science laboratory safety test

Score will be adjusted to 30 points in the gradebook.
1. Flammable materials, like alcohol, should never be
dispensed or used near
A. an open door.
B. an open flame.
C. another student.
D. a sink.
9. You are heating a piece of glass and now want to pick it
up. You should
A. use a rag or paper towels.
B. pick up the end that looks cooler.
C. use tongs.
D. pour cold water on it.
2. If a laboratory fire erupts, immediately
A. notify your instructor.
B. run for the fire extinguisher.
C. throw water on the fire.
D. open the windows.
10. You have been injured in the laboratory (cut, burn,
etc.). First you should
A. visit the school nurse after class.
B. see a doctor after school.
C. tell the science instructor at once.
D. apply first aid yourself.
3. Approved eye protection devices (such as goggles) are
worn in the laboratory
A. to avoid eye strain.
B. to improve your vision.
C. only if you don’t have corrective glasses.
D. any time chemicals, heat or glassware are used.
4. If you wear contact lenses in the school laboratory,
A. take them out before starting the lab.
B. you do not have to wear protective goggles.
C. advise your science instructor that you wear
contact lenses.
D. keep the information to yourself.
5. If you do not understand a direction or part of a lab
procedure, you should
A. figure it out as you do the lab.
B. try several methods until something works.
C. ask the instructor before proceeding.
D. skip it and go on to the next part.
6. After completing an experiment, all chemical wastes
should be
A. left at your lab station for the next class.
B. disposed of according to your instructor’s directions.
C. dumped in the sink.
D. taken home.
7. If a lab experiment is not completed, you should
A. discuss the issue with your instructor.
B. sneak in after school and work alone.
C. come in during lunch and finish while eating lunch.
D. make up some results.
8. You are heating a substance in a test tube. Always point
the open end of the tube
A. toward yourself.
B. toward another classmate.
C. away from all people.
11. When gathering glassware and equipment for an
experiment, you should
A. read all directions carefully to know what
equipment is necessary.
B. examine all glassware to check for chips or cracks.
C. clean any glassware that appears dirty.
D. All of the above.
12. You want to place a piece of glass tubing into a rubber
stopper after the tubing has been fire polished and
cooled. This is best done by
A. lubricating the tubing with water or glycerin.
B. using a towel or cotton gloves for protection.
C. twisting the tubing and stopper carefully.
D. all of the above.
13. Personal eyeglasses provide as much protection as
A. a face shield.
B. safety glasses.
C. splashproof chemical goggles.
D. none of the above.
14. Long hair in the laboratory must be
A. cut short.
B. held away from the experiment with one hand.
C. always neatly groomed.
D. tied back or kept entirely out of the way with a hair
band, hairpins, or other confining device.
15. In a laboratory, the following should not be worn.
A. loose clothing.
B. dangling jewelry.
C. sandals.
D. all of the above.
Copyright Flinn Scientific, 2004. Department Specific question written by Mr. Craig Kohn, 2011.
16. The following footwear is best in the laboratory.
A. sandals
B. open-toed shoes
C. closed-toed shoes
D. shoes appropriate for the weather
17. Horseplay or practical jokes in the laboratory are
A. always against the rules.
B. okay.
C. not dangerous.
D. okay if you are working alone.
18. If a piece of equipment is not working properly, stop,
turn it off, and tell
A. the custodian.
B. your lab partner.
C. your best friend in the class.
D. the science instructor.
30. T or F Read all procedures thoroughly before entering
the laboratory.
31. T or F All unauthorized experiments are prohibited.
32. T or F You are allowed to enter the chemical
preparation/storage area any time you need to get an item.
33. T or F Laboratory aprons should be worn during all
lab activities that include live tissue & unsafe chemicals.
34. T or F It’s okay to pick up broken glass with your bare
hands as long as the glass is placed in the trash.
35. T or F Never leave a lit burner unattended.
Department-specific Questions
19. If an acid is splashed on your skin, wash at once with
A. soap.
B. oil.
C. weak base.
D. plenty of water.
36. All animals in this department should be considered:
A. Safe
B. Potentially Dangerous
C. Friendly
D. Wild
20. When you finish working with chemicals, biological
specimens, and other lab substances, always
A. treat your hands with skin lotion.
B. wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
C. wipe your hands on a towel.
D. wipe your hands on your clothes.
37. If an animal escapes or is loose, you should first…
A. Try to capture it
B. Try to corner it.
C. Alert the instructor
D. Call 911
21. T or F Turn on the faucet before dumping
22. T or F Hot glass looks the same as cold glass.
23. T or F All chemicals in the lab are to be considered
24. T or F Return all unused chemicals to their original
25. T or F Work areas should be kept clean and tidy.
26. T or F Pipets are used to measure and dispense small
amounts of liquids. You should draw the liquid into the
pipet using your mouth.
