7 Sci_Safety2015-16


AACA Curriculum Map


Teacher: S. Merten Grade: Middle School 7 & 8 Content Area: SCIENCE SAFETY

Unit Title: Unit #1


Lab Safety & Expectations

Essential Questions

What overarching questions will guide exploration in this unit?

What questions will help students connect to a ‘Big Idea’?

How does your essential question connect to your assessments?

Learning Targets for Content:

What Students Should Know?


2)Facts and Information

Learning Targets for Content:

What Students Should


What broad topic will you cover? What major subcategories will you spend time on?

What major underlying concepts do you want students to understand by the end of the unit?

Learning Targets: Skills

What Students Should

Be Able to Do?

# of Instructional Days Needed: 1 week

Time frame (months/dates): SEPT / Trimester 1

What are proper safe laboratory practices before, during, and after a lab in science?

Safety in the Science Laboratory REVIEW (Module P/Ch 2.4)

- Science Classroom safety rules and procedures

- Location of safety equipment

- Safety symbol icons: meanings and precaution associated

Vocabulary: waft, dispense, eye wash, extinguish, lab-ware, apparatus,

Safety in the Science Laboratory (P/2.4)

-Explain why preparation is important when carrying out scientific investigations in the lab and field.

‘Preparation’ is the most important lab safety rule.

Students should only follow authorized procedures.

-Describe what you should do if an accident occurs.

Students should immediately inform teacher if an accident occurs.

Safety in the Science Laboratory (P/2.4)

- Follow written & verbal directions in lab/ investigation.

- Practice appropriate/safe behavior during lab investigations.

Common Core Standards to be Taught and Assessed

During Unit

Common Core Standards: Reading

RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multi-step process.

RST.6-8.4 Determine meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text

(figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. (vocab)

RST.6-8.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats

(e.g. visually, quantitatively, as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

(integrate tech) rev iv/SLM/6.2015/ 8Unit1Safety.docx/8Sci 1

AACA Curriculum Map


Teacher: S. Merten Grade: Middle School 7 & 8 Content Area: SCIENCE SAFETY

What skills do students need to be successful in demonstrating mastery of the targets for learning? What processes should they be able to use well? What levels of thinking should they be able to engage in around content?


Formative: What will you accept as evidence throughout the unit that students understand the content central to the unit as it is taught?

What types of opportunities will students have to practice applying new content or skills to continue development toward mastery?

When will descriptive feedback be given to students during the unit?

Summative: What product or performance will students produce to demonstrate mastery? Who is the audience for this assessment?

What assessment methods will be used to measure progress toward learning targets?

- Recognize & explain science classroom safety symbol icons & associated precautions.

- Location and use of lab safety equipment

Formative: 7 & 8 – Summer Bridge Safety packet & worksheet.

7 th Formative: Summer Bridge- Safety Test /review

Summer Bridge- Safety Test/ review

Can you follow directions?

Safety Equipment scavenger hunt, safety equip review

Pre-writing: Safety practices before, during, and after lab

8 th Formative:

What rules can you remember & why they are important?


Safety Bingo- name icon picked & meaning

Safety Practice Expectations: Before, During, After Lab


7 th Safety in the Science Laboratory R&R

Safety written test/rules + safety equipment location

Safety Icon poster – visual & application rule

Safety Quiz

Baking Soda Cannon Lab

8 th Safety-

Safety Review Worksheet

Safety Cartoon Quiz- ID safety violations

Safety Test (safety equipment locations, expected behavior, safety icons)

Written script of safety rule and reasoning (In your

Which standards are measured in these assessments?

NGSS- Sci & Engineer Practices

SEP.8 Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. rev iv/SLM/6.2015/ 8Unit1Safety.docx/8Sci 2

AACA Curriculum Map


Teacher: S. Merten Grade: Middle School 7 & 8 Content Area: SCIENCE SAFETY


What activities will students engage in to connect them to content?

What opportunities for practice will students use to help them progress toward learning targets?

How will activities be differentiated based on student needs, readiness levels, or interests?

Miscellaneous Notations

What specific materials or equipment are needed during this unit? opinion…Most important rule)

FA- 8 th Recall safety rules

Crash Course – Chem #21 Safety video clip (9:02 min)

Safety Article: Accidental Discover http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/atomsworld/2012/06/accidentaldiscovery/

View Safety video –Identify 3 correct, 3 incorrect lab behaviors

Safety Scavenger Hunt (locate classroom safety equipment)

Safety Cartoon – find the errors

Safety Webquest – find info from lab accidents?

Safety Bingo (safety icons)

8- Develop middle school class safety rules expectations: Looks, Sounds,

Feels like

Lab Safety video- DVD (7 th )

Crash Course- Chem Safety #21

8 th - Text book Safety Rules Appendix

Review Worksheets/ scavenger hunt

Safety Comic copies

‘Loose in the Lab’ Baking Soda Cannon supplies: test tubes, stopper, baking soda, vinegar, toilet paper squares.

Arts Integration: 7 th Safety Icon Posters

Video Clips: Crash Course, Accidental Discovery

DVD- Lab Safety

Materials for this template are based on the work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Rick

Stiggins, and Carol Anne Tomlinson

Template created by Dr. Megan Stanton-Anderson, 2009 rev iv/SLM/6.2015/ 8Unit1Safety.docx/8Sci 3
