave, from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji Monticello Villa Savoye Seagram Building House in New Castle County Feb 18 1.Test Summative Assessment: Unit Exam 2. Instructional Activity: Independent Research Unit 4d and 4e Vocab are due. Unit 4d and Unit 4e Flash Cards are Due 1. Read Unit 5 and do the Vocab for Unit 5 (chapters 18 and 35) Due March 11th 2. Instructional Activity: Independent Research Partners draw from the following categories: Expressionism Abstract Expressionism Pop Art Earth and Environmental Art Modern or Post Modern Architecture Due: Feb 26 3. Make sure you take your Pre-Lecture Quiz on Chapter 18/35 4. Blog : Consider the following images.Are there architectural characteristics that they share? What differentiates and separates these structures from nonsacred space and ordinary structures? 5. Read: The Birth of Huitzilopochtli, Patron God of the Aztecs 6. Listen to the BBC PodCast: Maya Relief of Royal Blood-Letting Feb 22 Pre Lecture Quiz on 18/35 1. Instructional Activity: Architecture and Sacred Space, Part 1 2. Instructional Activity: Architecture and Sacred Space, Part 2 3. Instructional Activity: Shamanic Ritual, Part 1 Units 5 And 6 (Indigenous Americas and Africa) Acropolis Chartres Cathedral Chavín de Huántar Lakshmana Temple Great Serpent Mound 1. Blog: If there were one animal that you thought you might be in a parallel universe, what would it be? If you could combine your own body with parts of two or three other creatures, what would they be, and why? 2. Memorize Pieces for Slide ID (from ALL year) Templo Mayor (Main Temple) Yaxchilan Feb 24/PD Feb 26 1. Instructional Activity: Shamanic Ritual, Part 2 2. Instructional Activity: Shamanic Ritual, Part 3 Units 5 And 6 (Indigenous Americas and Africa) 1. Instructional Activity: Architecture of Power 2.Instructional Activity: Luxury Goods as Markers of Status and Power 3. Instructional Activity: Reciprocity and Trade Units 5 And 6 (Indigenous Americas and Africa) 1. Memorize Pieces for Slide ID (from ALL year) Chavin de Huantar – Nose Ring Transformation mask 1. Read/Watch one of the following: a. Great Zimbabwe (textbook/ Stokstad) b. Great Zimbabwe video Mesa Verde cliff dwellings City of Cusco, including Qorikancha (Inka main temple), Santo Domingo (Spanish colonial convent), and Walls at Saqsa Waman (Sacsayhuaman) City of Machu Picchu Nan Madol Ruler’s feather headdress (probably of Motecuhzoma II) c. Tyson, Mysteries of Great Zimbabwe 2. Blog: Comment on what it takes to work with others toward a common goal. Respond to at least 2 members of the class for full blog credit. 3. Memorize Pieces for Slide ID (from ALL year) Maize Cobs All-T’oqapu tunic 4. Read Unit 6 (Chapters 19 and 37) ‘Ahu ‘ula (feather cape) Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne* 5. Do the Vocab for Unit 6 (Chapters 19 and 37) Bandolier bag Mar 1 1. Instructional Activity: Visual Memory 2. Formative Assessment: Architecture of Power 3. Instructional Activity: Architecture, Sacred Space, and Community Black-on-black ceramic vessel Units 5 And 6 (Indigenous Americas and Africa) Painted elk hide 1. Read: (Stokstad text) On Yoruba Palace art 2. Memorize Pieces for Slide ID (from ALL year) Lukasa (memory board) Navigation chart Conical tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe 3. Make sure you take your Pre-Lecture Quiz on Chapter 19/37 Great Mosque of Djenne Mar 3 Pre Quiz on 19/37 1.Formative Assessment: Sacred Space 2.Instructional Activity: Power, Part 1 3.Instructional Activity: Power, Part 2 Units 5 And 6 (Indigenous Americas and Africa) Templor Mayor Mosque at Djenne Wall plaque, from Oba’s palace Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul Acropolis Blog: Nkisi n’kondi: Describe this work. How do you respond to it and why? 2. Memorize Pieces for Slide ID (from ALL year) 3. Read Female Mask (PWO) Sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) Mar 7 Mar 9/PP 1. Instructional Activity: Art of Initiation 2. Formative Assessment: 15Minute Practice Essay 3. Instructional Activity: Maintaining Social Order and Royal Power 1. Instructional Activity: Connecting with the Sacred Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife (Opo Ogoga) Units 5 And 6 (Indigenous Americas and Africa) 1.Memorize Pieces for Slide ID (from ALL year) Female (Pwo) mask Bundu mask 2. Study for Test Power figure (Nkisi n’kondi) Aka elephant mask Units 5 And 6 (Indigenous Americas and Africa) 1. Study for Test Portrait mask (Mblo) Ikenga (shrine figure) Reliquary figure (byeri) Moai on platform (ahu) Mar 11 Test **Will Include Images from Entire year. Theme Books: Create over break Due March 30th 4th Quarter: Study FLASHCARDS Over Break!!! March 30 April 1 Apr 5 Apr 7 (Min. Day) Apr 11 Apr 13/PP Apr 15 Apr 19 Apr 21 Apr 25 Apr 27/PD May 3 (Tuesday) AP EXAM 12:00 pm May 5 9 11 13 17 19 23 25 26/T June 1 - Finals Food Project Due!