27. T or F Laboratory work can be started immediately
upon entering the laboratory even if the instructor is not
yet present.
38. If you have a minor injury from handling an animal,
you should do what?
A. Ignore it
B. Seek attention only if it is bleeding
C. Treat it yourself unless you are unsure
D. Report it to the instructor immediately.
39. There is an emergency in the classroom. What is the
number for 911?
A. 911
B. 8911
C. 9911
D. 7911
40. You get a chemical in your eyes. What should you do?
A. Rinse at the eyewash station until all the liquid is gone.
B. Rinse at each of the eyewash stations.
C. Start at the eyewash station and while rinsing, move to a
sink or the greenhouse hose.
D. Ignore it. It’s fine.
28. T or F Never remove chemicals or other equipment
from the laboratory.
29. T or F Chipped or cracked glassware is okay to use.
Copyright Flinn Scientific, 2004. Department Specific question written by Mr. Craig Kohn, 2011.
41. Where is the fire alarm located?
A. Above each sink
B. At the top of the athletic stairs and near the emergency
exit leading out to the Red Shed
C. Right outside the main classroom door
D. It is invisible unless you truly believe in it
42. The office announces that a tornado warning has been
issued. What do you do?
A. Draw attention away from the puddle of urine forming
beneath your chair
B. Sit calmly in your chair; a warning only means that
conditions are favorable for a tornado
C. Exit the room, and go down the athletic stairs to the
locker room hallway
D. Exit the building and gather past the parking lot near
the tennis courts
43. The office announces that a Code Red Intruder Alert is
being issued. What do you do?
A. Go into the ag office
B. Go into the ag office, in shut off the lights on your way in
C. Go into the ag office, in shut off the lights on your way
in, and make sure all doors are closed
D. Go out the back door by the greenhouse
44. Which of the following correctly describes how to get
to the Ag Dept. website from the school’s homepage?
A. Click on the Department’s Tab and then Select “Science”
B. Click on the Department’s Tab and then select
C. Click on the “Power School” tab and select “Staff”
D. Click on the “District” tab and select “WUHS”
45. Where on the Ag Dept. website would you look to find
information about the Ag courses?
A. Left-hand side
B. Right-hand side
C. Bottom
D. Top
46. You have a dentist appointment and miss an
assignment. What would be the easiest way to get that
day’s assignment?
A. You would not do the assignment because if you are
gone for a day, you don’t have to do any of the work
assigned on that day…it’s sort of a freebie.
B. You would click on the WUHS logo in the upper right
C. You would call your instructor so that he can fax it to
your Manhattan office.
D. You would click on “This Week’s Assignments” to find
the assignment for that particular day
47. You have a question about an assignment due the next
day; it’s 6:00 the night before. What is the best thing you
can do if you need help?
A. Call or email your instructor.
B. Do nothing; hope that everything will be fine.
C. Send a Morse code message via telegraph or Pony
D. Cry hysterically while showering with your clothes on.
48 .The printer is out of paper. Where would you go to get
A. Your instructor. He always has a ream of paper in his
hands, ready to go, just waiting for you to ask. Really.
B. To where your instructor keeps the extra paper
C. To Office Depot®, where you can expect great low prices
every day!
D. To the school forest, where you will grind lumber into
“pulp”, a saw-dust-like concoction.
49. You have an assignment to turn in. What should you
do to ensure the assignment is counted and graded?
A. Put it on the lab bench
B. Put it on the instructor’s desk
C. Put it in a Bunsen burner – your instructor will breathe
the fumes and know exactly what grade to give you
D. Put it in the second drawer of the white file cabinet
near the main door; it has a sign with an arrow pointing to
it from below
50. You have money for our awesomely cool field trip.
What do you do with it?
A. Give it to your instructor so that it can be put towards
the Research Porsche Fund
B. Leave it on your instructor’s desk so that it can be put
towards the Personal Jetpack Fund
C. Deposit the money in the dropbox AFTER filling out a
Deposit Envelope and putting the money in an envelope
D. Spend the money on chocolate bon bons and
milkshakes and giggle maniacally at your cleverness
Thanks for being here! I look forward
to a great semester!
-Mr. Kohn & Mr. Wolf
Copyright Flinn Scientific, 2004. Department Specific question written by Mr. Craig Kohn, 2011.